
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hyperinflation: Inevitable

(Left: a gold chart since the year 1450)
According to John Williams at, in an article titled Hyperinflation Special Report, hyperinflation is not only possible, but inevitable due to the overspending of the federal government, and the printing press of the Federal Reserve, which as Congressman Ron Paul continuously reminds us, prints money out of thin air. Williams’ report is a truly terrifying read that insists that the coming hyperinflation could get so bad that we will have to resort to the barter system as the dollar will become nothing more than very rough toilet paper. He cautions that electronic banking will cease to work and for a time no one will have any money at all, not even inflated currency. You can certainly imagine the type of Hell on earth this will create for the American people.
There is one bright side, however. Since Williams foresees the beginnings of this hyperinflationary nightmare starting this year, the pain from it might be felt in time for the 2012 elections. Since the crash of 2008 and the recession of 2009–10, I cannot leave the house wearing a "Ron Paul ’08" shirt without someone coming up to me and saying that "we sure would have been better off if everyone had listened to him," or "I sure wish I had voted for him," etc. The current recession has validated Dr. Paul’s warnings, and thus given him credibility in the eyes of the American people that he lacked when he campaigned for the 2008 election. This sent his book End the Fed to top of the bestseller list. If hyperinflation does occur, the pain that the American people feel will hopefully be enough to awaken them fully to the follies of the establishment politicians and their "spend, spend, spend!" mentality.
Williams predicts this, though he does not mention any candidate by name. What he does say is that "[a] wide variety of possibilities would follow or coincide politically with a hyperinflationary great depression, but the political status quo likely would not continue.  Times would be financially painful enough to encourage the development of a third party that could move the Republicans or Democrats to third-party status in the 2012 presidential and congressional elections."

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  1. A financial catastrophe is a requisite to a war scenario.
    Witness the poverty imposed on germany after world war I leading up to world war II.

    As Mother Rothschild was quoted as having said 'no wars would occur unless my sons wanted them to' and she is very right.

    War is catalyzed by poverty.

    To not see the coming engineered wars is simply to be naive.

    We have reached almost 7 billion people on the planet. Those in power feel it is becoming urgent to cull the population levels.

  2. Mother Rothchild? Who the hell got a quote from her? Who would even care what she had to say in the first funny

  3. The deflation isn't over yet. Depressions are marked by a deflationary death spiral...then an infaltionary one to the magnitude of the down cycle. Kind of like a rubber band. in other words, we're screwed,

  4. Right now in Krygzstan volunteer citizen militias are defending their property from organized bands of looters going from neighborhood to neighborhood taking everything. Lets give up our guns. What do ya say?

    We are so f#cked. Fix bayonets.

  5. I've read about culling the population since the early 90's, an agenda of the Elite (Dr. John Coleman's book Committee of 300) Also club of Rome global 2000 report. The elite can't seem to "pull it off" (Club of Rome was founded in l968). Bio weapons have failed and are tested world wide. Inflation will hit most everyone with the necessities costing more. Power bills, gas and food, medicines, etc. Patriotic resistance movements will emerge, but will fail, like in countries previously (Russia, China, WW2 Germany, etc. Most Americans will be sheeple, just like 1930's Germany followed Hitler

  6. 7:24.

    All democracies throughout history have run their course. They are always followed by dictatorship. You my friend, understand history but underestimate the numbers of those that wont go quietly into the night.

  7. Sorry folks, but they underestimate the power of those of us in the USA, even the sheeple.
    You see, sheep are really stupid, but amazingly after you hit them over the head a few times they wisen up, and their heads are as hard a friggin rock, and they are stubborn.
    It's gonna get fugly, but we won't go down without a fight, IF we go down at all. They are running scared which is why everything is being run rampant with barry the fakester in office, he is nothing more than a muppet doing the muppeteers biding. I say let's get the SHTF over with already so we can start over new after hanging the crooks from a lampost for all to see...all is not lost. Even many of our military are "with" us even thought it's not discussed

  8. Get ready:

  9. The IMF and World Bank will come to America's rescue with their SDR-based global currency (who cares what they call it) which will be issued as the new world reserve currency. Those countries with any liquidity - China, India, as well as the Finanical Elite will purchase American assets, everything from national parks and interstate highways to whole suburban neighborhoods, for a fraction of the real values. Research Argentina, paying particular attention to Memen's rise and sellof of State Enterprises to the Global Finanical Elite. THE UNITED STATES IS FACING LIQUIDATION AS ITS CREDITORS COME TO CLAIM THE COLLATERAL - THE AMERICANS THEMSELVES: THEIR LABOR, THEIR HOMES, THEIR FREEDOM.

  10. lol 7:43 the people in the USA are already beaten. Look at their glazed over eyes and their attitudes towards anything real. The people might raise an eyebrow when things totally fall apart, but they won't look at the patriot movement(or whatever else) as the answer, no. They will look to those puppet masters and do what they say to do.

    We are in the midst of a controlled demolition. There will be controlled chaos out of which a controlled order will be established.

    When will people understand the battle for the USA has already been fought and we lost? The battle has been going on for decades will 99% of the people who were fighting were asleep for the entire battle.

    All we can do is prepare now and hope for the best but to know the worst is what we will get.

    There is no hope for America. There is, however, hope for the small pocket of those who are prepared...the 2% or so.

  11. @8:51 I would agree with this view; it's been said those that know what is going on and are preparing will come out much better than the others that are still sleeping, never to wake up and see what has happened. The 2% will remain quiet and won't riot as they don't want to bring attention to themselves, nevertheless some of the smarter ones will come out of this whole thing well off compared to those that were to busy watching Idol or Dancing with the Stars(sarcasm)

  12. Asia stocks firm and near a 22-month high ! I'm still making great money on the stock market and no crash in sight.

    I'm still waiting for your predicted crash. I predict it will never happen.

    Let us see who is correct. I'll be in touch.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. 10:49...enjoy your "money" while it is still worth something.

  15. to all the dumb butts not knowing about mom
    ROTHSCHILD, she had 5 sons, they became bankers in five countries and all but controlled the world at the time, war to them was a game!!!!

  16. Bonus points for anyone who knows the Rothchilds original family name. Again, why would the mother even be interviewed 300 years ago. That quote's made up.Nobody gave a damn what she had to say or who she was.

  17. 9:35 is running interferance. Obvious disinfo agent.

    Amschel. Rothschild's original name is Mayer Amschel, he made a pact with the devil , using the sorcery symbol now found on the flag of Israel (a pet project of the Rothschilds) as his symbol. His name means Red Shield, which is what he represented himself by, a coat and arms of a red shield on it.

    The present Rothchild family numbers in the hundreds. They stay low profile and they are the richest people on earth, having a personal fortune exceeding that of the Queen of England.

    They manage the wealth of the Vatican, making prudent investments to maximize the return on the Church's moneys. That would include prudent investments in Chinese slave labor sweatshops and Nigerian diamonds.

  18. 10:02

    The people that have seen what is coming long ago will not riot as they are smarter than that so you are very much correct. Only the "newcomers" will riot and thus they will be picked off easily and rather conveniently. Those of us who have seen and prepared accordingly won't be out and about, we will be hunkered down ready for whatever comes.

    The mind-controlled zealots will do as they always do - obey.

  19. Amschel. Rothschild's original name is Mayer Amschel,

    I hate that beer, and yet it's everywhere...Amschel Light. You can have it. Pabst Blue Ribbon, on the other hand, rocks!! or, if you haven't had the chance, try He'brew...the Chosen Beer.

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