
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Gerald Celente Banks Robbing The People (video)

The turmoil that has stricken Greece has spread to Romania and Ireland. This crisis may be spreading worldwide as the debt crisis continues, there have been reports that it may spread to Japan, one of the biggest economies in the world. Gerald Celente says that this is the greatest bank robbery in history and it is the banks that are doing the stealing.

Link Here..

Derivative Disaster Spreads to Local Governments
More here..

Angry Students Riot in Slovenia


  1. Maybe people should consider following Bob Chapman's advice about taking most of the money our of their bank account except for 3 months worth of living expenses.

    I would guess that Gerald Celente probably agrees with Bob Chapman.

    Of course if only 5-10% of people did this then the Banks would collapse because their reserves (money on hand) only covers 5-10% of their deposits.

    So if people really did what Bob Chapman suggest then the Banks would shut down and the people who still had money in the Bank might be screwed.

  2. First my favorite speech on the owners of this country and now some kind and special words from Celente. Time to throw some money in the EA kitty. To not do so would be wrong. I want to support real news.

  3. 10 00
    most people are sheep
    a bail of hay a roof and
    they are happy kings they are
    i see people are not even close to understanding
    the situation are actually blistfull
    in the sign of complete collapse
    cant wait to these dum asses find out theyve been screwed nailed tattoed and branded as sheep
    ther 401 k is gone there pensions there parachutes
    and as are poor as the ones they decieved
    with there lies

  4. When food stamps are cut, Detroit and Flint will burn. Unfortunately, I am living in Flint and I have family in Detroit. I have a Mossberg 500 and a Glock 21, but I think I'm going to need more ammo.

  5. Don't make the mistake of firing the Mossberg one-handed if it has one of those pistol grips. Experience speaking here.

    I positively hate guns. I do however hate being at the mercy of some torturing, raping, robbing thugs even worse. Better to introduce anyone crazy enough to kick in my door to 3" Magnum 00.

    Don't want to kill anyone. Last thing I want to do, but if it comes to me or thuggie, thuggie dies.

  6. Love Celente and Max Kaiser. Those two just bluntly tell it like it is, that the government and banks have joined forces to rob you blind.

    Further down the line are the Schiff-types who talk more about mistakes being made. No, not mistakes. Calculated robbery of your future.

  7. I remember Mr. Celente way back saying there would be a big movement against illegal immigration. Here we are. One after the another his forcasts are spot on. He says the US will implode before 2011. You can bet your last can of pork & beans it will.

  8. At least they are not having a raging BONER over precious metals, that are getting wacked today and forever after. You see, no matter how bad it gets, silver and gold are forever stuck in a phucking rut, with nowhere to go. I would rather stack ass wipe than pm's

  9. 1:13 The US dollar is also getting whacked by inflation and may eventually collapse completely or be devalued. Mr. Celente also buys Gold himself and advises people to do the same. I think his track record is better than yours.

  10. 1:13-

    You can horde 'ass wipes' for personal use as much as you want, but I doubt they will have significant real value in the event of total currency collapse. There are just too many other free alternatives that perform the same function- dry leaves, grass, damp rags, Sears catalog pages...They are also bulky, difficult to transport in large quantity, and must be stored in dry conditions.

    No thank, you, I'll keep buying my PMs, one silver dime at a time if need be.

  11. PMs - the bankster's wood stake through the heart.

    Love Gold and Silver. They despise it. All of their power and control is based on fiat currency debt.

    PMs are a loud and clear FU to these robbers.

    That is why the disinfo bots are trying to convince people not to get into PMs. Their arguments are weak, their intelligence is very low. Their sincerity is even lower.

  12. 653 you have nowhere near that much, you could not fit that much in your singlewide

  13. 5:28 Please stop now, this thread is starting to get vulgar....

  14. BrianWilliamDotyIIIMay 29, 2010 at 10:02 AM

    Gold gold gold
    Pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon?
    While the world is falling down?
    Oh you have gold
    "but of course"
    Esta retardado

    It will come down to a menu of long pig
    FEMA seeds
    Bowel dirt fertilization
    SODIS water treatment
    Sticks 'n stones
    Breaking many bones

    ... at least names won't hurt you


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