
Friday, May 7, 2010

More Expert Opinions On Economic Doom

Richard Russell (Market Expert)

(from 2/3/10) says the bear market rally is in the process of breaking up and panic is on the way. He sees a full correction of the entire rise from the 2002 low of 7,286 to the bull market high of 14,164.53 set on October 9, 2007. The halfway level of retracement was 10,725. The total retracement was to 6,547.05 on March 9, 2009. He now sees the Dow falling to 7,286 and if that level does not hold, “I see it sinking to its 1980-82 area low of Dow 1,000.” The current action is the worst he has ever seen. (Bob Chapman says for Russell to make such a startling statement is unusual because he never cries wolf and is almost never wrong)

NiƱo Becerra (Professor of Economics)
Predicted in July 2007 that what was going to happen was that by mid 2010 there is going to be a crisis only comparable to the one in 1929. From October 2009 to May 2010 people will begin to see things are not working out the way the government thought. In May of 2010, the crisis starts with all its force and continues and strengthens throughout 2011. He accurately predicted the current recession and market crash to the month.

Lyndon Larouche
The crisis is accelerating and will become worse week by week until the whole system grinds into a collapse, likely sometime this year. And when it does, it will be the greatest collapse since the fall of the Roman Empire.

"You are witnessing a fundamental breakdown of the American dream, a systemic breakdown of our democracy and our capitalism, a breakdown driven by the blind insatiable greed of Wall Street: Dysfunctional government, insane markets, economy on the brink. Multiply that many times over and see a world in total disarray. Ignore it now, tomorrow will be too late."

Eric deCarbonnel
There is no precedence for the panic and chaos that will occur in 2010. The global food supply/demand picture has NEVER been so out of balance. The 2010 food crisis will rearrange economic, financial, and political order of the world, and those who aren’t prepared will suffer terrible losses…As the dollar loses most of its value, America's savings will be wiped out. The US service economy will disintegrate as consumer spending in real terms (ie: gold or other stable currencies) drops like a rock, bringing unemployment to levels exceeding the great depression. Public health services/programs will be cut back, as individuals will have no savings/credit/income to pay for medical care. Value of most investments will be wiped out. The US debt markets will freeze again, this time permanently. There will be no buyers except at the most drastic of firesale prices, and inflation will wipe away value before credit markets have any chance at recovery. The panic in 2010 will see the majority of derivatives end up worthless. Since global derivatives markets operate on the assumption of the continued stable value of the dollar and short term US debt, using derivatives to bet against the dollar is NOT a good idea. The panic in 2010 will see the majority of derivatives end up worthless. The dollar's collapse will rob US consumers of all purchasing power, and any investment depend on US consumption will lose most of its value.

Alpha-Omega Report (Trends Forecast)
Going into 2010, the trends seemed to lead nowhere or towards oblivion. Geo-politically, the Middle East was and is trending towards some sort of military clash, most likely by mid-year, but perhaps sooner...At the moment, it seems 2010 is shaping up to be a year of absolute chaos. We see trends for war between Israel and her neighbors that will shake every facet of human activity...In the event of war, we see all other societal trends being thoroughly disrupted...Iran will most likely shut off the flow of oil from the Persian Gulf. This will have immense consequences for the world’s economy. Oil prices will skyrocket into the stratosphere and become so expensive that world’s economies will collapse..There are also trend indicators along economic lines that point to the potential for a total meltdown of the world’s financial system with major crisis points developing with the change of each quarter of the year. 2010 could be a meltdown year for the world’s economy, regardless of what goes on in the Middle East.

Robin Landry (Market Expert)
I believe we are headed to new market highs between 10780-11241 over the next few months. The most likely time frame for the top is the April-May area. Remember the evidence IMHO still says we are in a bear market rally with a major decline to follow once this rally ends.

John P. Hussman, Ph.D.
In my estimation, there is still close to an 80% probability (Bayes' Rule) that a second market plunge and economic downturn will unfold during 2010.

Robert Prechter
Founder of Elliott Wave International, implores retail investors stay away from the markets… for now. Prechter, who was bullish near the lows in March 2009, now says the stock market “is in a topping area.”predicting another crash in 2010 that will bring stocks below the 2009 low. His word to the wise, “be patient, don’t rush it” keep your money in cash and cash equivalents.

Richard Mogey
Current Research Director at the Foundation for the Study of Cycles- Because of a convergence of numerous cycles all at once, the stock market may go up for a little while, but will crash in 2010 and reach all-time lows late 2012. Mogey says that the 2008 crash was nothing compared to the coming crash. Gold may correct in 2009, but will go up in 2010 and peak in 2011. Silver will follow gold.

James Howard Kunstler (January 2010)
The economy as we’ve known it simply can’t go on, which James Howard Kunstler has been saying all along. The shenanigans with stimulus and bailouts will just compound the central problem with debt. There’s not much longer to go before the whole thing collapses and dies. Six Months to Live- The economy that is. Especially the part that consists of swapping paper certificates. That’s the buzz I’ve gotten the first two weeks of 2010.

Peter Schiff (3/13/2010)
"In my opinion, the market is now perfectly positioned for a massive dollar sell-off. The fundamentals for the dollar in 2010 are so much worse than they were in 2008 that it is hard to imagine a reason for people to keep buying once a modicum of political and monetary stability can be restored in Europe. In fact, the euro has recently stabilized. My gut is that the dollar sell-off will be sharp and swift. Once the dollar decisively breaks below last year's lows, many of the traders who jumped ship in the recent rally will look to re-establish their positions. This will accelerate the dollar's descent and refocus everyone's attention back on the financial train-wreck unfolding in the United States. Any doubts about the future of the U.S. dollar should be laid to rest by today's announcement that San Francisco Federal Reserve President Janet Yellen has been nominated to be Vice Chair of the Fed's Board of Governors, and thereby a voter on the interest rate-setting, seven-member Open Markets Committee. Ms. Yellen has earned a reputation for being one of the biggest inflation doves among the Fed's top players." Schiff is famous for his accurate predictions of the economic events of 2008.

Lindsey Williams
Dollar devalued 30-50% by end of year. It will become very difficult for the average American to afford to buy even food. This was revealed to him through an Illuminati insider.

Unnamed Economist working for US Gov't (GLP)
What we have experienced the last two years is nothing to what we are going to experience this year. If you have a job may not have it in three to six months. (by August 2010). Stock market will fall = great depression. Foreign investors stop financing debt = collapse. 6.2 million are about to lose their unemployment. 


  1. Good series of articles - Thanks!

  2. These are all frightening scenarios, and if anyone has any lingering doubts, yesterday's market freefall proved just how close this house of cards is to collapse. One could even see glimpses of the truth from the MSM last night and this morning. Some financial babe on CBS this AM suggested that GOLD be part of every portfolio. Incredible!

  3. The sad fact remains though, that the average sheeple still has no clue, although a few are starting to sense something is amiss. Most will continue to take comfort in the obvious lie that the US market slide was a simple human error, despite the fact that finacial markets fell worldwide. Apparently traders worldwide all had butterfingers yesterday and pressed the wrong buttons. Ooopsie!

  4. Angry Greek citizens are rioting in the streets. Three people (we're told bank employees) burned to death in a bank fire. I saw the photo of the two Greek cops, trying to get out of a pool of fire all around them. This morning, I herd of more Greek banks being set on fire.

    I live 3,000 miles from Wall Street...

  5. Western civilization and democracy started with the Greeks, and perhaps it will soon end with them as well...the irony is delicious.
    Burning banks and bankers is not such a bad thing- perhaps the Greek people can still teach us something after all.

  6. yea great work
    thanks for wesite
    love yea and people like you chin up keep sluggin
    got gold?

  7. If Wall Street started to burn, there would not be enough FDNY trucks to knock them down.

  8. If Wall Sreet actually atarted to burn rest assured some patsy with dark skin and a Muslim sounding name will be quickly identified as the culprit. The heroic FDNY bravely battling the blaze will make a great film clip for the MSM evening news.

  9. The misery and violence spread by the US, all in the name of selfishness and greed, makes the Roman Empire look like a kindergarten class. I'm sure Jesus would have no problem at all seeing us swept into the dustbin of history.....

  10. Here's how the sheeple will wake up.... IN SHOCK!

    It will be a series of simple equations:






    Wow, you give them three whole days? If ATMs and credit/debit cards stopped working I would give it HOURS, at most, before panic starts happening....

  12. Every single one of these douche bags are establishment opportunists who thrive on the system in some way, shape or form. In this case, they are thriving on the system's inevitable demise, but I don't need the likes of them to tell me what I already know, and have known for the past 20 years, or more.

  13. The states mental institutions have had no choice but to release many of their patience do to financial shortfalls. The above post 10:24 is a reminder of such.

  14. I'm with 10:22am.
    I got a flag and Im gonna wave it!


    Come what may.


  15. I just heard they evacuated Times Square because of a 'suspiciois' cooler. Appently they needed a new topic to occupy MSM air time, lest people start thinking and talking about the Dow again....

  16. 10:22 is an example of what propaganda and false patriotism can do to a mind that was previously capable of rational thought and reason.

  17. I don't know about all this, sounds fishy. There is a ton of money on the sidelines. I think the market goes back up. Hasn't double topped yet.

  18. Yes and the cooler was conveniently left in place by a Al-CIA-duh stooge who could be found in just hours. These pigeons need better hiding places! (Like the pictures of the 19 'hijackers' 45 minutes after the towers were hit - no, that wasn't all scripted out in advance or anything LOL).

    This is just so ridiculous that sheeple can't see that they are being played for fools.

    Find a guy that looks like a devious Muslim-Klingon and tell him you'll pay him big bucks to test security; set him up good; chase him down; gag him, parade his pic on the news, scare the sheeple; rinse/repeat.

  19. In fact, these false flags are so predictable, if you re-read yesterday's comments under the 'Sheeple' article, you will see that a poster (3:09) predicted the possibility of a fake terror 'attack' today in response to my comment at 2:54, wondering what distraction would be used to keep the sheeple from watching the stock market. So precient it's almost scary....

  20. "Police cleared streets around Times Square on Friday and called in the bomb squad after finding a cooler left on a sidewalk about a block from where a failed car bomb was found over the weekend. They opened streets to traffic after finding out the cooler contained only water bottles and books."

    Geezus Christ. Are the sheeple really this terrified and frazzled?

    I would like to see just one sheeple survive one week living in a country like Burma, where it is openly known that the real terrorists are the government in charge.

  21. 1202 I am 309 I told you so, But I told you to take your pick, I knew it would be fake terror, they will start using it almost everyday like in israel soon, watch for it, the more it comes, the more rights we will lose and we are headed straight towards martial law, actually they were going to do it yesterday in tandem with the stock market but they stood down, just like norad did on 911.

  22. Here is what is coming soon and mark my words, Dollar Devaluation and robbing of all 401k's and Pensions, when the people have no money, all hell will break loose, then higher inflation, war with iran, gas @$10.00 a gallon and so on. Oh I forgot, many more false flags all done by our own country on ourselves.

  23. what false flag idiots nothing came of it. why is it we now have conspiracy freaks on this site? what happened prison planet made you identify yourself so your looking to spew your nonsense somewhere else you anonymous. This is now becoming a bullshit site for freaks. it was nice when we used to have intelligent conversations about money and economics. Just like the other post said GO BACK TO PRISON PLANET FREAKS AND JACKOFF TO YOUR 911 INSIDE JOB BULLSHIT.

  24. 12:48 how much do they pay you to post on this blog? hope your deceptive mis-info techniques get you off.

  25. 12:48 perhaps you need to keep reading MSN money and bail out of here.... or are you being paid to post comments here?

  26. @12:48

    If there are no conspiracies, then why are you even here instead of getting your news from the MSM? Obviously you are smart enough to see that something is not quite right, but still too deluded to at least consider the bigger picture. In other words, 'conspiracies' you accept are OK, but all other 'conspiracies' are fodder for 'freaks', to which you repond ad hominem.

    Don't you see? Fake domestic terror attacks/ false flags, distant unending wars against 'terror', manipulation of the fiat dollar by the FED, and the obvious machinations of the stock market are all RELATED. The same people are behind all of it and the same people benfit.

  27. I Dont know about yall, but the gubberment pays me 5.55 an hour to post here. It aint much but since they are bankrupt I am just lucky to have a job. Clarice, the 60 year old housewife, steps in for me in 30 minutes. Shes a real nice lady.

  28. @12:48

    If there are no conspiracies, then why are you even getting your news here? Obviously you see something is amiss, yet you remain too deluded to see the big picture. Apparently, conspiracies you buy into are OK, but only 'freaks' buy into other closely related conspiracies.

    Don't you get it? Domestic 'terror attacks'/false flags, unending costly 'wars on terror', money supply manipulations by the FED, taxpayer bailouts of private banks, and obvious machinations in the stock market are all RELATED. The same people are behind all of it and the same people benefit.

  29. Great job, EA. Do you have links for these? I like to double check the sources.

  30. Sometimes not everything you see happening around you is directly connected.

    For instance: the great earthquake in San Francisco was not manufactured by the elites. Pompeii really did happen naturally. And supervolcano Toba almost knocked out the human race all on its own.

    I fully believe the powers are trying to mask the imminent collapse, and the latest stock market "error" is just another example.

    What I don't buy is that everything is generated by the elites to bring down the middle class in order to control the world. Order out of chaos is an Alex Jones myth. Such things do occur with regime changes, CIA coup's and wars propagated by empires against opposing, usually smaller countries in order to reap the rewards and take their wealth.

    The toppling of the global economy portends a time of less control and de-centralization of powers, in the end.

  31. As I have previously stated numerous times ON THIS BLOG, the dumbed down idiotic tv addicted mind controlled sheeple will not wake up till the day of reckoning. That day is coming soon.

    What's a sheeple to do with no money, no tv, no house, no food, NO BEER (& most likely no WEAPON)?

    When the sheeple get hungry, they will act.

    Hello Camp fema....

    For those of us living in reality, did you notice gold has gone up almost $50 in 2 days? Silver went up almost $1.00 today? :-)

    Where have all the disinfo goons gone? You see, when TSHF, their govt paychecks and jobs will BE bye bye!


    P.S. We luv ya!


  32. Well, it looks like I was (and many others) were right about another stock market, but were wrong about the timing. I hope you guys have been preparing.


  34. my god 812 that is such a completely retarded misspelled comment, i cant even reply to such nonsense. what state are you from again?

  35. 8:12 you should complete grade 5 before posting on grown-up websites. thanks!

  36. If legal “Hispanics” are considered as working class Americans with a vote , after the Republicans in
    Arizona got their way ,they are bound to vote for Obama as a bloc in self defence in the next election ,ensuring the continuation for the “left” Obama ‘Strasserite" Corporate state.
    A “working class” /”liberal” victory is now again assured for the Democrat Party .
    Thanks to the Republicans of Arizona playing the “legal” “American Worker” race card. That is unless you want to deny a vote to all “Hispanics”, they will now rally to the Obama Flag.

    The pretence is made by TPTB that the new laws are only to ensure ‘Hispanics” carry I.D at all times.
    But ,ANY American ,Hispanic, or White or Black in the new Arizona plice state will have to carry ID proving they are legal Americans or risk being thrown in the slammer any time they even go to their local retail store ,or get out on a road in a car or a bus . Full ID in order to prove they are legal Americans fully entitled to fool stamps .

    Thanks to the flag waving amerikkkans the Democrats will likely again win victory for Obama in the next election.

    I said above in 8.12“if I was White and American”and voted on that racial basis I Would be a Democrat. Clearly I am not a U.S. American. I only observe and laugh at the infighting within American parasitism over getting a full share of the handouts for unemployed American fool stamps in a bankrupt country . Luckily do not live there .

  37. It's not FOOD STAMPS it's FOOD STAMP.

    It doesn't matter if it's plural or not, it's always FOOD STAMP.

    FOOD STAMP is an entire mental complex, not just a scrip on a piece of poor parchment.

    Please, learn to speak the language.

  38. Ebonics Master, what on earth are you talking about?

    Talk to you soon...

  39. Ebonic Master wants to proove by spelling, singular an plural forms ,that they are not an American FOOL stamps bribe system for parasites that capital cannot any longer profitably employ at a profit, singular or plural.

  40. with a screenname like "Ebonic" Master i'm sure you know a thing or two about food stamp/s.


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