
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Argentina Taking Control Of Pension Funds To Pay Debts Are We Next?

Here is a warning to us all. The Argentine state is taking control of the country’s privately-managed pension funds in a drastic move to raise cash.
Investors have already been burned by her stealth default on Argentina’s index linked bonds. This was achieved by sacking the head of the statistics office and rigging the inflation data (by 20pc annually, or so.)
Frankly, I am a little surprised that Argentina’s 2001 default – the biggest in history – was not a severe enough burning in itself for investors. But political risk seems to be a blind spot for some asset managers. And then there was the great agro-boom of 2005-2007 so all was forgiven, until commodities went into free-fall in May.
President Kirchner has been eyeing the pension pool for some time. Last year she pushed through new rules forcing them to invest more money inside the country – always a warning signal.
My fear is that governments in the US, Britain, and Europe will display similar reflexes. Indeed, they have already done so. The forced-feeding of banks with fresh capital – whether they want it or not – and the seizure of the Fannie/Freddie mortgage giants before they were in fact in trouble (in order to prevent a Chinese buying strike of US bonds and prevent a spike in US mortgage rates), shows that private property can be co-opted – or eliminated – with little due process if that is required to serve the collective welfare. This is a slippery slope. I hope Paulson, Darling, and Lagarde tread with great care. I do not expect Steinbruck to tread with any care.


  1. Bob Chapman has been warning about this happening in the United States for many months now.

    The question probably is not "Are We Next?"
    but rather "When?"

  2. it so much fun knowing whats going to hapen
    buy gold
    and silver

  3. I believe this is already happening. I have told my sheeple friends and family, they laugh and continue to watch their local news and Wheel of Fortune fantasy tv.

    Sill wondering what they will do when they have no pension or ss? And no fake money.

    TSHF scenario is coming very soon.

  4. Link is broken. anybody got a good one to the original story?

  5. Our lord and savior the most high Obama and his Democrat accomplices will steal your pensions, 401ks and IRAs......and you will still vote for them. Retarded America gets the leadership it deserves. The Democratic party keeps ass raping us and we keep bending over for them.

  6. If it feels good, Do it!

  7. that is why I quit contributing to my 401k 2 years ago. I figure I will never see it.

  8. When one Ponzi fails its time to start the next.
    long live free money for banksters!

  9. hehehehe, we live in a democratic republic, hehehhehe.


  10. Argentia is a test ground, lab rats per say for what is planned for the USSA.

    their azz rape today will be ours tomorrow.

  11. Les Freak De NazereneApril 14, 2010 at 12:24 PM

    It's easy to see
    what's planned for me
    steal my money
    and have me swear allegiance
    to the new world order
    to protect and defend
    and indulge my bloodlust
    purchase , buy, spend
    food stamp for dinner
    tv for god
    at night i ferment
    in a little green pod


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