
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Filmmaker: Not Just A Stock Market Crash But Collapse of Our Society

Yes, Oliver Stone is suddenly America's hottest market timer, as well as the voice of the inner "American Soul," warning investors of a collapse. Remember the Crash of 1987? One-day 23% drop. Happened just before his 1987 "Wall Street" film hit the theaters.

He says he can't predict the future. Don't believe him: Even if he's unaware of his "source," it's stirring again, rising from deep in what Carl Jung would call the "collective unconscious" of the "American Soul," warning us again of a collapse, using Stone as a stock trader's "alert."

Wake up Wall Street: You're getting the biggest market timing signal of 2010!

Seriously, why now? Why after 23 years, did Stone decide to update the message of his famous 1987 movie. Great question: The interviewer was Michael Lewis, former Salomon trader, author of "Liar's Poker," a guy who understands Wall Street's soul.

Stone's answer is in "Greed Never Left," Lewis' Vanity Fair review of Stone's new movie, "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps." Stone had to think about it: "Why did I go back?" Why? "Because it's important. It's the collapse of capitalism and the collapse of our society. It is. Our way of life is going to change."

The collapse of capitalism? Not just a stock market crash. He's predicting the "collapse of our society." Worse, Stone's predicting: "Our way of life is going to change." Is this really a market-timing signal? Hey, it was in 1987. Will history repeat? The odds say yes.
More Here..

Report: Panicky Investors Pull Cash Out of Greek Banks
More Here..


  1. Do I remember 1987 ? yes, very well thank you.

    Somehow; the world did NOT stop rotating on it's axis.

    Nor will it now.

    Those of us that were prepared; carried on with our lives and so we will now. The greatest thing is that like the modern weather forcasters; we all know it's coming so there are no excuses.

    But; just like those people who just "have to see the Hurricane" before going inside; we will have Millions of people who refuse to believe that when barry said change

    Damn it - he meant it !

  2. bush was change too, took away most of our rights with the patriot act, told us that they no longer care about us citizens (Katrina), told us wall street was in charge (deregulation), yes bush's change was very good for the elite

  3. That's why I like Bush; because I am Elite and there are LOTS of us ; you and barry can take nothing from me as I have it all including the advisors and lawyers whom I pay handsomely to make damn sure I keep it ALL.

    Your little barry on the other hand cares about you very much - how do you like the caring package so far ?

    get set Vladimir; barry isn't even warmed up yet and I will be laughing the day he raids your sock drawer to re - fund something important like Non Nuclear proliferation.

    Meanwhile; my funds lay safe in the Caymans - earning me 23% thanks to W.


  4. Stock markets will be just fine for ages. I remember saying it will continue to go up a month or so ago and I was called blind, stupid etc. I am the one who just made money from my stocks, so who's the stupid one now?

    Investing in stocks now is a good bet. There is no crash coming.

  5. 6:15 the Gov't loves suckers like you. When they sell their loot you'll be the bozo stuck holding the bag, just like the typical last 75 years of public looting..

  6. 75 years of looting and the world hasnt collasped yet... im not saying it wont, as i think it will, but recent modern history says the market may get ugly. but if u pull ur head away from the screen and look outside, there is the sun, the grass the rain, not tied to the stock market which is fake and a gigantic bubble by definition.. i feel strongly for both sides, i am very confused but i do know that the fake bubbly mrkt can make us rich in the short term so as to live an unbelievably easy life. Next on the docket is, morals.. is it moral for less than 1% of the world to live so well while the rest have almost nothing. Should there be any middle ground u kill the dream that brings advancements to our global society. I hate seeing humans everywhere and i wish i could enjoy this planet with other peaceful thoughtful, caring, loving, green eviromentally friendly ppl.. We wont get there at a population of 7 billion, maybe half of that, but at half mast, you also have no privacy EVER again, and it is very easy to squash any type of uprising. Buy a heavy duty rope in this sad sad sad world

  7. The link is not working..

  8. 610 INFO on the way to Irs for you

  9. Good grief, here we go again. Piss and moan, and to be honest with you, I could give a shit less. I have a great job, boat, SUV, family, etc and where I live it's like nothing ever happened. I don't have money in the Caymen's like 6:10 claims, but good for him; fact of the matter is if 6:10 is an elite member then he probably provides jobs for others.

    I work for a corp. who I am fairly confident is owned by some uber-rich, elite type folks and could not be happier. 100k a year, 6 weeks PTO/year, great benefits, the list goes on. And yes, here in the good ole USA. Fact of the matter is I just looked at the paper and there are jobs up the wazoo around here to be had.

    This article is nothing but a way to get folks all riled up again at something that might or might not happen, but either way life goes on.

    Yes I am aware of stuff going on and it could very well get ugly, even here, but WTF I am going to live life and enjoy it, life is too short and you ain't gonna take anything earthly with you when you die anyway

  10. 7:22 is a retard as 6:10 most likely posts by proxy, he is not stupid

  11. 7:22 & about a wonderful all expense paid trip for you and your family to wonderful CLUB CAMP FEMA!!!!
    With the recent secret Fed meeting Monday I say keep investing in Stocks...what a couple of Schmucks!

  12. Wall Street came on the heels of the greedy 80's. Wall Street II is coming on the heels of a financial depression, and eventually a collapse. There is not much more to it. The author is over-analyzing the "predictive merits" of Oliver Stone the movie-maker.

  13. Folks think they're smart getting paid 100k pa.
    While sheep work for money, smart don't work; smart photocopy money.

  14. Is that why you are printing a million dollars a day and announcing it to the world? lol

  15. An excellent article and good read.

    Of course, most will ignore it and worry about more important things like who is on "dancing with the stars" tonight?

    Now go watch your tv and SHUT-UP!

  16. To think that all things are secure and that nothing will ever happen to a society or government show the poor education and intelligence of the person making the statement. I remember the USSR that existed from 1922-1991 and the complete shock that it would fall. There was a lot of mouths a gap on that one.

    I am not surprised by what Americans may say about the impossibility of an American Governmental collapse. Almost all of them will say when it happens; "Oh I knew it could happen" or "I thought it might happen" It is their arrogance and fear of being embarrassed that keeps them from honesty. My father in law does it with just about everything. It is really shameful that he is that proud.

  17. proud of what? 39th in education, 37th in healthcare, or #1 at bombing and killing people, which is he most proud of?

  18. Maybe this director has the intellect of an Aaron Russo.

    8:08 sheep will always be proud, regardless of not having any basis to back up their pride. False patriotism ranks only #2 behind religion as the Oligarchs greatest tool.

  19. The 37th in health care is such a crock of dog squeeze, that was the conclusion of a World Health Org study a few years ago whereby there 2 measures of the "quality of a health care system" were average lifespan, and access -- neither of which are good indicators of the overall quality of a given nation's health care. Think about it the US has more cars per capita than anywhere else (more highway deaths)and we have poor diets high in fat and sugar. The WHO is a socialistic organization that makes little effort to hide their biases.

  20. You are still a fool if you believe our Health Care is the best. It certainly is at the top among surgical procedures and technology. But what about other qualitative things like the cost and the actual care you receive? Our Health Care is also steeped in establishment dogma and influenced by big business and the pharmaceuticals. I am well aware of it as I have a sibling in each, that is surgery and pharmaceuticals. They would both agree with each of my points. Furthermore, western medicine in general certainly has its limitations and reductionist approach which leaves much to be desired in treatment.

  21. Which is why when a very "important dignitary"
    in Africa has an important "procedure" to undergo

    They travel to:

    France --------------------------- NOT !

    Spain ---------------------------- NOT !

    Canada --------------------------- NOT !

    Mexico --------------------------- NOT !

    South America -------------------- NOT !

    Austrailia ----------------------- NOT !

    Ireland -------------------------- NOT !

    Norway --------------------------- NOT !

    Finland -------------------------- NOT !

    Japan ---------------------------- NOT !

    China ---------------------------- NOT !

    Tiawan --------------------------- NOT !

    Give me a break idiot !

    They come HERE ! what an asswipe


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