
Sunday, May 23, 2010

32 States Borrowed From The Federal Government To Pay For Unemployment Benefits has learned that 32 states have run out funds to make unemployment benefit payments and that the federal government has been supplying these states with funds so that they can make their  payments to the unemployed. In some cases, states have borrowed billions. As of May 20, the total balance outstanding by 32 states (and the Virgin Islands) is $37.8 billion.

The state of California has borrowed $6.9 billion. Michigan has borrowed $3.9 billion, Illinois $2.2 billion.

Below is the full list of the 32 states (and the Virgin Islands) that have borrowed from the federal government  to make unemployment payments, and the amounts that remain borrowed as of May 20 . (Numbers in red are billions)

Alabama      $ 283 million
Arkansas        330 million
California        6.9 billion
Colorado       253 million
Connecticut    498 million
Delaware         12 million
Florida           1.6 billion
Georgia         416 million
Idaho            202 million
Illinois            2.2 billion
Indiana           1.7 billion
Kansas           88 million
Kentucky     795 million
Maryland     133 million
Mass.          387 million
Michigan        3.9 billion
Minnesota    477 million
Missouri       722 million
Nevada        397 million
New Jersey   1.7 billion
New York     3.2 billion
N.C.              2.1 billion
Ohio             2.3 billion
Penn.            3.0 billion
R.I.              225 million
S.C.            886 million
S.D.              24 million
Tennessee     21 million
Texas           1.0 billion
Vermont        33 million
Virginia       346 million
Virgin Islands 13 million
Wisconsin     1.4 billion
Total $37.8 billion

More Here..


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  2. I just read a bunch of bull in our local paper in Alberta Canada.

    Apparently there is a "Burdensome" amount of wheat supply in the world and that wheat farmers are going to be paid $7 less per ton.

    The article also stated that the U.S. planted it's smallest wheat amount since 1913 and production will be constrained accordingly.

    This comes from the Canadian Wheat Board. It also stated that the U.S. is only going to grow year on year, and that demand will only partially offset this increase.

    I am not a farmer, and truely do not understand half of what the government talkes about, but with all the reseach I have done in the last year of being awake finally....TPTB are leaving no stone unturned.

  3. Just more fake money thrown at a problem. This will only inevitably cause a greater problem.

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  5. print money out of thin air. lucky to those people who are getting to spend it first. once those monies circulate into the system we will have high inflation if not hyperinflation.

  6. penna64 said...
    I just read a bunch of bull in our local paper in Alberta Canada.
    Apparently there is a "Burdensome" amount of wheat supply in the world and that wheat farmers are going to be paid $7 less per ton.The article also stated that the U.S. planted it's smallest wheat amount since 1913 and production will be constrained accordingly.
    This comes from the Canadian Wheat Board. It also stated that the U.S. is only going to grow year on year, and that demand will only partially offset this increase.
    I am not a farmer, and truely do not understand half of what the government talkes about, but with all the reseach I have done in the last year of being awake finally....TPTB are leaving no stone unturned. May 23, 2010 12:31 AM

    The problems of false numbers in agricultural produce such as Soya,wheat and corn crops as a result of commodity utures ,derivitive ,speculators acting with government connivance in cooking crop and reserves figures to cover for biofuel scams etc. ,in Casino capitalism is investigated at Market Skeptics.
    This website is worth looking at by all interested in food and rigging markets anpulation . Including these and other posts on that site . It may be of help you Penna64in your own investigations on the scams.
    These speculators have only greed and no morality or humanity. It is one thing to manipulate the share markets ,the oil and gold price The dollar etc in the GFC in Ponzi conomics justifying bailouts and “recovery” "profits" .
    But this is also occurring in food and grain markets worldwide from the US to India and China .
    Food security is a problem for all humans and famine is increasingly likely in much of the the Third world soon as these derivative bets and false grain markets unwind.

  7. Obviously, this cannot go on forever.

  8. That's right, lucky to those that get to spend da money first. The system should be thought of and analyzed in pieces of paper. This is of course the reason all problems are occuring - it has strictly to do with pieces of paper, nothing else. Unfortunately due to high inflaction this will prevent a lot of people from producing an army of minis, a truly tragic side effect. In turn, this decrease of army of minis will have the shocking and cataclysmal side effect, of letting the earth regenerate to its former glory and freeing up space for people to live in only the best/most pleasurable places, and freeing up resources - a truly scary scenerio. Something must be done about these horrifying turn of events.

  9. P.S. For Americans too .
    Food sells in a world market .
    Food stamps and dole money can only go so far.

    "U.S. Food Inflation Spiraling Out of Control

    FORT LEE, N.J., April 22 /PRNewswire/ -- The National Inflation Association today issued the following food inflation alert to its members:
    The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) today released their Producer Price Index (PPI) report for March 2010 and the latest numbers are shocking. Food prices for the month rose by 2.4%, its sixth consecutive monthly increase and the largest jump in over 26 years. NIA believes that a major breakout in food inflation could be imminent, similar to what is currently being experienced in India.
    Some of the startling food price increases on a year-over-year basis include, fresh and dry vegetables up 56.1%, fresh fruits and melons up 28.8%, eggs for fresh use up 33.6%, pork up 19.1%, beef and veal up 10.7% and dairy products up 9.7%. On October 30th, 2009, NIA predicted that inflation would appear next in food and agriculture, but we never anticipated that it would spiral so far out of control this quickly.
    The PPI foreshadows price increases that will later occur in the retail sector. With U-6 unemployment rising last month to 16.9%, many retailers are currently reluctant to pass along rising prices to consumers, but they will soon be forced to do so if they want to avoid reporting huge losses to shareholders.
    Food stamp usage in the U.S. has now increased for 14 consecutive months. There are now 39.4 million Americans on food stamps, up 22.4% from one year ago. The U.S. government is now paying out more to Americans in benefits than it collects in taxes. As food inflation continues to surge, our country will soon have no choice but to cut back on food stamps and other entitlement programs."
    More at .

  10. ha ha on rt news
    they call the golf mess obmas katrina
    i was saying the first day on here that
    obama is the most useless person ever to become president
    bushs clintons
    are traitors to america have left us with world war3
    to fight because they lacked the moral integriety to say no to debt with china
    and sold out our technoligy and jobs
    we are so screwed
    i salute them as offical benedict arnolds
    they all deserve the noble peace prize
    like chamberlin in ww2
    they are truly to blame thanks

  11. 4:19 am is correct, this can't go on forever. EA, thanks for continuing to post these articles and stats.

  12. What do all of you have planned for the 2nd Passover tonight as the Angel of Death visits it wrath upon Wall Street starting at midnight?

    We will be painting out door frames with the blood of Golden Retrievers and eating Unleavened Tortillas and Bitter Peyote.

    When the carnage has cleared after many years of gnashing of teeth, my people will once again be reunited with this paradise that was once our own before the European degenerates stole and raped it.

  13. The only thing that is keeping Wall Street fat and happy in their casino is unemployment benefits to the unemployed, otherwise we would be in depressionary conditions of people looking for something to eat and a roof over their head and that would cause market confidence to collapse and with that lost confidence comes a run on the banks which will destroy the Stock Market to its core.

    Wall Street cannot survive without Main Street. That was true in 1939 and it will be true again. Wall Street better hope the unemployment benefits keep propping up Main Street or else you are going to hear that sucking sound in the Stock Market and ATMs all across the USA....

    --- Wooooosh!!!----

  14. The Tupacalypse is is upon us people of earth. What exactly is it you say? It's an apocalypse in which Tupac plays the prominent role, rapping and shooting guns. There's only one way out of this mess and that's to burst out into rap (busting out phat rhymes) to please lord Tupac.

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  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. So today I was sitting back, relaxing, when I started imagining scenarios.

    And I hit on the PERFECT shit for May 24th , check this out.

    So much oil comes out the well that the ocean floor collapses letting out volcanic amounts of oil and poison gas and the skies fill with black oil and poison gas in a gigantic extinction level event of epic proportions and all life for hundreds of miles,including myself, is killed and the entire southern united states and florida is just a oil soaked shitstorm to defy all comprehensible logic.

    And 1/3 of all mankind dies immediately.

    The skies all black.

    Poison gas to breathe.

    So long and thanks for all the fish!

  21. J.F.-Not to mention the millions of gassy farting cattle grazing in the fields hell bent on their terrorist campaign of runaway flatulance to defile the atmosphere with methane bombs. Gore, Suzuki, and the gang are scrambling around trying to find enough corks to plug their bungholes up-next will be chasing fireflies around to re-lite their extinguished flames-just no end to this save the earth stuff!

  22. The oil thing is not that big a deal, I mean, economically it is but as far as causing health problems and killing millions of people forget it.

    However, like the volcano it caused a massive problem to the financial situation which is already a fucking mess.

    I would expect another natural disaster to happen soon and this will be the Death of Alexander. From there everything will spin into a hasty collapse, but unlike Alexander's Empire it won't just extend from Greece to Mesopotamia - it will be the whole world.

    Mankind has been praying for justice for a long time now, why is everyone so upset that the money system is being wiped out?

  23. 102 because the money system they plan on replacing this one with, will be pure slavery, You are not too Bright.

  24. Naw -

    Is ghengis II empire of the cladestaghes that will eventually eclipse sorcery induced NWO

  25. The world is waking up and the elite bankers are crapping their pants. Their smoke and mirrors fear mongering campaign is coming to an end. The greatest chapter awaits though which is 2012, they better have something big up their sleeve.
    Remember y2k, dot com bust, 911, iraq war, Katrina, fake terror threats, stock market crash, bank takeovers, auto industry takeovers, bailouts, Iran, N. Korea, Russia, ETC. Its all B.S!

    Our constitutional rights are being taken away.
    Fema Camps I dont believe it, another scare tactic! I mean if they kill everyone off or put everyone in prison then who will do all the work? The people of the world have had it, time is definitely near. They deserve the same treatment that they have given.

  26. LOL they have to scramble to find money for unemployed Americans but there's no shortage of money for Israel or to murder brown people on the other side of the world. Nice priorities we got there.

  27. It isn't being wiped out. It is being reconstructed to centralize the banksters control via the Bank of the World. Ultimate power over every human on the planet.


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