Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Sad Reality Of Our Future


  1. get use to it cause social security aint gonna feed ya ...

  2. The irony is very, very sad.

  3. Ain't that the truth! ...except, there won't be any McDonalds to work at. The America Destroyer will see to that by stripping them of their evil profits *AND* making sure they don't kill cute little animals to make burgers or chicken patties. No, we're not gonna be working, we're just gonna be poor. Even working at McDonalds, you can get ahead if EVERYONE is working there. But, they won't be there. You better learn to grow potatoes and tomatoes and learn how to can them!

  4. HAHA
    That is about as bad as those old goats that sit at the entrance when you go to your local Walfart, with the canned reponse
    "Thanks, have a good day, thank you for shopping at Walmart" I am almost to the point of kicking the one old farts teeth out

  5. How did it go?

    Honey, we are going to lose the house.

  6. What a legacy to leave our child....oops, I mean elders?!

    I feel sick to my stomach watching that 'free market' propagandist commercial... where labor and business exchange fair services for fair wages.

    Where's my Blue Pills is what our elders are thinking.

  7. I worked through high school and college at fast food ... and I must say that even as a young person (10 years ago) I found McD's to be absolute HELL. Burger King, too. I pity any senior citizen trying to work there.

    Seniors: try Dairy Queen, Subway, Taco Bell or any school dining hall. They are cleaner, safer and more pleasant. No deep fryers, dontcha know.

  8. free big macs....

    Home depot could do the same ad

  9. It is sad to see old people work for so long and so hard and then when they turn old and they should be enjoying their old age, they can't and end up working at Walmart, security at a shopping mall, at a convenience store, etc....

    Sadly, too many Americans live way beyond their means. They spend, spend and spend every thin dime they make and then before you now it, they are in their thirties, forties and wham! Into their late fifties and sixties and it is too late.

    I am 35 and am glad I saved my money. In my profession, people of my similar age make about $65,000 to $90,000 and 75% are BROKE (where does their money go? On expensive coffee, lattes, designer drinks at a bar, wife's $200 pair of jeans). 20% are just getting by (they literally live pay check to pay check) and only 5% have the discipline to save their money.

  10. There will not even be the infrastructure to support fast food. And the TV lobotomized whiners on both sides of the political spectrum will point fingers at each other. When the fact is we ALL dug this common grave over the past 30 years or so.

    We deserve what we have coming. I hope we have the courage to NOT throw a prissy temper-tantrum as our empire collapses and nuke the planet.

  11. Well, at least he has a job! It's sad, but true.

  12. Jag inte halvekka blir stor en McDonalds' att detta alt med mig.

  13. The poor guy needs debt notes and earns them by selling poison.

    Sad, very sad sheeple. Now go eat your Big Mac and shut up.

  14. This country has been sold out years ago. What a pathetic and sick form of propoganda this is. The Banksters and their puppets the politicians continue to steal from the people with impunity, while Grandpa has to work at McDonalds in order to survive because his pension has been robbed.

  15. I am free. I pay no money. Let the IRS come try to collect taxes from me. I'll eat them for dinner! I roam the countryside of the United States and NOBODY messes with me!
    I'm the biggest baddest mofo you ever saw!
    And I got long filthy hair that stinks!

    I love smelling stinky!

  16. Join the Amish. If anyone can make it through government nannyism and higher taxes - they can do it.


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