
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We Will Have Hyperinflation, Economic and Human Misery as Well as Social Unrest.

Yes this is it! We have crossed the Rubicon and events in the world economy are now likely to unfold in a totally uncontrollable fashion. Clueless governments still don’t understand that it is their ruinous actions that have created a credit infested and bankrupt world. They will continue to prescribe the same remedy that caused the problem in the first place, namely more credit and more printed money. The consequences are clear; we will have hyperinflation, economic and human misery as well as social unrest.
When will the world finally begin to understand that we have reached the point of no return and that “the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries” (Shakespeare, Julius Caesar).  Sadly, we are probably not very far from that point. It is already starting to happen in many countries.
The latest EU and IMF package of $ 1 TRILLION (Euro 750 billion) is yet another futile attempt by governments to abolish poverty by printing paper. Let’s be absolutely clear, this money does not exist and the EU governments are hoping by declaring such a large amount that they can con the Wolfpack speculators. At this point the EU has just picked a large round figure of out the air. But when their bluff is called by the Wolfpack and the next attack happens, EU governments will after initial huffing and puffing start printing unlimited amounts of paper.
So the world is now on its road to ruin and there is no action, no leader and no new amount of printed money that can save the world or prevent a hyperinflationary depression.
Never in history has the world been in a situation when virtually all industrialised countries are bankrupt. Therefore there is no precedent for what will happen in the next few years. What we can be quite certain about is that events will happen in a seemingly random pattern and that it will be impossible to forecast where the next crises will start.
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  1. Oh boy famine...woo hoo! Cannibalism is coming to the U.S.A.!!

    It this a great country or what ? Where else can you stop by a restaurant and order the "SPECIAL" which is the ONLY SPECIAL made up of dead human parts ?

    What to season people with ? Asian Duck Sauce, Asian Fish Sauce, or just plain salt and pepper ? Probably easier to just put A-1 steak sauce on it.

    On the menu:

    Yes sir for my first course I will have some sum-dum progressive democrat eyeball soup with french fries.

    For the main course I will feast on republican fetuccini neck dumplings...a la cart! Exclusive!

    It is a bit stiff but the chef tenderizes it with a hammer. Followed by a good helping of donkey democrat blooming deep fried hairball.

    Oh and for desert I will have southern fried republican toe-nail pudding.

    A delicacy around these parts.

    Tell you what. At least the president was right on the change that is coming to what we eat.

  2. There are 6.7 Billions people on this earth. Listen up people, this is it. We have had our Katrinas, the world worst natural disaster in the Gulf. I am begging each of you to prepare for the worst. We will see some big time shit go down before the year is over. In fact, I expect you will see the beginning of it on May 24, 2010. Next Monday, expect to hear some news that will affect you for the rest of your life. It will only be the beginning. Get you some land in the country side and be ready for the change of your life. Change your mind set before it is too late.

  3. you will all soon realize that all countries governments are all part of the bilderberg or elite or jewish movement ,this is all part of the big plan for thier futue the only thing that will protect you from this not so happy future is alot of money (millions not a couple hundred thousands) and even then if hyperinflation comes then that will not protect you .Maybe gold or silver will but if confiscation of gold or silver comes that won;t protect either . this is a tought situation to be in .this has never been this tough for me ..any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated

  4. could rescue us if enough join in time and read the books and tell their neighbors and friends and entice them to join as well.
    Otherwise each crisis will result in more unconstitutional power grabs by the statists.

  5. rosary would help
    its in gods hands
    i was there it was all fortold
    its not gloom and doom
    its reality we all will die
    you choose the matter of your death
    ive waited my whole life for this
    like patton now we are going to see the men from the boys
    the battle of the wills
    and yes food water gold and silver
    will make life a little easier
    but there are no gurantees just life
    how sweet it is
    love this website

  6. Confiscation. Answer. What gold?

  7. It's all good, stop freakin, the sun is shining and everything is gonna be okay. Take a chill pill and relax. The world is in great shape, the financial storm is residing, the time to buy is now. Get a grip you paranoid delusionals, it's all okay.

  8. 6:48 is in lala land..LOL

  9. 6:15 - What do you believe will happen on May 24?

  10. 6:15...please share what you think (or know) is coming on May 24th

  11. These articles by people whom may as well be your next door neighbor, just kill me.

    3 articles down from this one is a Mr. Richard Russell - telling you to sell everything you can and get liquid !

    Well - why the hell would I do that with super duper hyper inlation running my way ?

    They DO NOT KNOW and THAT is the truth

  12. “The latest EU and IMF package of $ 1 TRILLION (Euro 750 billion) is yet another futile attempt by governments to abolish poverty by printing paper.”
    True, in the end the mad counterfeit dollar “money printing” method of Uncle Ben must itself fail in world wide inflation wherever these paper dollars have been sent.
    But , This analysis while correct on the mad money printing 'out of fresh air", appears a bit upside down on the true purpose of the US -Euro bailout.
    True the rich west Ponzi economies including the Greeks and the US haves, have been living beyond their means on credit and deficit spending.
    But, the “poverty” being prevented by this injection of"swapped"U.S. printed paper into Europe is for the aim of saving the rich , the foreign banksters holding the bonds , those holding the mounting and now probably unpayable debts of the countries .
    This is a U.S dollar backed bailing out the € bondholders including Golem Stash types of banksters. Too big to fail!
    Not for preventing poverty of the European peoples. It is a bailout by poverty creation in Europe A US Marshal plan loan ,Mark 2 .
    The first Marshal plan in the words of Stalin “Put Europe on short rations” .
    Mark 2 will do the same as we can see!
    The RESULT of the Euro bailout by the US for the establishment elite class ,will be increasing poverty and loss of national independence and control of national budgets, as the Euro Central Monetary Authorities dictate usury terms to enforce payments to the old bondholders in return for ‘rescue”.
    The German and US banks and the IMF contributing dollars to this bailout fund are not intended for bailing out say poor Greeks , but for rensuring payments to German ,French and US bondholders.
    The “immoral” speculating wolves with their derivatives credit default swaps , have been betting that these bondholders will lose if governments default on the bonds and that the wolves might then profit from that threat of “poverty” to the “respectable” bondholders.
    The first bailouts and stimulus deficit spending in the Euro zone , as in the US ,was to socialise past losses of the banksters ,to stimulate and prop up these economies ,to save a bankrupt system ,but this only shifted the bad debts friom the banksters to the government books for the people to pay off with their taxes. The bad debts and losses were not extinguished ,as losses, but simply ,like Fannie and Freddie Mortgage Bonds in the US , transferred over to the governments books for guaranteed payment.
    Not enough tax revenues to pay for the “normal” deficits plus the stimulus spending and bailouts for the rich?
    Well cut ,cut ,cut spending on social security and government jobs, “short rations” and
    poverty creation ,so the share of the government revenues going to foreign bondholders is maintained and foreign debts can be paid off!
    What else can the Rich do ?
    The mad printing of money appears sensible to them!

  13. Jeff in Southern CaliforniaMay 18, 2010 at 10:55 PM

    I have about 490 watts of solar power. I have 500 watts of wind power. This is enough power to cover the most primitive basics. I know how to convert water into explosive hydrogen and have done so.

    I understand (from experience) that a rabbit can produce a new litter every month and those bunnies are "ready to eat" in 60 days.

    A Radish seed can go from seedling to harvest in 3 weeks.

    I am working on my Hydroponic Gardening skills on a daily basis.

    I understand that if you dig down about 6 feet, you can have "natural air conditioning" even in the most deadly desert living conditions.

    I also understand that I can't survive alone. I'm "locked and loaded" but even I must sleep from time-to-time.

    We can overcome this nightmare.

  14. "There are 6.7 Billions people on this earth. Listen up people, this is it. We have had our Katrinas, the world worst natural disaster in the Gulf."

    Every Day is a Katrina and environmental destruction or imperialist wars is the norm for most of cheap labor 2 bucks a day Third Worlds peoples.The majority whose poverty ensured a good life for the rich First World minority bribed benificieries of the System.
    The US people seem to be about to soon join the vast majority of normal humanity in the poverty and economic reality of everyday capitalism.
    The self centered americans may even learn a bit of Human empathy for others in the process?
    Christans used to say "suffering is good for the soul"

  15. 1.9 millions Americans are taking care of a nation of 3.10 millions. Something is wrong with that picture

  16. 7:55,

    Impressive and quite funny and practical (rabbits). You are better prepared than most. Now you need to come up with a survival business concept (or perhaps you already have).

    The folks living in large U.S. cities are pretty much toast, especially those with large, un-American, God-I-hate-white-people populations.

  17. May 24 is indeed the Big day, I can't wait for it. On May 24 it all start on the Stock market with the Dow puncture through the 12,000 points, Gold trade below $1,100 and the Euro regaining most of the losses. Get ready for the most positive economic news ever announced on May 24...are you ready?

  18. 6:15 is reading George Ure's predictions which are often interesting, but he's only right about 30 percent of the time. The other 70 percent he waits for an event to happen, and then paints a target around it, and says "See, my prediction hit the target!"

  19. Just a few word on Gold. So far gold has not broken any record at 1245. If you adjust the price of gold to inflation over the years you will see gold is still super cheap. We have certainly not crossed the Rubicon yet.

    Gold currently trading at $1207 and keeps falling, it will fall to $1125 by midday tomorrow.

  20. midday tomorrow gold will be at its highest at $1275.00 an ounce

  21. 9:53,

    You're hilarious.

    Do you know what a swap line is???

    The Fed has offered $500 billion (or perhaps more) to the ECB, in exchange for Euros of equal value. This is how both sides of the Pond mask money printing to fund additional bond issues. That is what a swap line is.

    Who cares if the DOW hits 12,000? It's all AIR and no substance. At the end of the day, this nothing more than outright currency debasement. Like the first commentator says, "WOO HOO."

    Look up wolfpack and get back to us. That's precisely what these hedge funds and investment banks are, seeking to cannibalise one weak victim after another, while raking in fantastic profits via DERIVATIVES. Their next likely target??? Try Spain, followed by Portugal, Ireland, Italy, U.K. and... oh my GOD... the U.S.A. and your precious 12,000 DOW.

    Wake up.

  22. EA: Please intercede forthwith-these posts are degrading into absolute silliness, dare I say utter nonsense. What we need is some fresh straight from-the-hip advice/predictions from Gerald Celente. He is without question, the whose yo daddy of trends forecasters. Monday. by the way will be the beginning of a massive alien invasion, so stay tuned for that monumental happening.

  23. 10:57
    Has it about right ?
    Monopoly game "swap money" for these counries including the U.S. to finance the purchace of their own treasury bills?
    A cover story to disguise the working of the printing presses on both sides of the Atlantic?

  24. wake the fuck up people. it is already started. we are seeing social unrest happening in Thailand, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Latvia, etc.
    coming to America near u.

  25. On the other hand.
    do not worry about social unrest everthing is under control.And recovery is underway!
    G.S. is a great banker.
    Could it have made its recent record profits by betting against its own clients?

    May 19 (Bloomberg) -- Goldman Sachs Group Inc. racked up trading profits for itself every day last quarter. Clients who followed the firm’s investment advice fared far worse.
    Seven of the investment bank’s nine “recommended top trades for 2010” have been money losers for investors who adopted the New York-based firm’s advice, according to data compiled by Bloomberg from a Goldman Sachs research note sent yesterday.

  26. Both the ECB and Fed are controlled by the same people, i.e. Rothschilds.

    Why is it so difficult to believe they could issue $500 billion to swap with equivalent Euros on the other side of the Pond? They control both sides.

    Fiat currencies are claims against debts, or debt notes, if you will. So are Treasuries, Gilts, Euro Bonds and other government and corporate bonds. Again, they represent DEBT.

    Don't believe me?

    Read your Federal Reserve Notes in your wallet c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y. On them you will find "This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private." Notice they're for debts, not goods and services. Why? Because the United States of America went bankrupt in 1932 and is effectively owned by those top tier central bankers. Unless you use PMs or some other commodity and purchase outright a good or service, you have to borrow "claims on debt" (from the bankers) to make the same acquisition. Why? Because the international bankers got America, lock, stock and barrel, in the ensuing receivership. The debts notes are how they apportion their assets, namely the land and everything on it, including you the slave people.

    Now a central bank can issue $500 billion to purchase (or swap) other flavours of debt notes (claims on assets). Once again, fiat "money," such as Euros, represents debt or the various national bankruptcies/receivership. The IRS works for the City of London, not Washington DC, thus you Americans are bitches of the British. BRILLIANT!!!

    When the Fed wants to remove USDs from the market, it merely sells (swaps) the appropriate debt instrument. If you have $500 billion worth of Euros on hand, you can do this easily. Of course, you can also use those same Euros to buy Euro Bonds on the other side of the pond (debt notes) to make it seem like there's genuine international demand for such. In other words, it's a shell game.

    Get this straight. Banking is about DEBT.

  27. My twenty acres farmland crops suffice my friends' and my stomachs for year long. We bath and swim with our fish. Oh yeah rabbits. Should raise some too.

  28. 1:01 an intelligent, informed post like that makes skipping through the idiotic posts well worth it. Thank you.

  29. There is more rock solid truth on this blog than any other on the net.

    I heard there are 30 full time bloggers in Tel Aviv that work full time to deflect criticism of Israel, the Fed, IRS, and the Zionist bankers that run the show. I am sure this site is on their radar.

  30. The Banker-owned Congress is continuing to neuter the states and enrich the Fed.

    In a partial victory for banks, the Senate on Tuesday overwhelmingly passed an amendment that would largely prevent states from writing new laws to protect consumers from questionable financial products even if no federal law exists.

  31. 1:39,

    The Israelis need not worry, because only a tiny fraction of 1% come to sites like this.

    As for myself, I have learned the value of going with the flow. The sheople are too foolish to change, so why fight it? Instead, align yourself accordingly and PROFIT.

    Reality is, the sheople deserve what's coming.

    P.S. I've tried warning many sheople to no avail. They will only learn when everything is taken from them. Besides, we really do have a population problem in many spots of the world. And, no, I'm not with the NWO crowd, however, I do believe 100% that world government is needed. Problem is, it takes the right individual to pull it off, and I'm not referring to mankind.

  32. A Chinese Billionaire was thrown in jail today for 14 years! Wow. In the USA, he'd be at Club Med for 90 days, hand slap, let go.

  33. What is supposed to happen on May 24,anyone know.

  34. cnn just said homes will invcrease next year
    live in ny
    4 homes in a mile have been empty for 2 years
    middle class area
    well all these foreclousers dont show on the books of banks because mark to market yea half the homes empty owned buy banks
    and the remanider are up 20 percent
    this is called dog and pony show
    three ringed circus
    slight of hand
    we are so screwed
    no jobs no benes no uncle sam
    just lies lies lies lies
    no jobs nojobs
    and obamas gulf mess still no news just
    obamas out of touch

  35. Don't know about May, but my astrologer friends tell me that the first 10 days of August are extremely bad. The signs are for some deep shit, but exactly what kind they aren't sure.

    My first reaction was a stock market crash. The financial sites today are saying that most analysts are now leaning towards another crash or at least more craziness like the 1000 point drop in 15 minutes. They think the drop was caused by computerized high-speed trading; these flash companies hold onto a stock for approximately 11 seconds and there are critical points where the computer automatically sells everything. Skynet, anyone?

    Doesn't matter if the stock market falls or not, because if prices continue to go up and necessities are in short demand, the unemployed and underemployed will be in the streets rioting. I agree with digging in somewhere far from a city.

    Oh, and only 30 Israelis to monitor the entire internet? If you're going to come up with Jewish conspiracies, you need to make them more rational.

  36. If we have hyperinflation, then the stock market will also experience the inflation. It will go balistic. Buy stocks now!

  37. 10:41

    Looks like you are correct. Gold has already drop by $29.00 and the day (on the West Coast) is just getting started.

  38. 10:41 and 8:24 yes we will probably be seeing $100 price swings in Gold and roughly equivalent amount in Silver as predicted by Jim Sinclair and others. It could become even more turbulent that that. Remember the 1000 point drop in the stock market and partial recovery.

    The question is if the stock market and fiat money go down and then can't get back up.

    How much interest is a savings account or CD paying?

  39. Yes, as this all plays out gold and silver will occasionally drop in price as the sheep continue to trade in their PM's (either because they are enticed by the 'high' prices they are offered or because of personal financial distress) thus temporarily increasing the supply. Additionally, central banks are likely liquidating holdings to suppresss prices too. But, as the chart indicates, such price drops are insubstantial and temporary, and PM prices will continue to escalate, as increasing demand for real PMs far outstrips available supply, and the situation will only get worse.

  40. I just purchased 50 Silver Eagles and should see then in a couple days. I'll buy more when funding permits.

    My savings account was paying THREE TENTHS OF ONE PERCENT interest! Who needs that!

  41. I wish I had the money to buy 50 silver eagles right now. At this point, I'm focusing on food, water and ammo.

  42. That commenter on your blog may actually be working for the Israeli government
    Posted on July 14 2009 by Cecilie Surasky under Government , Media.
    Straight out of Avigdor Lieberman’s Foreign Ministry: a new Internet Fighting Team! Israeli students and demobilized soldiers get paid to pretend they are just regular folks and leave pro-Israel comments on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other sites. The effort is meant to fight the “well-oiled machine” of “pro-Palestinian websites, with huge budgets… with content from the Hamas news agency.” The approach was test-marketed during Israel’s assault on Gaza, and by groups like Give Israel Your United Support, a controversial effort to use instant-access technology to crowd-source Israel advocates to fill in flash polls or vote up key articles on social networking sites.

    Will the responders who are hired for this also present themselves as “ordinary net-surfers”?

    “Of course,” says Shturman. “Our people will not say: ‘Hello, I am from the policy-explanation department of the Israeli Foreign Ministry and I want to tell you the following.’ Nor will they necessarily identify themselves as Israelis. They will speak as net-surfers and as citizens, and will write responses that will look personal but will be based on a prepared list of messages that the Foreign Ministry developed.”

    Yes, Virginia, there IS a Zionist Conspiracy. And the US is their favorite 'host'.

  43. Hmmm, I would suspect that some of them post here, based on many of the past comments.....

  44. Everyone from every gov't, in the G20 nation post here..including the VATICAN..everyone has an agenda..

  45. Actually the thing about government agents posting on sites like this by leaving skeptical remarks or trying to debunk the article in outrageous ways such as, "the recovery is beginning", or "the markets are looking good", is not far fetched and may very well be happening on a lot of places that talk about real news.

    Most people get information from the internet or television, since the media is already controlled on the television with Fox being the only decent one, and even that makes things look happier than they are. The best way to make people think they are crazy who are informed is to tell them the complete opposite of everything they read.

    Cass Sustein wrote a book about this and he is gaining a huge amount of power in the administration right now. He suggested that government agents get on websites or infiltrate rallies and debunk "conspiracy theories". These people most likely are on this site and leave comments in every article whereas everyone who comes on will read it and get a sense of apathy, that what they are reading is nonsense and they should just go listen to Obama or Biden.

    In a rally they could appear as an everyday person and hear people speaking about a problem that is occurring like a tax increase then they'll approach and argue with they people in the manner that they are normal people with an opinion, "What are you guys talking about? That can't happen. You should watch NBC they tell facts not fringe subjects."

    That isn't far fetched, it actually seems to work if it is true that the people who leave bogus comments about things getting better or calling those preparing delusional. I always feel like I might be crazy for believing the economy is crashing down when I hear people like that, at least I question it. One comment can be read by thousands if not maybe millions of people depending on who throughout the day or week will be viewing the article then just decides to read the comments.

    Of course this isn't to say people shouldn't laugh at an article or try to argue with it. For example, this oil spill I am mixed in my thoughts; on one hand I have the hunch that it is exaggerated grossly by credulous minds, while the other tells me it is being dismissed by many in a credulous fashion.

    I think though anybody who really cares and has concern with the world and doing the right thing or making things right will be in collaboration when we spot people who do not care and are trying to insult those who do.

  46. Great observation 1:43. Dead on.

    I think there are(whether gov't sponsored or other)infiltrators who intentionally try to marginalize any non-mainstream outlet or movement by making it appear radical, crazy, looney, or delusional. Otherwise rational people are scared away less they get labelled by their friends as wackos.
    I suspect that most of us who read this site and take most of the articles here seriously(or at least consider the possibity they may be true)have personal experience dealing with the reactions of sceptical family and friends, who refuse to even consider the facts staring them right in the face. The media and education system has created a populace that seems utterly incapable of critical, independent's sad, scary, and frightening, and when TSHTF what on earth will they do?

  47. Always buy gold (and silver) on pullbacks. Never buy when the price is going up. Gold and silver are volatile and will always have pullbacks. The current retreat to below $1200 is just setting up a base for a liftoff to $1300-1500 in the near future. Remember, gold is REAL money. Save your dollars for toilet paper because they won't be buying much.

  48. This is it. Don't wait until May 24, 2010 to put in your battle plan. Do it now. This is no wack talking to you, the next 63 days will be ride of your life. The US Dollars Index is now 85.93, the Dow is 10068, a drop of 376. Gold and Silver took a ride today, but now for long. Go to the side line now.


Everyone is encouraged to participate with civilized comments.