
Friday, April 16, 2010

Is Civil Unrest Coming to America?

In February of 2009, Obama’s intelligence chief, Dennis Blair, the Director of National Intelligence, told the Senate Intelligence Committee that the economic crisis has become the greatest threat to U.S. national security:

I’d like to begin with the global economic crisis, because it already looms as the most serious one in decades, if not in centuries ... Economic crises increase the risk of regime-threatening instability if they are prolonged for a one- or two-year period... And instability can loosen the fragile hold that many developing countries have on law and order, which can spill out in dangerous ways into the international community.[21]

What this means, is that economic crises (“if they are prolonged for a one or two year period”) pose a major threat to the established powers – the governing and economic powers – in the form of social unrest and rebellion (“regime-threatening instability”). The colonial possessions – Africa, South America, and Asia – will experience the worst of the economic conditions, which “can loosen the fragile hold that many developing countries have.” This can then come back to the western nations and imperial powers themselves, as the riots and rebellion will spread home, but also as they may lose control of their colonial possessions – eliminating western elites from a position of power internationally, and acquiescence domestically: The rebellion and discontent in the ‘Third World’ “can spill out in dangerous ways into the international community.”

In the same month, the highest-ranking general in the United States, “Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ranks the financial crisis as a higher priority and greater risk to security than current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.” He explained, “It's a global crisis. And as that impacts security issues, or feeds greater instability, I think it will impact on our national security in ways that we quite haven't figured out yet.”[22] Rest assured, they’ve figured it out, but they don’t want to tell you.

Again, in the same month, the head of the World Trade Organization (WTO) warned that, “The global economic crisis could trigger political unrest equal to that seen during the 1930s.” He elaborated, “The crisis today is spreading even faster (than the Great Depression) and affects more countries at the same time.”[23]

In February of 2009, renowned economic historian and Harvard professor, Niall Ferguson, predicted a “prolonged financial hardship, even civil war, before the ‘Great Recession' ends,” and that, “The global crisis is far from over, [it] has only just begun, and Canada is no exception,” he said while at a speaking event in Canada. He explained, “Policy makers and forecasters who see a recovery next year are probably lying to boost public confidence,” while, “the crisis will eventually provoke political conflict.” He further explained:

There will be blood, in the sense that a crisis of this magnitude is bound to increase political as well as economic [conflict]. It is bound to destabilize some countries. It will cause civil wars to break out, that have been dormant. It will topple governments that were moderate and bring in governments that are extreme. These things are pretty predictable.[24]

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  1. Civil unrest? Good let's roll, It's time this lazy ass civilization got kicked in the guts. When half the population sits on it's ass in wait for a government check and raises holy hell if it's late it's time for some bloodshed.While we are shedding washington dc could use a major housecleaning also!

  2. It's going to be more of a powder keg going off than a revolt or civil unrest because the people have been kept suppressed for so long even on peaceful protests due to the gestapo crack downs, so when it erupts it will be an explosion of national unrest more than anything organized.

    The history of nations repeats and is consistent. The US is not immune to history.

    Those that make peaceful change impossible make violent change inevitable! - John F. Kennedy

  3. The Malthusian economic law of capitalist overpopulation creating economic crisis can be seen in actual operation by the at least 20% unemployed and underemployed and growing by ½ million a month in America today. It is a population law of nature and Capitalism revealed by the prophet Parson Malthus . There are clearly now too many Americans that can be profitably employed by capital. Often these population laws only become evident in economic crisis or depressions as history shows . Because of the operation of competition ,a natural economic law of the free trade system of capitalism, there are no longer sufficient profitable wealth creating productive industrial jobs available in America today .
    Capital and government has done all it can with humanitarian money printing to kindly help out, by extending free credit to the banks to the maximum of sustainable profitability limits . The economy can only stand so much of these unnecessary expenses.
    But,as can be seen this money printing has not solved the basic over population problem in America. Now there are already 40 millions on Food stamps .
    That only serve to keep the useless mouths consuming wealth and are an unbearable tax on productive capital . This free feeding only adds to the overpopulation problems making the problem worse. There are a limited range of other methods and options for solving overpopulation of this type in capitalist economics .
    All other methods correctly involve culling the excess population to levels where they may be profitably employed. The methods include reducing wages and incomes to below survival levels as is often used in the Third World . Other options include External imperialist national wars to destroy competing industries in other countries to create jobs and export markets ,this method was very successful in WW2.
    Or by the creation of internal Civil wars where different sectors of the population are encouraged by the owners of Capital to fight amongst themselves for the remaining still existing jobs for “ the survival of the fittest”. ’race” or nation.
    Success in culling the excess populations may or may not actually return American capital to profitability. But something must be done to prevent the threats of “civil unrest” by the pressures of this growing overpopulation of americans and to restore the system from crisis to profitability.
    The laws of nature and of Malthusian economics must be obeyed.

  4. "The laws of nature and of Malthusian economics must be obeyed." According to 10:44pm

    First - why don't you eat the first econ bullet to save the rest of us...

    Second 10:44 says
    "Capital and government has done all it can with humanitarian money printing to kindly help out, by extending free credit to the banks to the maximum of sustainable profitability limits. The economy can only stand so much of these unnecessary expenses."
    WOW... I hope I meet this person someday... with so much faith in the so-called capitalist system we have which is nothing capitalist about it. And the government reverence this person vomits out of his oxygen-deprived Malthusian economic theory. Maybe we should SIMPLY try Austrian economic theory?! Hum? without culling off the population... you think? Can you think outside the controlled box of your perceived reality?

    I say END the Fed (and fractional reserve system), announce an ALL DEBTS Forgiven, and abolish all Federal three-letter agencies (you fill in the blanks here ;o)) - So many options that revolve around curtailing the Federal government...and its extra-constitutionally seized power grabs. Let's here some real options, not this Malthusian gibberish. Next thing this person will say is how fantastic Neo-Liberalism worked in the last 30yrs.

  5. A population of comprised of 98% sheeple; neutered feminized males; simply don't revolt.

    Of those 98%, all have about four days of food and water. Game over.

    The wrath of the military will be turned inward toward the 1%-2% that make too much noise. You ignored the murder and occupation of 1.2 million Iraqis. You didn't have the balls to speak out for justice. Your disgusting apathy made you call 9/11 truthers 'nuts' and 'unpatriotic'. You ignored the slime taking over our government.

    You deserve the boot in the face now. Don't complain. Take it.

  6. You have been numbed by Flouride, sprayed by Chemtrails, poisoned by Aspartame/Sucratose, vaccined with Mercury and detergents. Mommy government has been 'caring' for you for a long time now. She knows you are weak and riped for total domination.

  7. I thought the neo -liberals were the rich first cousins of the Austrian economic theorists?
    Except the neo-liberals like government imperialist backing with guns and free trade wars for oil etc. .
    Privatise everything in sight !
    Get government out of business !
    And the finance sector.!
    And big Pharma would be even more free too!
    So a more perfect free trade capitalism would theoretically develop. Without government regulation!
    Is not that the system what we just had?
    The Austrian theorists appear to only differ in their religion by a promise of trying out a more perfect true reformed capitalism , in that money should not be fiat paper and its issuance should be taken out of the hand of government and put into the hands of private bankers. With only metal base money issued and loaned . The unregulated bankers would never dream of using gold backed fractional reserve banking again?
    The Austrians are a bit like Christians who deny practice and claim that ‘true Christianity” or a beautiful "theoretical" “ true capitalism” has never existed.
    A Muslim Koranic theory of metal backed money?
    But with Christian protestant interest and usury. Thank you very much!
    A jubilee year debt cancellation is a great idea but I did not know that was generally accepted Austrian Theory ?

  8. Many excellent opinions regarding economic theories, however, whether or not one economic school is better than another at this point in our history can be argued after we regain our country. The primary focus must remain on the diabolically controlled demolition on our economy and regaining some semblance of our constitutional framework. The framework our “forefathers” created is all but gone, held by a miniscule thread. Capitalism in any society is a risky venture and we now experience the ugliness that allows a few wealthy elitist to bribe and control through unlimited monies. When Capitalism works it’s great, when corrupted (we are witnessing) it becomes vile. No other country or society incorporates a “re-set” as our Constitution allows…Shall we se it? I say yes and use it now?

    Patrick Henry

  9. America possesses the remedy to its own cancer. That remedy is the US Constitution. The central banksters have coerced the Congress over the last 90 years into surrendering their powers, in particular the power of Congress to regulate the currency and to prosecute counterfeiters.
    The Federal Reserve, the private banking cartel, is most responsible for this economic crisis, and Americans must demand that this institution be dissolved, and the money regulation powers returned to the peoples representatives. Until this is accomplished, America will never recover its exported jobs, will be drowned in inflation and continual warfare.
    AMERICANS MUST NOT FIGHT AMERICANS! They must recognize the Enemy Domestic, the Banksters, and purge it from their country.
    Learn more about recognizing the face of the Enemy Domestic:

  10. Don't underestimate the sheeple...even they can make a big stink when under extreme duress, and there are many in the military that feel the same as many others who have had enough

  11. 12:40 Amen Brother

  12. There arn't enough people on the planet yet.
    Talmudic dispensationalism Sanhedric Crappalah law as dispensed by Moishe Anahanda Prudaparthi Lingam Sivham Nyong Vrigam Markowitz, Prophet of God requires 14 billion before the Oiled redemptor of mankind can appear.

    Get busy people.

  13. 5:53 - The men in white coats have been sent over to take you away to the insane asylum.

  14. Good morning boys and girls, civil unrest is right around the corner. I predict the physical will start prior to the Presidential election in 2012. March - August 2012 will be awful for many of us. So get your guns boys and girls.

  15. Anonymous at 1:25am said:
    "The wrath of the military will be turned inward toward the 1%-2% that make too much noise. You ignored the murder and occupation of 1.2 million Iraqis. You didn't have the balls to speak out for justice. Your disgusting apathy made you call 9/11 truthers 'nuts' and 'unpatriotic'. You ignored the slime taking over our government. "

    I agree with you that 97% of the population will do nothing because they are a bunch of castrated democrats. By definition a male who votes Democratic is a eunuch. Any man who sits around waiting for the government to protect and provide for his family is not a man. This is why protesters from the democratic party / unions have to attack women wearing Sarah Palin shirts. They don't have the balls to attack real men.

    Your theory falls apart when you do the math. Approximately 3% of the population actively fought the revolutionary war. I believe that that number holds today. (google Sipsey Street Irregulars for more information). If only 3% of the population were to fight against the government that would add up to and army of almost 10 million. Total federal and state military and police forces that could be thrown against that are less than 1.5 million (ASSUMING they follow their orders to attack their fellow citizens and family members). Any civil conflict in the U.S. would quickly become a guerrilla war and you know how successful we have been at fighting insurgencies...(hint: 100% unsuccessful)

    You have to remember that your average member of the armed services is not infantry or special forces. They are mechanics, computer programmers, cooks, pilots, etc. The truth is the U.S. military has a very small number of "Door-Kickers"...maybe only a few hundred thousand. Most of the Air force, navy and coast guard would sit out any conflict which reduces the numbers even more. What is the Air force going to do bomb an american city using b-2s or b-52s? No!! Will navy f-18s strafe American civilians? I can foresee the USMC sitting out any fight against the U.S. populace because they would remain loyal to their oaths no matter what orders Obama and the rest of his democratic nazis give them.

    Any civil uprising in the country would be ugly. The government would be wise to start toning down the rhetoric before they start a fight they can't win. The U.S. government is not omnipotent. The struggle is not nearly as difficult as most people believe when you crunch the numbers.

  16. I see a moneymaker...the dancing with stars civil unrest series.

  17. Civil unrest, Martial Law, no food and the gangs taking over when the police are at home protecting themselves. Fun times ahead for all. LOAD UP!!!!!

  18. Think of Los Angeles, the population is nearly 10 million and the police department has less than 10,000 "Door Kicking" cops. If given no choice, the citizens of Los Angeles could wipe out the police force in a matter of hours. The Door Kickers would have no choice but to surrender and submit.

    Generally speaking, we are a law abiding, civilized society. We are also a
    well armed society with billions of rounds of ammo available.

    Better have a look at the Michael Douglas, 1993 film "Falling Down". It will only take one person to set off all the rest of us.

  19. Look I love America but too many people are just blind or paralyzed...By the time they decide to act it's when they're getting fucked...I think many of us are on lists or may have a file on us in some NSA computer of "possible troublemakers."

    I know it sounds paranoid but brother after seeing things that I never thought would happen in my Father's America I do believe in a cabal of evil fuckers playing the puppets.

    NO WAY are all these mistakes just mistakes...The odds on every single government decision being not only counter-productive BUT also evil is huge...For a better phrase we live in a Matrix World...Where reality is what they say it is not what is.

    Peace through war...Profit by bankrupting a nation...Protecting a nation by making more enemies...Jobless recovery? WTF is that?

    Stay low...Watch who you talk to because your best friend/co-worker will tell on you if it means a lil more (food/water/$) for him...FACT.

  20. Yes, take away the sheeple's tv and they might? What, drink another beer?

    I see very little hope...


  21. Only in today's environment of word manipulation and spin would the next super depression be called a "Great Recession."

    There will be no 2012 election. Forget about it. It will be cancelled due to "Saftey Reasons" after a liberal posing as a Tea Partier kills innocent civilians, the Federal Government gets their excuse to crack down on the one political movement that can disrupt the Republicrat powers that be and status quo.

    Prediction: No presidential election in 2012.

  22. Then there are still the idiotic Democratic vs Republican comments here. So sad. Some people just cannot grasp that GOP vs DEMs is just a staged show. Means -ZIP-. We have an Oligarchy. Your input, your vote, your opinion means nothing. You are a slave.

  23. The good thing about these comments above was that the “I am 100% cleverer than you you dumbo” scumbag, clown, moron and other personal, party , and racial attacks were mostly avoided.
    Nobody ,or a political party has a monopoly on truth.
    Most comments have both a good and bad side even as negative examples of ideological driven
    Support for minority opinions and truth may start out with small and weak support, but as they gain support amongst people who act on them they can overcome and defeat the formerly strong dominant ideologies and entrenched corruption .
    If we support seeking truth from objective
    facts using reason and discussion and not from mere opinion and personal assertions of superior opinion and abuse , what is there to fear?

    A better world?

  24. Yup, many of the comments gave me some terrific laughs. So food stamps are for useless mouths? Just let 40 million men, women and children starve--that would serve them for being unemployed, right?

    I was hoping this left/right Dems/Repubs might stop long enough for some folks to notice some facts. Both parties are screwing us but it's the Repubs who are the worst. They have always been the party of big business. They mislead us with crap about death panels, birth certificates, activist judges (that's anybody who isn't conservative), and have been obstructing Congress.

    The Dems are just as bad or clueless or spineless. Obama is continuing many of Bush's policies and wars and that's why a lot of Dems are furious. If he were really a Socialist, we'd actually be better off.

    What makes the U.S. different from foreign protests is that most of us are armed. There hasn't been much violence but that will change if things get worse. I don't now how I feel about that; on one hand maybe violent protest will get their attention--on the other, it could turn the government fascist.

    I think I'm with those who want to hunker down and stock up.



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