
Friday, April 23, 2010

Lots of Layoffs as Economy Sinks

2,000 Connecticut Teachers Face Layoffs Before Next School Year
More Here..

Sallie Mae To Cut 2500 Jobs
More Here..

Buffalo: City School Budget would Lay off 700
More Here..

Fletcher Layoffs Hit 120 People
More Here..

Hundreds of Cleveland teachers, Principals to Lose Jobs
More Here..

Lockheed Martin: 472 Layoffs
More Here..

Detroit Public Schools sends layoff notices to 2000 Teachers
More Here..

Boeing issues layoff notices to 130 in state, 300 companywide
More Here..

More than 1,000 staff members were laid off on Monday at the bankrupt St. Vincent’s Hospital Manhattan.
More Here..


  1. This story positively proves there is a recovery, NOT!

  2. Relax.

    All of these people can get government jobs paid for with our soon-to-be huge budget surpluses, extending out as far as the eye can see.

    Oh, wait...

  3. And yet the gov't stats still show 9.7% unemployment. Like I really trust the gov't stats!

  4. In Las Vegas the Real Unemployment number is around 25%. I know at least 50 people there and 49 of them are unemployed and looking all the time and finding nothing.

  5. Quit the bickering.. The articles prove this economy is still going down. We are ALL victims of the gov and it's conspiratorial ways. Why fight each other?

  6. Isn’t it time we cut off the Feds in DC….It’s time for the States to say enough and get this session going! Cut the source of our blood and sweat from going to the Ticks & Leeches in DC…imagine if we had lending institutions that…well…LENT MONEY and were not part of the Federal Reserve how much better off we’d be. Besides why are we sending DC anything…for every dollar sent the states kiss their derrière for what? …a measly 8-10% return? Why?

  7. 4:20, how do you get the little dot above the letter e in your post? Can't figure that one first I thought I had a spec on my screen,lol.

  8. If states would pound the gavel in session and make some new laws to accomplish the following. First you would need to send State Highway patrol out to the borders of your state at every major highway to establish a presence. The militia and Guard would join them within 2-3 days in force to help establish a presence. Second, all FBI, IRS, SS offices would be closed down immediatlly. They would be given the option to stay as citizens of their state and or to go to their homes to pack and leave within 7 days or if they totally rejected the states independence from the Union they would be escorted out of the state under guard by bus to the major temporary checkpoints exiting the state. Their families would be allowed to remain or liquidate and join their family member outside of the state. All factories and business would be notified that any and all taxes due or being paid to the US government would diverted to the independent state to insure the infrastructure of the state. All guard soldiers (from said state) around the world would be told that they may choose to serve out their term or may make their way back to the state for a legal release from military obligations to the United States of America.

    And so on...

  9. AWWW GEEZ COME ON.CNN CNBC AND MY LOCAL NEWS PAPER, just told me to think WOOPS.. I mean they informed me the economy is strong and on the rise, I even saw a General Motors commercial of how they paid back there loans and are hiring again.
    The media is so controled by the goverment. I can just picture Hussien Obama calling the powers in charge what propaganda to put out today so the sheeple all believe this ponzi scheme. Everyone I talk to says he is bringing back the economy. I say bullshit and they tell me I am nuts. I would rather be nuts than be a sheeple.....

  10. One job is available for about $30 per pay. You get a bed and three squares. You just have to agree to go humiliate, occupy, and kill brown people around the globe. Innocent people that never did anything to you. If your morals are dim, if you have no heart. If you can pretend you are defending your freedoms, sign up!

  11. 6:19 You obviously do not live in the US. Our soldiers get paid much better than that. I hate these wars as well, but my people are there fighting currently. I would prefer they come back to our homeland and protect our borders from the criminals that continue to sneak across our borders illegally. If they wish to come here as an immigrant they should do it legally.

  12. I hear ya 5:31. I am amazed at my neighbors who have yet to be hit economically. They are buying into the whole "green shoots". Even though many around them are losing their jobs, and government contracting jobs are drying up, they STILL think we are on the way to recovery. They avoid me because I've got snakes growing out of my head.

  13. People want to only believe things that give them comfort 7:06, don't take it personally.

  14. Poor Sallie Mae, I could just cry.

    Look on the bright side. You can buy a home for around 2,000 dollars or less in the worst off areas. There may be no services, no health care, and possibly no electricity one day, but things are picking up, or so they say. So go out and grab the american dream while you still can. Capitalism and the American Way.

  15. MSM touting home sales spite in March.

    Only reason: stimulus, money printing - as in $8k credit for first time buyers that won't end up paying the mortgage.

  16. Jobs with federal printing and engraving are up.

  17. The jobless recovery continues, and the sheeple have no clue..

    So I guess the more job losses,the better the recovery? If so, the recovery is working well.

    Then again, for those of us living in reality, we know what is happening, and it AIN'T no recovery, its called a DEPRESSION!

  18. cheri in CaliforniaApril 23, 2010 at 11:29 AM

    How I see it, Every week something is closing. Last week a maternity store in a big mall where mervyns already closed, now a chinese food place near ralphs that was there for years. I see everyone happening in slow motion, MATTER OF FACT after watching cnbc since my mid 20s, lets say 15 yrs, I DO NOT trust CNBC anymore, I'm not saying I don't trust the stocks, I'm saying it seems they try to talk about what is good and cover up negative, this has been their way for past few months. One guy today said trucking is picking up, UM when you go from zero to a few jobs suddenly everything is recovered ! Come on. From what I see small biz owners are shutting shop, no end in sight ! What are all you seeing around town ? ? ?
    Cheri In california

  19. I work for a small business and for a long time we didn't have much work. Here lately, it's feast or famish. Either we don't have much or we have a huge amount piling in, overwhelming us every day. We never know how busy it will be, although it seems to be correlated with the weather and the stock market.

  20. im a self employed carpenter. Made 60 % less last year . have worked 1 week so far this year. i have resumes out all over the country nothing

  21. Jake, My neighbor is a trim carpenter foreman for commercial work here in KC. Get online and send resumes here to commercial contractors. In fact it would be worth your gas to drive here and go in person to these companies. It has slowed down here, but my neighbor goes to work everyday.

  22. Jake, you need to look at the Midwest, particularly northwest Iowa, southeast South Dakota and soutwest has not slowed down here much at all. Plenty of new stuff still going up, and also plenty of remodels going on too. The cement crews are even busy again this year with work. Living is pretty cheap compared to most areas

  23. My brother is a coast to coast, big rig driver. Throughout all the 20+ years he has been driving, he at best, would be home with his wife for 3 days a month, the other 28 days he was on the road. As soon as he dropped a trailer, there was always another, ready to be hooked up. He could easily drive 750,000.00 miles a year. These days, he is at home more days than on the road. He owns his $125,000 truck and is starting to worry about how he is gonna pay for it.

    This people, is not a good sign. The trucking industry is another economic barometer. Forget about Barry and his "statistics". Meanwhile more of our tax dollars are being wasted, keeping his birth certificate issue from making it's way into court.

    For all those who say the States should break away, that would be fine if we had a Governor who actually cared. I'm talking about Arnold. He loves illegals as much as Barry does. At least Arizona is getting it right.

  24. 2:11- I agree 100%. My business has been declining for over a year now. I have no idea where I will receive new business. I have a small telecom/VoIP phone business. In the past, I had partners that would refer business to me, they have all been laid off. Internet activity for buying telecom is around 10% of what it was 2 years ago.

    Yet the main stream media tells us everything is ok. Pack of lies...

    And Arizona got it right!

  25. any body who beleives cnbc fox cnn
    are on crack
    im a carpenter in ny state i meet alot who are and arent working
    i save every penny and will do very well
    only because no kids save every penny no vactions in ten years im 40
    made rentals in my house and need just 4 more weeks in 6 months to collect uenployement
    my cars are ten years old i buy gold and save every penny
    this is a cyclicle down turn
    i new we were screwed open borders free trade
    only goverment and hospitals do well as i risk my life at work
    swinging off of buildings
    this will get worse for construction thank god
    by beleiving in christ i keep my sanity
    when i see what weve become
    i will survive but many i know will fail
    this party just started until the complete collapse
    good luck to those that prepared to others that mock this website and the people with your evil
    god knows you will learn the hard way
    jeasus said you cant save a fool from himself


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