
Saturday, May 8, 2010

When Silver Explodes Above $100/oz, It Will Never Return to Current, Absurd Price Level

When it is no longer regarded as "inferior" jewelry, at that point supply/demand fundamentals become more normal: a rising price discourages demand while a falling price increases it. Thus after silver is propelled well above $100/oz, silver jewelry becomes a "price support mechanism", where any drop in the silver price spurs new demand.
What these dynamic fundamentals represent, when viewed in aggregate terms is the following picture. Once the silver market "blows up", due to the extreme/disconnect between supply and demand (and rampant fraudwith respect to inventories), the price of silver will go straight up. Indeed, it can be expected to rise from five times to ten times current prices with little to no effect on demand. This is a demand "picture" which is unprecedented in the history of commodities. Then, once the price of silver reaches some new price-plateau (at some three- or four-digit number), new fundamentals will evolve (specifically with respect to silver as jewelry) which will serve to keep silver at an elevated price - and not suffer some sickening collapse, as would normally be expected with a commodity which had "spiked" in this manner.
To keep this series to a minimal length, I have been forced to briefly summarize a large number of fundamentals which (as I have stressed) are essentially unparalleled in the history of commodity markets. This means that the reaction which will take place in the silver market when rampant fraud and depleted inventories are exposed will also be unlike anything we have ever witnessed before in our personal experience. And every day that silver remains so grossly under-priced, all of these fundamentals simply get stronger.
As a precious metals commentator, I would never discourage investors from adding to their gold-holdings. For many different reasons, gold also remains under-priced - and as the perfect "monetary" metal, all investors should have some gold holdings in their portfolio. However, at Bullion Bulls Canada, we have been first-and-foremost "silver bulls".
Today, silver is one of only two forms of "good money" (along with gold) - at a time in history when all the "bad money" (i.e. un-backed "fiat currencies") is in grave danger of plunging to zero. However, even if silver had never been used as "money", or even if there was not a great need for "good money" today, the merits of silver in terms of basic supply/demand fundamentals represent an unprecedented investment opportunity.
While those investors who have been accumulating silver for many years may curse the continued market-rigging of the bullion-banks, for newer investors, the nefarious deeds of these miscreants can be thought of as "keeping the train at the station". Today, investors still have one, last opportunity to buy silver at (literally) "once in a lifetime" prices. When silver explodes above $100/oz, it will never return to current, absurd price levels.
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  1. if SHTF you do want to own silver coins.. These are much more tradable than gold. Salt is more tradable than gold...

    Even for investment sake, u will make a pretty penny when the vaccume shuts off. (opposite of a bubble) Silver is where im going to stash like 1000USD in silver coins.. its gonna go... I am a trader of 4 years. ive seen the oil bubble, the stock bubble, commodity bubbles burst. I saw the main crash and i am profiting from the current crash. Short the Eur/USD and u will make a killing wihtin about 3months-1year when it fully unwinds.

  2. Pfffft. If silver ever goes to $100 that would mean gold would be $5000 and that's plainly inconceivable. Frankly, I don't even like the insinuation that gold could go to $5000 because that would mean it would be very very hard for a lot of people to survive.
    So remember, trust me, I'm your government, and don't hoard gold or silver?! It's selfish for one thing and there's no need besides.

  3. It would never be hard for people to survive, dont you know everyone on earth is rich and eats caviar everyday?? What is ya ignant? Put all your money in the dollar, the govt would never make it crash, just like the other day when the market dropped, no market manipulation at all, just a mistake. and 911 was a mistake too, the govt could have never known what was going to happen lol lol lol

  4. Silver will be >$75 next year, gold will be >$4000. Without a doubt. Those are low estimates by people that really understand gold and trends.

    I own tons of silver. One bikini babe will be fetching my pipe, the other will give me a sponge bath.

  5. Pfffft. If silver ever goes to $100 that would mean gold would be $5000 and that's plainly inconceivable. Frankly, I don't even like the insinuation that gold could go to $5000 because that would mean it would be very very hard for a lot of people to survive.

    I recommend reading and understanding the concept of FreeGold. FOFOA will help you understand.

  6. @5:24, fetching your pipe? I will have one waxing my pole and the other performing a lap dance, while my wife sits in the next room with Fabio getting a rub down. The peasants will be outdoors eating my bread crumbs and will cheer when I throw a few mercury dimes in the street to make them leave.

  7. gold is held by the giants, silver will blow up in price but will crash just as fast. gold will be retained because it will still be held by the giants when silver crashes.

  8. silver has more uses, wont crash and will soar, will never go down, during the first depression it went to $80.00 a ounce, now in this big world, $200.00 is not unreasonable and it is just $18.00 now.

  9. Wow! I notice a poster not being able to accept gold moving way up the charts. Incredible! We *all* realize by now that fiat currencies are fading. Gold (and silver) will not *become* defacto currencies - that is already happening. Gold and silver will only increase in becoming more important as currencies. As to the gold price hitting $5K, sure it is possible...but $3K sounds more plausible. As to will be a hundred dollar bill per ounce, but should settle back to $60. do *your* math and tell me what the price of oil will go to. ;-)

  10. Oil back to about $125.00 a Barrel or $5.75 for you and me in the near future, if a war with iran, price will be off the board, so high only the super rich will be able to afford

  11. if SHTF there are going to be new currencys released... it will be ugly for a period but there will be plenty lessons learned about fiat currencies.

  12. I surely hope silver crashes so I can buy as much as I can. Can you imagine it going back to $10oz? It would be like Christmas! I would need to buy a forklift to move it, but I dont care.

  13. STFU NEWBS. There wont be "lessons learned about fiat currencies". There will be lessons learned about you being parasites unable to live in harmony with your environment and reproducing like noxious vermin on a finite spaced, finite regeneration rated planet which was constructed such a way to teach you the concept of restraint and not being ravaging charging psychopath animal.

    There will also be lessons learned abouut rewarding pillaging parasite freakshows like Lady Gaga labor credits for being a parasite rather then hard working farmers that do something useful for example.

    If you have a *need* to reproduce you are a degenerate psychopath.

  14. I have 95% silver, as I always thought once TSHF, it will be much easier to trade, 1/2, 1, 5 & 10 oz rounds or bars. Don't fool with coins, their value will not be recognized in the TSHF scenario. Or you will have to find coin dealers, and I expect gas to be, best case scenario, at $10.00 gallon, so you don't want to be our driving around trying to find a dealer who will buy your coins.

    I am putting every extra dollar I have into silver rounds or bars right now, as the TSHF scenario rapidly approaches.

    Good luck sheeple!

  15. With the advice of this great site, I have stockpiled gold and silver, along with my existing mountain of food, ammo and guns. Let's get this party started! I want to start shooting. I want to experience slaughtering looters, taking goodies from their backpacks, and adding their valuables to my own stash. I am confident in my ability to survive and thrive!

  16. Reading the rest of the article they talk about "Peak Silver", droool. Need to buy more...

  17. I have 95% silver, as I always thought once TSHF, it will be much easier to trade, 1/2, 1, 5 & 10 oz rounds or bars. Don't fool with coins, their value will not be recognized in the TSHF scenario.

    The thing about mint-struck coinage is that it is much more recognizable and higher quality, especially in terms of purity. Rounds, bars? Stick with mint-struck coins, which are less likely to be counterfeit or lower purity. When the SHTF, the fraudsters will produce all sorts of "gold" and "silver" rounds. Be cautious.

  18. 8:06-I have confirmed numerous times the authenticity of my rounds and bars. I prefer my logic to yours, good luck finding coin dealers in a crisis situation. Generally, most will only give you the value of the silver, NOT the coin. I KNOW this from experience.

    I am NOT saying don't collect coins, I am just saying when TSHF, pure silver rounds will be easier to negotiate than a 1921 silver dollar.

  19. Repent of your sins and turn to Jesus. He is your only hope when the dollar finally dies and the new world order rushes in.

  20. The flip side of this is Gold and Silver could take a nose dive if the stock market starts tanking. Margin Calls could force portfolios to liquidate their gold holdings to pay their debts. This has happened before.

  21. BTW, if it ever got to the point where the currencies collapse, Gold and Silver would not be worth much. Hard trade-able assets such as food, household goods etc. would be worth much more. Read about the siege of Leningrad. People were trading their gold, silver, art work, every sort of valuable for a slice of bread. Gold and Silver hold no value if you and everyone else are hungry.

  22. After the initial shock, food, water and protection would be key, but after that when a barter system started, gold and silver would be the keys, after that there will not be fiat currency, just e currency and for the black market, gold and silver would be key

  23. Boy, a lot of people here like to give advice, and a lot of people don't know what they are talking about. They are just as confused as the sheep they despise.

  24. alot know what is coming, many are deluded by drugs, tv, video games, sports and bs, bread and circus. Same thing happened in Rome and we all know how that ended, how is this any different?

  25. re: 9:21 - got a good chuckle out of how the superstitious retards are just ignored now. Excellent.

  26. Rome is burning, this we know. I am talking about the advice about silver and gold doing this or not doing that. Some predict all knowingly that silver will rise then fall, some say it will stay high. Some say silver will couple with gold. Some seem to think that rounds and bars are no good. Bla bla bla. Silver is silver, friends. Walk quietly and carry your own stock.

  27. Look, In one and a half years silver has almost doubled and outperformed gold at the same time. Just look at the facts and figures, they do not lie. Do yourself a favour and buy bars as you get better value for money. Buy from the Guernsey Mint Company where it is tax free and ask them to post it as second hand silver which they will gladly do as they did for me which means that you pay only a fraction of the tax.I really cannot think of anything else worth investing your money into right now, or the foreseeable future.

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  30. Silver will be >$75 next year, gold will be >$4000. Without a doubt.

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