
Friday, May 7, 2010

Letterman: Brian Williams On The Stock Market Collapse


  1. Proctor and gamble lost 50% of its value in 4 minutes. Your dollar bills could lose half their value in four hours.

  2. Holy shit, props to that shill for at least not sugar coating it?!@#(confused)

    This makes me think that something bad, really bad is not that far off, if a puppet like Williams is not sugar coating something like what happened today, he even said something about not leaving the house......and being "so close to it" what does that tell you???

    They always say when the MSM starts to turn on this type of stuff then it will get bad soon enough.

  3. You nailed that. When the banker MSM is allowed to start shaking up the sheeple drones with some truth, then look out. The false reality that the MSM has built is the only thing keeping this nonsense going.

  4. That is very true, when a media whore shill like williams says that kind of thing, you know it is not too far off, prepare.

  5. brian williams a doomer? and the millionaire letterman just guffaws. when the msm starts making massive job cuts... we'll see how they react. laugh it up america!!! hardy har har!

  6. Late night talk shows are there to speak to the drones, offer light entertainment, and never say anything of any importance.

    Williams the shill will never be invited back, or he will be talked to about what he can't say.

    Letterman making jokes about his Greek Deli just shows how clueless he is, or that he is desperately trying to divert the subject to something more acceptable to the sheeple populace.

  7. When the country is under martial law, when your neighbors are starving on the street, will these so called late night entertainers still be joking about it.

    Does Letterhead even know that the Greeks are literally setting bankers on fire? (not that this is a bad thing).

  8. Over the cliff by July.....

    DOW Plunged 900+ Points....AMERICA IS FREE FALLING!!

  9. Brian Williams is a Moron. Sugarcoating the Islamic based Terrorists as disgruntled or disillusioned citizens is rediculous. Bumbling or not, the INTENT was to cause harm to men women or children. The Texas massicre by th Army Officer, the Shoe Bomber and Tme Square Bomber were all acts of terror and what links them ALL are their belief in Mohammed and Jihad... You folks in Liberal Media Need To Wake Up And Tell America The Truth Before Its Too Late. Good thing you Morons are becoming as extinct as the old newspapers because more and more of us are getting the truth Elsewhere!!!

  10. 12:10 you've been craftfully massaged to hate Muslims and their faith, which is no more violent or ignorant as what we believe in the West. You have been brainwashed into a furry of paranoia.

    Do you know that in your lifetime you have a greater statistical chance of choking on a peanut and dying then you do from a (staged) terror attack?

    What the people you listed have in common are the same direction from CIA handlers that every stooge gets. The goal is the continued sheeple hatred of people from the Middle East so we can continue paying billions for useless banker wars to fill their coffers.

    No people have ever been framed and vilified like the Middle Eastern muslims. Watch Real Bad Arabs video online about how our media and movies have even accomplished that task.

    We can feel good about ourselves because they are an evil sub human race of savages bent on killing us. That is the propaganda you have digested.

    We are not the good guys and they are not the bad guys. We attack, kill, maim, murder, rape, starve out, occupy. They do nothing to us. Unless you believe the stooge attacks inc the doozy of 9/11, which even a small child could see as a blatant con job.

  11. Why is anybody asking Brian Williams anything? He is merely a teleprompter reader! Where in the hell have the REPORTERS been these last ten years??? The MSM has always been a propaganda machine for the globalist elite banksters.
    Prediction: Any excuse will be found to drop bombs on the peoples of IRAN as a cover story for the real terrorist attack - the financial decimation of our savings and investments by bankster oligarchs. But who knows how it might turn out. The Chinese might be digging Obama out of his spider hidy-hole and delivering him for judgement to Iraq.

    The finanical oligarchs started these Wars Without End, which have bankrupted the Americans.
    They should have followed the advice of their founder James Madison: "Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes...known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of
    continual warfare." - James Madison, Political Observations, 1795

  12. 12:39 are you a member of the Taliban? You seem like you enjoy defending Islamic Radicalism (Which is very real with or without the CIA mind you).

    You also have been bred to hate a people with different idiologies. You say the west is bred to hate Islam even though they make it very clear that it isn't Islam we are against, yet you then hate anything of the west because it claims there are things that want to destroy us on the outside. Would you say to a man who was defending himself against a burglar that he was just attacking that man because... exactly there is nothing that makes sense there. If I watch videos that say the USA is purposely making up an enemy then I'll start to believe it, if I watch stuff that seems like there is an enemy then I'll believe that.

    All life is illusion and all things in it are false.

    Conspiracy Theories like that breed hatred no different than the way they claim any other fundamental religious organization does.

    I would recommend you pull out of your current trance (all beliefs are states of hypnosis) and view it for what it really is... just another fabricated concept that gets one lost further in duality.

  13. people stay on target
    gerany 1920 a week a million was worth a hundred dollars

    this proves my theory
    market could collapse in 1 day
    to 1000
    this is not a fairy tail
    welcome to 2011
    computer technoligy can build and destroy
    the day of reckoning will be quick
    laugh america as we go into destrution
    uenployement at 9.9 1 million loseing insurance
    we made 290 thou jobs
    americans have stoped drinking the water
    and went straight to the toothpaste
    got gold?

  14. germany
    sorry typo

  15. Letterman has a job. His job is to make the most desperate, most difficult issues, funny. This reminds me of a very old (way back in the 1960's when I was a kid) episode of Candid Camera. A road block was set up and a cop placed there to tell anyone who wanted to pass, that New York was closed for the day. Most people just accepted it and drove away. One woman asked if New Jersey was open. Greece is about to implode and that's OK as long as his Greek Deli is still open.

    I was talking to a guy yesterday and we discussed everything from PM's, to purchasing ammo as another form of PM's. I also told him about the drop of the Dow by 1,000 points. We discussed the imminent arrival of hyperinflation and how we did not learn our lesson from the Weimar Republic. This guy had NO IDEA what I was talking about. He at least did understand that Greece can't print their own money and we can.

    I don't know who won the last Super Bowl, or
    The NBA championship or
    The Indy 500 or
    The PGA tour
    I have no idea how the Kings or the Ducks are doing. Knowing anything about the above mentioned list will NOT help me survive the rough road ahead.

    Brian Williams may be nothing more than a teleprompter reader, but I can he was speaking from his gut when he said if he had a choice, he would stay at home.

  16. Hey 9/11 was orchestrated by them & so is the market crash.. don't be fooled.. They want their NWO and this is how they will get it..

  17. 5:05 how much do they pay you to post on this blog? whatever it is i hope it keeps you and others like you, i.e. glenn beck followers, safe from the masses when this whole shit house blows.

    7:51 - right on the money.

  18. I'm okay with the wheels coming off the wagon. We need to reset EVERYTHING. I'm a professional, and work like a fucking dog and I barely have any money. Let the system collapse. I'm okay with it.

  19. 12:39 why dont you look at Europe to see
    what they would like to do here.
    Sharia in Paris is not an old Hollywood
    movie ... DOPE

  20. The inner Neanderthal came out in him. He wanted to take a defensive posture in his house. Natural reaction.

  21. No peewee, the coming collapse; think, use that tiny mind and don't strain yourself. Iranian false flag, everyone freaks out, hides in their homes, blame levied.

  22. When the poop hits the fan Glenn Beck and all these propagandist talkers will have no wheres to hide.. All their money will not save them. What's on the way will not be pretty.. If Greece is the start where will the end be?

  23. we all know the elites for some reason do or have to tell what they have planned. Every event they've staged they've come out before hand and told about it.

  24. when the shit hits the fan I am heading for Al Gores new mansion in Montecito Calif.

  25. 8:46 makes a good point. The reason the elites always tell the sheeple what they're going to do next is to foster the power concept of being 'in the know' and to sadistically lord it over the sheeple further denigrating the sheep and forcing their tail between their collective buttocks in defensive posture, furthering the submissive process.

  26. If you want know what is wrong in Washington D.C. listen to the following videos:

    I located this Video on They was free and you can copy and paste all parts (1 thru 22) listed below and listen. Granted they are lengthy but, well worth your time if you really want to know exactly how all the American Politicians (both Democrats and Republicans) are destroying our great Country and screwing every person in America.

    Also, note after you play the first video, the subsequent video number will be shown on the right hand side of, so just click on it to continue watching the video.


    The Money Masters = (Part 1 of 22):

    The Money Masters = (Part 2 of 22):

    The Money Masters = (Part 3 of 22):

    The Money Masters = (Part 4 of 22):

    The Money Masters = (Part 5 of 22):

    The Money Masters = (Part 6 of 22):

    The Money Masters = (Part 7 of 22):

    The Money Masters = (Part 8 of 22):

    The Money Masters = (Part 9 of 22):

    The Money Masters = (Part 10 of 22):

    The Money Masters = (Part 11 of 22):

    The Money Masters = (Part 12 of 22):

    The Money Masters = (Part 13 of 22):

    The Money Masters = (Part 14 of 22):

    The Money Masters = (Part 15 of 22):

    The Money Masters = (Part 16 of 22):

    The Money Masters = (Part 17 of 22):

    The Money Masters = (Part 18 of 22):

    The Money Masters = (Part 19 of 22):

    The Money Masters = (Part 20 of 22):

    The Money Masters = (Part 21 of 22):

    The Money Masters = (Part 22 of 22):

    SO MOTE IT BE. . . . .

    Do you truly want to help straighten out the United States Government now? Then, copy and post this article everyplace on the Internet you can post.

    BY: Harry Dingey

    Have a good day my friends.

  27. Sssshh.. President Obama and Congress do not want you to know this because they are all International Globalist. They are the ones who was paid to push NAFTA and the WTO into law and it has been a dismal failure.

    They want American workers to work for $2/day slave labor just like China and that is exactly where we are headed come HELL or HIGH WATER.

    Whenever you find yourself in a hole: “STOP DIGGING”.

    It seems Harry Dingey and Paul Krugman (an American economist and Nobel Prize Winner) are the only two people in America to understand we have a Trade Problem with China?

    Make no mistake about it the International Trade Deficit must be balanced one way or another if America is to SURVIVE as a Nation.

    There are only three ways to correct this humongous Trade Imbalance.

    1. Increase the American Exports by $450.6 Billion Dollars per year. We been trying to do this since 1993 and this is absolutely impossible.

    2. Decrease the American Imports by $450.6 Billion Dollars per year, then manufacture the merchandise in America. Paul Krugman wants to add a 25 percent Tax on all Imports and hopes this will reduce Chinese Imports over time.

    3. Pull out of NAFTA and the WTO. Then close the Largest Consumer Market in the World to all Imports. Do not worry about Exports and this will create well over 15.02 million Jobs instantly and probably even more.

    I am suggesting we do number three. This can be done by the American President and Congress and will automatically bring the large American Manufactured Goods Trade Deficit into BALANCE almost over night.

    But, they would rather keep borrowing and printing money to support the Chinese Economy and hope things get better. They are pushing on a string because you cannot have a meaningful recovery without good high paying manufacturing and construction jobs.

    There is NO substitute for good High Paying Jobs.

    The real question is do we want to create Good High Paying Jobs in America again or continue letting the International Companies make large Profits off of cheap Chinese Slave Labor?

    Toyota of Japan would be forced to totally manufacture in America, every car sold in America.

    Every item sold in every store in America would be required to be manufactured right here in America.

    I can remember this large sign posted in Wal-Mart: “EVERYTHING SOLD IN THIS STORE WAS MADE IN AMERICA”.

    Sam Walton said: “Everything sold in all Wal-Mart stores will be made in America”.

    I CAN CREATE 15 MILLION JOBS ALMOST OVER NIGHT right here in America !!!

    Here is my Job creation Computations:


    Total USA Imports in 2006:
    $ 2,211.7 billion ----- Total Imports.
    $ - 309.4 billion ----- (Money spent on Imported Crude Oil)
    $ 1,902.3 billion / 30 billion=63.41 million jobs lost from Imports.


    Total USA Exports in 2006:
    $ 1,451.7 Billion / 30 billion=48.39 million jobs America Created from Exports.

    If USA Pulls out of NAFTA and WTO right now:
    USA would absolutely gain a total of 63.41 million Jobs by Manufacturing all IMPORTS right here in the USA.

    So, 63.41 minus 48.39 = 15.02 million NET JOBS GAIN. But, a lot of Exports must be purchased in the USA. That would mean an even larger number of jobs created in America than I have estimated.

    Also, I should note that I have subtracted out the $309.4 billion dollars that America spent on Import Crude Oil in 2006. This is another problem that must be solved later.

    My calculation means an ABSOLUTE 15.02 million Jobs gained if the rest of the world did not buy even one penny of USA EXPORTS.

    SO MOTE IT BE. . . . .

    Do you truly want to help straighten out the United States Government now? Then, copy and post this article everyplace on the Internet you can post.

    BY: Harry Dingey

    Have a good day my friends.

  28. Here, Here! Harry Dingey for next POTUS!


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