
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Opportunity Of A Lifetime: 100's Lineup For Elevator Job

NEW YORK (1010 WINS/AP)  -- Hundreds of job seekers camped out over the weekend at a union office in Queens hoping to be first in line for jobs repairing elevators.
Some set up tents and barbecue grills along four blocks in the Long Island City neighborhood. They began showing up as early as 4 a.m. Friday for applications that will be handed out at 9:30 a.m. Monday.
The Local 3 elevator mechanics union will hand out 750 applications for 100 apprenticeships.
Apprentices with the union earn $14 to $16 an hour, and full-fledged elevator mechanics can make up to $40 an hour.
Alberto Cortes, a former security guard who has been unemployed for two years, called it "the opportunity of a lifetime."
Link Here..


  1. Pretty soon there will be stories revealing how happy people are to eat once a day!!

    Nation of fools represented by 'corrupt snake-tongued' whores and 'burn the country down for a profit' bankers.

  2. pretty soon it will be a dream of a lifetime to eat a meal

  3. Thats more like it.These are real jobs the corporate whoresters cant outsource to some chinese-India University Graduate.

  4. You'd have to live in a dumpster in NYC to live on $14-$16 hr for a 2-4 year apprenticeship.

  5. Alberto Cortes, a former security guard who has been unemployed for two years, called it "the opportunity of a lifetime."

    Wow. I'm going to think about that statement while I'm counting my gold coins... the only thing that will save your life... this time.

  6. I know teachers in LA that are brilliant and unemployed, they are moving to south korea to find work as teachers, this country is over.

  7. I know people with Masters degrees who are dumb... I don't where you know brilliant teachers(Bachelors) lol. LA you say?

    Oh well, as the New World slowly annihilates the Old all will be revealed and we will be able to make a true education system that helps people learn and become smart.

    There is a backdoor people, forget everything you ever knew in the world, soon it will be painful just thinking about it.

  8. Sounds like 4:45pm got his Faustian bargain all lined up.

    We all have our Faustian Bargains.

  9. also, u might be smart, but working for the govt is not smart. so one may be smart at the profession but dumb at picking an employer., also college doesnt mean squat no more.. the internet is here. level playing field. . its all relative. it ultimately boils down to survival of the fittest. eat or be eaten. i live in cali, but i will never live in LA. Another stupid choice one could make.. oh i go get a career in LA. The place with too many people, not enough road, too many illegals. not enough tax dollars. to many gangs and drugs.. and best of all. Just waiting for the big earthquake to strike... imagine 1/10 of 1% killed in la. its like 20,000 ppl

  10. The White settler American variation of a plundering Mongol Golden Horde including the Black Ethnoi That was recently incorporated in its unproductive labor aristocracy ranks , is returning to its tents,in order To Beg the Shamans of capital to be allowed to work in unproductive of physical wealth services industry jobs .
    They unite to blame Illegal labour for the lack of jobs not the "Supreme Being"
    “Remember the Alamo”and the days of past White settler glories when they first looted america and then the world can be heard from Arizona right across the land . As they cry out for the return of a successful plunder economy and the blessings of their god of Capital Usury “the Supreme Being”of the Horde ,whereby they could once live on credit for buying cheap labor Commodities from the Third World.
    But,all they have is debts in a bankrupt derivative paper based “ Enron Economy” of fraud now being looted for the benifit their own rich capitalist class saving their own skins.
    After The collapse of the international credit supply Tribute to the Dollar Hegenomy from other countries and the cost of its Mongol like endless Militarist Wars that against the third world for plunder that sent them bankrupt.

    But even if their own union leaders exclude the “illegal’s” from the jobs of the American
    Labor Aristocracy, as in this case, the queue of the overpopulation of beggars tents for jobs is long .They can only fight amongst themselves for the remaining jobs and pray to their Supreme Being god of plunder for mercy .

  11. 702
    your on the wrong website
    because you make no sense
    let me guess not a girlfriend and
    you like hanging with the boys
    try talking in english maybe youll get laid one day.
    people arent impressed they just laugh at you behind your back.

  12. Semi-off-topic...


    They're asking for it. They want it. They are gonna get it. But 'it' ain't what they really wanted.

  13. Finding a job is very hard to do. When I applied for a security job working midnights for only 10 positions there were 500 applicants. This shit is getting very disheartening. I need a job. I need a job real bad. Each day, each week and month that passes by gets me more and more depressed. But I won't lose hope. I won't lose hope. I will stay positive.






  15. Anonymous said...
    your on the wrong website
    because you make no sense
    let me guess not a girlfriend and
    you like hanging with the boys
    try talking in english maybe youll get laid one day.
    people arent impressed they just laugh at you behind your back.”

    You are 100% right criticising my comments in describing the U.S. as a bankrupt unproductive plundering Mongol type economy . Comments that indeed can make no sense to you at all.
    Only Guesses and sexual innuendo are valid. Because as we see your idea of criticism of anything you are incapable of understanding is psychological personal sexual attack and that economic analysis , or personality analysis for you are both derived from seeing the world ,people and social values only through the telescopic prism of the eye of your own american individualist dick.
    Coupled the strange belief ,or American Dream , that only you will get laid widely, because you claim the ability to talk fluent drivel in American / English .
    The fact that you criticise other opinions in this way reveals only your own sexual frustration and inadequacy . You are a true American economic Mongol and true product of the American idol educational system of your masters.
    Crawl back into your Mongol tent 100% American dumbo fleeced sheeple sex nut, or back to the sidewalk out front of your foreclosed trailer home and pray to capital for the “recovery” of capital ,jobs and your sex life .
    When Mongol type plunder Economies implode they leave very few visible evidence of their past existence and temoprary great power.

  16. wow... the comments area has blown up in the past few days... i like the communication, while harsh at times, its draws an interesting point about wealth and mindset....

    9:02, no job for so long.. how the hell do u feed urself u must be on the verge of death ur so hungry.

  17. or ur spewing bullshit... at the same time, its not the worst thing for the a generous portion of the poor people to die off. they dont make much money so they dont pay much back into the system. the turn to crime... who needs poor people. just get rid of large segment of the poor and lots of our issues are solved.

  18. 11.45
    You express very well the class ideology of capitalism and the need for its profitability at whatever cost to the poor people it creates and to the people whose needs it pretends to serve. But now declares superfluous to its own needs of profit.
    This is the law of population under capitalism
    as expressed by Malthus and now by 11.45 that was identified formally by Marx as the law of capitalist overpopulation.

    Considered from an ecological point of view, the amount of wealth and natural recources and waste consumed by americans at the expense of the worlds people s future , this may not be such a bad thing.
    I suggest 11.45 start the ball rolling in solving these issues of capitalist overpopulation by slitting his own throat by way of example instead of making genocidal propaganda against the overpopulation in America.

  19. 7:02 Wow, an angry PHD from Mexico City, Mexico.

  20. 8:54 No one has said anything more truthful on this website ever. Anyone knows that you do not get jobs unless you are applying for an executive position and using a firm for placement unless you are connected and have a great network. When Bass Pro opened up here I thought; "what a cool place to work part time." So I applied before they opened. When I found out the job started at 8.00 an hour for floor help. I said thanks, but no thanks. Now I would love to have a part time job there because they are constantly busy selling guns and ammo to scared people.

  21. 9:02 Walmart, Home Depot and Lowes will start you out at 10.00 per hour. At Home Depot you almost need to know someone to help you get hired. They will call the HR guy and tell them your name so they can pull you up on the computer after you have entered your info at the kiosk in the front of the store. You will not get an interview uless you try that. You have to know someone. Sucks, doesn't it.

  22. USliesToday:

    "The recovery is shaping up to be stronger than expected and there is little risk the economy will slip back into a recession, according to USA TODAY's quarterly survey of 46 leading economists."

    What a sad comedy.

    Yesterday a lead story said "Commercial Real Estate Boom" then the story was actually about how all the empty tenant spots were a great opportunity for someone looking to lease!!

    You have to love the corporate media. Hit after hit, the song and dance just keeps coming ...

  23. More USlies Today:

    "U.S. shifts Afghan mission to try and enrich lives"

    Yes, nothing like a banker killing spree for profit to enrich lives. All at the cost of billions upon billion of dollars and destroyed lives.

    But the sheeple actually believe this ridiculous crap because it is repeated over and over again.

  24. I just got a new job! After 21 years as a dentist, I now suck farts out of seat cushions at the local theatre. It pays $10/hr, plus anything I can find under the seats. Good enough for now.


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