
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Jim Sinclair: Gold To The Stratosphere In A Few Days

Let no weakness in gold disturb you at this time.
I speak directly to the biggest and the best in the metals markets worldwide. These are not talking heads and in fact are never interviewed. They speak to me because they feel I have something meaningful to contribute.
After 52 (1958 to present) years, it is safe to assume I have learned a thing or two about the noble metal.
France was big at the start of the 1968 to 1980 bull market. The Saudis came in later and were responsible, in my opinion, for taking gold from $400 on the second break through all the way up. The Middle East in general has this time been late to the market.
As the violence only increases in currencies, energy money is baffled on how to maintain the value of this paper developed from crude oil and its products.
Go back to the missive "Gold $5000+ by Martin Armstrong" and revisit his best case scenario which was a decline in April followed by one dickens of a rally thereafter.
Thanks to the Goldman Sachs revelation, the entire derivatives market looks like the Wild West and the 40 thieves.
Greece is not the only sovereign that has used OTC derivatives weapons of mass destruction to cheat.
By the time this is over, certain states of the USA are going to get caught in the OTC web.
No regulation means a damn thing now because regulations are simply from now looking forward. Nothing whatsoever can erase these trillions of dollars of toxic fraudulent BS paper out there.
Even the BIS changed their measure of notional value of OTC derivatives by going to a computer model that is called "Value to Maturity" which reduced the number from one trillion, one hundred and forty four billion of this crap outstanding to a tad over six hundred billion. All that did was create a sad cartoon.
Stay the course. We are a few days from a stratospheric takeoff in the price of gold.


  1. Time to see if my gold investment will pay off.

    EA's other post suggests that oil will hit $250.00 a barrel next year. Remember when gas was nearly 5 bucks a gallon, oil was roughly $150.00 a barrel.

    Just think boys and girls, $9.75 a gallon! Now that's Hope and Change for ya!

  2. silver? anyone? anyone? bueller?

  3. I mean come on.. if you want to keep some level of credibility then dont post links from some crackpot who says gold will explode in a few days... Anyone can write doomsday scenarios on a website... yes there is an uptrend but I seriously doubt JP Morgan and the others will happily see their short bets go belly up in such a drastic fashion

  4. as much as i like jim sinclair, he has too many calls on prices. i hope gold goes up during the next crisis.

  5. Gold or silver is simply bought by intelligent people who want to store value/wealth. Fiat dollars are not a good choice because they can go up in flames tomorrow.

    The get rich with gold hype folks don't appeal to me at all.

  6. Intelligent people buy land above reservoirs in South America and private armies to defend it. Gold is for suckers. Water and food are the future currency. You want some, Gold won't do. You'll have to prostitute your wife and daughters. If you don't have a wife and daughters, then grow some tits and buy some perfume and lipstick.

  7. Some type of currency has been used since the beginning of time. It has been GOLD or SILVER for thousands of years. Pharos have been buried with it for their next "lifetime". Anyone who claims GOLD or SILVER will be worthless needs their head examined. Collapses have come and gone, while bullion was the currency and it will be in the future.

  8. When stocks go up 50 points, it is all over the news, when down, not a word

    The opposite is true of gold.

    Gold and silver are the common man's way of retaining wealth. Bankers despise it. Simply take a look at Zimbabwe as an example of what fiat currency vs real money is all about.

  9. 10:12 - You are just another "know nothing" dope who posts on this site. You don't even know who Jim Sinclair is...but I'll fill you in - he's the world's leading gold expert and is know as "Mr. Gold". He's the one whom the Hunt Brothers brought in 1980 to liquidate their huge holdings of silver. Don't just take it from me on Jim's credentials, take from ANY precious metals expert ANYWHERE in the world. Maybe if you read, researched, and educated yourself, you might learn a few things about gold and the gold investment community.

  10. I like Jim but "to the stratsphere shortly".Im starting to think his credibility in this arena is fragile to say the least.But hey I wont complain if Mr MIdas does go ballistic.I just think were looking years re:1-3 not weeks or months.But I could be wrong I dont have my head up the powers to be ass.
    Oh.....HI HO Silver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. You can not go wrong buying gold and silver, no matter if it goes up drastically or not soon, it will always have value and will go up and up. You can't loose....

    Me thinks me going to buy lots of silver tomorrow. is the best I have found, and they take cc or debit card. Buy silver rounds or bars, best price.

  12. I broke another rib LMAO so hard!April 18, 2010 at 3:55 PM

    ROTFLMAO..........This time folks, I broke two ribs after reading this juicy tidbit,LOL.

    Last time it was just one broken rib, but now i have three broken ribs from reading this latest pie in the sky prediction.

    Here is a farts will stink in the future, but who gives a shit? Well, Jimmy Bob has just left any shred of credibility he had left back at the funny farm, and I predict by years end he will be hauled away in a straight jacket, drooling his days away when the POG takes another huge goose sized dump. A goose sized dump, by the way, is big... so don't get caught in the middle,LOL

    "The stratosphere" he says LMAO>>>>>>>>LOL

    The only thing in the stratosphere is his big fat head from a lack of's called O2 depravation and he has a bad case of it right now, that or he needs to put down the crack pipe, but then again he is trying to sell his latest pump and dump I guess so who can blame him?

    This is better than Fantasy Island!


  13. Jim Sincliar is great for making hi hysteria predictions on the same par as Cramer and his absurd mad money tv show with the horns blaring and the clown suits and the highly supportive phone callers.

    Gold will go much higher, but of that day no one knows except it will come.

  14. 853 I liked the hope and change when w bush was president and gas was $5.50 in LA, He was a great messiah

  15. Well folks, time will tell if J. Sinclair is wrong on this. A few days?.. If he's willing to put his credibility on the line with this prediction,then go for it. I have to assume he knows something more that he's not saying.

    A few things I've been watching for is this so called "cyclical turning point" from M Armstrong that supposedly happened on April 16th. I thought the market was acting a little strange. Then there is Goldman being brought up on fraud charges. Now there being looked over more closely in Europe.. Who knows though,but I like short term predictions. That's putting your money or credibility where your mouth is.
    You nay sayers protest too much. What are you so scared of? Being wrong?

  16. Oh how could I forget the manipulations in the gold and silver market being proven and followed up with investigations. That could be a big sign as well. Not to mention the gold vault audits in Canada coming up short. Other countries are doing audits as well. They may not be ready to tell what they've found. Oh and that little tidbit not mentioned practically anywhere that the US quietly sold 3/4 of there gold reserves in March of 2009. So many reason why gold COULD go to the moon. Time will tell...

  17. If Fort Knox was ever audited (has not been since the 50s) that would trigger panic buying since most of that gold has been hijacked by the Euro banking families.

    Just like the 30 billion in gold removed from under the twin towers on 9/10/01 before they pushed the buttons.

  18. All these articles are trying to convince us that gold is a good investment for the purposes of curbing inflation. In theoretically it is. But you guys also have to take into consideration several other factors, for some reason rarely discussed. First. We still remember the act of 1933, don't we? After you buy all the gold in the world, nobody can stop the government to do it again. Moreover, they now have Northcom in place, don't they. Second. After you buy the gold and the scandal will start growing in speed and coverage on the news, it'll drive the prices of gold up. But guess what? The bastards will wait until the fish bites the bait and even swallows it and then they'll roll the second scandal with fake gold. I do not think that any of you really believes that the Rothschilds became altruistic and gave up their position in Gold Fixing, after controlling it for generations, just like that. No, the scandal is brewing and it'll expose itself when the time is right. When they expose fake gold scandal, all the investment funds and investment groups that hold paper gold will start dumping it. It will take the price of gold to the very bottom. This is when most of you, who spent all your life saving a week before buying gold, will panic and dump it as well. That will be the ultimate prize for the banksters who understand human herd psychology very well. And if this does not trash you, the fiat to follow will outlaw all transactions in gold as “ill gotten” and related to drug trade. So, in order to feed yourself during the food crisis (and don't think for a second that this is a pure coincidence that Monsanto now controls the entire food chain) you'll be forced to either dump your gold for pennies on a dollar (most likely the government will be the only agent to buy it) or dig it into the ground and wait until all this mayhem passes buy. Just looking at Russian revolution, I can tell that chaos may take a long time to settle. What is my advise. Unfortunately, I have none, because people who control the issuance of money control everything and it'll be really difficult to outsmart them. Just keep this scenario in mind while preparing yourselves for a rough ride.

  19. 743 cant afford gold
    i got it and its great stop being jealous
    also sell for silver
    i got food
    who cares about the goverment let them have the world there crazy bastards
    the people who cant afford gold trash it
    thats how bad it is
    gold scares them because it makes you free
    yes gold makes you free
    why in a free country do they want you to be scared of being free
    because the patriot act is too inslave you
    they will hyperinflate deflate superhyperinflate
    when they want your gold sell that day buy silver so743 learn how to play the game
    the goverment makes the rules
    im just the humble servant
    not the soverign citizen with rights thats antiamerican accord to fbi
    boy america sure has changed were wallstreet
    criminals are right and we go to fema canps

  20. also that would be great if gold was illegal
    it would show you how out of touch the gov has become and the rest of the world would laugh
    just like 1933
    this has nothing to do with gold
    it has to do with corruption selling out america
    traitors threw free trade
    bill clinton just said he was lied to by his
    sectary of fianaces in his admin
    then be scared of antigoverment types
    the american collapse is planned and will be complete by greed and deception
    god help us i fear 1933 as you say will be a cake walk

  21. in america paper and coins are just that
    one day soon they will have no value

    the goverment is useless
    gold and silver will be the least of there probloms
    but good luck
    with paper and coins of no value

  22. Forbes Estates Music Arcadium camp!

  23. In 1933: people were denied gold in exchange for paper dollars

    In 1971: the World was denied US gold for US paper dollars

    The government intervened to stop a run on... GOLD.

    Now they are using PAPER GOLD to stop the next run, but this attempt will fail miserably. There is nothing left. There is only gold. Kneel before the one true money... GOLD, you plebes. MWAHAHAHA

  24. It's interesting to also note that the first coinage act of 1792 Defined a Dollar as 371.25 grains of pure silver.  It was never meant to be paper. And the at also established a death penalty for anyone who manipulated the value of money. This is why the "bankers" had to change the laws first before they could confiscate precious metals and give us papers

  25. Not related to gold :
    Ash in the sratosphere and the economy.

    In Response To: ASH WHAT ASH? (The_Fox) There was only one source that managed to stop the entire air-traffic in Europe! It was a mere computer simulation that came from the same jerks who are trying to convience the public of the CO2-scam since years.

    The British MET-office took some data from the first hours(!)of the outbrak — proceeded with their usual "gigo" (garbage in — garbage out) — and made one of their usual "predictions" — that rarely turns out to be reality...

    During all those next days this first data-set never got adapted, updated with actual data or even checked again.

    Yesterday some European airline-managers were beginning to smell the rat and undertook first test-flights — where they experienced no harm at all.

  26. Yes, I fear it's true as well. Gold and silver will soon be as worthless as tits on a boar, right up there with fiat....then what do you have left?
    All this talk about gold and silver as the saviors of those that hold it, LOL.....only the uber elite will be using and enjoying gold; the rest of us are phucked, so bend over now and get used to it without lube, cause it's gonna hurt

  27. 6:11 are you typing right from your desk at the bank or from home?

  28. The reason gold is a savior is only because 2% of Americans have the brains enough to own it. Comparing it to fiat is nonsense. Gold has value always, fiats crash and burn. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either a banker buddy, a little man with no gold, or an idiot.

  29. what happened to the stratosphere?April 19, 2010 at 3:15 PM

    Times up!!!!!

    Looks like this prediction was wrong, unless the stratosphere is the other direction,LMAO


    "well Jim, the contestants that bought gold on the prediction it was going to the stratosphere win........NOTHING! Yes that is correct Jim, just a big old kick in the ass and some canned laughter from the posters at this forum who know better!"

  30. This will probably be the last leg down for gold before it truly takes off and settles above 1200 as new support. I sure hope it hits the 1k mark below the 200ma causing a little panic. 950 is possible but who knows. Silver re-testing the 14 range...time to add to all positions.

    this is our top cereal grains breeder read what he says in the paragraph down towards the bottom of this page , and look at the grain yield charts , and also read the reversal on unsustainable population growth Norman Borlaug is said to have , but in the middle of this reading there is a statement by the current advisory team advising our President like John Holdren and his Co author Paul R. Ehrlich who are quoted here as saying , " The effort to continue to feed the world is over ! "

    But this health care and cap and Trade is about so much more than we all are being told … its why the Government officials don’t want the same health care coverage …..

    read this site , under the Title " Global Situation " link on the website page between the Titles " Preamble " and , " The Way Forward " ,
    in this they talk about a Predictions coming from the physical sciences foresee disturbances in the geomagnetic, electromagnetic and related fields that embed the planet causing significant damage to telecommunications and impacting many aspects of human activity and health.

    Ervin Laszlo and David Woolfson
    for the Club of Budapest

  32. and then check the quotes out at this site , scroll down and see what Ted Turner has to say .....

    these 2 links are promotions of Marxism , which the Green Revolution is based around as is laid out here ; pay attention to the words Karl Marx and how they try to blend it with Capitalism .... Science czar John Holdren Recommends population controls

    Google this guy Paul Ehrlich , hes a co author to Our Science Czar John Holdren and is advising our President Obama too . How to Control the AMERICAN Population by Paul Ehrlich , this guy says American First has to be brought under control to then be a Model for the rest of the world in terms of population control , but we are already a Good Model , and we should NOT have to give up our Liberty , but they see Freedom as the enemy to not be a Hypocrite with such measures ;*2YAwbJKNA0ynjqNMPkAWc364um0hFryXrnCiwz7Aj0us0lz6nMDxpOErKkoOFI1yQyJxaBvmUtOCg37l0c/14211548HowtoControltheAMERICANPopulationbyPaulEhrlichThePopulationBombBrentJessop.pdf

    United Nations Agenda 21

    fits into the plan of the population reduction

    Population control called key to deal , I think this is why we saw the health care bill target elderly folks with restrictions on treatment with Medicare cuts .
    this is a UN agenda 21 plan for forest lands to speed up the rate of famine
    this is Obama's Plan for our forest lands , he wants the USDA to subsidies the planting of over 50 Million acres of our Prime Farmland in the Midwest to Trees , just trees , so we can speed up the famine rate , did we the people get to be a part of this debate ??? creating the crisis to then look like the savior ????? thats what they did with the Financial sectors in the world under the control of the Club of Rome .

  33. 12:15-
    That's pretty funny even if I was on the side betting it will go up. Well I placed my bet years ago. So its a win win so far. But we do still have a few hour left in the trading day. I'll give him a week just to be generous.
    Funny thing is he really put all 52 years of experience on the line. And there's one thing Bob knows and that's gold is going way way way up in a few days

  34. Okay Bob ,Jim whatever his name is. I listened to him in video's before. He sounds very reasonable and knowledgable about the metals market. And he's got creds. Anyway, he is still maintaining today that we are on a threshhold of a major up trend in gold. Just be patient...hmm hmm hmm

  35. Well, how do you define a "few" days? Is it five? Twenty-five?

  36. Sinclair's credentials are First Class - and he takes from no one, sells nothing and is selfless and ethical. As a multi-millionaire who is the son of the greatest trader in Wall Street history, Bert Seligman, Sinclair knows Wall Street better than anyone. Check out his new book: A Pocketbook of Gold - A Survival Manual for Monetary Mayhem.

  37. To be objective, this J. Sinclair does show some RED FLAGS (here and in other articles) such as:

    claims of special insider knowledge and connections (complete with quirky anecdotes);

    an us vs. them dynamic with the other side portrayed as "sociopaths";

    while he portrays himself as some kind of bygone era, almost romantic character;

    shocking predictions of huge price moves;

    and so on...

  38. Also, how do you define "stratosphere"?? What are the price targets?? This is too wishy washy for me.

  39. 12:55 with the broken ribs thinks this is all a bunch of crap about gold and silver. He sure is spending a lot of time on this site. If he thinks it is crap why is he here so often? A GS banker boy probably.

  40. Keep in mind that JS said "stratospheric takeoff" in a few days. That doesn't mean it will hit the stratosphere in a few days, just that the move will begin...

  41. UPDATE: Gold is indeed firm but no stratosphere and JS seems to be backpedaling on his website (claims the market is wrong, and he is right - Oh boy).

  42. O.K. that's it. Gold et al. is dropping like a rock. Looks like JS is full of SH*T !!

  43. Look like YOU are full of S&*T!!! ... April 18=$1145 Gold

    June 11 = $1226 Gold ... and that's against the strongest currency in the past two months. Against the Pound, Euro and Aussie the gains are massive:

    20% vs. Euro

    13% vs. Pound

    17% vs. Aussie

    Looks like Sinclair was right. His book: A Pocketbook of Gold is the best thing written on the subject and is must for any investor

  44. Well, researching Mr. Sinclair myself and found this page. Apparently anyone who took his advice would have to be quite satisfied, to this date in any case. At current time, it's sitting at 1643 USD/troy oz.


Everyone is encouraged to participate with civilized comments.