
Sunday, April 25, 2010

U.S. Food Inflation Spiraling Out of Control

FORT LEE, N.J., April 22 /PRNewswire/ -- The National Inflation Association today issued the following food inflation alert to its members:
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) today released their Producer Price Index (PPI) report for March 2010 and the latest numbers are shocking. Food prices for the month rose by 2.4%, its sixth consecutive monthly increase and the largest jump in over 26 years. NIA believes that a major breakout in food inflation could be imminent, similar to what is currently being experienced in India.
Some of the startling food price increases on a year-over-year basis include, fresh and dry vegetables up 56.1%, fresh fruits and melons up 28.8%, eggs for fresh use up 33.6%, pork up 19.1%, beef and veal up 10.7% and dairy products up 9.7%. On October 30th, 2009, NIA predicted that inflation would appear next in food and agriculture, but we never anticipated that it would spiral so far out of control this quickly.
The PPI foreshadows price increases that will later occur in the retail sector. With U-6 unemployment rising last month to 16.9%, many retailers are currently reluctant to pass along rising prices to consumers, but they will soon be forced to do so if they want to avoid reporting huge losses to shareholders.
Food stamp usage in the U.S. has now increased for 14 consecutive months. There are now 39.4 million Americans on food stamps, up 22.4% from one year ago. The U.S. government is now paying out more to Americans in benefits than it collects in taxes. As food inflation continues to surge, our country will soon have no choice but to cut back on food stamps and other entitlement programs.
More Here..


  1. Stop entitlements completely. It is time to cull the herd. Prepare, produce, or die.

    The cremation business will be booming in 2011-2012. Young/old, all skinny, ribs showing. Obesity problem solved in no time at all.

  2. End all the occupations and killing in Iraq and Afghanistan. Can't afford to be Israel's billy club any longer. Kill Goldman Sachs. Displace all the banker politicians inc Barry. Only leave the Ron Paul types that are willing to follow the Constitution to the letter. Time to clean house.

  3. Don't bother with a Fed audit, just line up the bulldozers.

  4. This explains why the steak I ordered last night at the strip club was more costly than usual. Also, hardly anyone was tipping the poor dancers.

  5. NBA games take precedence over survival for the sheeple. The crowd is calling for defense.

  6. "When food becomes an issue, anger will mount rapidly." - Ancient Chinese Proverb

  7. "When people have nothing, they have nothing to lose, and they lose it" GC

  8. George 4title and now Vv (vision victory ) are a joke....and the NIA is.a joke as well

  9. the world is better off without us.. make sure u got a nice rope. i aint gettin buried skinny.

  10. I am fully prepared to eat fat people when helter skelter starts.

  11. 1:30 unfortunately you are correct. We suck.

  12. 12:28 please quote what Celente actually said instead of shooting from the hip

    "When people lose everything and they have nothing to lose, they lose it"

    There is a difference

  13. i just bought 2000 mre's last week. i got me 12 rifles, 6 handguns, 4 shot guns, and an assualt rifle. i got barrels of water. purification tabslets camping/survival gear to the nines. i sold my house 4 months AGO i now rent for $300/mo and i guard my 200,000$ worth of gold coins under my fridge. The govt aint never gonna get me. get ready the world is imploding.

  14. Maybe everyone should start thinking about Victory Gardens again...? A little fresh veggies garden would help in your diet and state of mind.

    Grow what you can, buy what you cannot.

    Form/organize a community effort. So many households have big suburban backyards/front yards. Condo complexes - why pay HOA to cut the grass - grow some! (not grass ;o) uh-mm vegetables.

  15. 2:23 I agree - and don't forget the aspirin for the headache from the stress. relax - be a cool calm cucumber... chill and observe with patience and preparedness. And don't forget about the heritage seeds for a garden...'cause ALL those MREs will give you one hell of a constipation issue - again reach for the medical kit for natural laxative OR eat some veggies and fruit ;o)

    Good Luck - I'm already there...just need to start my country retreat for farming.

    For everyone else - Boyscout motto - so you don't get eaten as sheeple!

  16. My food stamps go twice as far since I started eating dog food. I wonder what's on the menu at the White House tonight.

  17. Change you can believe in Yea babyApril 25, 2010 at 6:26 PM

    3.18 The answer is a new dish called "Plentiful".

  18. WTF do the 2 have to do with eachother. because ur unprepared obama should suffer after being chosen by the people

  19. 2:23

    Did you get any ammo with those guns? I could have 1 gun and 50 bullets and be better than having 50 guns and 10 bullets.

  20. Take this as good news - the GMO industrial model is failing, in part due to the early effects of Peak Oil, and today the signals are clear that suburbia needs to refactor the expansive grassy yards into pastures, orchards and gardens. Cuba did this, and so can the rest of the temperate world. Start farming!

  21. i now rent for $300/mo and i guard my 200,000$ worth of gold coins under my fridge.

    'iptrace', please show me the way. MWAHAHAHA

  22. I know there are some teens being childish on here, but they are still hard to ignore. Behave boys!

  23. We have seen food edge up and then go down a little for years. This time there is no going down. If it does it will only be slightly and only then it will be on loss leaders. There will be food, it will just be way too expensive for my budget. Most middle incomers will just stop driving there SUV's and will save a little on gas at first to cover their food and then the gas will go up and they will experience even higher food prices. We will stop buying anything extra because we want to feed ourselves. Upper middle incomers will hold out and continue buy out the mall and Walmart. Prices will be seriously up by December. The stock market will have crashed again by then and we will then see 2011 come in with empty plates. The poor will start to have less food as programs begin to cut the benefits deeper. By the end of March of 2011 the food riots will start. All hell breaks loose by June or July of 2011. You will need to protect your home from marauders. Don't think of bugging out, it will be too late. Marshall Law will be declared and there will be checkpoints. You will enter the checkpoint well armed and leave it with out a slingshot or a rock to through. 20 miles from the check point you will hit another roadblock, only this time you will be robbed, raped and murdered. Stay home and defend your self from your house. Buy plywood to cover the inside of your windows. It should be cut to size and stored in the garage and be ready to go up. You will need a wind up radio to stay connected because power will be out in some locations. It will be difficult to get it back up and could take weeks. Make sure you have at least 6 months of medicine in your home to get you through the collapse. All pharmacies will be looted within the fir 6 to 24 hours of collapse. Families with a diabetic in the house will be the first to loot closed up pharmacies. It will happen fast and all insulin will be gone in minutes. The unprepared will be next in, stealing water, food, drugs etc.

    Me I am going for the Whiskey.

  24. No food stamps===grocery store looting. If you know someone who works at a grocery store... PLEASE tell them that when the inner city stores get looted they will be next. The suburb stores will start with a panic of middle classers buying up everything that isn't nailed down and then the poor will invade like a swarm and then you need to tell your friend to go and get in their car and drive home as quick as they can. Cause all hell is going to break loose. From inner city to suburbs will only be about 4-6 hours difference. God Speed fellow preparers. Continue to try warn your friends and family as they make fun of you try to put back extra for them because they will expect your help because they know you have the food.

  25. Fish antibiotics are exactly as human. Go in and buy some... it is cheaper than buying from the pharmacy which you need a script for any way. It is clearly marked and the pimple faced boy won't even ask you any questions at the register. Just keep your mouth shut and buy them.

  26. When I first met you, didn't realize
    I can't forget you, for your suprize
    you introduced me, to my mind
    And left me wanting, you and your kind
    Oh yeah!

    I love you, Oh you know it

    My life was empty forever on a down
    Until you took me, showed me around
    My life is free now, my life is clear
    I love you FOOD STAMP, though you can't hear
    Oh yeah!

    Come on now, try it out

    Straight people don't know, what your about
    They put you down and shut you out
    you gave to me a new belief
    and soon the world will love you FOOD STAMP

    Oh yeah baby!

  27. Jeff in Southern CaliforniaApril 26, 2010 at 11:30 AM

    I just built a small hydroponic system. Total cost was about 25 bucks. I have six Snow Pea seedlings growing just fine.

    I bought a pressure cooker at Sam's Club for $22.00 and that will be what I use for canning my home grown veggies. I could also cook up a big batch of any kind of soup and can it into smaller servings for future consumption. It's not that hard my friends.

    There are several 40 acre plots in NW Nevada, for sale at $15,000 each. For those who don't know, 1 acre is about the size of a football field, including the in zones.

    Any body interested in a group purchase? It's a perfect location for a retreat. My neighbor says it's more suitable for ranching, than farming.

  28. Jeff in SoCal is smoking the hooch if he thinks one acre=a football field.......where did you go to school dude?

  29. 8:30 Pleas, no disrespect intended. I have 100 pea plants and will be able to put some back. With your 6 plants you will eat them raw every night after work and will not ever have enough to put back. Unless you are so proud that you do not eat any of them fresh and just wait to eat them after you have frozen or canned the one lb of snow peas.

  30. OK... better math on the way

    An acre is a measure of land area in Imperial units or U.S. customary units. It is equal to 43 560 square feet...

    A football plating field is 15,900 square feet, or 5,300 square yards.

    Two football fields is just a bit under 43,650 square feet.

    40 acres is 1/4 mile square.

    $15,000 / 43,650 equals $2.91 per square foot.

    Geez the economy is about to take a huge dump and I get razzed over my bad math...

  31. hey a football field is 300 feet by 150 feet which equals 45000 square feet one acre is 43578 square feet

  32. Jeff in Southern California jeffsfo@yahoo.comApril 26, 2010 at 8:21 PM


    No disrespect taken. It's called R&D.

    First, hydroponic gardening is expensive and I see no reason for it. It could easily exceed $2,000.00 for a 20 square foot indoor hydroponic garden. I am a poor boy, so I always find ways to redesign things on the cheap. Here's my big secret.

    - One 16" plastic tub from Lowes, less than five bucks

    - Six 2" planters designed for hydroponics, 20 cents each

    - One 225 GPM pond pump with one standard 360 degree sprinkler head. $22.00

    I had some hard plastic left over from a bathroom remodel, I used my expensive ass compass (for drawing large circles) to draw a 15.750 circle. I rough cut the circle with a jig saw and finished shaping it with a spindle sander. Next I took the plastic to my drill press and cut the 2" holes with a 2" circle saw cutter. The cups fit perfectly in the holes. I filled the cups with Perlite and added the seeds. The "cup holder" rested inside the tub, about 1" below the rim. I powered up the pump and it gently showers the bottom of the cups on a 24/7 basis and 4 days later, my seedlings arrived. The water in the tub was mixed with liquid plant food.

    I understand that 6 Snow Pea plants will not feed my family. I am so far very happy with the results. I can grow inside with Grow lights or outside in natural sun.

    I have a small solar array and a small wind system. I can generate my own electricity to power the lights and pumps.

    So assuming I had to move to a harsh desert climate, where land is cheap, I could build 100 of these hydroponic systems and grow all kinds of veggies. My home would be naturally cool, because all I have to do is dig down about 6-8 feet and construct a "basement" where the air temp would be in the low 60's year round. I could draw that cool air up to the surface.

    We don't have to be slaves to the "man". We can choose to leave civilization and enjoy a "kinder, gentler" lifestyle.

  33. You modern day wannabes kill me man

    The friggin' Apache lived off that land for thousands of years with nothing more than a
    bow and a few arrows which were piss poor by our standards

    Imagine that - and we are "educated'


  34. does this mean danceing with the stars wont be on.
    just eat less
    there will be many who trade for gold and silver

  35. we are being prepared for the bet its being manipulated. One guy who has a real handle is the guy from he knows his stuff and has been right on alot of stuff over the years, including the food inflation you are seeing and the market crash back in 2008

  36. If you have an acre with 43,560 sf and pay $15,000 for it it costs 34 cents a sf not 2.91

  37. comment 2.23 said "The govt aint never gonna get me."
    Sorry sir, I have news for you. When you bought your handguns you filled out a 4473 which the government has copies of. They know exactly who you are and where you live. Buying large quantities of gold stands out, and buying a whole pallet of MREs is another red flag. Most assuredly when TSHTF the government will go after people like you first to make an example.

  38. 'When you bought your handguns you filled out a 4473'

    Or maybe he got them off the record. It's not hard to do.


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