
Thursday, April 15, 2010

When Silver Manipulation Has Been Proved: $90

As the CTFC begins to investigate claims by a whistle blower that the precious metals markets have been manipulated by several large US banks, investors are left to ponder: “What will happen to silver if manipulation is found?” Can you say, payday?

Silver’s Current Price
At just over $18 per ounce, silver is heavily underpriced considering both its historical prices, as well as the amount of inflation in the years since. Since 1913 and the creation of the third US central bank, the Federal Reserve, the price of silver has advanced at a small discount to the actual rate of inflation. The monetary base has grown from a few billion dollars to more than $1.6 trillion since 1913, all while silver has only increased by 3000%. Though 3000% has been enough to accurately track the change in prices, it has done little to keep up with real inflation, that is, changes in the money supply.

Silver Consumption
Another factor in the price of silver is how much the metal is actually consumed in processes such as manufacturing electronic devices, creating silver jewelry, or processing film.

In the last decade, silver has been readily consumed almost as quickly as it has been produced, with the largest driver of growth coming from the electronics sector. In the same computer you're using to read this article, there are several grams of silver, most of which will never be recovered due to the economic costs of removing precious metals from electronics. Some many years later, your computer will be thrown away, the silver will be hidden in a landfill, and it will never come back to the surface. For all intents and purposes, it will remain unrecoverable, never to be used again.

What Happens When Manipulation is Found?
More Here..


  1. The last link will not open; but I can only hope that Silver will go to 90 bucks ! I've been buying some every year for the past 30 years - some of this stuff I bought for a little over 3 bucks an ounce!

    Payday !


  3. From Harvey Organ who broke the gold and silver manipulation story at the recent CFTC hearings:

    "I am going to report on rumors. I emailed Adrian (Douglas) and he told me that this could be very explosive. I will not comment on it until I see all the details:

    The following rumor came my way this morning from the best of sources:

    A major Wall Street firm has defaulted to two of their clients on delivery of mini-silver contracts which were supposed to be delivered in JANUARY. Mini contracts! Stay tuned on this one. Will update you if I hear anything more.

    The odds are growing that The Gold Cartel is getting turned on (not in a physical way) by its own sycophants who are now buying gold and silver once they take the prices of each down on one of their raids. The Gold Cartel's former allies are laying in the weeds so to speak. So, instead of gaining traction with their former allies, they are losing traction with the same group … making their price manipulation extremely difficult."

  4. Is this anything like the Hunt brothers of texas and Silver back in the '70's ?

  5. Hallelujah Brother...I have been buying silver for the past 7 years, some as low as $7.00. Hoping this article is true....

    Meanwhile, the sheeple say "HUH?"

  6. If you bought it that cheap and it is now worth so much more; does that mean you'll sell it for dollars ?
    I have a little silver & always thought to myself - it'll always be worth a dollar ( Peace Dollars ) to someone !

  7. Wait until a 100 ounce bar can be bartered for a nice home, then 'sell.'

  8. Zeh Populazion vill be controllllled.
    It vill be reduzed az nezezarrry.

    It haz become nezessary.

    Zeh Populazion vill be controllllllled.

  9. I just LMAO I nearly shit my pants.

    Anyone who thinks all this poppy cock and Tom foolery will make a ONE IOTA of difference is a crack baby and will be sorely disappointed when the price of silver is $20 next year, if we are lucky.

    Things will have to get worse, MUCH WORSE before you see prices even half as high as people like Harvey "plays with his organ" Organ claims.

    I just love all this dramatization on this story of this so called manipulation,LOL. yeah it's probably true, but WTF is anyone gonna do about it?
    Gimme a break

  10. 822 please keep any money you have in fiat paper in a bank, or a bank safe deposit box, leave it there and let it grow grow grow, dont ever take it out, you may lose out on that big 1% interest payday

  11. $20 is a 10% return. 1% can lick my sack.

    Banks = proven liars and those who profit from death, murder and mayhem.

    Silver, here I come. Real money. Feels great.

  12. 1:57 will be licking the sacks of others when you discover your silver dollar is worth just that......a dollar, same as a paper dollar, nothing more or nothing less, so why spend $20 on a silver dollar when you can get a crisp new paper dollar for.......guess it is........A DOLLAR!


  13. Hey, 5:28... sure, resort to name calling when you are cornered by your own nonsense. Please continue trusting the dollar so that the rest of us can buy more silver. I hope all the readers here are stockpiling all the silver they can. I believe it will rocket upward, and soon.

  14. I have been converting my cash/stock/401K to PMs for the last 10 years at 20% of my holdings. In 2008 after investors were ripped off by Goldman Sachs/US Govt I began converting 50% + to PMs.

    Govt and big banks own every game but PMs so I always get this sense of relief and independence whenever I buy silver. I feel sorry for those who have never experienced this.

  15. 9:33 - agreed. Just make sure that 'conversion' isn't to a paper/ETF IRA and you are talking about physical ownership.

    5:28 is a banker stooge, no one could possibly be so ignorant to believe a real silver coin = a dollar. Funny though.

    Nothing is more overrated and soon to be worthless as a fiat toilet paper backed-by-nothing note.

  16. The sheeple's ignorance can really pay off. A couple month's ago I bought a bucket of pre-64 silver coins for $400. Its actually face value :). Actually worth closer to $3600. Grandpa saved them up.

    When you see people having garage sales or estate private sales and they are selling COINS, always check it out.

  17. class is now is sessionApril 16, 2010 at 5:38 PM

    9:33 says "Govt and big banks own every game but PMs "

    what a load of shit you have going their buddy,LOL
    I nearly broke another rib LMAO so hard after reading that one.

    School is in session....Did anyone see the price of pm's take a nosedive today?
    Of course the banks had nothing to do with that, now did they?

    Class dismissed bitches, you have been schooled yet again.....I can't even fathom how stupid some of the pupils that post here are.

  18. 12:58 is so full if sh1t that I can smell it from here. What a pantload trying to tell us this fairy tale story,LMAO!
    Thanks for the chuckle tho, chuckles!

  19. 2:38 said <> You call that control? A small dip? Yes they do influence the price, but that is their best shot. Heading to the coin shop this the dips!!!

  20. 5:24 must suffer from dementia, and forgets the fact that they can run it down much, much further and they will...there is no safety in anything monetary. Food, ammo and other items will have value like we have never seen, fiat and shiney coins of silver and gold won't mean jack shit.

  21. 6:30 - You say I am "forgetting a fact" -- what fact? You have no fact! If they could run it down further they would have by now. There is only so much money GS and JPM can make by short selling paper ETFs on precious metals. You know nothing about HOW the game works! GS and JPM don't hold enough physical PMs to control the market, they just use fake paper ETFs and that is being exposed> PMs are about to soar. Payday first for PM holders. Farther down the road you may be right about your "mad max" scenario that only food and ammo mean anything. You act like you know the timing of all this stuff.

    You should listen to reason and get information. Read ZeroHedge blog. Read Jim Sinclair, Eric Sprott...get informed...come to the light while you still have time.

  22. 5:28 If you want to sell your silver dollars let me know. I'll give you 2 dollars for them! You are truly the fool.

  23. 7:49 needs to put down the crack pipe, or take another hit. Don't kid yourself, they can run silver down to $1 or gold to $200 if they so desire. I don't doubt pm's are about to soar, soar they will indeed, but if they do it will be in another death spiral in order to shake out more fools like yourself into selling at a huge loss.

    See you all in the soup line comrades!

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