
Friday, May 21, 2010

Guaranteed: Its Going To Get Worse

A "double-dip recession" makes no sense to the 76 percent of Americans who believe that the US economy remains in recession.
To the 24% of the populace who believes the U.S. exited recession in fine fettle, I offer a "Two Scoop Special": a Double-Dip recession is guaranteed for the following reasons:
1. The Eurozone is heading into deep recession, taking U.S. corporate profits with it. ..
2. China's unprecedented bubble in credit and real estate will implode, taking down China's economy. ..
3. Once China goes down, so do the housing bubbles in Canada and Australia, and the Asian economies which depend on sales to China for their own growth.,,
4. Local government in the U.S. will have to shed tens of thousands of jobs. ,,
5. Bank reform will force layoffs and consolidation in the financial sector...
6. Housing's bogus government-induced "rally" will implode.
7. The massive Federal bailouts accomplished nothing but propping up a rotten status quo for a year...
8. The vaunted "recession-proof" sickcare industry will start shedding jobs as Medicare and other funding sources implode
More Here..


  1. Absolute BULLSHIT called here. They will keep propping up the markets, just wait and see. Markets should have tanked today, but instead they ended up green....what a farce. This charade will continue for years, and don't tell me about "precious" metals, nothing precious about them, manipulated just like everything else.

    EA will be out of work soon as NONE of these predictions come true and nobody will read this anymore....welcome to the Matrix.

  2. EA will be out of work soon as NONE of these predictions come true and nobody will read this anymore...

    Nobody except for Anon at 8:08PM, who already believes none of it will come true, yet he/she continues to visit this site.


  3. 8:08 please send cash..out of work now!

  4. ive been ot of work for 22 months
    looking like crazy
    only the rich have work

  5. 808 is a moron, jobs are never coming back to this country, that is why they are getting ready to do a full amnesty for illegals because they will fill the jobs americans used to do as, our way of life turns into a third world shithole.

  6. C`mon 8:03-Send poor old EA a $50 offering! He did after all, print your diatribe-shows he is fair and equitable. Besides, by virtue of your paradoxical prattle; not to mention your association with the Matrix, there is a strong possibility you may not be a true air breather; but in fact may exhibit reptilian tendencies at will.

  7. is dancing with the stars on?????

    damn sheeple will never wake up

  8. is idol on i cant wait to see the sheep bbaaaaabbaaaa

  9. Plant a garden and batten down the hatches!

  10. may 24th china reviewing its securities bonds

  11. may 24 china dumps dollar, major earthquake in california

  12. brockobama says beware of may 24

  13. what is really going to happen on the week of May 24?
    damn it. tell me. i must know. i keep seeing May 24 prediction but no specific about it.
    i had heard of reinhardt's predictions last year. it came and gone, nothing happened. it reinhardt and his bogus predictions again?

  14. The Elite could reverse the global economic downturn in a matter of days, if they wanted to. Problem is, if you want to implement a new world currency, reduce population and deminish and prop up certain nations, you can't do so in a cheery economic atmosphere. Only by desperation and forcing governments to the wall can this be achieved.

    The United States of America will cease being the world's #1 economy. In its place, a revised, ten nation, European super state will emerge soon.

    London make think it will continue to call the shots surreptiously, but this too will end, for good. The nation will be completed destroyed in time, as punishment for its blasphemies and whoredoms against the System and oppression of mankind.

    The ten nation European super state, guided by France and Germany, will face off with the rest of the world.

    It does not matter what the Illuminists and their minions desire or say. They do not ultimately call the shots or maintain their very being. It is the invisible sphere (System) that comprises and runs all things that has decided this over several thousand years ago, before mankind was created and placed on this planet.

    Everything that was, is, is to be, seen, perceived and otherwise, is that master System. It comprises everything. All other spheres are mere subsets, including the invisible creatures who manipulate key members of said Illuminists. They can and also manifest themselves as "aliens" to deceive MANY.

    Be assured your time is coming to an end, o house of Rothschild. A powerful man will emerge in Europe who will depose you and take all that you have, including all European power. The Great Whore situated within Rome will do his bidding too.

    In time, two other individuals will arise in the Land of the North, foretold over three thousand or so years ago. They will oppose said Beast and False Prophet. They are the modern equivalent of Moses (government) and Aaron (religion). The Land of the North also will be divided in ten regions, just like the European super state. It will act as a modern Ark, as the System purges this planet of defiant men, women and children. Moreover, these two individuals will be more powerful than their fake counterparts in Europe, and will try the whole world. The System will also begin setting up its world-ruling government, including infrastructure, in said Land.

    The World will have to decide if it will follow the System or some demented, ungreatful, lower, invisible subset that manipulates and controls the Illuminists behind the scenes.

    On more thing. You UNGRATEFUL and UNHOLY British and American peoples, descendantss of the Founders and many subsequent immigrant, European families, are the modern House of Israel. That Little Viper in the Land of Canaan (Modern Palestine) is none other than a small remnant of the House of Judah (The Jews). We shall see if the System will allow you to destroy the modern House of Joseph with impunity, you den of vipers!

    That is all, and more than most of you readers deserve!

  15. That's beautiful, 3:36, but can you explain what you mean in terms of genitalia for the more primal amongst us?

  16. 336 does that mean nj housewives wont be on next season,

  17. 8:08, You are COMPLETELY detached from reality. I've find it SO ironic that people like you keep reading and posting on this blog. Why bother? Just go on your merry way. The rest of us are making preparations for the coming collapse. If you can't deal with the NEW reality, stay off this blog.

  18. Anon 3:36 - your Estacology and Biblical references are vague and in error. The US and British peoples are NOT The House of Israel. The Olive Tree is where it should be today. The (System) you talk about is none other than Jesus Christ who is Lord over all. You did get the European and Rome part correct! Christ came and died a substitutional death for mankind so that John 3:16 and Romans 6:23 could be fulfilled along with many other verses.

    Laugh at me if you will but time will tell. God Bless!

  19. I'm still waiting for payment on my bet! The markets ended up! And someone needs to pay me $100,000.

    Come on, a bet is a bet.

  20. 10 reasons a double dip

    fails the most important question
    40 million on food stamps
    30 million maufactering jobs gone
    120 million to old or young to work
    110 million only ones working
    the uenployed are getting no new jobs
    foeclousers on the rise
    there are no! new jobs paying what they use to
    golden parachutes pay raises for goverment jobs
    to just glid over this and say europe is the problom
    we are so screwed
    the gulf trillions in damage and vaction buisness
    what fuckin planet are you all living on
    i compare whats happening now
    to germeny 1940
    we are so enamered on whats happeing in front of our face
    we fail to se the destruction whats to come
    the president and the goverment has failed and only threw threats to the masses
    and deciet they hold it together
    the collapse will come quickly overnight
    as i said before the question is are the fema camps for us or the goverment officals
    i think they think there for us

  21. may 24th china dumps dollar

  22. The PTB are not only dumbing down USA, but the world. Its a long process and some kids cant take the toxins (autism)and its hard to find a person that doesnt know someone who kids have autism. Autisim makes a good passive worker (slave)and the dumbed down people that dont have autism are too slow to see what the future holds for them.

  23. My daughters EX pediatrician is a bible thumper that thinks the Earth is only 6,000 years old. I was shocked as I ran for the door. She did want to give my kid a SERIES of vaccines that the "doctor" says are perfectly safe. How can you trust a "doctor" like that? How many of these so-called "doctors" are out there?

  24. NAFTA was a designed collapse of the economy, that is probably ground zero for when high paying jobs in the US were instantly replaced with food service industry jobs, and other 'low rent' crap jobs illegals are brought in to help corporations remain profitable. We can talk about the now all we want but if we dont look back at the past it doesnt matter where we are at now. 777

  25. We can sit around all day and type and gripe about how "we're doomed", and I agree we are. This entire country will collapse sooner or later.

    Barry was a mistake.

    Congress are a bunch of criminals

    This morning I heard that N. Korea blasted the oil rig with an incendiary torpedo fired from a small sub. The rig collapsed when the sub positioned itself under the rig and then blew itself up, taking the small crew with her. Why? Because the rig was built by a S. Korean company.

    How about we start thinking about ways to reinvent this country and it's economy, after we burn DC to the ground!

  26. It's time to hunker down, gather your loved ones close and pray for the best.

  27. so much doom and gloom - thought creates your reality. grow a garden and relish the flavours of your work. rescue a dog and he will show you how to love UNCONDITIONLY. give service to your community and strive to live an ordinary life in an extraordinary way - in harmony and balance with all life.

  28. Prayer = nothing more than superstition; Jesus the sun/son is a many times repeated myth just by a new name; Isis-ra-el isn't holy in any way, their stories are full of holes;

    Let go of the nonsense and get ready to stay alive.

  29. 11:33

    That is sham spirituality and also pseudo science. Thoughts do NOT create reality, thoughts are apart of reality and are nothing more than tiny little neurons in the brain. You think that creates reality? Something smaller than an flea? You have billions of them in your head and most people activate a relatively small group of them, in other words there are always several billion morw which aren't touched.

    Real masters in history never tried to change reality. They tried to LEAVE it so they could find REAL REALITY. They wouldn't do that by ignoring what really is here, and that is that all life is suffering - Buddha.

    You can keep listening to the sham New Age gurus out there making a fortune off of unhappy people like yourself who need quick fixes, or you could maybe read Lau Tzu and get to know what the real gurus thought about things.

    Reality is, regardless of your thoughts, collapsing and you're going to get taken for the ride whether you want to accept that or not.

  30. ... and to add to something; dogs can not teach you how to love unconditionally.

    Personal love is actually that which a person needs to find and attain, this is not unconditional love and it actually is not real but breeds hatred. If I go left I just indicated that there is a right and thus feed both poles equally. If I love people and then find some that I hate or dislike; there can't be true love there.

    Real love is Divine Love and it already is infinite and exists everywhere. It can't be generated or used by people in a personal manner. You have to let Love - Love, not try to love or create love.

  31. You offered the bet on Friday early morning for "tomorrow", which would have been Saturday, as you know the market did not go up on Saturday, thus you lose, that was called a suckers bet!!

  32. suckers are in the market now, I hope they lose everything soon, time for you to cum on jesus

  33. Judgement of God is here. Be warned athiests

  34. I agree. Greed immorality, selfishness, dishonesty, corruption, evil people ruining this world brings Gods wrath on nations and people.I feel sorry for you . I as a believer have peace. you can too, its your decision.


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