
Friday, April 16, 2010

Hating The Government Goes Mainstream

Three years ago, the Republican establishment piled scorn on the presidential candidacy of Ron Paul.

Today, he is in a statistical tie with President Obama in 2012 polling. His son, an ophthalmologist who has never run for elective office, is well ahead of not only the GOP's handpicked candidate for Senate in Kentucky but also both Democratic contenders -- all statewide officeholders.

What happened? Did America suddenly develop an insatiable appetite for 74-year-old, cranky congressmen from Texas? Is the gold standard catching on?

Paul will not likely be the next president. And his son still faces the most arduous part of his journey as Democrats spend millions to paint him as soft on defense, lax on drug enforcement and too radical on welfare programs.

But there's no doubt that hating the government and the powerful interests that pull Washington's strings has gone from the radical precincts of the Right and Left to the mainstream.

It turns out that watching Goldman Sachs, the United Auto Workers, public employee unions and a raft of other vampires drain the treasury at America's weakest moment in a generation will make a person pretty hacked off.
More Here..

Fed Shouldn’t Reveal Crisis Loans, Banks Vow to Tell High Court

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SEC Charges Goldman Sachs with Fraud ( Funny)
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Paulson And Co. Not Charged in SEC Suit Against Goldman Sachs
More Here..


  1. Nice that the SEC decided to announce that they've made a discovery that many of us knew months if not years ago. Perhaps they were waiting for someone with government ties to construct a maximum security club med.

    It's difficult to believe that the government might actually take down GS, they must have one hell of a contingency plan.

  2. comon guys this is a ruse a smoke and mirror dog and pony exercise to placate the angry sheeple.non of the principle players will see a minute of jail time.In fact these gs bastards knew this was coming What an opportunity for them to short the stock prior to the Obama announcement.Does anybody really think the Bootlickers are calling the shots.This is all window dressing.

  3. "Paul will not likely be the next president."

    This is because more than half of the voters have their head up their ass. They voted for Berry Obama now our country is being trashed by this Socialist/community organizer.

  4. Another smoke an mirror job by the Sec.Theyve known about this for years.Not one of these Gs slithering snakes will ever see jail time.This is just a gesture to placate the ever growing discontentment amongst the American Sheeple.Ill bet Blankfein knew this was coming many months ago.Probably has his foot soldiers short the stock.These wiseguys have all the bases covered.
    Stooge and Commander in Chief of Bootlicking Obama has to at least show some indignation to the masses against those bankers that payrolled his Presidency and still pull all the strings.Nothing but B.S.the worst outcome a few million in fines.Im sure the investors who got royally screw by GS will feel much better know when they pick up there monthly social security cheque from Uncle Sam.Even better in a couple of years when the buying power of said cheque is 25% less due to Obamanomics.

  5. Purely a media stunt orchestrated out of Goldman Sach strategic public relations offices. No doubt Goldman Sachs gave the SEC permission to act. Goldman banksters will sacrific one of their own as a scapegoat in order to propagandize the media with lofty "justice" bedtime stories to put the sheeple back to their sleepy grazing.
    The only force capable of removing the Goldman Sachs cancer from the world exists within the US Military. The question remains: will the military recognize this Enemy Domestic and free the people from these treasonous economic terrorists, resource rapists, national saboteurs. It will not be long before another Goldman agent, like Henry Paulson, makes another blackmail threat to blow up the economy unless given trillions in bailout money. Hopefully our defenders of liberty and freedom will see this action for what it really is: treason.

  6. looks like the found the patsy
    hell be fined 20 thousand and let go
    this is a sideshow of a sideshow
    10 years of criminal acts
    all of a sudden we found a clerk
    who frauded everyone
    must be ready for a market collapse
    uenployement up foreclousers up
    we all know burnie madof was ex cia
    how eles did he hide 150 billion in loses
    the circus continues pay attenion its a 3 ring circus
    what happened to country wide
    oh that guy made off with the money too
    what a joke weve become

  7. Hey 8:48, your post is a tad ironic, don't you think? Let me clue you in as to why. Ron Paul himself had to tell all the tea party racist Glenn Beck fans that Obama is in no way a Socialist, but rather a Corporatist.

    In that sense, Obama is on board with the Totalitarianism that is Corporatism, but Beck wouldn't look his Gift Horse sponsors in the mouth by calling them the best Stalinistas to walk the earth.

    I agree with the first poster who called Obama out as CIA. Obama was in the CIA presidential selection farm team since he was born. He was always a possibility depending on the manufactured Zeitgeist.

  8. Breaking MSM News:

    "U.S. charges Goldman Sachs with fraud.

    SEC accusing Wall Street firm of defrauding investors."

  9. Here's what will happen.

    GS stole billions. They will get a stern warning and a 5 million dollar fine. Cased closed.

    Can't wait to hear Max Kaiser's take on this.

  10. The cost of doing business..make 24 BILLION then get a fine of a few million. Cheap and a great deal for the FRAUDSTERS. You wonder why world violence is going VIRAL?

  11. A JOKE -- merely a political Dog and Pony show. Some CEOs will get their wrists slapped.. maybe even a BIG fine or two.. however with a sneak peak in the back room deals -- you'll find our government CROOKS will gladly be hopping right back in bed with them -- greedily sucking them off while they hand over gobs more of our money.

  12. They are drinking champagne and laughing about it behind closed doors. Maybe the SEC should store all their evidence in a building and then have it imploded.

  13. Nothing will happen to any of the elites. Just check the past.

    Just PR to make the sheeple think the SEC is punishing Goldman Sachs.

    100% sure no jail time, and if its a financial punishment, Goldman Sachs is the FED, they have all the money.

    We are so screwed...

  14. This will be like the gov't suing and fining itself. LOL!

  15. Pot vs Kettle.

    The sheeple will buy it hook, line, and sinker though.

  16. I have to say this SEC vs Goldman Sachs bullshit really got a belly laugh going this morning.

    Too frickin' sad, too funny.

    Here Goldman Sachs bought the presidency of the USA and installed their stooge Obama and we are to believe GS is vulnerable. HILARIOUS!

  17. The SEC going after GS is like robbing a bank of a million dollars, having the police track you to your home, and them demanding you return a dollar.

  18. I ask a friend what she thought about this and she immediately changed the subject to some Magnus girl singer.

  19. infowars com
    henrymakow com
    ohcanadamovie com
    gigisup net
    wake up
    bad debt was bought up by the federal reserve
    80 percent of ALL the bailouts went to pay out
    off shore foreign banks
    wake up
    the bailouts would have paid every single mortgage off IN AMERICA
    that would have HELPED the PEOPLE


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