
Thursday, April 8, 2010

How Much Gold Reserves Really Exist In The Vaults?

How can US citizens know whether US gold reserves of 8,133.5 tonnes really exist in their vaults? The last audit of the U.S. gold reserves was supposed to have taken place in 2005, but according to KPMG LLP, they only audited the mint's fiscal year 2005 financial statements and they never saw any physical gold or even went to Fort Knox. The last real audit of the U.S. gold reserves took place in 1954, according to National Inflation Association, (NIA).
NIA said there are reports that Lenny Organ, the son of Harvey Organ (who recently testified at the CFTC gold and silver position limit hearings), was able to enter the vault of ScotiaMocatta (Canada's only bullion bank vault) and see that shockingly, it contained roughly 60,000 ounces of silver and gold that he estimated as being worth approximately $100 million.
Considering that the Royal Mint of Canada sold over $1 billion worth of gold in 2008 alone and many purchasers choose the convenience of vault storage and a paper certificate over physical delivery, the amount of gold stored in the vault appeared by Lenny to be exceptionally low.

In June of 2007, Morgan Stanley agreed to pay $4.4 million to settle a class-action lawsuit with brokerage clients who bought precious metals and paid storage fees, when in fact it was alleged that Morgan Stanley wasn't physically storing their gold and silver at all. NIA believes we may now have an epidemic of banks selling gold/silver they don't have. If this isn't exposed immediately, it could bring down the world's financial system.
In September it was announced that Hong Kong is moving all of its gold reserves from depositories in London to a new facility built under the Hong Kong airport. This was a clear sign that Asian countries no longer trust the western world to manage their gold for them. "In our opinion, a COMEX and LBMA default on gold and silver is inevitable as investors around the world wake up and realize that we have a fractional reserve gold and silver system, and begin to demand physical delivery of their precious metals."
More Here..


  1. My guess? 00.00 ounces of gold are in the US criminal govt vaults. The DC criminals and banker elite are most certainly NOT going to hold any gold for the slaves. The slaves are to use debt notes for their money.

    Besides, the sheeple wouldn't know a gold coin from a brass coin.

    What's on TV tonight?

  2. Supernatural is on..sort of like the invasion of economic doom, but of the "other world version".

  3. slaveworld comes on tonight at 8 cant wait to see what it will be like in the usa in 10 years, yipeee

  4. Who really cares?

  5. I see where people speak of revolution. News won't happen. First of all the military at the command of the president would smash any revolt with extreme prejudice. There would be blood in the streets alright but it would be coming from the civilians. The Senators and Congressman would not care about your liberties only getting themselves and their families into the already built shelters designed to maintain a form of government but unlike what our Founding Fathers envisioned.
    They'll be knocking at all the doors of anyone with a CHL then all those who have bought food stocks, ammo, gold and silver via the internet.
    We'll all walk to a FEMA Camp are just be shot in the front yard.
    Your nation is dead folks...

  6. Oh 3:19 - Your; Like; So --- yesterday .

  7. Yesterday
    all my troubles seemed so far away
    oh I beleive in

  8. The military does not like this administration.I do not believe they would go after the people.I also believe the people will still wake up. I see more of them everyday.

  9. This dude @ 3:19 is multi-delusional

    Exactly who does he think " the Military " are ?

    There are 149 people in my immediate/extended family. Small by some accounts. 7 are in the United States Military.

    They all have families here as in Wives, Brothers, Sisters, Mothers, Fathers. Now;
    just where do you think their loyalty lies ?

    people just spout of their dumd assed mouth to see themselves spew - no thought; no research; no effort.

    FEMA camp ! What a windbag !

  10. 5:41 They wont be aiming at their own folk, so it
    will be shoot the people or shoot their officers

    ...the most famous generals of WW2 killed the
    veterans of WW1 in Washington DC for just
    demanding of the fed. gov. what was rightfully
    due. Dont be so sure of what will happen.

  11. 5:41 - 4 of these Military personnel ARE THE OFFICERS ! Lt. Colonel and up. And My comment stands as a general statement.

    Your second paragraph is more than confusing.

    What "famous" General - killed what veteran of WW1 for what ? Are you talking Patton, Mac ??
    What was rightfully due ?

    Nobody knows what Will happen; I just happen to know a little more about human pyshic than most.

  12. First of all it's spelled 'psyche', second everyone seems to think they know the human mind.

    If you really want to know the human mind, become a Tibetan yogin and raise your body temperature to 118 degrees Farenheit in a cave full of ice.

    Third, your Officers are incapable of seeing the forest for the trees.

    It's not your fault that you're always wrong
    the weak ones exist to justify the strong


  13. 5:41 Yes Mac, Ike, Patton. The vets were
    instigated by USMC Ret Gen Smedley Butler
    into marching on DC for a bonus payment
    during dep in 1932. A 1924 issued 20 yr
    bonus bond to be paid in 1944. They were
    starving and thats what we did to them and
    their families that were with them. Patton
    led the cavalry charge. many had bayonet
    wounds. Pres Hoover ordered it and it was

  14. With the rise of capitalism and its success for SOME rich countries , western Christians have forgotten that the earlier version of Christianity were violently opposed to the economic system of Usury.
    Part of the struggle for the New World Order is to keep people under the thumb of the dollar Hegemony .Dollars are issued and sold by the U.S. as interest bearing credit. Usury paper.
    One of the greatest threat to the U.S. by the Muslim peoples and militant beleivers
    lies in their likelihood of their aim for destroying the Global Banking System which according to their faith is firmly rooted in “satanic” evil and “must” be replaced by an Islamic , or earlier Christian system .(Money changers and lenders in the Temple)
    That means for a start insanely using Gold as precious metal coinage.
    Is that a religious or an economic view?
    The Dollar hegemony fanatic religious usury militants are at war to protect their incomes from interest and dividends and the domination of thedollar in oil and cheap labour world trade.
    .[Note: Islamic banking refers to a system of banking or banking activity that is consistent with the principles of Islamic law (Sharia) and its practical application through the development of Islamic economics.
    Sharia prohibits the payment or acceptance of interest fees for the lending and accepting of money respectively, (Riba, usury) for specific terms, as well as investing in businesses that provide goods or services considered contrary to its principles (Haraam, forbidden).

  15. That bonus army true story is just one of the most disgraceful thing our Empire has ever done. All the false flags and lies included.

    I put nothing, no cruelty, no torture even of small children, into the impossible category.

  16. obama is going to get on tv tommorow and talk about jobs

    april fools
    buy gold

  17. Well, it really looks like the readers of this great site are waking up! Since I have been reading here, I have stocked up on REAL gold and silver, ammo, guns and food. I have NO faith in the losers and idiots leading us, so I implore all of you to stockpile for whatever is in our future.

  18. precious metals my foot, as worthless as tits on a bullApril 9, 2010 at 10:33 AM

    What the hell good is gold and sterling going to do ANYONE?

    "Yes, Mr Grocer I would like to buy some goods with my Franklin half dollar"

    Mr Grocer replies "What the fuck is that and who cares what it's made of"

    Patron leaves the store sad and disillusioned that he was scammed into buying some shiney coins in the first place.

  19. I must agree with 7:33 in the short run which can no one really knows what short is in an economic meltdown...A month?...6 months?...A year?

    BBBUUUTTT in a long run you need gold or silver...Because sooner or later new currency will be implemented...At that point everyone left will ask for collateral and that's where metals comes in as a standard.

    However for me and the average Joe Shmoe...It should be all about guns/food/ammo and semi-survival things...Not saying we're going Mad Max but some weird semi-poor Robo-Cop/BladeRunner world.

  20. When Saddam refused to sell oil with its value denominated in U.S.Fed Paper dollars , invasion soon followed looking for ‘weapons of mass destruction”. Saddam was very properly hung.
    Is gold and precious metal coinage of the type described the US constitution for legal tender
    in the hands of Muslims a terrorist weapon of mass destruction against American freedom and the dollar hegemony ?
    Are all the gold bugs and silver hawkers from the Mogambo Guru down secret agents of the Muslims out to destroy the Fed that has a monopoly licensed by congess as the officialy sanctioned sole beneficiaries of legal usury money created out of fresh air as debt?
    With a printing press for a paper monopoly backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government and people.
    It’s a good thing we have Patriot acts that can be used against these subversive anti- american Muslims and gold bug agents .

  21. NIA is ran by con artist.....this is real news but mention of NIA takes from this article. stop quoting NIA or this news will not be taken seriously by some.

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