
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fed Up: Mortgage Chief Mobbed By Angry Borrowers, Runs

The mortgage chief of the United States' second largest bank was mobbed by angry borrowers on Tuesday after he invited customers to speak to him if they feared foreclosure of their homes.

The JPMorgan Chase & Co executive was at a congressional hearing in Washington when a lawmaker asked him who mortgage borrowers could turn to if they felt his bank's employees were not helping them hold onto their homes.

"Come to me," said David Lowman, chief executive for JPMorgan Chase & Co's home mortgage business in response to the question from Massachusetts Democrat Barney Frank.

Minutes later, around 50 borrowers burst from the audience and presented Lowman with a 6-page document alleging his bank reneged on a pledge to help struggling homeowners.

The activist who organized the protest said Lowman did not want to talk and left the hearing.

"He ran. He ran like a dog with its tail between his legs," said Bruce Marks of the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA), which helps homeowners avoid foreclosure. "He was scared to death because he doesn't really want to talk to homeowners."


  1. Wow how odd?, why did he run? drawn and quartered I believe is the correct terminology, batten down the hatches boys, we are taking on debt errr I mean water.

  2. as well as he should run, by the way is it true barney franks and chris dodd had to suddenly leave the hearing, something about having a sudden case of {pun intended) the runs!

  3. I don't understand it. Did these people not read their contracts when they bought their homes. Did they buy beyond their means. Nothing is gauranteed in life. What do they expect their homes to be given to them and for the taxpayers to have to make up for the banks losses. Sure the banks were screwing people over, but why did these people allow for themselves to be screwed.

  4. They know the pitchforks are being heated up and they are right.

  5. 832
    they were told by people like greenspan
    beryanke everything is fine
    the scum larry kudlowswicth batter dylan ratigan said on cnbc upp up and away
    in 2008 larry kidlow oct said if you buy gold your un american the dept homeland securiety said people who buy gold should be wacthed
    i went right out and bought gold
    the one thing these thievs cant get there grubby hands on
    this whole thing is a joke
    raise your house price so they can nail you with high taxes now fire you you cant afford the high taxes
    this crime as been done by your own goverment
    i call it treason
    know do you know why theres fema camps
    there either for congress bankers presidents or you

  6. Chase "The right relationship is everything"(how's that for a line of B.S.!?)

    Forget banks, they are only there to benefit themselves, not you. If you must deal with banks, do it locally with small banks or credit unions.

    I hope to see the day that JPM Chase & Co., Citibank, HSBC,and Bank of America fade away into obscurity. All four of the banks mentioned are at best "shady" to deal with.

    Check out for more ideas about how to deal with the "Big Banks".


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