
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Economic Devastation Along The Gulf: 1 TRILLION For Cleanup?

The catastrophic explosion that caused an oil spill from a BP offshore drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico has reached the shoreline early Friday morning. The leak is currently releasing 5,000 barrels of oil per day, and efforts to manage the spill with controlled burning, dispersal and plugging the leak were unsuccessful Thursday. This oil spill is on track to become the worst oil spill in history, surpassing the damage done by the Exxon Valdez tanker that spilled 11 million gallons of oil into the ecologically sensitive Prince William Sound in 1989. Unlike the Exxon Valdez tragedy, in which a tanker held a finite capacity of oil, BP's rig is tapped into an underwater oil well and could pump more oil into the ocean indefinitely until the leak is plugged.
Here are the first photos of the preparations for the oil hitting coastlines, which pose a serious threat to fishermen's livelihoods, marine habitats, beaches, wildlife and human health.
More Here..

Cost For Cleanup Could Be 1 Trillion Dollars
More Here


  1. It seems their solution with the box/container is to retrieve the oil. Shouldn't the priority be to stop the leak?

    Wouldn't a giant, heavy block make more sense that a 'cover' with a hose?

    Are these assholes really this greedy?

  2. From what I read ( and I'm sure yet as to the accuracy ) the pressures your dealing with are immense.

    That's why they attempted to "hood" it. Any attempt at sealing it will probably be met with the same fate as the initial failsafes; they couldn't handle the pressures involved.

    What a mess.

  3. So what we have here is...A Cluster "F" of Immense Proportion! Let’s not forget those great words from Rahm Emmanuel (aka-Goebbels)…Let’s not let a “good crisis” go to waste!

    Nancy Pelosi

  4. I think we can plug this hole.

    We can plug it good.

  5. Obama is a great president .For a Democrat!
    He is defending free enterprise from the demands of American communists that the assets of BP a powerhouse in free trade be nationalised simply to pay for the cost of accidental damage to America ,Americans and the American economy caused by the normal cost cutting and negligence that are so central to the profits of competitive free enterprise system of monopoly oil.
    Obama claims that BP will foot the bill.
    After all it has legal resonsiblities under contract for paying the cost of the cleanup only up to 75 million dollars .The cost to American business and property values are an entirely different matter. A trillion So what!
    Obama as a Democrat Is a bit weak tho and is being forced into making "big concessions" to the ant- business communists in his party.
    In order to restrain these communists and protect BP and private property and the american way of life,Obama is bravely negotiating for changing and backdating the terms of the contact under law so that company may be unfairly “forced” to pay up to $10 billion in clean up bills.
    This report above says :
    “Obama and his senior White House staff, as well as Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, are working with BP's chief executive officer Tony Hayward on legislation that would raise the cap on liability for damage claims from those affected by the oil disaster from $75 million to $10 billion. However, WMR's federal and Gulf state sources are reporting the disaster has the real potential cost of at least $1 trillion. Critics of the deal being worked out between Obama and Hayward point out that $10 billion is a mere drop in the bucket for a trillion dollar disaster” .
    Still even if small this is still an assault on the rights of free enterprise .Bush ,from an oil producing family and Republicans would not have allowed that sort of communist style backdating of contracts and simply made more tax cuts in these “tough times” for business. After all American oil companies never have to pay billions of dollars in compensation for environmental damage in the Third World. So Why should in be becessary in Anti-business America?

  6. B.O. is just the current sock puppet, same as the last sock puppet.

  7. Ya think bush was president when that platform was built? I think yes and I think cheney skimped with haliburton which caused that accident, so chew on that loser

  8. oh only a trillion, tell cheneys company that built it to pay for this disaster, after all that good money they made in afghanistan off of all the heroin they started a war for made them trillions

  9. We don't need oil. This is stupid.

    2,000 square feet of wall-to-wall solar panels in sunny Arizona is all you need to recharge the batteries of 200,000,000 internal combustion engine vehicles converted to run on an electric motor and batteries. Average range? 50 miles.

    Most Americans travel less than 40 miles a day.

    For long distance travel, Europe has these things called "electric trains."

    Plastics can be produced from other sources, like plants.

  10. 2,000 square feet s/b 2,000 square MILES. Sorry.

  11. As a foreigner it appears me America no longer has a “normal” constitutional government or profitable
    business but a Corporate State and Patriot acts and endemic corruption . It rots in a sea of debts.
    A financial cabal is installed by congress in its treasury , printing and distributing money to the corporations that printed by a private bank. With promises to be financed out of pawned future tax revenues . A corrupt SEC supervises the smooth functioning of the corruption process. In the finance world.Its environment is sold out to multinational and American Corporations supervised and licenced
    by a corrupt web of do nothing Government facilitators of “de-regulated" looting .

  12. TUCSON, Ariz.— Ken Salazar’s first pledge as secretary of the interior was to reform the scandal plagued Mineral Management Service (MMS), which had been found by the U.S. inspector general to have traded sex, drugs, and financial favors with oil-company executives. In a January 29, 2009 press release on the scandal, Salazar stated:
    In a January 29, 2009 press release on the scandal, Salazar stated:
    “President Obama’s and my goal is to restore the public’s trust, to enact meaningful reform…to uphold the law, and to ensure that all of us — career public servants and political appointees — do our jobs with the highest level of integrity.”
    Yet just three months later, Secretary Salazar allowed the MMS to approve — with no environmental review — the BP drilling operation that exploded on April 20, 2010, killing 11 workers and pouring millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The disaster will soon be, if it is not already, the worst oil spill in American history.
    BP submitted its drilling plan to the MMS on March 10, 2009. Rather than subject the plan to a detailed environmental review before approving it as required by the National Environmental Policy Act, the agency declared the plan to be “categorically excluded” from environmental analysis because it posed virtually no chance of harming the environment. As BP itself pointed out in its April 9, 2010, letter to the Council on Environmental Quality, categorical exclusions are only to be used when a project will have “minimal or nonexistent” environmental impacts.
    Details :

  13. As a microcosm that is connected to all microcosms directly I wanted to say sorry for everything that has happened and continues to happen whether it was 50,000 years back or this year.

  14. How much oil is really escaping from this blow-out ?
    The so called “spill ”.

    Has anybody been allowed to see an actual picture of the “Gusher” it seems to me
    must be being formed as the oil escapes at the sea surface ?

    Could the level of oil be estimated from the size or height of the “gusher ”at sea level?

    As in the Ash cloud in Europe the managed media can estimate anything it likes.

    Certainly there is oil .
    But is it as much , or at a larger volume ,than the ‘estimates” being made.

    How come the MSM do not show us this surely news-worthy -picture -of ‘ground zero”
    only images of a spreading slick???

    How much of that oil slick filmed, is formed from the oil based Dispersants, also being massively spread in the area too?

  15. 12:02 - Yes. An alien race that would look at us vs 5000 years ago would see increases in technology, but the same ignorant religious and social bullshit.

  16. The dome looks to me like a fucked up plan. A greedy corp upset that they are not cashing in on the profits. 85% capture at best? Just 15% of the current flow would turn everything with 1000 miles into an oil swap in five years.

    This is the kind of thing that happens when you let greedy corporations run amok.

    The explosion was no accident.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. In a matter of 2-3 days it will become apparent this fiasco can't be controlled and latest data suggest a mini-nuke will only release untold multiples of oil and the Gulf will become the new la brea tar pit. Regardless I still see the current administration salivating over another grab...another "Let’s not let a “good crisis” go to waste!
    God Help Us All!

  19. Many professionals are now saying the well is putting out 25,000 barrels per day, NOT 5000 as this article refers.

    Having worked in the industry, it will take 3 months to horizonal drill into the existing well and even when that happens, nothing is certain.

    So that's aprox. 2.5 million barrels of crude in the gulf, or 90 million gallons of crude before any relief is seen.

    The gulf is ruined, this will kill all wildlife/sealife for many years (in our life time). Industry will cease except for clean up. Real estate prices will plummet. Almost all local economies will die.

    This will effect Caribbean and the Atlantic as well.

    The worst ecological disaster is history and the sheeple will never know...

    As soon as the eruo levels off, watch oil sky rocket. How much is a gallon of gas right now in your area? It's $2.75 here in n tx.

  20. 8:31,

    The Communists are the Corporations. Have you ever worked for one? It's totalitarianism, the likes of which would make Stalin blush.

    Corporations must be crushed. Individual expression and creativity must be facilitated and protected so long as it doesn't impede the individual expression and creativity of other individuals.

    In otherwords, you may feel you are expressing yourself creatively by farting in my face, but I consider it foul and obnoxious and I consider it within my individual liberties to shove a carrot up your ass to stop the noxious leak and force a bottle of Gas-X down your throat to mitigate the source.

  21. As I said once before, they punched a hole in something that should have NEVER been messed with.

    This leak may quite possibly never stop and if that happens, yes indeed, the Gulf will die quickly and in the years to come, all the oceans will follow.

    We saw what happened to Grammy Award winner, Selena, a bullet clipped her aorta and she died a few moments later. This oil leak is the equivalent of a pin prick to the Earth's "aorta". Take your pick, God or evolution, placed that "aorta" 35,000 feet below the water line to PROTECT it!

    My first grandchild will be born later this year. He will have one really phucked up life to look forward too... if we all make it till the end of the year!

  22. The public is being lied to; it's far worse than the media says; there is now no hope, since they failed to cap it, for the gulf, down the west coast way past Naples, FL and further out. It will take years to recover, if at all. The corporations and central banks control governments world wide. Many more will be unemployed, motels and condos will go bankrupt.

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. Obama is clueless as a post turtle. As if he could help in this matter. He could not pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the bottom.

    He reached the pinicale as a Chicago communitity orginazer. Now all he can do is read the teleprompter.

  25. Obama was not a Chicago Community Organizer. That's Limblow claptrap propaganda. Obama was always a CIA sponsored bullpen president sitting on the bench and called up when the zeitgeist was right.

    He's there to do the bidding of the plutocratic oligarchy, just as Bush was and Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Nixon etc., etc. before him.

  26. I saw a video of the gusher on a news service.
    BP Released a video of them attempting to cap the flow with the concrete dome apparatus.
    The concrete dome is the best short term solution as they cannot get any kind of seal to the ocean bottom now.
    If you ask me, the problem is that the gushing section of pipe is lying sideways on the ocean floor, and the leak is at a flange with a bunch of bolts around it. The flow looked pretty intense but nothing compared to if the whole pipe opened up. Then we'd have catastrophe. The pipe can blow something like 150,000 barrels of oil a day if it's wide open. The pressure is sufficient to make the flow that substantial even at that depth. I'd say from the video the flow is around 5,000 b/day as they say.
    I disagree with the commentor that says a small nuke would make it worse. A small nuke would close the rock beneath it and fuse it shut with a solid glass cap around 12 feet thick. The problem is any sea life in the Gulf will get hit with a sonic boom so strong it will deafen anything in the water for hundreds of miles. That's many porpoise and dolphins and whales that will become totally deaf.
    It's a rotten situation but a nuke might be the best answer.

    Also, my apologies to you EA for making more work for you pruning the comments. My bad. It won't happen again.

  27. All of this damage is no accident. That platform was C4'd. When billions are at stake greedy men do some incredibly thoughtless shit.

  28. where is that ho from wasilla, drill baby drill, not one word out of that loser quitter. What a hypocrite, do you think she will be wearing her shirt d b d when cleaning up the mess? NOT the quitter from wasiller


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