Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hyperinflation Watch

“If the government tightens its own belt and stops printing (or otherwise creating) new money, then inflationary expectations will eventually be reversed, and prices will fall once more – thus relieving the money shortage by lowering prices. But if government follows its own inherent inclination to counterfeit and appeases the clamor by printing more money so as to allow the public’s cash balances to ‘catch up’ to prices, then the country is off to the races.  Money and prices will follow each other upward in an ever-accelerating spiral, until finally prices ‘run away’…[i.e., hyperinflate]” 
Weimar Germany took the second alternative.
The dollar has now reached its ‘Havenstein moment’.  Will policymakers follow the prudent advice of Murray Rothbard and ‘tighten its belt’?  Or like Herr Havenstein, will Mr. Bernanke continue to ‘print’? 
No need to ponder these two alternatives.  The Federal Reserve must ‘print’, for one reason.  Despite the noble goals assigned to it in textbooks and offered in Congressional hearings, the Federal Reserve exists for only one reason – to make sure the federal government gets all the dollars it wants to spend, which consequently has put the dollar on a hyperinflationary course.
Spending by the federal government is out of control, causing it to borrow record amounts.  The money to fund this growing mountain of debt must come from savings or ‘printing’, and the sad fact is that there is not enough accumulated savings in the known universe to satisfy the spending aspirations of Washington’s politicians.  So beyond what it can collect from taxpayers and extract from the world’s savings pool, the dollars the federal government is spending can only come from one place – the ‘printing press’, which in the prevailing monetary system means bookkeeping entries of the Federal Reserve. 
This process of creating new dollars ‘out of thin air’ creates the hyperinflation, which the ‘Havenstein moment’ indicates is near.  Sadly, like Weimar Germany, few people are prepared for this impending destruction of the dollar, but the remedy is simple – as much as practical, avoid the dollar.  Own physical gold and physical silver instead.
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 Fraud, Embezzlement and Corruption of the Political Process are the Only Profitable Businesses Left on Wall Street.
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  1. this time I crapped my pants LMAOApril 22, 2010 at 12:43 AM


    Again, here we have an article that rants and raves about hyperinflation, as many have for the last two years, and yet somehow it's never happened,LOL.

    Buy silver and gold? Why? So you can blow cash on something else? Silver and gold are fine for jewelry but that is it, why waste cash on coins and bars that can't be easily sold or bought? Just another scam to the uber elite can drive the price down to almost nothing and then tell you "we need all pm's turned in, for your own good of course"

    LOL, these articles are funny, and to think that guy the other day told us "GOLD TO THE STRATOSPHERE" haha.....well guess what? He said a few days, and the few days are here and gone, just as I predicted

  2. 943 you are in denial, you are a turd, when hyperinflation comes you will be the first one flushed!

  3. 9:43 - I feel genuinely sorry for you and your hyper-sensitive closed mind. You offer no other theory and yet can only mock. I pity your lack of self-worth and your opinion of others. Go in peace and find comfort in your ignorance.

    If you can only degrade the words of concern from others... just close your eyes and ears and let others find their own way...which is what we all can only do anyways.

    I would suggest that if you do not value Prec. Metals, than at least start a little garden to feed yourself and family(family is the only concern). This was the advice I was going to post until I read your comment.

    Si vis pacem, para bellum is a Latin adage translated as, "If you wish for peace, prepare for war" (usually interpreted as meaning peace through strength—a strong society being less likely to be attacked by enemies - foreign or domestic).
    Let's become a strong society again.

  4. Just another dumb hick posting about something he knows nothing about. Back to American Idol deadbeat

  5. why waste cash on coins and bars that can't be easily sold or bought?

    Strange statement. Gold and Silver coins can easily be purchased. And they are just as easily sold. The broker I use (yes, broker) buys and sells for me with ease. And no transactions are recorded.

    Also, walk into a coin shop ANYWHERE on the planet with a gold eagle, and you're walking out of that place with the local currency. It's REAL and UNIVERSAL MONEY, BEEYATCHES!!!

    I prefer mint bullion coins. Difficult to fake and purity is reliable.

  6. The Fed has flooded the USA with more currency since 2005 than in the ENTIRE HISTORY of this country. When the Fed decides it is time for its member banks to turn loose all these reserves it is game over - hyperinflation. It is coming in the next 3-4 years. Either you are ready or you are not.

    If you save $$s in a bank, IRA or whatever you will be cleaned out.

    Nothing that can't be easily seen coming by any reasonable person.

  7. There is no "if", hyperinflation will be coming very soon. And the dumbed down moronic tv addicted sheeple will never know what hit them.

    For those few of us living in reality, we have known this for years.

    Better prepare, time is short, and gold & silver are cheap.

  8. 943 - you along with all the other piss heads who are more intested in spiking your credit card collection and cooking the LEDs out of your TV will be living under a bridge are worse while I enjoy a nice Ribeye!

    You along with all the bankers and politicians inclusive of lawyers should be sterilized for the good of humanity.

    The ultimate solution is for the military to return this country to a Constitutional Republic. Find good honest men and women to run it and publicly terminate anyone who ever proposed the use of fiat money again.

  9. 9:43

    I agree with 10:48, you really need to go back to school. How is gold and silver NOT easily bought and sold? I have a 100oz bar of silver. I'd be happy to sell it to anyone who wants it at $40.00 and oz.

    I buy PM's. I'm constantly converting my fiat currency into real assets:

    - Firearms
    - Ammo
    - Non perishable foods
    - Excellent quality knives
    - Solar panels
    - Wind generators
    - Gel Cell batteries with a life expectancy of 10+ years
    - Tools

    You see once the economy collapses (and it will) your cash will have no value. You will want to go out and buy all of the above, (especially after the power grid goes down) and if you don't have PM's to offer, the seller will turn you away.

    I actually pity my brother. He likely has a 401K worth $100,000+ (he was an excellent saver all his life) and soon it will all just vanish.

  10. Food prices jumped 2.4% in March. Price of fuel, damaged crops and people stockpiling at record paces are just the beginning. As the value of the dollar collapses farm produce will go up. Also folks please do not forget that China and Russia will buy our grain. We will sell them all they want because they own us in loans/currency. When they buy the huge quantities expected your flour and Quarter pounder will go up. I stock pile food by canning and dehydrating and expand my garden because I cannot afford to pay super high prices for food.


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