
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Russia and China Are Selling Treasuries and Buying Gold...

Fred Hickey of the High Tech Strategist newsletter fame gave a brutally honest interview with The Wall Street Cheat Sheet about the financial/economic condition of the United States and how China and Russia, two of the largest financiers of our Government, are protecting themselves from the reckless policies of Obama and Bernanke.  Here's is a quote:

No one seems to be talking about this, but in a recent US Treasury foreign holdings report I saw a flat line where the mainland Chinese were not buying our treasuries anymore. Their position was holding; meaning, they were buying just enough to offset the maturing bonds. Now we’re seeing outright declines. This has gone on for several months and now it’s an outright decline...The Russians are also reducing their positions. They reduced $10 billion in December and it’s dropped from a $140 billion almost to $118 billion over the last few months.
Here is a link to the interview and a must-read: Sell Paper - Buy Gold.  Here's another insightful snippet:
I never lose sleep with my big gold position, but I do lose sleep when I have a big dollar position. I always see pullbacks in gold as buying opportunities because what I’ve discussed are the big forces really moving things. There are very few people on this planet that understand the big macro picture behind the movement to gold. We’re now in a 10 year bull market in gold. We ran a twenty year bear market, so it might be a twenty year bull market. We may be only halfway through.
We know that China is voraciously accumulating a lot of gold.  Recently a senior researcher recommended that China buy a lot more gold in order to raise its gold holdings up to at least 10% of its foreign reserves. They have 1000's of tonnes to buy in order to accomplish this. Here is what Russia is doing, chart courstesy of Richard Nachbar: 
More Here..

The CIA overstates Canada’s Government Spending by More Than 200%


  1. I like silver a lot better for many reasons. The only negative is its safe storage, and no, I don't mean with a bank or other nonsense.

    I have a large cash position right now and I agree. I don't sleep well at night and will soon be moving it to even more silver. The sleep will much more sound.

  2. The US needs to print billions in paper money and buy gold over the next few weeks before they collapse. Now that is an idea.

    I am thinking of starting a gold and silver storage company to help you store you PM's I will need some well armed guards and you will have to have your own weapons. You will be paid in PM's. LOL Sometimes you just have to have a sense of humor. Seriously, I worry about the seniors in the city who have stockpiled. When the SHTF there will be roving gangs who will loot houses and it won't make any difference how many guns you have. You should probably put plywood in the garage pre cut and drilled to go up inside the house with screws. It will help if they cannot see in.

  3. 3/4" full sheets of plywood will be nearly priceless. That and 3" deck screws.

    Those will be second only to food and water.

  4. Hopefully our military somehow will awaken and realize they have been used as banker pawns before they are asked to turn their guns on the US populace.!

  5. Let's also talk about how the entire paper gold market is a total scam now. The so called 'reserves' to back up the paper ETF's is largely gone or through the majick of accounting they count the same bar 503 times. Don't think it's not happening, all of the gold ETF paper is pretty much worthless. That's why JP Morgan has been regularly paying receivers of delivery of gold contracts 10 and 15% over in cash to accept cash in liue of physical gold because there is no physical gold to cover these contracts.

    Lots of hedge funds and other entities that have piled into the paper gold markets seeking security will find themselves being forced to accept worthless fiat paper for redemption at a time when the currency is well into hyperinflation and worth a tiny fraction of what it is today.

  6. Spread the word to any friends hold paper gold ETFs. That is all we can do.

  7. Gee, according to the financial babes on Fox, the economy is picking up, recession over & unemployment up.

    What time does the draft start tonight?

    On a more serious note, those of us who live in reality have known the dollar collapse, economy collapse and invest in hard gold & silver. Yes, I just purchased $500 of silver yesterday.

    As far as where to keep it, arm yourself, and have lots of ammo. Buy ONLY hard gold and silver and DO NOT keep it at a bank, keep it in a safe place.

  8. I got a list of who will die out first:
    From first to die to last:

    1) Drug Addicts
    2) Obese and/or sick people
    3) Fearful and Violent People
    (1, 2, and 3 represent 60%)
    4) Rude people or unpleasant people.
    5) Many People over 60 and younger than 20 (One will not be in optimal health, the other won't have the discipline)
    (4 and 5 represent about 20% - 20% remaining)
    6) Uncautious People; Risk Takers.
    7) People who can't tolerate the loss of their old life and loved ones and go crazy.
    (6 and 7 would be about 18%)
    8) 2% left; some people who were in smarter militia groups that are still in their forts, the proportion of people who survived but weren't in a militia, and the bankers who left the country before it all took place.
    (The Sun comes out after this)
    ... And so, a new era on Earth begins in which no one is quite sure what the hell to do anymore.

  9. i must admit i go through times of uncertain mindset.that is sometimes i just think i'm nuts thinking the shtf will happen soon..i really know you will not loose with pm even if nothing did's the rub though i used to have a good job now i barely make enough to pay my bills; used to smoke 1 1\2 packs a day thank u barry for forcin me to quit(1 good thing).i can't afford pms but i do buy bullets. not sayin i would be the one but those w\out will go after yours. i am ex 2nd battalion 10 years..i couldn't just take but there are guys out there w\ my experience that won't be so ethical...jt

  10. that's 2nd battalion 10th med r....

  11. 1:03 I disagree. Especially the '8.' All militia will be targeted for termination from the get go. Let's face it, they are outgunned. They have been craftfully been set up to be terrorists by the Oligarchs.

    The 2% of the ones left will be the ones that licked the gov boots. Those that went along with everything, at any cost. Would you like to rape me daughter?, sure, have at it, help yourself.

  12. Okay. The U.S. can easily print another $2 trillion and cover its bills for the next 12 months. Nothing anybody can do about that. Therefore, the likelihood of a total collapse before then is UNLIKELY, especially considering the upcoming elections in the Fall.

    Now, I do understand that, if the Fed (international bankers) refuses to monitise debt before the end of said period, all bets are off. But then again, NOBODY knows that for sure, only the bankers do. Everything else is mere speculation and hearsay.

    Meantime, If you've taken steps to protect yourself, pat yourself on the back. Now take some time and enjoy spring and life a bit rather than focusing on doom and gloom all the time. Let the dumb simple-minded sweat it out. They won't listen and heed sound advice if you paid them to do so!

    For those of you who have lost a job and are finding it difficult get another one, here's an idea: hire yourself and start selling stuff on street corners or door-to-door. Buy wholesale, sell below retail. You can't lose if you choose your product(s) properly. For example, people eat no matter what, so why not turn yourself into a vending machine on a busy, downtown, street corner selling snack food and ready-to-consume beverages at a discount? If a brick and mortar establishment sells chocolate bars for buck, sell yours for 60 cents. You'll still make a profit, because you're not stuck with overhead.

  13. The People following and believing whatever is being posted on this blog are so fucking stupid and don't even have half the brain of an ape to call themselves humans.

    I know the EA does not write the articles, but by posting them on the blog means that he believes in them and acknowledge that their contents are correct. Recently the EA posted an article that predicted that Gold price will skyrocket in the next few days and break all records, One week is nearly gone now and as usual nothing and when the article came out; all the idiots endorsed it as being god’s words and are definitely happening. Gold price is nowhere near the $1,200 record it reached.

    The other good one is the collapse of the US Dollar….Countless articles on that and yet nothing. The EA is inclined to make us believe that the US dollar is worth nothing and yet he is asking for you to donate him US Dollar to keep the blog running. If US dollar is worth shit then why ask for donations in Us Dollar? The dollar is still the world reserve currency and used in international trade, it is nowhere near any collapse……

    Countless shit articles posted here and simply forgotten about by the shit idiots who endorsed them as true. Did the fucking shit idiots here forgot about the article posted in January this year saying Massive collapse happening mid February??? Did anything happen?? Maybe I missed it or maybe shit idiots live in another dimension??? Where is the supposed massive stock market collapse? Where is the US dollar collapse? Where are the sates collapse supposed to be imminent? Where is martial law? Where are all the cap that were supposed to be happening, imminent, bla, bla,bla??? The archive of this blog stinks rotten corpses and you idiots believing in them smell the same….

  14. 7:05 ... never mind, you are hopeless. You will see.

  15. 705, Gold is no where near it's $1200.00 high ? It was $1150.00 when I woke up this morning at 7 A.M. Pacific Standard Time.

  16. 7:05 why are you even here if you feel this way? Go back to your ignorant bliss.

  17. Sorry but 7:05 is SPOT ON. I am not saying there are things going on that are not good for society, but for cripes sakes people, the best estimates say that even if it gets half as bad as all these people claim it's several years off.

    Sorry but I am cannot advise ANYONE to buy pm's; one of the worst investments, destined to go much, much lower and stay there for years. Yeah, they might go up sometime down the road but not as long as the masses have bread and circus to feed them and entertain.

    I doubt silver will get above $19 for another five years.The gist from most reports is that there is an over-hang [whatever that means] and the cause is said to be the difference beteen those that bought at $16 and those that bought at $20. It goes something like those that bought at $16 are bailing out on small profits, for they have become disenchanted with silver. I guess that those that bought at $20 are most certainly upset as well, but don't want to give up just yet [for the most part anyway].

    The theory is that until this mess is cleared up between these two factions of speculators that silver will remain range bound and move sideways or down more often than up.

    I definately haven't ever believed there's a silver shortage. 70% is mined as a by-product because
    there's no demand most of the time to make it primary. Lately, given economic problems that may in
    fact be resolving, at least for a few years, or perceived as resolving, which has the same effect, it
    is possible silver and gold will decline, and decline signifigantly. Silver at 12 , gold at 850. This
    would not surprise me at all. Concerns like JP Morgan are not apologetic, sociopaths on any scale
    aren't, and no one's going after them anyway. The larger world has decreed other issues more pressing.
    Platinum and palladium, have a different fundamental picture. They also are investor driven but have a
    more definate industrial base in the auto industry.

  18. To 7:05 and 8:19. Wow. You are either kidding or intellectually bankrupt. I am leaning towards the latter.

  19. 7:05 if you don't like the articles I post why are you reading them?

  20. This blog is being infiltrated by government hacks. I.E. 7:05 P.M. I suspected this a few months ago, but now after hearing about the tactics some are planning to use against the Tea party movement,making mispelled signs and such, I am convinced.

  21. 819 govt shill, nothing more, not persuasive.

  22. 9:46 you are so full of shit I can smell it over here. I am nothing of the sort and gov't is the LAST fucking thing I, for the most part, agree with. I was merely making a case that it's not nearly as bad as some say it is or is going to get, that and the fact that pm's will probably continue to go way down from here, not saying they will stay there foroever but the enthusiasm is going south, add to that the fact they have the fuck manipulated out of them and it's a lose lose case for the time being.

  23. The trouble is MSM has 98% of the people fooled. So yes it will take time to collapse. Hear me now believe me later it will collapse this cannot sustain itself forever. I figure it has took 30 years to get to this point

  24. I agree that short term predictions like the one made on gold recently by Jim Sinclair are careless, but the majority of what is posted on this blog is 100% dead on. It is so refreshing to read some truth as opposed to the MSM blogs with are nothing more than banker mouthpieces.

    In fact, for humor sake, it is fun to go to and see the lead articles. Once you know you are being manipulated and lied to, they become so transparent.

  25. Silver will never be over $19 in the future. LOL. Now that was great humor, loved that one. Silver is abundant; loved that one even more. Shills. Got to love them.

  26. China has finally figured out our con game and refuses to accept toilet paper. So, the Fed desperately sets up dummy banks in the Caymans to buy its own notes. This is all going to come to a head and dwarf any other scam ever discovered. The damage will be worse the longer this sad joke of an economy continues.

  27. China now has the largest banks in the world. Three of the top four. They want to remove the dollar as the world reserve currency. We are so screwed. The productive people of the world and going to cull the needy parasites (us).

  28. 7:05-Please please buy lots of stock on NYSE, deposit all your money in a savings account & keep all your valuables at your bank safety deposit box.

    And DO NOT:

    Buy Gold or Silver
    Buy Storable food
    Buy a water filter
    Buy guns and ammo
    Buy a solar generator

    You should be just fine...

  29. 444 you are in denial and you are a loser, put all your money in the bank and get a safe deposit box, Please do this, DO NOT BUY GOLD OR SILVER AND KEEP SAVING YOUR WORTHLESS PAPER

  30. 9:23 can KMFA, not saying I don't own any just saying that all this poppy cock about gold going to the stratosphere is a waste of time and lacks all credibility


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