
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Aussie "Economist" Answers The Questions On European Bailouts And World Economy In 3 Minutes!

Great Interview that explains EVERYTHING in 3 Minutes A MUST SEE!

Excellent Presentation on Scribd on Australian Housing
This presentation was noted by a blog member today. Take particular note of slides 21-20 which compare the balance sheets of US and UK banks to that of one Australian bank, the Commonwealth.
How to Profit From the Coming Aussie Property Crash (and Banking Crisis)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Shaun in Milwaukee, WIMay 23, 2010 at 12:25 PM

    While I do not endorse the actions of those who run this world at present, I am still impressed with how skillfully they rigged the global fiat debt based currencies to all reach this point simultaneously. In my own research, I have found that the current plan is to devalue the dollar sometime this year by up to 50%, then crash it through hyperinflation next year through fighting what will one day be called WWIII. Look up the climate change summit meetings. The plan is to dissolve the global system in 2011, and institute the global governance (NWO) in 2012. Hold on to your seats, things will begin getting very interesting over the next 18 months. Good luck to all who see it coming.

  3. I never believed in NWO. Whenever I hear someone talks about NWO I call them conspiracy theorists until the European Union planning to impose tax on financial institutions. I thought only sovereign nations can collect tax. Apparently any financial institutions doing international transaction are subject to EU proposed tax. What will they come up next?
    Conspiracy theory becomes conspiracy fact. It is scary.

  4. Really, honestly EA, your site is, by far, the best regarding Depression II. If people who spend a week or so looking at your content are still skeptical, they seriously need to see a psychiatrists.

    Also, all current fiat currencies are done.

  5. 9:25 correct, however specifically the goal is to tie in all banking via The Bank of the World. The "NWO", a scary and generalized term that really means the Oligarch banking families bent on total domination, are all about control via MONEY. All their other systems of control, the media, military, religion, politics, etc are a far second.

    The Rothschild banking elite, the founders of Isis-Ra-El.

  6. "Obama's challenge is to convince a skeptical American public and Congress that the war is worth fighting and funding and to keep Afghanistan from becoming a political liability in a congressional election year."

    In other words, when you are ravaging a foreign country for oil, gas, and drugs in Empire expansion you don't worry about the lives and culture you are destroying. You worry about whether or not your PR campaign is in place and working. That the banker media can make Americans feel good about the mass murder they are financing. That is more important.

    Who cares that we are broke and busted. Whats a few hundred billion around the globe killing, raping, occupying? We can afford it.

  7. LOL that video from the Aussie was priceless! Where are we gonna get the money, he can't answer the answers if that question isn't answered! lol

  8. Shaun in Milwaukee: Ding, ding, ding. You win the prize. You're exactly right. What I like about your post is that you said you did your own RESEARCH. This is key. I have done mine too and have reached the same conclusions. One must be an independent thinker during these troubled times.

    10:20 - Ditto. EA's blog is the best and I have donated accordingly.


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