Thursday, May 20, 2010

What Good Are Economists? Same "Failures" As The Great Depression

(Left) a rat scurries by Obama today, a sign of things to come?

Economists mostly failed to predict the worst economic crisis since the 1930s. Now they can't agree how to solve it. People are starting to wonder: What good are economists anyway? A commenter on a housing blog wrote recently that economists did a worse job of forecasting the housing market than either his father, who has no formal education, or his mother, who got up to second grade. "If you are an economist and did not see this coming, you should seriously reconsider the value of your education and maybe do something with a tangible value to society, like picking vegetables," he wrote on
Take that, you pointy-headed failures! Go jump off a supply curve!
To be fair, economists can't be expected to predict the future with any kind of exactitude. The world is simply too complicated for that. But collectively, they should be able to warn of dangers ahead. And when disaster strikes, they ought to know what to do. Indeed, people pay attention to economists at times like this precisely because of their bold claim that they know how to prevent the economy from sliding into a repeat of the Great Depression. But seven decades after the Depression, economists still haven't reached consensus on its lessons. The debate has only intensified in recent weeks.
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  1. This is it. Don't wait until May 24, 2010 to put in your battle plan into play. Do it now. This is no wack talking to you, the next 63 days will be ride of your life. The US Dollars Index is now 85.93, the Dow is 10068, a drop of 376. Gold and Silver took a ride today, but now for long. Go to the side line now.

  2. I think tomorrow the stock market is going to fall by thousands, not enough time left to get out by monday, tomorrow the big boys will cash out early and leave the middle class and stupid holding the bag. Tomorrow might be black friday!

  3. I believe the Banksters still have a few tricks up their sleeves. Crash won't be tomorrow, or May 24th, but it will come like a thief in the night, and we will all wake up one day to find out the end game is upon us.

  4. @3:59 PM

    You been saying May24th for a month now, please elaborate? What is going to happen on May 24th??

  5. Mexican Dancing a BoleroMay 20, 2010 at 8:01 PM

    It appears fake. Why May 24. Why "63 days", why not "89 days", or "8922 days".

  6. May 24 is when the secret Banksters meeting ends.

  7. -------------------alien invasion--------------- 24th

  8. illegal alien invasion has been happening for years, bankers invasion on may 24

  9. At the end of a RopeMay 20, 2010 at 8:10 PM

    Secret banksters as opposed to the not-so-secret banksters who play in both shadow and in light and... then the outright non-secret banksters who all follow the orders of the super-secret banksters who rule the secret banksters with mind beams.

  10. Predicting the economy with models that hold some inputs and variables will always neglect thousands of other potential variables and even the trillions of far more sublte ones (microscopic phenomena).

    It is almost as silly as them wasting huge sums of money on demonstration models of how the Big Bang occured only to now find out new discoveries that shatter the Big Bang for good; electrical vortexes, time not existing in higher dimensional physics but only to humans, DNA being a carrier of information/light-waves that shows Natural Selection no longer holds any merit but we may actually change through cosmic radiation, and of course the observer effect along with Zero Point Field (high energetic frequencies where the laws of physics break down and rearrange rather than needing the quantum level for that, the macro can immitate it) revealing that there is no end or permanent fixation in this universe and its laws are subject to change in time.

    With the amount of energy that is being bombarded in the collective consciousness, as well as the total instability of all things practical my guess is that the universe is transforming itself yet again and this will be more than just a change for humanity such as learning Agriculture, the start of the early empires, the Renaissance, Industrial Revolution, WW2, and of course the net and instant information. I believe this is going to be bigger than all combined, we will see an evolved man rise in time as well as the fallout of the old man (current humans running everything and participating in).

    Economists have become obsolete in the same manner all other people have; this is going to be the era where individuals rise and become consciously self sustainable. Group mentality will be shattered, bringing all authorities down with it (government, military, intellectual, and spiritual).

  11. The title of this article makes sense only if we assume the role of the “economists” was to predict and prognosticate the markets and financial future. But from my perspective they served a different purpose-fool the investors, and they did well. Protocols prove it.

  12. 5:52 what do you think economists do? They guess where the economy is going by their economic "models"..which are obsolete today

  13. 5:42- I concur with everything you said, except the part where you mentioned economists cannot physically maintain a woody.

  14. Folks,

    It doesn't matter if the economy is going to hell in a hand basket. As long as someone is buying the appropriate stocks, the major indices will stay put or go up. Since the bankers can print money and ask for bailouts any time they damn please, they can pretty much manipulate stock markets to go anywhere they want, especially with their automated computer systems. The game is rigged. Get over this ponzi casino.

    Fact is, nothing is working the way it should. If the markets truly reflected the real, physical economy, the DOW would already be around 4,000 or less.

    Bottom line: you can't trust the markets. So do the safe things instead. Buy PMs and stock up on necessities for the day of reckoning. It's only a matter of time. After all, the USD and other currencies must die in order for a new world counterpart to surface. And this is not going to occur without nasty consequences for the average, lowly man, woman and child.

  15. 5:42 You may be more right then you think.

    And it may very well be the the Elite maybe aware of this as well. They are using their only tool which is FEAR.

    Everyone ... before you go to bed think of the world that you would like to live in. But do not just think of it visualize it and feel as if you are walking around in it experiencing it.
    Then after really feeling your world then go to sleep. Do this each night until it becomes true.

    You might think this is crazy ...

    but why not try it?

    what do you have to lose?

    and what do you have to gain?

    Read the Gospel of John chapter 14.

  16. something is not right. gold is at $1171. get ready for a big swing upward.

  17. 542 you been watching david wilcock video or just go to

  18. 542 you been watching david wilcock video or just go to

  19. 7:26,

    You got that right!

    Europe is in a panic at the elitist level. You need only look at the actions of the German Chancellor to know something's run amuck.

    The problem with the gold and silver markets is that there's too much damn paper counterparts, i.e. futures. This is what "they" are using to smash down prices, so the sheople are bewildered and clueless.

    No matter. In due course everyone will see the sham for what it is.

  20. 745 sham meaning what, undervalued overvalued what?

  21. 811
    paper is a sham
    but understand
    buy real gold and silver
    i didnt wright that post

  22. Last Monday, PM's were on the rise. I read another comment on Tue. that said PM's would start to fall on Wed. They did and are still falling. I would expect massive PM buys at the present time and then an upward growth. If I could buy 100,000 ounces of gold and then one week later see the price rise by $80.00 that would put me up by eight million dollars.

    Perhaps we'll see the rise starting May 24th.

  23. the dollar is dead, pms will be money soon, dont worry

  24. This is exactly what I've been saying for a year now---economists committed across the board malpractice.

  25. May 24th has nothing to do with the stock market...
    HAARP induced earthquake on Monday in Temecula California registering 9.25 on the Richter scale.

    This will be a bitter cup of suffering for those living in SoCal, but will also be a trigger event for our country.

    Be ready.

  26. may 24 haarp event, everyone be ready for it


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