
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Las Vegas Imploding

Seasonal hiring did little to improve the jobless crisis in Las Vegas last month. In fact, despite adding 2,500 jobs, the city’s unemployment rate soared to a new record of 14.2 percent.
That’s according to the state Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, which released numbers Friday showing Nevada’s unemployment rate also hit a new record of 13.7 percent.
Last month, the Las Vegas jobless rate had dipped to 13.8 percent, while the statewide numbers were 13.4 percent.

An estimated 193,000 people are out of work in Nevada, with 140,900 of those coming from the Las Vegas area.
Construction continues to be the hardest hit industry, the DETR reported, while massive layoffs in the public sector are adding to the crisis.
This week the cities of Las Vegas and North Las Vegas announced hundreds of layoffs after failed negotiations with labor unions. Clark County could also cut jobs in the coming months as commissioners struggle to balance the budget.
More Here..


  1. dont worry obama created 290 thousand jobs last month
    as long as you where born or died
    you had a job
    dont worry be happy
    the gulf will have oil right to your door
    is our goverment great
    maybe theyll start another war
    dont worry be happy

  2. Give all the fireman and cops a 50% retroactive to date of hire raise and let them retire at 39 with 110% full salary and 100% health care for life. They are heroes after all. So Brave.

    Bust Out Artists killing communities. Tony Soprano could learn a thing or two from the fire union.

  3. 24th...the "when" is finally realized...head to r-

  4. When times are tough, you — you tighten your belts. You don’t go buying a boat when you can barely pay your mortgage. You don’t blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you’re trying to save for college.

    Miss me yet?

  5. i dont know who you are?

  6. He`s a BYO no fun guy, but he`s got lotsa $$.

  7. why would I miss you, I dont know you, you need to get a life and friends

  8. It's time to hunker down, gather your loved ones close and pray for the best. The worse is coming, dear friends. Gather your loved ones close.

  9. I live in Vegas and it does seem tough for some but I work at a casino and certain jobs in casinos are recession proof, others I do see lay offs or steady extra positions being utilized. I would be interested in knowing what the current tourism numbers are and what revenue is generated from the casinos and how that translates into the local community job market. I observe many tourists visiting for this month, our parking lots are packed and traffic is dire. Seems this crisis is overblown somewhat in the media. I think there are over 3 million people residing in Vegas which does not include the tourists currently here. Therefore the unemployment numbers are pretty much on par with the rest of the nation. Breathe people.

  10. I asked an airport shuttle private driver. He told me business started declining steady 2.5 years ago and has never stopped. He can barely make ends meet. He said if things don't improve by year end 2010 he will sell out his business for whatever he can get.

  11. Government TV AKA Faux News wants to know what you are doing to survive the tough economic times. How about FU Faux news and all the other fake corp news scumbag traitors. Cheerleading for war, covering up government treachery, no real news ever, just what the bankers tell you to say. F-off.

  12. Fake sock puppet president. Fake/stage enemies. All for profit and wealth of the bankers at your expense. Lies, upon lies.

    "Obama to grads: U.S. needs allies

    President Obama on Saturday told graduating cadets the fight against al-Qaeda is part of an international effort that was necessary and just." BARF!!!!

  13. Spoken by a kill-for-profit Goldman Sachs bought and paid for sock puppet.

  14. Vegas is like Dubai. Both will be eventually reclaimed by the desert.

  15. I am a retired fire guy with about 26 yrs,,,and one thing you dont want is an OLD fire or police person trying to save you or a family member and have a heart attack as they come into your home, and that is one reason most fire and police can retire at age 50 with 25 yrs on the job. On the other hand when I did retire, I managed (with the perks) to retire with about 100% of my take home pay, so I understand the anger. On another note, I agree the fire union is the problem in Las Vegas area...and they are the ones that ultimately should be held accountable about the layoffs. They did not negotiate in good faith for sure.

  16. 1139 spends too much time at the job, in the casino, I have a place in Vegas too and can tell you it is worse then they are reporting, I am self employed, out on the streets everyday and it is getting worse all the time. Businesses are closing by the hundreds, women that used to get several thousand dollars are doing it for groceries or like $50.00, the level of despair is as high here as anywhere in the us, except for Detroit, which is now like a 3rd world shthole! 1139 is talking about the Strip, once you get off the strip the rest of vegas is a ghosttown, especially during the week.

  17. 11:39 of course is going to say everything is okay ... so you will go to Las Vegas and save 11:39's job.

    Casinos's are NOT Depression Proof.

    3:02 most likely is telling what it is really like in LV.

  18. The City Centre Opened here last year, they are getting ready to close parts of it already, a customer of mine there is closing his store next month, his rent is $50,000 a month, another customer I am losing and it is getting worse.

  19. Obama: When times are tough, you — you tighten your belts. You don’t go buying a boat when you can barely pay your mortgage. You don’t blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you’re trying to save for college.

    Bush: Miss me yet?

  20. Obama has spent more than all previous presidents combined yet he lectures us on tightening our belts.

  21. The sheeple are still spending their money on necessary things,like gambling..No doubt FAUX news is spreading more disinfo on the economy.
    Sheeple, go out and spend spend spend, or charge charge charge...

    I would not feel real comfortable if my job was in a casino. Then again, what job would one feel comfortable in these days? oh wait, i forgot, government jobs....ha ha ha ha....

  22. bush spent more than all previous presidunce before him, he bankrupted this country on the way out the door letting obama clean up an uncleanable mess like in the gulf

  23. 4:55 "Change you can believe in" has now become an "uncleanable mess." after a little more than a year in office; WOW, so much for Hope and Change...Blame it on Bush!

    Pathetic excuses!!!!

  24. 651 bush said burning of the constitution you can beleive in, bush's hope and change was two unwinnable wars costing trillions, tell me how was that good for average americans? You are a Pathetic shill.

  25. Well said 7:42 - these Obamabots are amazing!

  26. bushbots are better, they actually believe bush was a man of god, BBWWWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  27. I guess Bush should have went to JEREMIAH WRIGHTS church...God DAM America! right 8:33

    It's a one way love affair. Obama does'nt give a shit about the Obamabots, they just don't know it yet.

  28. bush should have gone to any church, but you never saw pictures of him at one, a Lying POS right wing azz kisser if there ever was one/

  29. Has anyone been to Lake Las Vegas lately... I REST MY CASE...

    Dust in the wind

  30. I have ritz carlton closing, properties sold for 1/4 of what they used to, case closed

  31. 3:02 do you have any of their phone numbers LOL!?

    One sack of groceries for a happy ending?

    Can't feel sorry for a former $2000/night prostitute.

    In the future maybe it will be one (Mercury) dime.

  32. Yes 1251, I have about 11 phone numbers right now, and they are beautiful 8's, 9's and a 10 or two. So far no Mercury dimes, but a sack of groceries and some beer or cigs Yes!

  33. I am from nevada and go to Las Vegas a lot. It seems dead except for the Tourist areas. There are a few people in the tourist areas. I don't know how much they are spending. Looks like a lot of people unemployed with nothing to do!


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