
Saturday, May 22, 2010

NY Fed President: "The Recovery Is Crumbling"

From NY Fed President William Dudley's commencement speech at New College of Florida:
[T]he recovery is not likely to be as robust as we would like for several reasons.

First, households are still in the process of deleveraging. The housing boom created paper wealth that households borrowed against. This pushed the consumption share of nominal gross domestic product to a record high of about 70 percent. When the boom turned into a bust, those paper gains evaporated. In fact, many households now find that the value of their homes is less than the amount of their mortgage debt. This has created a difficult time for many families and has caused the hangover to last longer.

Second, the banking system is still under significant stress. This is particularly the case for small- and medium-sized banks that have significant exposure to commercial real estate loans. This stress means that banks have been slow to ease credit standards as the economy has moved from recession to recovery.

Third, some of the sources that have supported the nascent recovery are temporary. The big swing from inventory liquidation during the recession back to accumulation will soon end as inventory levels come back into better balance with sales. And fiscal stimulus from the federal government is subsiding and will soon reverse.
In this environment, finding a job will be tough, but when you hit the pavement remember that the job market is improving. Don't get discouraged.
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Central Falls Rhode Island - Bankrupt - Goes Into Receivership

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  1. "In this environment, finding a job will be tough, but when you hit the pavement remember that the job market is improving. Don't get discouraged."

    Thanks for the pep talk Dudley. (Dip Shit)

  2. 6 people for every one job
    insane should be his name

  3. ....but when you hit the pavement remember that the job market is improving. Don't get discouraged ....

    LOL! I was just thinking the same thing as 10:01.

    Improving my ass. Stimulus over-paid government jobs or Census losers maybe. Things are improving ... comedy.

  4. I was a CNC machinist starting in 1975. I did recently see an ad for a CNC mill machinist, the pay was $8.00 an hour. I must have been overqualified.

    I used to be able to earn $1500 - $2000, video taping weddings. I had 2 cameras and a 2nd camera operator. One hard day of taping and 3-4 days of post production was good, honest work. These days, couples are always looking for "Uncle Joe" to video tape the wedding for free.

    Birthday parties for your little kids at Chuck E Cheese's (or wherever) were taped by me. I charged $150.00 and you got one very memorable, priceless DVD of your kiddo's birthday. Those days are OVER! Can't recall the last time I did a birthday party.

    Yea, tell me all about how the job market is getting better.

  5. High paid Prouctive manufacturing industry
    are no longer available they have gone the way of the Dodo ,Its more profitable to make things in China. High profit unproductive jobs providing 'priceless"services to each other can only exist if there is sufficient "good times" money circulating in the economy.
    The Ponzi economy has gone belly up in bailouts for capital and militarism . Twin deficit problems.

    The contradiction between the right wing supporters of justified plunder by capital by right of might property gains and Empire and the left wing theory of parasites entitlement rights , may find its unity in the Tea Party Movement and by supporting ‘independents” and its theoretical confusion in the Austrian economic theories of Precious Metal currencies for a strong Empire and middle class without any inflation of their savings away.
    But,Its too late for that now as the printing press has already done the job.And the thing will run its course. Its only "Tea Party" dreams of trying to put Humpty and the golden age of a services /consumption led, debt based economy back together again. Complete with high paid service jobs in DVD production.
    Whatever compromises are made on “austerity” and managing bankruptcy and deficit spending by the “independents ” and “Tea Baggers” in the next election, Militarist deficit spending of at least a $ 1 trillion a year for Empire, irrespective of continuing bailouts or limits regulating socialising the losses of bankster bets, Militarism will remain the Archiles heel killing america . Continuing to keep America insolvent despite any ‘small government’ and Austerity reforms in the Corporate State.
    The 'rights" in the Tea party are very silent on militarist deficits ,the left wing of parasitism says nothing noweither since they have their man Obama passing out Healthcare entitlements.
    No “independents ” will be elected unless they Kowtow to the interests of the elites and its lobbies on Militarism and Wars .
    As can be seen with the Randy Paul success .
    First the necessary Kowtow for continuing subsidies to that other nations well known military war supporting lobby!
    Seems like Randy will have no beef with a continuing trillion dollar deficfit for militarist empire wars as they are his policies too?

  6. They will get food stamps anyway .
    why not fill their mouths with cake and stop this whining.
    Why dont they eat cake?

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