Friday, May 28, 2010

Worldwide Catastrophe In The Making?

Let’s play a little game called Disaster. Imagine an event that could trigger a genuine, knock ’em down, worldwide catastrophe. Think of Pearl Harbor, multiplied by 10, or even 100.
We’ll limit the options to man-made events, but eliminate traditional candidates like nuclear war or co-ordinated terrorist attacks. Climate change scientists might put their money on a massive greenhouse gas-induced drought that triggers uncontrollable emigration—entire countries emptying out, their citizens swelling the populations of Europe and North America. Doomsday economists, on the other hand, could raise the spectre of a global debt bomb: When industrial and emerging economies all exceed debt thresholds, a sovereign default by one country spreads like a firestorm, and triggers a global depression.
There’s no telling when, or if, the climate-change scenario could take place. Unfortunately, that’s not true of the second one. Debt bomblets have already exploded. And the big one—the Daisy Cutter—is being primed for action.
Greece is ground zero. Look at the damage the country inflicted on European debt, equity and currency markets this spring. How could a nation that accounts for less than 3% of the European Union’s gross domestic product (GDP) be so destructive?


  1. Entirely unnecessary to be this dramatic. The American lemming populace only needs a very minor false flag to be completely scared out of their wits.

    Al-CIA-duh could put a rag in a car's gas tank and light it and most New Yorkers would stay in their homes.

    The Oligarchs are fully aware of how spineless the sheeple are and that they don't have to do something as dramatic as setting off a nuke, etc. After all they have spend decades molding a populace of compliant drones they don't want to completely neutralize their work.

    An entire nation of non-thinking automatons is a work of art in their book. Having slaves that don't realize they are slaves is the way to go.

  2. Lehman bankruptcy in 2008 was the beginning of world wide collapse. It effect ripples throughout the world causing many country stock markets to tank. We are now starting to have a similar crisis but much bigger, sovereign debt. Greece is like Lehman from 2008. Be prepared.

  3. Lehman bankruptcy was the only thing that was done right. A loser than was allowed to fail. (Of course GS saw to that).

    That is called a free market. GM, etc, should have also died. But no, now we have Government Motors. Banks should have definitely died, 90% of Americans said they should. But no, we have a banker controlled Congress who gave away your future to greedy trillionaire bankers.

    The melding together of government and corporations. Fascism. The corporations that have bought politicians (like GS bought B.O.) run the show.

  4. Anyone who thinks the Haliburtons of the world want to stop the oil leak is uninformed as to how these corporations work.

    You will never know about already existing cures for cancer, aids, etc because there are billions to be made in the treatment.

    Same with the oil volcano.

    They can seal it and miss out on hundreds of billions of dollars in profits (attempting) to clean it all up.

    You see, because we live in a fascist/corp state, BP was already able to reduce their liability on a 1+ trillion dollar clean up to pocket change (75 million).

    With a large corp it is all about profit (that includes the corporation that is the USA).

    Sheeple actually think a best effort is being made in the gulf. Wrong. Just stage acting. There is far too much profit to be made in the disaster if they can keep it going for a few years.

    Welcome to corp reality.

  5. 9:21
    there is always derivatives/CDOs/CDSs for oil spill.

  6. No kidding. You know the ideas of injected mud in there and such stupid crap like that is just to buy time for the oil spill to do as much damage as possible.

    People underestimate how low corporations like Haliburton will go. Pollute the oceans? So what. They are a party to mass murder for profit. Why the hell would they give a shit about fish, ducks, and tourists. We are talking about 100s of billions of dollars in profits here folks. Nothing is more important to them than those profits.

    Even when these corporations get caught no one cares. In 1987 Bayer Aspirin got caught willfully selling AIDS-tainted medicines to the French. Thousands died. There was documented proof they did it on purpose to protect millions in profits. Thousands got aids thanks to Bayer's brutality.

    Walk down the isle at Walmart and there it is, Bayer! No one cares. Corporations do what they do.

    The oil leak WILL NOT be plugged. That is a volcano of MONEY spewing out of there.

  7. Corporate greed that costs humanity greatly is not some theory. There are hundreds of examples.

    A Corporate as an entity has many more rights and freedoms than you do. Simply put, it has all your rights and none of your liabilities, can't be sent to jail, etc.

    When we empowered Corporations to be more powerful than people we really screwed up because the majority of large corporations have the morals of Hannibal Lecter, or worse yet, Dick Chenney.

  8. 9:30 and 9:36 I AGREE and think if Eisenhower was warning about the "Military Idustrial Complex" CORPORATIONS back in the 1950's then imagine how much worse it is today. over 50 years to brainwash people and learn new tricks to cover up and hide what they are doing. I think greed and pwer has made them INSANE.

  9. Of course at the top of the food chain we have the elite families. The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans. Insane with greed, yes. Multiplied by the competition among them as well as all the inbreeding over the years. Same creeps that own the USA via the Federal Reserve private bank.

  10. What the heck is uncontrolled emigration, don't we already have that? I guess uncontrolled would mean an end to the desert watering stations and the ACLU welcome wagon.

  11. O Looky what I found here,, maybe this will be it

    On 28.05.2010 at 10:35 GMT+2

    Katla is the second largest volcano in the country of Iceland, and Iceland's president is issuing a warning saying that the eruption of Katla is close. Icelandic president Ólafur Grímsson has warned other governments around Europe "that a significant eruption at the volcano is close." "We [Iceland] have prepared ... it is high time for European governments and airline authorities all over Europe and the world to start planning for the eventual Katla eruption," he said. Europe is still experiencing clouds of volcanic ash from Eyjafjallajokull that erupted in April. Airlines all over the world have lost significant flight time and money due to flights being cancelled as a result of the ash clouds. An eruption of Katla, the second largest volcano is Iceland, could spell even more trouble. There has been speculation about Katla since the eruption of Eyjafjallajokull. Katla is the larger of the two volcanos. The planet appears to be in a perpetual state of unrest. From today's 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Vanuatu to the pending eruption of Katla in Iceland; it seems like Mother Nature is kicking up her well worn heels.


    Situation Update No. 1
    On 23.05.2010 at 19:34 GMT+2

    The earthquakes at the Katla volcano site appear to possibly be increasing in frequency as of this moment (time will tell however). Since May 17 there have been four earthquakes at or very near Katla, while a 5th just on the edge of the Myrdalsjokull glacier. Although 4 or 5 earthquakes at the volcano site in 4 days does not indicate a drastic change in pattern, the interesting notation at the moment is the fact that the two most recent earthquakes occurred within 3 hours of each other on 21 May, 2010, at depths of 5km and 13km. That in itself is an increase in occurrence. It may be an anomaly, but it justifies keeping one eye on Katla, the big sister of Eyjafjallajokull.

  12. That article was written by the Toronto Globe & Mail, one of Canada's leading establishment newspapers. Through it, the Elite is effectively admitting that the global financial system is in the process of coming apart at the seams, and that the only thing that "might" save you is gold and/or some productive real estate, such as as wheat farm [no kidding].

    Does it get anymore direct than this?

    This is it folks. Greece was the beginning of round two.

  13. What about all the good things that happen every day? People who live in fear never experience life. You are more likely to die from a heart attack or car accident but everyday I am sure some of you don't work out or buckle up.

    This article is fear mongering.

  14. “Lehman bankruptcy was the only thing that was done right.
    A loser than was allowed to fail.
    (Of course GS saw to that).”
    Done right?
    For whom?
    Lehman, Bear Sterns and the other banks ,AIG and other losers were not allowed to "fail" their derivative and other debts were taken over and paid out in full at more than market value by the U.S. government bailout/coup.

    The debts now belong to the US government and people and the loses socialised for bankster and financial gamblers profit.
    (Of course GS saw to that).

  15. 6:33 - good things are relative.

    You as a microcosm in this universe are nothing significant to begin with. Death or no death makes no difference. Why do you label those who pay attention to fear mongering people who live in fear? Are you afraid of the dark? There are people who swallow the pill and face reality for what it really is without needing to shift their perception so they can hide their fear (like you).

    Your philosophical stance is mere babble, you hear someone else say something and then go on to think about using that in situations like this to control your fear (and you have lots of it which is detectable by your syntax and your vibration).

    The only thing to be afraid of in this world is staying unconscious. Sleepiness is hypnosis, and that allows one to become possessed -programmed.

    Real Sages don't move a muscle as doors swing from open to closed. They also know how foolish it is to engage "life" the way people do; sages know this world is not real life, the Yogi's goal has always been to take leave of this sham reality.

    Anyways, I do think this article is nonsense only because the author thinks that CO2 caused disasters are possible - well guess what? They aren't, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the environment.

    What a boobus, he actually thinks that is more plausible than a nuke going off? But there is a disaster coming and it doesn't just conclude with an economic crash.


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