Thursday, May 20, 2010

Its A Bogus Recovery With Manufactured "Good News"

Despite a 24/7 campaign of carefully managed "good news," 76% of Americans do not believe the U.S. "recovery." Hmm, I wonder why?
A massive outbreak of economic cognitive dissonance is being suppressed with wave after wave of manufactured "good news." Every visibly negative bit of data is run through a media and Central State assembly line to refashion it as "good news" and "evidence" that the "nascent recovery is taking hold." Whatever cannot be rejiggered is simply buried or suppressed.

The fact that five corporations control the the vast majority of the U.S. mainstream media certainly aids that manufacturing process.
Let's run through a few of the most blatant examples of suppressed dissonance:
1. If the economy is recovering so strongly ( +3% GDP growth in the first quarter!) then why are tax revenues down? Federal budget deficit hits April record: The April deficit soared to $82.7 billion. Total revenues for April were down 7.9 percent from a year ago. In the seven months of this year, corporate tax receipts are up 8.9% to $77.1 billion. The same cannot be said of individual income tax revenue, which is down 11.6% in the first seven months to $500.8 billion.
Through the first seven months of the current budget year, which began on Oct. 1, the deficit totals nearly $800 billion. That is down only slightly from last year's deficit during the same period of $802 billion. Revenues total $1.2 trillion in those seven months, down 4.5 percent from the same period last year.
How can tax revenues be falling when the economy is "growing strongly"? As for those corporate profits: corporate profits register biggest year-over-year gain in 25 years.

As this chart from the Federal Reserve shows, non-financial corporate profits were almost 14% of GDP before the global meltdown. In a $13 trillion economy, that's $1.8 trillion.
But much of the "good news" in Corporate America is not quite as rosy as presented.
More Here..

Superhyperinflation Just Around The Corner


  1. people, stop listening to the mainstream media. they are propaganda. get your information from the internet and foreign medias, and decide for yourself

  2. When I first saw this video, the little mice immediately reminded me of the typical American: free! Free to go where ever the little mouse desired, within the confines of its cage of course. The little mouse seems so happy there, lounging and eating its crackers and running about. And always very busy - busy running on its wheel, round and round so fast! Just like NASCAR. Perhaps from time to time, the
    little mouse watches the TeeVee, balances the checkbook, and some even vote for "Change To Believe In". Others are armed to the teeth... er, I mean - with teeth. Very sharp razor-like teeth! They dream about the Other Change: The One That's Coming Soon. But all the mice, the ones on the Left side of the cage, and those on the Right, they are all so compliant. Obedient. Conforming. Quiet. (shessh, don't wake the little ones!)

    But one day, change does come! A giant hand from the heavens reaches down and lofts them high into the air by their little tails. Has The Rapture finally come to whisk them body and soul into Paradise??

    Watch the video and see!!!! (But be warned, the Banksters lurk just below the waterline.)

  3. 'Despite a 24/7 campaign of carefully managed "good news," 76% of Americans do not believe the U.S. "recovery." '

    You know things must be really bad when even a mojority of the sheep have been jolted from their lazy stupor and now sense wolves are in their midst.

    In my personal experience, I find NO ONE who really believes things are getting better. Small business owners I see regularly speak of one decent sales day or week here or there, but nothing consistent or sustained. This weekend I went to Sam's Club to stock up and found open registers available, and this with half the registers closed- normally unheard of on a Saturday. Home Depot was virtually empty, except for the garden department, which was far from packed either. Everyone seems to sense that the other shoe is about to drop and are being conservative with their money.

  4. Jeff in Southern CaliforniaMay 20, 2010 at 10:22 AM

    Don't Worry...Trust Barry. After all he loves all of us and only wants what's best for us, right?

    So last night he was partying with the Mexican, telling us that there is NO BORDER between the US and Mexico.

    Not far from me is a cement yard. A few years ago, as the sun was rising, you could see the trucks driving off to the construction sites, to spend the day pouring cement. These days, most of the fleet sits parked in the yard. Another economic indicator, far for accurate than the lies spewed out by the MSM.

    Hey Traitor in Chief, do us all a big favor and

  5. Yes Obama's big taco fiesta with Mexican Pres. Calderon was staged specifically to slap Arizona in the face. The federal government has 'de facto' declared open borders and just one state makes a feeble attempt to control it's own territory and is immediately condemned. And yet I don't see the Fed offering to help pay the welfare, medical, education, housing, or emergency services costs generated by tens of thousands of illegals. Arizona citizens are apparently expected to be good sheep and pay-pay-pay without complaining.

  6. As previously mentioned numerous times in the past, the sheeple (or tv people) believe anything their tv's tell them. They should be more accurately described as "Zombies".

    There is little hope when a large majority of society are addicted to their tv's and have no clue to what is really going on, or what reality is. Most of my friends and family believe everything is ok, the economy is in recovery and War is good.

    Or War is Peace and Freedom is Slavery.

    Sound familiar?

  7. When the MSM media openly proclaims that we are in a hyperinflationary depression - and they WILL be doing that at point by the direction of the Oligarch bankers - THEN it is game over.

  8. THEN it is game over.

    It's already game over. The US economy is like a critically injured patient who is brain dead, but the heart still continues to beat for a short time, because the dead brain is unable to signal it to stop. But it's dead just the same...

  9. The article is fantastic - click on it. Super Hyper Inflation Trauma - or SHIT! Great stuff.
    I will start referring to what is coming as SHIT.

    “Prices are doubling hundreds of times in the moment it takes you to blink your eyes. So let’s say you had enough currency for one hamburger patty when the cashier reached for the item to ring it. By the time the item has been entered, you no longer can even afford the strip of register tape, let alone the patty. The Standards Board already has decided to name the new denomination the “bajillion’ and for once the number will not be an objectively fixed numeral but merely an indicator of something being unaffordable to anyone or any country.”

  10. 8:40 I don't agree with that. You can still afford to buy a sack of groceries or pay $1.50 for a bus ride, or $10 for a money. There are still crappy, low pay jobs out there.

    Most homes still command 75% the price they did in 2006.

    It is far from game over, however game over could be next week or next month.

    It is game over in terms of any hope - absolutely - for the sheeple.

  11. Today's The Market Ticker has a great chart showing the real CPI compared to what we are being told. Another financial site quotes a long-time market manager telling his clients to sell all their stock and get out of the market. People are being told to pay down debt and stock up on necessities--plus hide their money in a mattress. I'd say that's pretty scary.

    As for inflation, I think I saw somewhere that gasoline went up 38%. I know sugar went up 30%, as have other foods. Most of my friends don't buy anything unless it is on sale. But I hardly see anything in the news about the real cost of living.

  12. If you have an outstanding mortgage and own PMs, hyper-inflation is TOTAL AND COMPLETELY AWESOME, especially super hyper-inflation.

    Imagine paying off all your debts with one ounce of silver or less?


  13. That is true 9:53. PMs will be all that will save you in that scenario. You will have extremely high property taxes, energy bills, etc, so make sure you have enough for all that also.

    Plus pipe and slippers.

    Hyperinflation rewards the (fixed interest) debtor and punishes and decimates the cash saver.


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