Friday, May 28, 2010

Soldier's 300k Home Sold For $3,500: Didn't Pay $800 Debt

Michael Clauer is a captain in the Army Reserve who commanded over 100 soldiers in Iraq. But while he was fighting for his country, a different kind of battle was brewing on the home front. Last September, Michael returned to Frisco, Texas, to find that his homeowners' association had foreclosed on his $300,000 house—and sold it for $3,500. This story illustrates the type of legal quagmire that can get out of hand while soldiers are serving abroad and their families are dealing with the stress of their deployment. And fixing the mess isn't easy.
Michael went on active duty in February 2008 and was sent to Iraq. After he shipped out, his wife May slipped into a deep depression, according to court documents. "A lot of people say that the deployment is more stressful on the spouse than the actual person who's being deployed," Michael, 37, says in an interview with Mother Jones. May Clauer had two kids to take care of—a ten-year-old and a one-year-old with a serious seizure-related disorder. In addition, she was worried sick about her husband. Michael's company was doing convoy security in Iraq—an extremely dangerous job. "It was a pretty tough year for the whole company," he says. "We had IEDs, rocket attacks and mortar attacks, and a few soldiers that were hurt pretty bad and had to be airlifted back to the States."
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  1. Can't Save Private RyanMay 28, 2010 at 2:40 PM

    That's what he gets for partaking in the slaughterous occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. After facilitating the unnecessary murder of over a million Middle Easterners, what he believes to be "his own people" stab him in the back for his own carelessness, economically.

    I feel no mercy for him, especially because he's a soldier.

  2. 11:40 he did what he thought was right after the US government manipulated him into killing innocents. The government and banks took advantage of his dire situation to profit, criminally like usual. This scene is getting to be a normal activity.

  3. No pity for Jarhead. That is what an automaton deserves.

  4. As a military guy he should remember one thing, and one thing only-his duty is to DEFEND his own country, not to OFFEND other countries. He did the other way around and he paid dearly. And the military guys who read this should realize it is going to happen to all of them (one by one) for as long as they serve the Lucifer.

  5. If by Lucifer, you mean the controllers of our military, Isis-ra-el I agree.

  6. Hi, I am an American. I love my country. I have family in the military. I know that anyone from any country can comment on this blog. I also know that no true American would say some of the things said here. There are some Socialists that were born here that would make some of the comments above and that will continue. I also know a lot about the Muslim religion and I recognize some of the dialog here as Muslim. I wish just once, just once I could be face to face with some of the very brave people with their hateful words toward Americans... just once. Cause that is all I need. I also know that there will be people who will claim to be Christian Americans making hateful remarks here who will be on their prayer rugs in Pakistan. Liars.

  7. OK I feel for the guy in a way, but as a retiree, I know a Capt. in a combat zone is pulling down at least 6K or more a month depending on his TIS and specialty, so there shouldn't be a problem paying an 800 dollar debt. Besides your supposed to have your "affairs" settled prior to deployment as it is.

    Now the other thing is this 300K house, I'm sure he didn't pick that up a day prior to deploying. wtf is he doing with a house in that bracket anyway, unless he had a good civilian job besides being in the "reserves"

    Just cause your in uniform and an officer doesn't mean your a financial wizard.

  8. 12:45 There are some people who inherit money and can write a check for a house. Also, he had his affairs in order. If you read the article you would understand how all of this happened.

  9. Lesson here is don't fight wars for the gov, you do for them but they won't be there for you when you need them. Used and thrown away.

  10. @ 12:48 it said "foreclosed", so he must have had a mortgage, not paid for the think cash money with inherited money, and if that was the case, whats up with owing a lousy 800 bucks?

  11. @12:49 I'm on your page of thinking partner, but I wouldn't use "happy" in conjunction with Memorial Day bud.

    Just my view on the day. I have 3 names on the wall.

  12. 12:42 big tough He-Man! Bet he use Viagra and many other prescriptions like good american. Velly typical american attitude. Want to kill everyone and everything. why people like this who hate life so much not just kill selves? World be better place if did. Fart in their direction and laugh at abominable's stupid hubris. they rotten to core. they plague to the planet and the universe. One day soon, plague will be gone, and we be happy and live in harmony again.

    Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star.

  13. Pity the poor 1.2 million innocent people of Iraq that died at the hands of our brutal heartless Empire. Add in the Afghans that are being used for target practice so Unocal can get their gas and Al-CIA-duh can get their drud trade. Then the Pakistani civilians being used as targets for our drone planes.

    Memorial day indeed. Lots of innocent deaths to grieve for next Monday.

  14. He has the skills, USE THEM!

  15. This story does not pass the smell test. We are not hearing all the facts.

  16. Soldiers don't need to own any real estate until they retire from the military..too damn many risks. Husband is retired military and I've heard from others that home ownership is a burden when you have to sell for being transferred to another base. Military life is not the ideal family/raising kids lifestyle either. We rented for many years like others, then bought a house later.

  17. I'm on that page myself 4:18,

    a lot of people now with shaky jobs are trying this route, only to find things aren't all that easy.

    however this is a case of a "reservist" not a career person. So like I said in another post, relating to some post mentioning he may have paid cash for the thing, that he must have acquired this house as a "civilian" while on his civilian job, so his family wouldn't be doing any movement around the country anyway, as a reservist, he's "home based" in that state as it is.

  18. @May 28, 2010 12:24 PM
    Exactly what I meant.

  19. @May 28, 2010 12:42 PM
    Look pal. The majority of people who read this blog understand and know that your country was hijacked by a bunch of evil doers. That's a fact. They use your country to achieve their Geo-political goals while you have to pay with your blood for their “games”. The troublesome thing here is that they hijacked your country while you, Americans, were watching the baseball games and American Idol. The problem is that when some would tell you what was going on, you would laugh or ridicule those people. Oh no, this would never happen to America! You are delusional! Now slowly but surely many of you begin to realize that not only it will happen, it is happening already. That's why it is important to understand that in order to conceal their crimes, the ruling elite will take you to war. If you stole from two people the best way to make sure they would never find our what happened is to organize a fight between them. Hopefully, one of them or, better yet both of them, die in the fight. So, don't be stupid. Use your brain, inform your friends in the military and do not allow the crooks to pull another Vietnam on yourself and your friends.

  20. american politicians are just the worst of the worst. american soldiers are guarding chinese copper mine in afghanistan.
    black water mercs do not want to see america wins in iraq and afghanistan because they want to continue to get security contract works. it is more profitable and money making if the wars continues. business is business. that is how black water sees it. all about business.

  21. Its a well paid all volunteer military in the US now.

    After all Militaerism and war is now mostly Privatised most serving in the field are mercenaries employed on contract.
    Some are local recruits as the wars are "vietnamised" ,like pro - US paid Arab "awakening Forces" in Irag Or the forces of the Northern Drug lords in Afghanistan others are recruits from other countries incluing American contractors .

    Nobody is conscripted now to go and invade other countries in order to "defend America".

    If you can find a way get the required skills its then a career decision whether to remain in the offical U.S military or become a freelance private contractor.

    Thats the American way.
    A land of militarism and business oportunity!

  22. This foreign non US observer says.
    Once "well armed" State militia forces have been turned into federal "national reserves"a Praetorian guard for the semi-monarchy Empire under the control of the Federal Governments C.I.Chief to be used overseas and for Katrina type events in other U.S. states.
    There may be a few more of those events soon in ther States as the American economy implodes in a sea of unpayable debts and unemployment.
    Who will save the States from the Federal Praetorian guard "national reserves"that may
    be ready to enforce debt repayments from the States as federal troops if they default?
    For an example ,default by bankrupt states on the current federal loans to the States for paying massive unemplyment benifits.
    Pelosi ,the republican /Democracry duopoly party Congress and Senate appears to be swinging the lead, or to be an unwilling ,delaying lender for providing more unemployment benifit top ups ,as militarism and bailouts for the rich are costly.The states can fry! After all ,there is only so much the Fed can print before Deflation and then Hyper-inflation hits. Will the states control or even have their own militia for civil unrest or class struggle if the State reserves are overseas?
    But,the The US Armed forces are committed already to crazy endless permanent war against the Third World for oil and Empire.
    Pakistan, Iran, or Korea who will be next to save America, using the now already overstreched military and now "National" State reserve troops ?
    A reserve force soldier returning to his/her State from a foreign war may find his house
    has been stolen by banksters or burnt down by looters in the absence of a well armed State Militia?
    The cost of Miltarism and wars, has and will bankrupt and destroy America.

  23. Sounds like 1242 needs a good ole fashioned blanket I mean prayer rug party


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