
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Fears Growing Worldwide Of The Great Depression 2

Leading City experts have started raising the prospect of "Great Depression II" amid worries that the European economic crisis could trigger a deeper bout of chaos.
Markets on both sides of the Atlantic dipped to fresh lows as fears surrounding the fate of the euro project transmuted into worries about the wider global economic system.
Bill Gross of bond fund Pimco said that hedge funds were starting to liquidate their positions in a bid to preserve their capital a worrying "mini relapse" towards 2008 territory.
Andrew Roberts, head of European rates strategy at RBS (LSE:RBS.L - news) , said "Great Depression II" could now be approaching, adding: "It now has potential to speed toward its conclusion; a European $1trn package which does little and political panic tells you we are about to reach the end of the road.
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Whatever Germany Does, the Euro As We Know It.. Is Dead
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  1. I doubt the plunge protection team and all the rest of their tricks can stop the great depression from happening much longer. We will go negative GDP again in Q3 so maybe that will trigger the official declaration of the great depression sometime in early 2011.

  2. I hope the US still has the most powerful military when people actually expect us to pay all of our debt owed to them - it will come in handy then.

  3. We have been in a depression for the last year, it is going to get worse, the 24 of may will shine more light on it, Be Prepared, that is all you can do, also now is the time to cum on jesus

  4. 6:23 is the market going to tank big time again Monday ? The PPT may intervene again if that happens. Heard they msy downgrade Japan that would cause a run in some places probably.

  5. 641 It might drop alot, China is getting ready to devalue the yuan, when that happens our markets will get crushed. Keep hearing about some natural disaster to hit on the 24th, you hear anything about that?

  6. Fears of it being the second Great Depression?

    What fears? I hope and pray that it will be worse than 1000 Holocausts combined.

    I hope this world burns and mankind suffers.

  7. The 24th of May I rend somewhere here it had to do with the oil spill. I live in Miami so I take it, it has something to do with Florida. I also read that's the day the banksters end their "meeting". Just telling you guys what I've read on here lately.

  8. may 24 th is my birthday
    so wish me happy birthday
    oh yea the worlds going to end and its the age of aquaris
    and im going to shoot lightning bolts from my ass
    but really if you dont know we are screwed
    it didnt happen may 24
    it happened under
    bush clinton bush obama
    seling out america and destroying the city on the hill
    so may 24 to me doesnt mean sheet
    no if cable goes out and i miss idol
    i wont be able to oberate

  9. May 24th
    The day we fell in love.
    The day that ruled forever
    when I took you in my arms
    and held you tight
    and kissed your kissable lips
    and tasted your dewwy breath

    May 24th
    The day I created Hell and
    destined you for it

    May 24th
    We seem to have a conflict here.
    This is my weblog so get out.

    May 24th
    Listen asshole I'm the devil
    and I can obfuscate your idiot
    blog with a little cold hard
    reality whenever I want

    May 24th

  10. HERE IS what is going to go on May 24th, it will be the time we can put this idiot behind us, I can't wait for May 25 so that jerk will go away. Sick-o go get therapy and psycho meds. I feel sorry for you ,,, so sorry. Get help!

  11. LOUD CEILING INTERCOMMay 22, 2010 at 11:25 PM





  12. I think the guy in psycho ward no. 8:30 just broke his restraints. lol

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Your Future may be President General
    Pets- are -us .
    He is full qualified and certified for Commander in Chief by the Elite and lobby.
    Experienced at putting resistants and militants in their place. a hero of the NWO
    That Obama Fraud will have passed his use by date for the elite soon.
    Perhaps a Pets- are- us momination movement will begin on the 24Th?

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. May 24th...into the maw...

  17. How about we just accept that we are soon to enter GDII. Germany can't help Greece. DId you read the entire story? Looks like Greece and Portugal might just get tossed under the bus. That will only postpone what can't be ignored, GDII is NOT gonna go away.

    Since we already know that the sheeple have no additional food than what is in their pantry's and that won't last more than week, that's about all the time we'll have before things get ugly. Take time to read the on line novel "The Day The Dollar Died". In this story, the truck divers refused to drive with no prospect of being paid. Truckers like my brother have to fuel his rig on his dime. I'm also sure he would also want to be home to protect his wife and property and not on the road, delivering bathroom tissue to YOU.

    GDII will not go away.

    Start buying non-perishable foods in bulk.

    Save every container you can. Plastic milk and juice bottles should be filled with tap water and sealed and then put in a dark place or in a black trash bag. I had a few bottles that eventually turned green from algy, because the bottles were on the floor, near a window. Buy tea bags and dry lemonade and Kool Aid for the kids and Tang and instant coffee. Buy at least 25 pounds of salt. You can't live without it.

    Buy a hand crank radio and flashlight or a combo. Those green chemical lights can be found at dollar stores. You'll need them!

    May 24 is Monday. It may pass uneventful or it may be the beginning of the end. There is not a single person I know that is not having a hard time, employed or not. Every day, I am hit up for help, even though I've been out of work for 2 years. Nearly every freeway on ramp or exit has someone with a sign in hand and they no longer look "homeless".

    Charities have no "charity" left. Donations are way down.

    It will bother me not if I read about members of Congress found murdered or kidnapped. Barry has SAM's on his roof. Better not leave home dumb ass! Same goes for CEO's of careless companies.

    Most will survive GDII, many will die by their own hand or those of others. Please don't think lightly of this.

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  19. Off-topic, but worth watching. Stick with it, but language alert.

    BP Fails Booming School!


  20. BrianWilliamDotyIIIMay 23, 2010 at 1:47 AM

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  23. BrianWilliamDotyIIIMay 23, 2010 at 2:24 AM

    papi don't delete me

  24. Still waiting on my $100,000 payment for winning the bet the U.S markets will rise. I want to make another bet. Nothing will happen on the 24th May and markets will continues to rise.

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  27. 417 your johnson will not rise as the stock market is getting ready to crash, I hope you have all your money in it and in banks, one can only hope

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  29. what is suppost to happen this may 24?

  30. Boss !

    Look ! Ze Plane Ze Plane !

    The sky is falling; the sky is falling !

    Oh no ! Mr. Bill !

    Danger Will Robinson - DANGER !

    Well; We had better circle the wagons Pilgrim !

    What we've got here is :
    failure to communicate.
    Some men - you just can't reach - which is why you get what we had here, which is the way he wants it -----------------------------------

    Well; he get's it !

    Now, I don;t like this anymore than you do

    What a crock of sheep dip

  31. I think something major has already happened. Look towards the BP oil leak. These coast lines will be evacuated soon because of health reasons. Thats just the beginning.

  32. On one side of the international dateline it is already the 24th.
    The sun came up as the world revolves!

    Jesus, Tupac, or other Messiahs riding on silver and gold chariots or even a Jehovahs Witness rally on a mountain top for doomsday have not been sighted YET.

    There is no call being heard for New millennium or even a Jubilee year to solve the debt problems for humanity or an attack on the system that creates money out of fresh air that is then lent multiple times by fractional reserve banksters .
    So the he satanic Banksters are still safe from the wrath of The Lord after all .
    All is still the same as yesterday in the best of all possible worlds so far this May the 24Th . The rich world country people have not yet joined the third world people in capitalist created poverty.
    The collapse into worldwide depression is still on track tho .
    Benjamin the real world Messiah of the God of Usury is still printing and issuing debt papers ($) for the usury kings and socialising losses for the rich .
    Americans are still wildly praying to Ben to save them Chanting their usual Hosannas to the god of Usury .
    “Print and give us More dollars please God’ “Militarism is king and god bless the American Dollar Hegemony Empire.” “Cheap Oil’ “Support our Boys”. “Business as Usual” “Yes we Can” and the like .
    But, Hopefully when that real world inflationary monetary crisis caused by overproduction and over investment of fiat paper to create unpayable debt levels and the resulting overproduction of commodity things that cannot be any longer sold at a profit occurs , people will then get a better understanding of the source of human labor created value .
    That value that is actually being exchanged as things everyday between people in order to live their lives. And hopefully the understanding of need to change the private property based Fetish forms of value used in exchange and for Usury debt enslavement of humanity. Like fiat money paper and precious metals currencies used to mediate the exchange of wealth in the form of commodity THINGS may become better understood and fetishes discarded because there is no other way forward for humanity except in a further descent into barbarism.
    Waiting for a Messiah or saving silver will not change that system ,that can only be done by active organised people, not by imaginary external forces or wishes .
    The sun has yet to rise in america This 24th so still hold your breath in prayers Americans!
    Who knows what the new day will bring.

  33. The 24th is when Rothschild's private bank meeting ends. Don't think anything spectacular will happen. The bankers are out for blood wow big suprise.


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