
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Video: The Great American Con Job

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  1. I think these guys already mentioned that goyim already lost their ability to think. That's why dorks in Congress can listen to this bunch of lies and nod their heads.

  2. Interesting that this is allowed on an MSM channel. I think the logic is to allow the sheep a pressure valve of sorts.

  3. Good ol' slobberchops flapping his gums. One day he's called brilliant, the other he's called dumb. One thing's for certain, he pretends he's either as however it suits him and his ilk.

    That you can always be sure of and take to the 'bank'.

  4. And the sheeple say baaaaaa.........

  5. I don't know why we are all so hard on Greenspan, he did a pretty good job if you think about it. He is merely a puppet doing what the strings tell him to do, it's not his fault

  6. NASSCOM buys and pays for Congress and they have allowed millions of jobs to be sent to India and another million or two jobs here in the US go to Indian H1B aND L1 VISAHOLDERS WHILE AMERICANS are unemployed, losing their homes, and going hungry.

    When will the people rise up and say enough already?

  7. Speaks Softly but......April 13, 2010 at 6:49 PM

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  8. greenspan horse d1ckApril 13, 2010 at 7:03 PM

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  9. In the worlds of the sheeple o well what can i do.. Me for one is getting ready for this revolution hopefully we can see some of these greedy bankers n politicans hung by the balls The whole country is greed n coruption

  10. STFU newb. You're a "sheeple" as well. Don't think because you found this blog that you're 'in the know' when elements playing out could have been seen 10000s of years back psycho, genital fetished, mini-me fetished psycho newb.

    ps. love the front image of the video, such a classic jew-face reflecting on the outside the newb mentality on the inside

    also, mini-me/more-advanced-pet fetishes

    it's very important that you keep growing the earths popultion, because we don't live on ball, its plane that expands infinately in all directions, psycho-newbs.

  11. @April 13, 2010 2:17 PM
    You are right. The only thing you failed to do is to provide a link to the main document:


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