
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Could This Be The End Of US Governments' Goldman Sachs?

LONDON: The British financial regulator FSA has started a probe into the London operations of Goldman Sachs, following the charges of fraud slapped by the US markets watchdog against the Wall Street giant.

The Financial Services Authority (FSA) "has launched a probe into the London operations of Goldman Sachs after shock claims that the giant international bank orchestrated a USD $1 billion (650 million pounds) fraud against investors," according to the The Sunday Times.
More Here..

EU’s Investigation of Goldman Will Be ‘Profound,’ Rehn Says
More Here..

UK's Brown wants investigation into Goldman Sachs
More Here..


  1. Looks like the heads of the multi headed NWO snake are in a fight for control. Could also be just another smoke screen for the Sheeple.

  2. Goldman is a major shareholder in the FED. Goldman has money. Goldman has a bad image. Now, Goldman will buy its "good" image back by throwing a few " bad employees" under the bus and by paying fines "taxes" to governments to keep its grip and strenghten its power. Money does the talking while bulls**t does the walking.

  3. No this is just a joke civil charge and is to fool the public. The heads of GS and them are still running the show and raping the middle class in one last big money grab before the depression is officially admitted.

  4. BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA.................................

    Indicting Goldman Sachs is like indicting the entire U.S. Government.

    Good luck with the results of that 'trial'!

    Btw, they won't have any trouble finding Goldman Sachs 'peers' for their 12 jurors either! Hell, any Fraud Street firm will do.

  5. The names of the firms don't mean jack. The players can easily slip in and out of the various names, or create new names. Ignore the names and focus on the strategy. When you do this, you quickly realize this crackdown on Goldman for the charade it is. Let one of the names be a scapegoat, the sacrificial lamb, so all the sheep will think justice is being rendered.

  6. I would strongly suggest the Jury be made of recently Foreclosed and Unemployed know "Real Americans"!


  7. 9:46.....


  8. Be assured absolutely NOTHING will happen to GS. They own & run the Fed, the treasury, BofA, Chase and the list goes on.

    A few hearings, a large fine, nothing else.

    Mess up your income tax, the govt will be all over you, I know this for a fact.

    Elites own it, run it and we are their slaves. Nothing will change, nothing.

  9. Smoke and Mirros...this will e nothing than a Carni-Barker Show...we should all watch the other hand...what a great time for a "false flag"!

  10. @11:32

    "The Cassano Loophole". Yep.

    But the bigger picture of course is that this loophole reflects the complete financial system run by oligarchs who have raped and pillaged the taxpayer and the future of this country so that ultimately they could keep their salaries and their bonuses.

    Cassano is but a microcosm of the ongoing crime. The forensics have already determined who is the perps. But the perps will walk away because they say they can. The fraud will continue until there's no one left to swindle. That's the game plan. A-Z.

    Joe Six-Pack is getting mad and madder after another bite of hot dogs and beans for the last 2 months. They now know who's screwed them and who's continuing to screw them. The perps know this too. When it all comes to a halt there will be hell to pay but they'll be long gone.

    This does not end well for those left behind.

  11. Civil trial? What a joke. Let the sheeple try this kinda crap and see how long it stays in civil courts.

    This should without a doubt be a criminal trial.

    Where's the DOJ in all this? Where are the handcuffs and leg irons?

    Fines. What a joke. It's like fining every taxpayer with their TARP money being paid out by the fraudsters as 'punishment'.

    BS is BS.

  12. Anyone ever thought of ALL of this with a bird's eye (detached observation)? When I say ALL of it, I mean ALL OF IT (everything happening in the world, past and today, watching people, etc.).

    You guys ever get a glimpse of the utter confusion and mass deception taking place to such an extent that all people in every field or subject are utterly divided? Science is now breaking apart, doctors are disagreeing on almost everything, political dissent, people are very out of touch, the internet is either informing certain people on mass hypnosis yet it also helps annihilate the majority of minds, religion and spirituality being used as a wealth scheme (particularly the New Age)... many Yogi's for example are struggling today it seems more so than the past with their techniques and conventional meditations (old paths don't seem to work anymore whether it is western or eastern, or from 100,000 B.C.E to 2009 C.E)

    With all this other deception/confusion, why not question if really there might not be a conspiracy but these big guys might actually crash with the economies and all this printing is really a desparate way to save themselves? All of these billionaires and most millionaires will commit suicide when their money is turned into toilet paper you know...

    "I came to bring the sword, not peace" - The Piscean Avatar (A.K.A, Jesus)

    I believe what we are seeing is a dissemination of all conscious cycles and a massive increase in frequency such that we may be approaching an Omega Point, or infinite consciousness - this in turn will transform certain peoples' DNA as it did the Neanderthal, this also (the astronomical cosmic energy acting through the Sun's Magnetic Portal, along with the quantum reduction point of the collective consciousness) will cause a massive breakup in the external playing field as everything appears to get worse and worse. This actually reveals a new order of energy is being made right now and is ready to burst (much of it has). Now make no mistake, idiots like Eckarte Tolle have it wrong - the New Earth involves much destruction before we actually get there and is not showing any signs of being formed up yet (Though consciously it can be felt and activate one's Kundalini/Holy Spirit), it doesn't involve earth catastrophes though the collective consciousness might cause that.

    Prepare for the most bizarre thing to ever happen on this planet; those who say nothing will change and/or there is no crash might really want to expand their vision... as well, those who say it is doomed might want to think about what is waiting on the other side (after the regeneration takes place). Armageddon is now... try not to get caught up in it by pretending it isn't or by taking a side.

  13. Goldman Sachs BOD:
    Lloyd C. Blankfein, Chairman and CEO
    Gary D. Cohn, President and COO
    John H. Bryan
    Claes Dahlbäck
    Stephen Friedman
    William W. George
    Rajat K. Gupta
    James A. Johnson
    Lois D. Juliber
    Lakshmi N. Mittal
    James J. Schiro
    Ruth J. Simmons

    Other execs:
    Esta E. Stecher
    Alan M. Cohen
    John S. Weinberg
    Harvey M. Schwartz
    Yoël Zaoui
    David M. Solomon
    Isabelle Ealet
    Edward K. Eisler
    Michael S. Sherwood
    Richard A. Friedman
    Douglas Gilman
    Abby Joseph Cohen (Abby joined Goldman Sachs in 1990 having specialized in quantitative strategy and economics at other major financial firms. She began her career as an economist at the Federal Reserve Board in Washington, DC.; She serves as a presidential councillor at Cornell University and on the boards of the Weill Cornell Medical College, the Jewish Theological Seminary, and the Brookings Institution; ...)

  14. Oh it's all good now because they went after the bad guys and jailed them so you know, anybody who did anything wrong back then is paying for it so nobody who did anything wrong and has several billion or more dollars for it is out free because our legal system works n stuff.

  15. good luck pissing against a fan

  16. Anyone ever thought of ALL of this with a bird's eye (detached observation)? When I say ALL of it, I mean ALL OF IT (everything happening in the world, past and today, watching people, etc.).

    yeh man! thats detachment.
    forget the real world shit.Anyone ever thought of ALL of this with a bird's eye (detached observation)? When I say ALL of it, I mean ALL OF IT (everything happening in the world, past and today, watching people, etc.).
    Its all about the detached eye in the centre of gods universe my naval ,and the burst of contemplative cosmic energy that will turn me into a god .
    You have enlightened me now !
    An infinity of knowlege awaits.
    I see it all with my detached eye too.
    Raptures await?

  17. Goldman Sachs will not get into any real trouble. Crooks will always assist crooks if their is a possibility of gain. The Feds will not give a crushing blow because the Feds stand to loose as it sends us deeper into a lack of economic recovery. Goldman Sachs will get slapped around a little to make people think we have done the right thing.


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