
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mortgage Delinquencies, Foreclosures Break Records

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The number of homeowners who missed at least one mortgage payment surged to a record in the first quarter of the year, a sign that the foreclosure crisis is far from over.
More than 10 percent of homeowners had missed at least one mortgage payment in the January-March period, the Mortgage Bankers Association said Wednesday. That number was up from 9.5 percent in the fourth quarter of last year and 9.1 percent a year earlier.
Those figures are adjusted for seasonal factors. For example, heating bills and holiday expenses tend to push up mortgage delinquencies near the end of the year. Many of those borrowers become current on their loans again by spring.
Without adjusting for seasonal factors, the delinquency numbers dropped, as they normally do from the winter to spring.
More than 4.6 percent of homeowners were in foreclosure, also a record. But that number, which is not adjusted for seasonal factors, was up only slightly from the end of last year.


  1. I am waiting for a National leader to start talking about self reliance. With any luck we have turned the corner on the government giveaways. We need to sweep all career politician from office.

  2. I think the world leaders in business and government better look at the Hopi prophecies that say that the leaders would be hunted down like animals and this may spread and get out of control. They mentioned the wicked getting their heads cut off.

    In Greece, Ireland, Iceland, and Thailand we are seeing that the Hopi prophecies might be coming to pass very soon in the next few months or years.

    I would also include the main stream news (MSN) as a target of people's anger that happened in Thailand with the News 3 building come under attack. Hmmm... CNBC and other crap financial news might have to leave their building.

    Remember reports a few months ago about Goldman Suks carrying guns?

  3. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.....

  4. 9:52,

    Which Hopi Prophecy are you referring to? Was that the one describing the quantum leap into the Fifth World when True White Brother (Pahana) would arrive and destroy all that which is old and bring all the pure heart to the new?

    What is interesting about that one is that it sounded very eastern. The Yogis both Buddhist and Hindu always described that as being the Destroyer God would come with the Creator God and this is what makes Masters. The Gnostics had the same teachings, the Blood of Christ was actually Kundalini/Holy Grail, and they described that a person would have to die first and then be reborn after the Holy Spirit transformed him physically, mentally, and spiritually. A Christ would be born then, rather than Jesus - Jesus was not Christ, he was a person who channeled the Christ Energy.

    It is very interesting to see how in the past 20 years and increasing the amount of people who are having Kundalini Awakenings, in the past these people would be very rare and would head for caves, now it seems like kids in their teens and 20s are having it without even meditating for years and years.

    Many "spiritualists" think only the Christians and of course if read on, the Hopis had a version of the end of the world. This is very false, the Hindus and Buddhists taught about it, most Yogis today are not real Yogis but they follow a distorted version of it, Wiccans also, and the Gnostics as well. Siddhartha and many other real masters (not today's chump New Agers) talked much about the "end of the world" and how it would lead up the "real world" or rebirth in which man who desires a world of selfless orientation and conscious expansion would be given it, this inevitably is what Jesus meant by the Separation of the Multitudes.

    The End of the World to the ancient eastern mystics was not something they would have objected to as being a violent irrationality, they saw it as the most important thing to happen and was an inevitability in which God would reunite with himself (ego world would dissolve into Truth/Spirit).

    If one has eyes to see they would have read what I just wrote and somewhat understand what it means or have feelings that they somehow know about that even though scholars and priests don't know about it. On Prophecy Rock one can see it all; the Creator is degenerating himself throughout time the Sun, having the 9:13 ratio, or 9 conscious cycles and 13 for the Merkaba energy leads to the end where all false people will dissipate as they are following the illusions of this world, the one on the bottom will be true and live directly from the connection to the Creator in the New World.


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