
Sunday, May 30, 2010

BP Collects Billions in U.S. Government Contracts

Daniel Gross of Slate poses the question: How do we punish BP?
The options he suggests - boycotting BP products, charging for the cleanup, even nationalizing the company - are less than satisfying.
Here’s another possibility: How about barring BP from the federal trough?
According to, BP has received more than $9 billion in defense contracts since 2000. Contracts with Veterans Affairs, Transportation, Commerce and other federal agencies total additional millions.
Pro Publica reports that the Environmental Protection Agency is considering a ban on BP getting government contracts:
Over the past 10 years, BP has paid tens of millions of dollars in fines and been implicated in four separate instances of criminal misconduct that could have prompted this far more serious action. Until now, the company’s executives and their lawyers have fended off such a penalty by promising that BP would change its ways. That strategy may no longer work.
The EPA issued a statement saying it could issue a ban after reviewing “the frequency and pattern of the incidents, corporate attitude both before and after the incidents, changes in policies, procedures, and practices.”
A total ban would not only cancel company contracts, but would prevent BP from drilling on federal land, including offshore sites.
The EPA had already been in talks with BP before the spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Agency officials confirmed to Pro Publica that the talks were suspended after the Gulf disaster..


  1. BP eXECUTIVES should have to sit in a room with Pelosi and Boxer for 24 hours.. YES MAMM

  2. we are so screwed
    atleast they could send us vaseline

  3. TOP KILL, take all top BP execs and stuff them down the pipe, OH that didnt work because they are too slimy to work as a plug.

    BP=Butt Princess.

    What the dudes in prison will call the BP execs if justice is ever done and they goo away like they should.

  4. It is all about profit and eliminating liability. Nothing else. Our banker-owned Congress already made sure BP is covered in the liability dept. Now is time for BP, Haliburton other slimy corps to take in 100s of billions in profits. All paid eventually by sheeple tax dollars.

  5. You cannot punish BP while your economy is dependent on petroleum products. If you do so, it will merely be reflected in the price thereof.

    If you, however, switch to an electric car, say by converting your existing gasoline-powered unit to this mode, you can make both a statement and difference.

    Most people drive less than 40 miles a day. A good electric conversion will easily get this on a single charge. The price of an electric mile is 3 cents versus 15 cents for a gasoline counterpart. Electric motors have one moving part. Gasoline motors have loads more and are designed to self-destruct over time. (I do not own nor run this website)

  6. Addendum to 9:41 post.

    If Britain switched its national fleet of cars and light trucks, 30 million units in all, it would only require to generate an additional 20% of electricity.

    There is enough sun light in Britain to do this will solar panels.

    In America, you merely need 2,000 square miles of wall-to-wall solar panels to recharge the batteries in 200 million vehicles that get 50 miles on a single full charge.

    That's how you PUNISH BP.

  7. since bp is heavily invested in solar, this would not be punishment, but another windfall for them, Idiot

  8. Well really took my R to a special place of mine. Probably the first place I went to where I realized that everything was going to be alright no matter what happens. Sometimes even when your enemies are shooting for your downfall, G-d will just outbless all of the hatred they are hoping to hit you with. What if G-d helps you duck them? What if their trap will eventually encircle them and swallow them up into the abyss of darkness? You see I subcribe to the fact that you can visualize your enemy being defeated. They must be defeated or you will die. It may be a slow death but it is death just the same. Its like eating things that are bad for you, it is slow, certain, death. Now some may argue we are all dieing, but what are we dying from? It is not “Old Age” but is instead your IGNORANCE. You see I can make a point and if your not smart enough to get it then you Die, it is that simple. You can claim ignorance but you are only claiming death and stupidy.
    Now that brings me to the point of ‘Why did I take good ole R there’? Well it is something that needs to be done even after the circumstances have happened. We have all lost something in this war against the Human Spirit. You see they bet that you cant survive it. They say you will not be strong enough to make it and you will all die off, and some of you are dying off. But dying off is your fault because G-d said “I did not give you a spirit of FEAR” and he was right he gave you a spirit of Conquering.

  9. If the sheeple weren't so restricted in their thinking they would research free energy, the inventions of Nicola Tesla (that we strongarmed and hidden away by none other than JP Morgan, founder of the Fed) and realized that our dependence on oil is just by Oligarch design.

    Free your mind a bit. Do people really believe that the same gas that pushed a car down a road 90 years ago is really required today? Well, the short answer is, no.

    Same is true for battery tech for electric cars. JP and his heirs kept that under wraps also.

    You name it, they suppressed it.

    Our problem isn't oil dependence, it is the elite hoarding alternate technology for their own means.

    Watch Zeitgeist Addendum online, wake up.

  10. Just about every perceived problem in the world can be traced back to our owners. Welcome to the Matrix my friends.

    Once sheeple are exposed to the truth, their decision to ridicule it manifests so quickly, one could mistakenly think that sheeple are actually robots that were programmed to do so.

    If sheeple really want to point the finger at someone who does not engage in serious critical thinking, they should go to the nearest mirror and point at themselves (rather than trying to point the finger at the truth messenger).

    "There is far more to this world than taught in our schools, shown in the media, or proclaimed by the church and state. Most of mankind lives in a hypnotic trance, taking to be reality what is instead a twisted simulacrum of reality, a collective dream in which values are inverted, lies are taken as truth, and tyranny is accepted as security. They enjoy their ignorance and cling tightly to the misery that gives them identity" - Thomas Cox

  11. 10.06- I haven`t got the slightest idea what the hell you`re talking about....what is R and what is G-d, for`s like going to the zoo and watching chimpanzees throwing poop at each other-you know there`s gotta be a reason for it and there must be a message attached to it-but you just can`t put your finger on it.....?

  12. 1053 he is a shill, trying to change the subject, so people dont have a meaningful conversation, that is what govt shills do, change the subject to throw you off

  13. What the hell? What the hell 10:55?

    10:53 had a good point.

    10:06 types like he's a college student (based on today's standards). Incoherent ramble and has no clue how to express a point through writing or any other mature manner unless he is shouting vulgar words at someone with his own mouth. And of course has the ADHD youthful ignorance which doesn't seem to process any substance of reality since his neurological chemistry has become altered electromagnetically because he's made way too many text messages on his cell phone for the past 4 years.

    10:55 why would that mean 10:53 is a government shill? Government agents do indeed exist on political/economic forums or blogs that reveal hidden truths so they can make people confused and try to create apathy in them. But these people will sound more like this, "You guys are crazy, this economy is getting better and better everyday." They'll blurt out things that are totally capricious to the common consensus and actuality of the global situation rather than make fun of someone that sounds like an idiot.

    If someone sounds like a moron and types like 10:06 does, do we need to have Free Speech banned there too to prevent people from making fun of him? We could demand a law, maybe call it, hmmm, Bully Neutrality?

  14. 1126 shilling for the govt, trying to regulate everyone because you dont agree with what they are saying, sounds like you are the idiot. I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it, 1126 are you sure you are not cass sunstein?

  15. ok so if the shills around here see and independant thought then thier only tactic is to attack it, sometimes satan isnt so conceiled as we are brainwashed to believe. At the end of the day a naysayer will always find something to complain about,"since they dont understand".

  16. "Anonymous said...

    1020 you are a moron, a big one, who do you think sells the most solar panels, read one sometime, numbnuts, Its BP, man you are stupid

    May 30, 2010 10:25 PM"

    0 cents a mile energy cost (solar panels) or 3 cents a mile (no solar panels - electric utility) versus 15 cents a mile for gas. Multiply that by 10,000 miles per year for 10 or more years.

    I leave it to readers to determine what is cheaper and far more detrimental to BP's balance sheet.

    Folks, there are no oil changes, oil filters, air filters, coolant, and a host of spare part changes, like spark plugs, rusted muffler, rusted tail pipe, etc. in an electric vehicle. You can also use inexpensive lead acid batteries instead of lithium.

    There are no excuses. Internal combustion vehicles are GIANT rip-offs compared to electric counterparts. Big Oil knows this and doesn't exactly want you to find out for yourselves. Gee, I wonder why???

  17. Who do you think makes these solar panels and what are they made from.
    In 70% of the lower 48 you best have a backup plan or you'll never make it to work ( if you have a job ) because the sun is nowhere to be found.

    If you aquire your own system and have a paltry
    12 grand laying around you can charge your battery pack in about 14 hours ( boy hope the sun stays out ) If your a peon like me and can't afford that, you'll have to settle for a system that really slow charges.

    Ever drive an electric car that is running low on charge? Oh, it's great fun - nothing else works quite right on the vehicle you know - brakes etc.

    No, The immediate answer until a real 100% renewable resource can be found is natural gas.
    Nobody talks about it much and I cannot figure out why. It's super clean, cheap, very abundant and is easily adaptable to just about anything we have including internal combustion engines of all types including diesel and instead of getting 50 miles - you get 300 just like gas with all the power too boot

  18. 5:47,

    Again, you are a shill.

    People are already making solar recharging a reality. It's very doable and far more efficient than you indicate.


    Henry Ford's wife drove exclusively an electric-powered vehicle over a gasoline counterpart. She had every opportunity to go gasoline. She didn't? Why? Because electric is worse??? It still runs, btw, same original motor too!

    A properly designed, equipped and operated electric vehicle will not give you the problems this shill states.

    It's only a matter of time. Electric vehicles will displace gasoline counterparts for good. Besides, the cat is already out of the bag with Nissan's upcoming 100% electric Leaf. Also, you can add a second battery pack to Toyota's Prius hybrid with plug-in cord. This effectively gives you an all-electric vehicle for city driving.

    Oh did I tell the shill to PISS OFF ALREADY? (The facts and figures are squarely not on your side.)

  19. Even if it was free to charge an electric car, there are still numerous practicality issues. While they might be a fun toy for short, local toodling around, in the real world of serious commuting, especially in North America, not so much. How far do you think your electric car will take you with ALL electrical accessories operating? Heater on, windshield wipers on, defroster fan on, rear window defogger on, lights on. That's often the reality of winter driving. Not to mention decreased battery capacity in cold temperatures. A one hour commute time each way(or longer) is very common, with most accessories ON (in winter). You wouldn't make it to work, or get back home, in your electric car. Quoting distance per charge under ideal conditions (which is what proponents of these things do) is of little use in the real world. Oh, and you can pretty much forget about such luxury items such as air conditioning. Turn that on and you might not make it around the block (unless you had one huge, impractical battery array). Electric cars, much like wind turbines, make for nice green advertising, but in real life aren't really practical most of the time. It seems that some people, especially in Europe, are totally brainwashed with this wind and solar power nonsense. It hasn't worked there and sure as hell won't work well in North America. Solar panels don't work well with little sun or under 3 feet of snow, while wind turbines sit idle when you need power the most.

  20. Like I said

    Try Natural Gas

  21. Yes, natural gas is good. Myself, I'm really more interested in technology such as hydrogen fuel cells to power future automobiles, although we may have to wait a bit before this becomes truly practical. But eventually, it will.

  22. yeah how is that mavricky mclame workin out for you losers or how about that drill baby drill how is that workin out fer ya?


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