
Monday, May 31, 2010

Massive Death & Destruction From Oil Gusher Coming! (Video)


  1. Excellent video. The Oligarch bankers love their world play. Spill, green shoots, you name it. Unfortunately word play really does work when you are dealing with whole societies under mind control manipulation. It is highly successful. The American sheeple are proof of that fact.

    Call it 'fighting for your freedom' while you are actually just invading, robbing, and killing. That sort of thing.

    It is no accident that the criminals at BP are calling it a leak. They will be calling their non-efforts to stop it heroic and other nonsense soon.

  2. bp parasites should be hung for this

  3. If you live anywhere near the gulf get the hell out of there. Sell your home, business, everything and go. The government and corporations are not really interested in helping you in any way.

  4. Adjust the leak counter at the right to about 3,100,000 a day vs the default 1,050,000 per day to get a more fair and accurate estimate.

  5. This disaster was sabotage, but nonetheless we are left with the horrific damage. So sad that we have to be at the mercy of these greedy careless corporations.

  6. This might end up being more profitable for the industrial complex than war. That might be a first for them.

  7. It will kill a lot of people too, so it will also help cull the herd. I am sure they are celebrating this one.

  8. You can't tell me that they couldn't have constructed a huge, heavy dome and spared no expense, used every ship and piece of machinery to get it out there and FIXED THIS.

    They don't want it fixed period.

  9. Heavy oil is not easily evaporated to form rain?
    But the MIllion gallons of dispersants used may make this possible, with smaller particles of the oil and dispersant mix easily carried by hurricanes ?
    If so, this may not only effect sea life humans but insects and crops of the whole region.

    By the way:The biggest deliberately criminal
    environmental mess events in the world have usualy been created by the US military .
    For example Agent Orange and millions of tons of bombing in Vietnam .Or the Big oil 'spill"in the middle eastern Gulf in the
    first US invasion war for oil .That was caused by US bombing of infrastucture and then there is the Depleted uranium madnss in Afghanistan and particularly Iraq .
    This is an environmental crime that will geneticaly effect Iqaq people for a "half life ' of how many tens of thousands of years?
    Could we call the US sanctions on Iraq that Jabba the Hut "Madame Albright" admitted led to the death of 500,000 Iraqi children an environmental effect? Or Just another effect of the US imperialist search for profits at any cost. The US System is a plague on humanity. Albright said about the dead children;"it was worth the cost"
    I feel sad for the American people about the oil blowout ,but sadder still about the innocentpoor third world people it may effect too. The economic system of US Imperialism is an environ-mental and anti-social anti-life plaque on Humanity.
    "The chickens are "coming home to roost" .
    Is It worth the cost America?

  10. While I'm not in a position to determine whether the Gulf oil incident is an accident or sabotage, it really doesn't matter anymore. If they can't or won't fix this thing, it will definitely be a disaster come the next few hurricanes. I mean, people are already experiencing "oily" rain due to those dispersants that are nothing more than a means to disguise the oil flow. Unfortunately, evaporation is causing them to go in the clouds, then condense back as rain. Imagine a hurricane!

  11. Really guys???

    This video was made by environmental whackos. The same kind that would praise Al Gore.

    This video and most of the comments attached to it here allows me to extrapolate the conjecture that most of you who comment on this site have credulous tendencies. Ironically you guys run around calling people "sheeple" who don't think every accident or mistake that occurs was done on purpose.

    Why on Earth would any sad earthling want this to happen to their business? If I had any kind of franchise, let me say I ran a liquor store, the last thing I would want is to lose my products!

    Imagine that one night I somehow knocked over 100 bottles of wine, I'd be swearing and throwing shit out of pure rage about that. I'd go home to my wife in a very bad mood. I just lost a lot of money.

    Most of you guys are lame. Sad Earthlings. Can anyone really show me someone who is convulsing because of this outside of media hearsay that comes from a far left fringe group who believe all the penguins are covered in oil and polar bears have no place left to stand?

    Critical thinking is not the strong point of sheeple... they'll believe anything if it fits their world view.

    Now this definitely is bad, economically more so than anything else. Will people get sick who are working within propinquity of this spill (which it was even if done on purpose)? Of course. If I sit in a room full of any kind of chemicals I would eventually. Will they die out like all of the supposed turtles and fish are? No of course not. People put tar into their lungs for years by directly sucking on it and can recover fully within a few months to a year once they stop, why would this be so bad?


  12. Sell and get out, if you're mortgaged, turn in the keys and tell them to foreclose. Even 20 miles inland..get out. People are stuck with worthless real estate but there is always some idiot that will buy it. The gulf is ruined and will be contaminated for decades. BP wants to siphon the oil, not cap it. Go to Mike Adams Health Truth Revealed for more info on BP's agenda. I wonder if 80 miles inland is safe (where I live) and will it effect my city.

  13. 559
    do you still live in your mommys basement
    and beleive in fairy tales

    you trust in these clowns
    enjoy your fema camp
    love your fuhrer

  14. Obama will say this caused the great depression that we will be entering when all the stimulus money runs out. His poor monetary policies and trusting the oil comany to over see safety was a mistake.

  15. Pray for Peace.

  16. Believer or non-believer, it makes one ponder about the John's prophecies regarding the seas and a 1/3 of them becoming bitter. Could this be it?

  17. Set the delusion aside please.

    I do agree that the Wall St criminals and our sock puppet want something to blame the economic implosion on, and this could be it.


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