Friday, May 28, 2010

Unemployment Despair: "Why Won't Someone Help Us"

Few members of Congress have said they support adding more weeks of benefits to begin with, but on Thursday House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) delivered one of the most definitive statements shutting the door on a fifth tier. When a reporter asked Pelosi if Congress would give the long-term unemployed more weeks of benefits, she said, "No. This bill will go until the end of November, at that time we'll take up something, but not between now and then."
That statement didn't go over well with 99ers, who devour all news related to unemployment benefits online.
"I can not believe it - I cannot believe that she actually smirked as she was talking about it," wrote one person on, who watched Pelosi's press conference on C-SPAN. This 99er's post seemed to give voice to many of the frustrations of the group:
"I called the White House and spoke to a very nice operator (sounded like an older women). I never have broke down in tears before when making phone calls, but this time I did. I told her how Nancy appeared during the briefing, almost laughing at the notion that people need additional weeks. I vented on everything from money sent out of country to help with disasters, to the Republicans and Dems going round and round in Washington and how thousands of us will be exhausting our benefits each and every month. Wanted to know why the president is not coming out publicly and talking to the nation about the unemployment problem. The more I talked the harder I was crying. The operator kept trying to calm me down, saying she was going to pass the info onto the President. She said that we shouldn't be treated this way. She told me to call Pelosi's office - I cut her off and said that as soon as her aide hears the word unemployment they either put you through to voice mail or hang up on you. She said that this info would definitely be passed on (What good will it do? Don't know but can always hope). Sure enough I called Pelosi's office and when I started to speak got transferred to her voice mail - twice - 3rd time I told the aide not to transfer me but to listen to what I had to say. Went on to say that she laughed at us and what a despicable thing that was to do. He said he can't believe she did that, was I sure - told him it was all over the internet and to watch the video himself. He asked if he could transfer me to her voice mail - he did and I left her a message - ending with what a horrible horrible person she is and that the country will pay back in November.

"Dear God I dont know what I am going to do - I have just one more week of benefits, and a little in the bank. There are not enough jobs plus my age is not helping. I'm just so afraid for all of us - afraid for this country. Why won't someone help us."

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Budget Shortfall in Pennsylvania Could Create Huge Layoffs
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  1. BrianWilliamDotyIIIMay 28, 2010 at 3:46 PM

    I've seen the future, brothers
    It is murder

  2. She sounds like Queen Marie Antoinette just before the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror.

  3. The bottom line is if they cared then they would have not allowed out sourcing, illegal immigration, and NAFDA, GATT, and other trade agreements, that all would cause job loss.

    The Congress, President, and all of them are either idiots or greedy paid off jerks.

    If you are unemployed THEY DO NOT CARE


    If you have a job ...
    how long do you think you will have it?


    Probably and maybe Congress will start packing guns like goldman sachs.

    Do they want Martial Law?

  4. That's a real tear jerker all right.

    Funny though I don't hear all the independent contractor/builders begging for a Government bail out. We don't get 99 weeks, we get zero. Punishing the Entrepreneur and small business owners is part of the plan to destroy the middle class. Calling Pelosi is a waste of time.

  5. I cannot stomach the abject BILGE that the HuffPo retards are posting on that forum linked in the article.
    There are people there claiming the stimulus wasn't large enough, that Obama actually created xxx,xxx,xxx jobs, etc etc.
    What a bunch of complete FOOLS.
    No concept of Constitutional government whatsoever, and not a clue as to basic economics.
    MORONS, all of them.

  6. Patton Liked Little BoysMay 28, 2010 at 4:37 PM

    During this Memorial Day, let's stop and pause about all those brave soldiers who fought and died so benefits for the unemployable are not extended and they can eat mud cakes on the oil soaked beaches of the gulf of mexico. Is it for this that Daddy died?

  7. Just give the international bankers the world currency they want and you can have some semblance of your economy back.

    Really, that's basically it in a nutshell.

    Outside this, nothing will change, because the sheople are hopelessly misinformed and besides... they don't care. Actions, or lack thereof, tell all.

  8. The Citizens of Pompei where going about their daily business when the Volcano blew.

    They had beautiful art in Pompei, we now know because of the excavations.

    One thing I am totally happy about is that the oil/gas supervolcano will take out the Georgia Guidestones along with the southern united states, and me, myself, Personally, your chief antogonist and nemesis, eternal enemy of children of Darkness everywhere, the one and only JESUS FREAK.

    You could say I am the bomb.

    Except I'm like 1000,0000 times bigger than a 1 megaton hydrogen bomb.

    Don't worry about nothing right now children, Just pray to god and be happy, thankful that you had this life, and this time to be on earth with others whom you love.

    The reward of the faithfull is a billion times greater than you can conceive.

    "and in those days, ANYONE that calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved"

    Amen Jesus.

    See you soon(er than all these idiots thought it would be, but such is the patience of the saints.)

  9. 1:39 since the sheeple will never learn or act, that sounds like a plan. Too bad we can't assign a head sheeple to go and address the Oligarchs to give them anything they want.

    Unfortunately, the power mad want to take their power not have it handed to them. So all the deceptions and wars must continue.

  10. The government can afford to spend hundreds of billions on wars, but can't continue programs to help their own citizens. I hope they all burn in hell!

    No incumbent will have my vote in November. Vote them all out!

  11. Sheep can be sheared every year but only skinned once.

    America is the land of the armed sheep. Sooner or later those sheep will start to fight back.

    Will be very very ugly.

  12. For those of us who "get it", we know this is all by design. And now it's happening. We are in the depression, and within a matter of months, there will be millions more unemployed with no benefits. It's happening now, and it will get astronomically worse in the next few months.

    Get ready and prepare now.

    Oh, and Nancy PelosI is sickening, she will get what she deserves....

  13. Since May 3, the DJI went down over 1000. It will continue to have little ups and downs with a trend down. Soon it will tank by larger numbers and not long from now our large companies will have a lot less working capital and banks will not loan to them...

  14. Why are we bailing out banks ans insurance companies ans sending money to yisrael but not the citizens of this country? Got ham?

  15. "America is the land of the armed sheep. Sooner or later those sheep will start to fight back.

    Will be very very ugly."

    Pretty hard to fight on an empty stomach. You just wait when the chain of supply completely breaks down and no food finds it way to distribution outlets.

    30 days max, and it's all over for the sheople.

    Smart people know it's already over and are going to do the rope-a-dope at home while fools take to the streets.

    Therefore, everyone who has stocked up on PMs, food, water, ammo, medicine, etc. will be richly rewarded.

    The oligarchy is not afraid of smart people who get it. It's the stupid, ignorant sheople that are in their cross-hairs.

  16. This planned unemployment mess, caused by outsourcing factories and jobs, is a set up for martial law when riots start. Simple as that. When the benefits are stopped hell will break out.

  17. Cramer still has his show and the sheeple are still investing LOL. How long can this smoke and mirrors market continue? 3 years 5 maybe?

  18. It might only take a few hundred, armed, crazy, desperate, pissed off, homeless people to make a big difference in this country. A few hundred thousand or million will definitely get the job done.

  19. Cramer still has a show? Who watches that crap?

  20. BrianWilliamDotyIIIMay 29, 2010 at 9:57 AM

    Folksong of 2011:

    I can bring home the long pig
    Fry it up in the pan

  21. Skeedaddy, back the truck up! He is entertaining but at best he should be viewed as a reverse barometer. When he pumps a stock, it's time to bail.

  22. How many weeks should you expect unemployment? 99 weeks? 99 months? 99 years? Is this the new reality of when one does not have a job,they just get government handouts the rest of their lives?
    Ridiculous. I work for myself so you now know where I am coming from. I will receive nothing,expect nothing and it makes me hustle.


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