
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Feds Secret Meeting: Warning Economic Recovery May Lose Steam

Federal Reserve policymakers are worried that the economic recovery may lose steam going forward, despite recent moderate improvements, according to minutes from their recent policy meeting released Tuesday.

Though the latest data suggest an uptick in economic activity, Fed members believe that some sectors of the economy could stifle overall growth, the minutes from the March 16 meeting said.

"While participants saw incoming information as broadly consistent with continued strengthening of economic activity, they also highlighted a variety of factors that would be likely to restrain the overall pace of recovery, especially in light of the waning effects of fiscal stimulus and inventory rebalancing over coming quarters," the minutes said.

But Fed policymakers indicated that they could raise rates as soon as they see continued signs of life in the economy, according to the minutes.

The minutes indicated that Fed members believed the central bank's policy of "exceptionally low rates" for "an extended period" is explicitly contingent on the evolution of the economy rather than on the passage of any fixed amount of calendar time." The central bank's current guidance does not limit the Fed from tightening or maintaining its monetary policy, they said.


  1. Though the latest data suggest an uptick in economic activity,

    Uhhhhhhh... this latest data?...
    L.A. is Broke
    CA Pensions are Broke
    Foodstamps hit a new record high, $5.2B+/month
    Canada dollar is at parity with US buck
    and everything else

    Notice how there is not much press about the Canadian dollar? Keep a lid on that, Fed; you don't want to alert the sheep.

  2. Capitalism is a class war system . America is eating itself in class war.
    Either the rich will eat the poor or the poor will eat the rich.
    I stand for traditional American values!
    The working people are correctly being tossed on the unemployment scrap heap. And the middle class is losing its housing assets. The existing wealth is being very properly transferred to the rich class who of course are getting richer after the financial coup to seize the U.S. treasury revenues ,both current and future.and the printing press to boot .Thats fair , after all it was hard working capital that created all this wealth in the first place
    Enough of that trickle down namby pamby liberal stuff.
    The government has done the right thing and nationalised all the unprofitable Dud AAA mortgage bonds socialising the losses. Now that’s socialism for the rich I can believe in!
    But better than that! Even after the Bush and Obama bailout and handouts The banksters are now getting near free money and profits to save their profits and their pig bacon.And this is called “recovery.”
    They can borrow from the Fed and treasury at near nil interest cost and reinvest it back on loan with the government in Freddy or Fanny bonds for a high return.
    Government guaranteed profit. Money for jam!
    Or they can get near free Money from the Fed and export it in the “carry trade” to countries with a higher interest rate. Say for example China. Or in another example Australia ,that just increased its official interest rate and has mortgage rates that pay at least 7%. Not a bad return for cost free U.S. Capital!
    The banksters will claim bonuses for this clever investment strategy and the U.S. banks will report increased profits and a successful recovery for the finance sector.
    But it’s a no brainier really.
    Of course the Banksters and other sources of credit are reducing their loans to Americans as there are no real profits to be got in employing or exploiting workers and US manufacturing production or to be got in other physical wealth producing industries like housing construction. Americans should be content with this jobless recovery for the finance sector and grateful for The financial coup!
    The old American GDP was 72% driven by consumers not wealth creation with a foreign credit supply.
    The amount of foreign credit America borrowed pre -crisis to balance their trade accounts was roughly equal to the after tax dividends or total the “profits” of US companies.
    The American workers only thought they and their super productivity were the source of US profit some even thought they were being exploited.
    It’s a no brainer too really.
    Why would one seeking profits invest free moneyv in a country like that?
    The US financial sector and capitalism is being saved by the taxpayers who will receive the bill;
    Long live free money, the Glorious Carry trade and the US taxpayer!
    Long live Bush, Obama, Bubbles Greenscam, Bernanke ,Paulson Geitner ,the Fed and the
    heroic patriotic Congessmen and Senators that made the coup and the “recovery” possible!

  3. Of course the economy will pick up, if the FED says "uptick" in the economy will occur, then it will.

    I also believe in the lone gunman theory, the magic bullet theory, RFK was killed by a "loner" as was John Lennon, Timothy McVeigh alone blew up the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City with a fertilizer bomb and Osama Bin Ladin is responsible for 911.

    Any questions?

  4. I'm just so aggravated constantly hearing about green shoots, upticks, etc. Bogus unemployment numbers, constant lies and BS from the government and MSM. There has not been, and will not be any damned "recovery".

  5. 605 am
    you forgot the tooth fairy
    and santa claus
    also greenspan is talking today
    perfect day to arrest him for treason
    and fraud he couldnt see the sun if he was headed for it

  6. 6:42-Wouldn't it be a GREAT day to see DEMON greenspan arrested? Oh what a great day it would be.

    But don't worry, it will never happen.

    The controllers never are prosecuted, remember bush, clinton, bush, satero...the list goes on and on, while the sheep are prosecuted every second for petty crimes.

    We are so screwed.

  7. Greenspan is a true
    patriot who saved America and profitability in the economy for more than a decade .
    He managed for example to create a dot com boom with sucker investment from americans and overseas investors. What a feast. And crashed it all smoothly with good management of the economy by handing out low interest loans creating in turn Enron , credit default swap wealth in the hundreds of trillions, the marvellous housing bubble , the house ATM where money flowed freely as credit to the middle class for years .
    What a lifestyle was had by all the rich and the middle class All this should make you very grateful to Bubbles Greenspan.
    One of Americas great patriotic geniuses .That truly was a marvellous acheivement by Greenspan in maintaining confidence in the dollar for so long. It all worked fine as long as other countries were prepared to hand over real wealth as credit supply and cheap labour commodities in exchange for paper .
    Of course all bubbles must burst.And the falling rate of profit takes its toll.
    But we should not be like little children complaining after consuming all the ice cream that there is none left. Greenspan kept the supply of credit going to buy and consume the ice cream and cake too.
    Grow up. You ate the free cake on credit without complaining.
    Long live free money, bubbles and Greenspan and monetarist economics .
    And God bless America and the dollar hegemony.

  8. Yeah Yeah yeah

    Blab Blab blab

    I guess today's retail numbers shot one Helluva large hole in this dumb assed THEROY

  9. that THEROY is awesome, too bad all the numbers you read these days are fudged, NOT ONE IS REAL. But real unemployment is at least 28% everyone I know is literally starving.

  10. Ι'm thinking what age we begin to get wiser and take no notice of all this nonsense.

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