Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Will The Federal Reserve Bailout Out Europe's Airline Industry Too?

EUROPE'S aviation industry could face an "implosion" if the volcanic ash cloud grounds flights indefinitely, the president of Emirates airline warned.

Tim Clark told reporters in Dubai that Emirates, the Middle East's biggest carrier, would be able to deal with the crisis despite having a fifth of its fleet grounded.
But he predicted that European carriers were especially at risk.
"There will come a time when the scale is just too big," he said, warning of "an implosion in the civil aviation industry" if flights across Europe continued to be grounded for two months or more.
"Unless the states ... come in and bail these companies out, there won't be many carriers left...
"You simply can't afford to shut down something the size of Europe."
Emirates has sizable operations in Europe and estimates it is losing $US10 million ($10.81 million) a day in revenue as a result of disruptions caused by the ash from the Icelandic volcano.
More Here..

New $100 Note Design Will Make Its Debut on April 21

The new $100 note design will make its debut on Wednesday, April 21 during a ceremony at the Department of the Treasury's CashRoom.
The unveiling of the $100 note is the first step in a global multi-government agency public education program implemented by the Department of the Treasury, the Federal Reserve Board and the U.S. Secret Service, to educate those who use the $100 note about its changes before it begins circulating.
More Here..


  1. I read it a bit differently. He means that completely shutting down the European air for that period of time is stupid (and probably a dirty political game from the U.K.).

    With the states he means the individual European countries compensating the airliners for being grounded for so long.
    So the US will not pay anything to Lufthansa, air france/KLM or British Airways.

  2. of coarse we will pay 225
    we will bail them out
    they will threateh collapse and we will send money
    be ready for hyperinflation many wont be ready
    we are slaves to wto nwo
    its all been planned
    cant wait until early winter as they try to sell global warming
    looks like god has his plan that will interfeare
    lol fdr

  3. 2:32,LOL you need to put down the crack pipe buddy. Ain't shit gonna happen for several years yet so chill out

  4. 2:38 like you know what the next step is and how long things take.. Funny.

  5. Yeah I'm no God-obsessed person, but at the same time I find many people cute when then think all these disasters add up to nothing.

    Who on Earth even predicted a fucking Volcano would shoot off ash and cause this mess? Who? A fuckng volcano just randomly does this while the human world is already in a big fucking mess.

    I think now it is safe to say something is trying to annihilate our current way, like God (Collective Universal Intelligence) is somewhat rushing the process. I don't believe there is a conspiracy anymore, I think good forces are causing this... they're going to save the worst for last (the corrupt elites).

  6. New $100 Bill - Is this the "red" bill to be used outside of the U.S.?

  7. I have a theory about the 'new' printed money. The government will tell you it was because of counterfeiting; I say that is BS. Yes, there was/is counterfeiting, but I do not believe it was having a deleterious effect on the value of the fiat. Go ahead and laugh, but the 'new' printed money is to practice. The BEP is now very, very skilled at changing the look of the currency. They are now prepared to quickly introduce something new, and they will be called upon to do exactly that.

  8. Yeah... I have to look upon the introduction of new fiat currency as a joke.

    After all, the FED is effectively counterfeiting daily on a stupendous scale ... EACH & EVERY day.

    That's a FED owned and operated by a select group of the ultra wealthy. They appointed their minions Bernanke and Turbo Timmy boy to do their bidding. They ensured that telfon obama was elected prez so as to be this do- nothing, "feel good" puppet to hide their continued raping of America.

    Let's put an end to the financial elite that meddles in the US Government!

    Big banks should be broken up, sold off and their principals prosecuted for fraud and other crimial activies. And their majority holdings in these financial giants should be subject to a haircut of epic magnitude ...WITH NO GOVERNMENT BAILOUT.


  9. Its simple: they are printing new 100 dollar bills because the one dollar bill is quickly becoming worthless.

  10. I know. The dancers are the bar up the street don't really appreciate my $1s anymore. Can you get $2s still? LOL No way am I giving some greedy ho a $5.

  11. 8:15 you sound like a great guy and your heart is right. I agree with 90% of what you say. Then it drops off to hell when you talk politics.

    There is not a damn thing that will accomplish. The house and senate are bought and paid for 100x over. Goldman Sachs installed B.O. directly as your stooge puppet president.

    Politicians are just paid for puppet/scum/liars. You vote for some knucklehead because he says he is against bailouts. Then he/she immediately goes along with every banker whim. Why? Because the system is sewage.

    Quit fooling yourself. All voting is nonsense. Anyone who votes is a tool. You are only allowed to vote for people the banksters have SELECTED for election. If by some miracle an honest person squeaks by, the Diabold machines will take care of that.

    The last real president was JFK. I say that because he attacked the Oligarch's pride and joy, the Federal Reserve scam and he died for that.

    DON'T VOTE. Don't talk about Obama as a decision maker. He makes no decisions just like GWB made no decisions. They are PUPPETS. To talk about GWB did this or Obama did that is pure ignorance. They did NOTHING. They are cardboard standees.

    Why is this so hard for people to grasp? It is because we were told as kids that politics is righteous and cool? Rock the vote my ass.

    Wake up and smell the coffee and the favor of the week is OLIGARCHY.

  12. Will this bill have a picture of Obama on it?

  13. Get a marker pen and
    write "FAKE" on every dollar bill.

  14. Suspicious Minds says:

    It is perhaps quite telling that the Treasury Dept. has acquired these wesite domains;



    (I discovered this when looking at the linked website.)

  15. Actually moneyfactory.gov went online in 2003. And they have been planning the 100 bill for some years alogn with the new 20 and 50 dollar before it.

    You can look at some of their budget information here: http://www.ustreas.gov/offices/management/budget/budget-documents/cj/09/CJ%20FY09-BEP.pdf

    It may not paint the full picture as to what all is going on in the printing of money, but it might help.

    Officially, it looks like they may be printing 500 billion a year, which on top of the already existent money supply, seems like a lot as it adds up. I wonder if there is actually much more that passes below the radar.

  16. Obama and other presidents my be more than just puppets as I've heard Obama,Bush Jr, senior, clinton, and others bring up NWO in there speeches. regardless, if world domination is there goal then it stands to reason they will hoard up all the assets they can destroy the economy thin out the population though deceit to prevent retaliation in order to gain complete control. funny the terrorist do not have much trouble blowing up things in the middle east but not over here and right at the time Obama wants a internal security force hmm and what do we need all these FEMA camps for and why do some of them have crematory's not to mention 2 or more million plastic coffins stored up in one state alone there's to much evidence not to believe. It's common sense all you have to do is open your eye's to the possibility and its easy to see we who know must show the non believer's or the people who gave there lives for freedom will have died for our slavery and demise we must come together United we Stand Divided we Fall.


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