
Friday, May 7, 2010

A Dire Warning From Ron Paul (Video)


  1. Too Late. Nothing will stop this spiral into hell. LOAD UP!

  2. Blah Blah Blah Bla Bla... Sorry Ron it's all poilitical munmbo jumbo.. What's really happening is this.. The Wild Beast is raising it's ugly heads.. World Government is just around the corner to "save" the world.. It will demand YOU worship it! If you don't you will have it hard.. But God is laughing he knew this all along he foretold it.. The disgusting thing "UN" is coming near.. Run to the mountain top (true worship) people! The end of it all is not too far away.. Read your Bible Rev 13, 17 & 18 see for yourself don't take my word for it.


    BLAH? BLAH? BLAH? Ron Paul is the last one that is standing up for you, its a shame that you can't see the forest for the trees, you do understand that your bible is from "pagan" sun worshipping religion?, I think you need to do a whole lot more research, the bible is not here to save you, its here to control you and save the rest of us from anarchy. goto youtube and search "the arrivals" and while your at it search zeitgeist, zeitgeist 2, the esoteric agenda,

    ect ect, I was born and raised a die hard christian, but was saved by the internet!....the truth its your chakras (spirit energy) that makes you a true human, the attack your chakras everyday, you just dont know it.



  5. And as things start spiraling further and faster, war will be the only way out for the NWO. Enjoy the ride People.... KABOOM!

  6. What on Earth is blasphemus saying?

    I have a link for you...

  7. Just thinking out loud, if Ron ends up in one of those plane crashes TPTB just love to use, would everyone look to his son to step in his shoes?

    That scenario reminds me of Cleopatra and how she had all her siblings killed so she could feel secure as a leader if you get what I am saying.

  8. Everything Ron Paul is saying is absolutely correct but he is right in the middle of a banker-owned, criminal congress.

    For many years he has said the same things and when he is given his 45 minutes most of his peers bring magazines or ipods that day.

    That is just how pathetic politics has gotten. Voting, politics, GOP vs Libs, all nonsense, all a stage show.

  9. We need to get people off the welfare rolls. Let them figure out ways to make money for themselves. Don't tax the hell out of them, don't close down little businesses they mite start up to make some money. They can cook and sell dinners on their own streets to people who are working full time. They can babysit the neighbor kids. Street sales on weekends. But no here comes the government with their hands out wanting anything you make. Doesn't anybody get this.

  10. 5:53 thats a great integration of original
    US liberty into todays world. We get it,
    they know it, but TPTB dont want it. They
    want a dependent welfare state.
    I believe they want more and more chaos

  11. And to think; we could've voted this man into the presidency.

    "We" did not

    "We deserve everything that is coming " our" way.

    Those that are prepared will survive & those that should've voted and didn't ?????

    Will suck hind teat

    That's the way it works in the real world

  12. To 6:17

    My question is ? What real long term good is a true welfare state ? name me a totalitarian society that even came close to "making it".

    They must have other plans ?

  13. The system was meant to grow welfare to the point that it would collapse on itself. The socialists/neo-communists are betting that they can then remake the USA into an egalitarian nation. However, it may not go like that because when it comes to civil war, who you going to bet on? Fiscal Conservatives or some far left neo communists?

  14. Ron Paul is the elite in sheeps clothing, all part of the matrix....he even has the handshake to prove it

  15. If the Canadians owned all the banks, if they owned and controlled all of our media, if our military did all their bidding, would we do something about the Canadians taking over our sovereignty?

    If so, then why not Israel?

  16. What fools! Do you realize when you dismiss the Bible you are making it so you cannot get the answers you need? What is happening now is in the Bible.. It is not a Pagan book. It is God's knowledge and foreknowledge written for us. It is suicide to dismiss it for what some politician says. Have you not learned Politicians ARE the problem God IS the solution. Until you learn this basic truth you are in real danger of losing everything.

  17. 3:42 - You are the fool putting faith in Astrotheology. The bible is just the story of the Zodiac personified, with Jesus as the son/sun/center of the story. Wake the hell up.
    The same people that gave you central banking gave you your delusion.

    6:13 - Another fool. "Amen". AMEN-RA - the Sun God of Egypt. RA = Sun. Christians have to be the most uneducated people on the planet when it comes to their own faith. The elite love that; it fosters your apathy.

  18. Any truths or parallels that are in the bible like the cashless society, one world gov, are there because the elite of that time, the Nostic cult of the Roman Empire wrote it.

    We are not the first modern civilization on Earth. Our vanity makes us believe that.

    Facts, physical evidence of underwater cities and roads make that clear to those not in denial.

    Everything you see now has happened before and most likely will happen again after we are all gone.

  19. 3:42 can see through every deception except the one that brings him the most comfort.

  20. What is comfort to a christian?


  21. There are those who know the Bible then there are those who don't "know".. That is why they criticize it. You will see one day you are very wrong..

  22. Anonymous May 7, 2010 2:38 PM,

    God - is not laughing. He doesn't revel in his creation's stupidity. His heart is breaking. He is just and he doesn't laugh when He has to spank His children anymore than you do when you discipline yours. That would be Satanic in nature and that is not the nature of the One True God.


  23. Whether we want it to or not, the truth is that the economic depression did strike and there are more natural disasters now than ever before. This is the time before the storm when we need to get everything ready for "the big one". It's time to stock up on emergency food storage and make sure that you have your blankets and flashlights handy. There isn't anything that will keep it from coming....


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