
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

1 In 5 Jobless: Obama Issues Over 1 Million Green Cards

The Department of Homeland Security has just reported that during 2009, they issued 1,130,818 new Green Cards to foreign nationals, allowing them to work legally in this country. That number represents the fourth highest number of cards issued in one year.

750,000 of the new Green Cards were given to the families of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents.

The top four recipient nations are as follows:

-China…receiving 64,238

In Feb. 2009, the financial institution Merrill Lynch announced that the nation’s actual unemployment rate had reached 13.9 percent. A year later, that number had risen to 17.3 percent. This figure represents Americans who have been laid off from full-time positions and are now working part-time, as well as those who have simply stopped looking for work, and workers whose unemployment benefits have run out.

With U.S. unemployment now at depression levels, we simply can no longer tolerate not only illegal immigration, but any immigration which allows foreign nationals to take much-needed jobs from American citizens. 

Why are we paying the salaries of elected representatives who now seem to represent everyone, but us?
More Here..


  1. To Economic Analyst: How about posting some opinions by Ravi Batra?

  2. its called treason

  3. I hope Obama gives himself a green card. At least that way he will be documented and the "birthers" won't bother him anymore.

  4. Instead of putting America back to work. Barry is going to waste the next year of his term on Comprehensive Immigration Reform. In other words, he's gonna give all the illegals amnesty and turn them into Democrats. My zip code is 98% Mexican, not Latino. 96% of these people are illegal, making anchor babies as fast as they can.

    They have no marketable skills.

    The average Mexican gets a 6th grade education. If they live in a small village (the boonies) they get nothing. These are Mexico's unwanted. They have no education. they can not even read or write in Spanish. They are full of crazy superstitions and customs. It's these people that are encouraged to come to "El Notre" for a better life, where there is plenty of work and everything is free!

    We in California, Arizona and Texas are paying a heavy price for nonsense. Our governors are doing nothing to stop it. Barry is doing nothing to stop it. The Minuteman Project heads for the border to stop it as best they can and they get attacked by the MSM, painting a picture of racist, rednecks with no teeth and big guns.

    Will it ever end? No, not as long as Barry is in charge.

  5. America belongs to those with the capacity to fight for it. It belongs to a treasonous elite, and they are doing as they please with it, the American people be damned. Replacing the resentful natives with delighted, but not necessarily grateful foreigners is helpful to the traitors. It allows them to overwhelm the resistance.

  6. Welcome to our TX nightmare. Over 10 Million illegals in TX alone, as reported by Houston Chronicle. Free food,free medical, free housing, free power, free education, free___________________.

    And special privileges such as no arresto, no jailo, no problemo. And no speakidy inglis.

    Illegals have taken over our schools, hospital emergency room, welfare, fill in the blank...

    NO, I do not blame them for coming here, I blame the US government and Gay Gov Hairspray Perry, they are the culprits, we are the victims.

    And now the illegals take much needed jobs as we go deeper and deeper into depression.

  7. After the million dollar land scandal in Nevada that accompanies Sen.Harry Reid as a nasty blemish on his record. He obviously doesn't care about his job as he fills up his pockets, because he will be kicked out. He will be made the--FIRST--example of, for going against the will of THE PEOPLE. Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada will be seeing the door in the midterm elections. Unless of course the huge influx of illegal immigrants who live in Nevada vote for him? You might take a look at Nevada's budget deficit, that is hundreds of millions of dollars. It's near bankruptcy, such as California. Nevada during the construction boom was overrun, with foreign nationals competing for work with US citizens-residents. Illegal immigrants have bled dry the welfare system in Nevada, California, Arizona and every other state. No AMNESTY. It will be like a signal across the world, before millions more try to reach America before its signed into law. In addition, the new legalized immigrants can being in more family members, that could collapse welfare for our own people who live in poverty. Any new immigration enforcement law is compromised from its inception. Already Arizona politicians are looking for some loophole to crush their states rigid law. Arizona should enforce its laws, because Washington is not going to? The lawmakers are in the pay of lobbyists and this might be the same for state representatives as well. As a member of the tea party myself, I have contacted each website that Reid, Pelosi, Schumer, Graham, McCain and a whole bunch more are ignoring the main block of THE PEOPLE. We can no longer afford to subsidies the illegal alien occupation on our soil. Learn what 1 million members of NumbersUSA have to say about the illegal immigration invasion.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Hey 2:11

    Care to translate that?

  10. Man, this blog is becoming popular with more disinfo goons and psychopaths.

    As usual, we must learn to ignore them, as they will try and change the subject, Lets ignore them and keep this blog to those of us who live in reality.

  11. This is totally insane. America has 22% effective unemployment rate and you let DC issue a million or so new green cards.

    Obviously too many Americans don't give a crap about their nation.

    America is doomed.

  12. NASSCOM buys and pays for Congress and they have allowed millions of jobs to be sent to India and another million or two jobs here in the US go to Indian H1B aND L1 VISAHOLDERS WHILE AMERICANS are unemployed, losing their homes, and going hungry.

    When will the people rise up and say enough already?

  13. I never hear anything in MSM or here for that matter. about the millions of self employed trades men. not working we arent on the books so we dont count but you better count us with this country erupts it isnt going to be pretty

  14. Construction work was once the blue collar workers ticket to the American dream. Being a carpenter was once a noble profession. Now if you’re a carpenter and you happen to be white you are considered a dead beat. Wages had been stagnant for the past 20+ years. Now wages are falling like a rock (if you can find work at all) thanks to the illegal invasion from the South and the yuppies and contractors that exploited the Mexicans.
    Quality homes were replaced by cheesy Mcmansions.So what does our Government do? Speed up the process

  15. I have to put my kids in private schools because they have been taken over by illegals...
    WTF is going on here..
    Run and hide or fight and die????

  16. When will these amerikkkan realise that they don’t have a title to monopolise a portion of the “god given”earth.
    Including on land /states stolen off Mexico.
    America was built on cheap labour for the rich.
    And not just Black.
    Most “old” white amerikans are themselves descended from cheap labor factory fodder or indentured labor bought To America to serve the rich.
    When they wrote the US Constitution both Blacks
    white indentured labor were not granted the right to a Vote.
    These crackers are getting a bit uppity full of their own self importance and entitlements to race monopoly.
    Acording to your religion, which chosen or preffered race did god grant a monopoly Over Amerika to to the exclusion of the rest of humanity?

  17. STFU ALL OF YOU NEWBS. you know nothing and know it well.

    in conclusion,
    mini-me/more-advanced-pet fetishes, genitals, etc.

  18. If Americans do not all continue have high paid jobs that is decided by Capital .
    Capital would be happy to pass out high paid jobs if were possible to make a profit in America too.
    Those days are gone. Americans have been kidding themselves that they are super-productive workers. If they really were ,they would still have jobs.
    Capital is not racist ,but it does not support philanthropy or charity for unproductive for capital Blacks, or Whites either.
    Americans are so debt ridden that it is too hard to make a profit by extending even more credit .
    That’s the reality of the free trade and competition of the capitalism we know and love.
    But ,now some whine like babies who have lost their “dummy” pacifier.
    Because capital has shifted its industry and jobs to the third world where a profit can be made. You never ever owned these jobs capital does.
    Capital will return as patriotic ‘American’ capital with jobs and industry again when Americans are willing to compete with proper and realistic third world levels of pay from capital. But right now they crazily believe they have a ‘White Right” to a higher wage than Asians or Mexicans.
    Enjoy your unemployment, You will all be O.K on food stamps until capital is ready to foreclose on your “mobile home” All- American shack , because of unpaid credit card and power bills.
    Blame the Mexicans ,Hispanics , Asians Anyone .
    Not capital or the system for your problems.

  19. OMG.
    wow, but australias doing the same, these politicians are like heroin addicts.

  20. The strawberries would still get picked if the Mexicans went home. Don’t give me that shit. Sure, Berrys would skyrocket to $4.00 a basket but life will go on.

    Remember ( who won ) the Allamo!

  21. As an American citizen, it is shameful to see the "keep them out" movement. You understand that our ancestors came here as immigrants as well and that then the bar was much lower? So just because your parents or grandparents came a bit earlier you now feel entitled to close he gates (AFTEr you are safely "in")?

  22. Land disputes are as old as time.
    Now that the populations are grown fat with extras, we can have some really good land disputes.

    Hatfeilds and the McCoys n shit.

    Call 'em mexicans, call 'em gringos, call 'em Palestinains or Albanians. Call 'em what you want, but you got to fight
    for your right
    to Party.

    Street fightin' man!

    In the words of Abraham Lincoln "and we trust that might makes right"

    so on and so on and shooby dooby doo doo
    different strokes for different folks
    we got tah live togethah

    remember those days man? Trip down memory lane n shit.

    *Exhales huge puff of smoke*

  23. pass it around. dont you bogart!

  24. Anonymous said...
    "The strawberries would still get picked if the Mexicans went home. Don’t give me that shit. Sure, Berrys would skyrocket to $4.00 a basket but life will go on."

    Of course!
    But getting practical,back to the real world.
    How many baskets of berries can be bought by food stamps @ $4.O0 to pay for these high waged "white" workers ?

  25. The country is plagued by an excess population of unemployed, lazy, white settlers living like ‘Gypsies” in their mobile home campsites on Food Stamps.
    They bought down and bankrupted the country by demanding cheap subsidised credit to live in Mac Mansions as a "normal" right.
    But could not keep up with their mortgage credit payments As most productive industry jobs were exported.
    Now they worry that not only are they losing the Mac Mansions there may not be enough food stamps in the country for the white seller
    “Gypsies” to share with poorer people of other “races“.
    Like those dammed Hispanic productive workers picking vegetables and the like!


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