Thursday, May 27, 2010

Census Workers Can Enter Your Apartment in Your Absence

Thousands of census workers, including many temporary employees, are fanning out across America to gather information on the citizenry.  This is a process that takes place not only every decade in order to complete the constitutionally-mandated census; but also as part of the continuing “American Community Survey” conducted by the Census Bureau on a regular basis year in and year out.
What many Americans don’t realize, is that census workers — from the head of the Bureau and the Secretary of Commerce (its parent agency) down to the lowliest and newest Census employee — are empowered under federal law to actually demand access to any apartment or any other type of home or room that is rented out, in order to count persons in the abode and for “the collection of statistics.”  If the landlord of such apartment or other  leased premises refuses to grant the government worker access to your living quarters, whether you are present or not, the landlord can be fined $500.00.
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APNewsBreak: New, Giant Sea Oil Plume Seen in Gulf
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  1. Remember the little puke in the movie "The Green Mile?" I think his name was Percy (not sure). He is the type that if he was a census worker would use that little option at every turn just to harass people. He would love it. So, it is the anal psychos that will end up getting someone killed using that option.

  2. It is is crazy that the idea is count everyone so my city can get more cash for their projects and needs. We are willing to torture a little bit to get every last person counted. Again, it is about money, greed and power. Personally, I would not want any of the citizens of my city to be tempted to use violence if they thought their privacy was being invaded. It is a horrible thought of someone actually dying because of the census. It has already happened here in the US... silly or deserved makes me no difference. Sometimes you should just walk away and save a life. Life is precious.

  3. I lifted these comments from this very link. I have to agree that it all sounds overstated and inaccurate:

    Keep up the good fight!

    May 26th, 2010
    7:24 am

    Bob you dont cite the law itself. I suspect however that your interpretation is overstated. The purpose is to allow census workers into “private” gated communities such as the one in Miami that denied access to all census workers. The intent and I suspect the wording does not provide entry into the actual rental units but rather into the rental or gated community.

    E Masters

    May 26th, 2010
    7:28 am

    This is a pretty liberal reading of the code! The relevant language is at Title 13, Chapter 7, Subchapter II, § 223 of the US Code. The section prevents the owner or manger of “any hotel, apartment house, boarding or lodging house, tenement, or other building” from refusing to provide a list of the buildings occupants or providing access to “such premises”. This means a building’s owner or manger cannot refuse to let a census worker into or out of the building and cannot refuse to provide a list of occupants for the purpose of the census count. The penalty for refusal is $500. No where in the section does it authorize entry into individual apartments, lodgings, or “living quarters”.
    The relevant code section is found at:—-000-.html


    May 26th, 2010
    8:29 am

    Well, I’ve been working with the census this year and this is clearly false.

    Maybe there is some high up rule giving census workers this ability, but it is NOT one I was trained to do. As a last resort I go to the landlord and they tell me how many people’s name is on the lease or listed as residents there. That’s it. Never have I been told to ever enter any residence.

    As a general rule I really respect your blogs Barr, but in this case I can’t help but feel you’re feeding some kind of paranoia over the census.

  4. Print a copy of Public Law 93-579, "Public Servant's Questionnaire", and ask that the Census worker fill it out before you give them further information. If that doesn't deter them, and they fill it out and continue, simply give the number of persons living in the household, as per the Constitution. Done!

  5. Government identification records are the clerical basis for mass murder and other atrocities: No, not every government ID scheme leads to genocide and expatriation. But for the collectivists of both the German Reich and the USSR, each victim's identity card was part of the targeting and the "production record".

  6. i am glad to see this blog no longer censored. it is great to see the trolls able to speak freely no matter how idiotic it is.
    it also keep track of who is reading this blog.

  7. A word of advise to the census worker who is considering entering into my home:

    DON'T DO IT!

  8. I love playing hide and seek with these poor people.

    Just FYI, all you are legally required to do is to state how many people are living at the residence. Lie about that too. Add one person.

    Here criminal gov what else would you like to know about me?

    Ask the '44 Japanese if they wished they didn't complete the Census.

    Politics/voting is just a con game so counting in order to assign representatives to a banker-owned Congress doesn't concern me at all.

  9. I will say one thing for these census worker drones, they believe they are doing god's work.

    Have had 3-4 attempt contact now and they don't snoop around at all. Just a bee line to the front door no peeking in windows.

    I doubt that even if they are really empowered to enter your apt/home they would do that. That would be crazy on their part. Sheeple are laided back about being financially raped by the system but aren't too keen on trespassing.

  10. Why is the sock puppet speaking over my PC's speakers? Disable that please.

  11. EA - Cancel the sock puppet audio. Here this is a REAL NEWS blog and we are greeted verbally by the head liar in charge.

  12. Fierce hurricane season predicted

    Federal forecasters called for an "active" to "extremely active" season this year.

    Great! Oil mixed in too. Get ready for the collapse.

  13. Hit the stop button on video to disable

  14. Of course, but do you really want the sock puppet greeting everyone coming to your site?

    I say kill the vid box until they turn off the propaganda about how concerned and competent the Federal government is about fixing disasters. They aren't; disaster = profit for the Haliburton crowd = they want the disaster as bad as possible.

  15. Still gushing? Top kill failed?


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