
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Governments Will 'Bankrupt Us': Marc Faber

Current economic policies are not sustainable and the world faces doom because "the governments are taking over", said Marc Faber, editor & publisher of The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report.

"They will all bankrupt us and expropriate us, but it may not happen tomorrow. They'll give us something to play with, until the whole system breaks down...they'll just print money and print more money," he said on CNBC Thursday.
"What I object to the current government intervention in so-called 'solving the crisis', (is that) they haven't solved anything. They've just postponed it."

Faber warned that the "ultimate armageddon" would be much worse the next time around, as "governments will go bust", which would lead them to print more money.

He also warned that China's growth was "completely unsustainable in the long run," highlighting the red-hot property sector.

More Here..


  1. I going for a double big macro here...
    Theres a theory that the US is using evryone elses oil first (good for the energy cos, good
    for US strategy) and then will use dakotas,
    alaska, gulf and coasts after the others peak.

    What if the shadow govs/world bankers,illumins
    have a similar plan? All these countries in
    debt/deficit: they cant cut their social progs
    (riots) they will have to print & inflate, and
    with China on a bubble the whole world could
    get so f-ked up there have to be a reset, force
    majeure whatever...into a worldwide currency.
    Maybe backed by a mix of PM semi PM industrial
    metals (gold, plat, silv, copper)

    To me it looks that this is the goal

  2. Faber needs to have his mouth washed out with soap for uttering Goldman Sachs is an honest firm.
    Hell the soap would be wasted on him,
    the man needs a reality enama.

  3. 8:02 We only deal in oil because of the billions of dollars it represents. We do not really need it. Nuclear power and other sources of alternative energy is adequate for the world. But for now refitting our homes to run all electric from a 60 amp breaker in an inner city home just ain't happening. Building all electric cars that will wear out in 4 years is near impossible. You can replace seats and repaint so why buy a new one. Yes folks we have big problems that can only be solved with more oil. Don't forget that oil is used to make your stupid styrofoam cup and all the plastic in your computer. We need oil. Period, end of story.

  4. Goldman Sacked paid Faber to say that, they must have, or Faber is brain dead?

  5. That is the first time I've heard Faber say anything really stupid (about GS). We all have brain farts though.

  6. Obama to Wall St.: Work with me

    Obama: We need 'common-sense rules to ensure accountability on Wall Street.'

    This is a GOLDMAN SACHS bought and paid for puppet talking here. So sad. The game is completely rigged folks. All fake. All smoke and mirrors to rob you blind.

  7. Only thing I can't understand is that by stealing in such large quantities that you ruin the system and devalue whatever you stole.

    Hence they are stealing dollars and making them worthless...Instead of steady stealing...At this point it's coming to a head...Like a runaway train and almost all bankers except the very top top will suffer.

    It's almost like they are trying to ruin the system...Bring it down hard...Cause a total meltdown...I see no point to their End Game.

    Even they don't want to live in a world of war/strive and crime where it can affect THEM...They'll start some crap in some far away country but this time the chickens are roosting home...That's the only thing I can't understand...They lose along with us...It's suicidal banking basically.

    Maybe a big human Culling is what they are shooting for...But it will affect the first world countries worse...The third world people will survive as Jesus once said "The poor will always be with us."

  8. The End Game is The Bank of the World and centralized control of a new global fiat currency and complete free reign to do whatever they want without any restrictions whatsoever.

    As for culling, they think of us a cockroaches so that is very possible. In the coming USA economic implosion, 30%-40% of the US population will simply start to death within weeks. The rest will be sent off to fight in a banker war facilitated by a false flag event.

    They could use nukes for culling, but I don't think so. They want a clean, empty planet for themselves. Easier just to deceive people into a slow death. Contain them. Let them die. Then reseed new slaves.

  9. Cell phones, aspartame, sqqualene containing vaccines, MSG in the food, GM food , strange plant viruses crossing over to humans because of GM wheat and corn, the known fact that 10% of the human population has a bad and potentially fatal immune system reaction to some GM wheat and corn varieties, and so on.

    The entire countryside irradiated 24/7 with Cell phone tower and WIFI and 3G network and EDGE network and bla bla bla. Radio background like a 75 watt lightbulb next to you when only 100 years ago it was pitch black.

    Flouride in the water. Recent investigation shows the average american ingesting at least 8.5 milligrams sodium flouride a day, in soda pop, in food prepared with flouridated water, in spring water made from municipal water pumped through rocks to make it taste better, the list goes on.

    8.5 milligrams is way more than the 2mg's it takes to render most people sedated and co operative.

    Flouride in the brain works by killing certain neurons. Selective neuron death.

  10. 11:53 you can mitigate the damage to yourself of course and take positive action. Research MMS water; and watch G. Edward Griffin's video World without Cancer. There is no need whatsoever to fall victim to any virus. MMS water alone would wipe out 95% of the drugs/remedies you see at a Rite Aid store + do you no harm.

  11. You guys don't know for sure if this is on purpose.

    They could be in panic mode actually. Their own lives are at risk when this happens, who do you think is going to protect them? Their bodyguards, the military? They'll be at home protecting their families. Outside of fringe writers most things talked about in Conspiracy circles has no merit; FEMA, chemtrails, vaccine microchips, ET implants, shapeshifters, false flag terror like Islamic Radicals (who are very real and hell bent on destroying the west).

    Hope remains only if this is not on purpose, if it is then this world is really that futile outside of a possible afterlife which most likely does not allow one to keep their human personality/identity.

  12. 1:13 = moron, Faux news believer. Deluded, deceived. WE ARE the only ones out there killing, torturing, occupying (except for our owners/teachers, the Zionist bankers/Israel).

    A Muslim has never done anything to you, poor simpleton.

  13. Fema Camps: True. Video and documented, factual.

    Chemtrails: True. Chemical and scientific proof of their validity.

    Vaccine Microchips: Probably not true, yet. But vaccines are filled with estrogen, detergents, and mercury. All there to weaken or kill you. Proved.

    ET implants: Possible true. Medical doctors have given up their livelyhood to say they are true. Unlikely they would destroy their careers to perpetuate a myth.

    Shapeshifters: Possible true, probably unlikely. See There is circumstantial evidence to support it.

    False Flag Terror: The easiest one. Absolutely 100% without a doubt true. Has been used throughout history and many times by the USA and Israel, but dates back before the Roman Empire.

    The perpetrator is almost always Israel. Including 9/11.

  14. god help us , bankers rule


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