
Friday, June 4, 2010

Adam Lass: June 4th Stock Market Collapse Prediction Written May 8th 2010

Saturday, May 8th, 2010
He has predicted every major market crash dating back to 1999..
How bad will it get?
At the minimum, Adam expects the Dow to plunge from 11,115 down to

Dear Sandy,
I apologize for writing you so late in the evening, but colliding economic forces are conspiring to create the most dangerous market environment since 1987.

I say this not to alarm you, but rather to protect your Taipan readers for an imminent and devastating market crash.

As you know, I record and analyze many different social, economic, political and market phenomena in an attempt to truly understand human behavior and history.

Sometimes the results of these studies have proven quite useful to your readers. Right now is one of those times.
You see, I have now detected that the "Third Wave" in a series of memetic oscillator formations will dramatically impact both the American economy and the stock market.

As you've seen from my previous work, the damage caused from the "First" and "Second" waves have paralyzed the entire equity markets. Past wave formations in 2000 and 2007 are noted for you below. But I have to warn you. This new "Third Wave" could be the most crippling of all.

Therefore, every Taipan reader must be prepared.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that those who are not properly protected stand to lose everything. After all, the formation of this "Third Wave" is dangerous in so many different ways.

I've enclosed a chart with this letter, showing you the most probable path the crashing wave will take.
As you'll see below, the official trigger date for this wave pattern is forecasted to begin on Friday, June 4th. See for yourself below...

Please pass it onto every single one of your readers immediately, so that they know how much time they have left to prepare.

This is our most desperate hour. There is no time to wait.


Adam Lass

WASHINGTON CLAIMS: "Americans Are Working Again!"
THE TRUTH: The only reason unemployment has "leveled off" is because Washington has written off millions of desperate men and women as "hopeless deadbeats." Millions of others have been forced to accept part-time and temp jobs just to put food on the table.
WASHINGTON CLAIMS: "The Banking Crisis Is Over!"
THE TRUTH: More banks have closed in 2010 "after the crisis" then in the seven years of 2000 to 2007 combined! And it'll only get worse.
WASHINGTON CLAIMS: "Real Estate Has Turned the Corner!"
THE TRUTH: The only sales that are consistently growing are heavily discounted bank foreclosures.
CONCLUSION: Failing wages, shrinking assets, microscopic savings, failing banks, $90 oil, rising costs. You've seen this story twice in the past 10 years, and you know exactly how it ends: A market meltdown of epic proportions.
More Here..

Investors Shun Market Volatility as Fear and Uncertainty Reign
More Here..


  1. Amazing accuracy to post this today with the current sell off

  2. Down now 350 and falling fast

  3. Great that we had to wait until June 4th to read this. I have some shocking June 7th predictions, will let you know about them on Monday.

  4. Plunge Protection Team and the money printing press are working overtime. America will not default, it simply prints money out of thin air until we have hyperinflation.

  5. 1:17 lots of brain dead posters here..May 8th was the date it was written and circulated.get it?

  6. uh huh...and when is this 4460 gonna happen. This should have been posted May 8th for any credibility

  7. 2:15 this is for the brain dead posters:
    Posted 05-14-2010, 03:52 PM KITCO get off this blog and go play somewhere else..

  8. Well, the DOW did fall substantially today, but not to the extent predicted.Let's see what happens Monday. The fall of the Euro to below the previously suppported 1.20 threshold could be another bad omen of things to shortly come.

  9. 2:15, agreed. You can get amazingly accurate predictions on the Yahoo Finance boards if you just pluck the one that suits you each day and dismiss those that don't.

  10. 2:36 he didn't predict it would happen in 1 day! He stated it was the third wave down reaching 4460. Does anyone read anything or do they just shoot their mouths off here?

  11. 2:29 another brain dead poster. Dime a dozen. If you have followed Adam for as long as I have you would have read this a month ago. His newsletter has been around for a while. Now go back to bed.

  12. Our banker sock puppet is really going to spank those corporate criminals at BP! Tough talk. I am sure BP is trembling.

  13. The end of this wave for good or bad is July
    the 26th. A big change in all sectors is near.
    No more aftershocks later on? only the real estate down prices for those who mortgaged more than today's value.

  14. 2:31 I wouldn't call 300+ point drop in the Dow a crash when we've seen 700-800 point drops in the past 18 months and a 1000 point drop in 15 minutes just a few weeks ago. Charts are a waste of time when the market is just composed of speculative hedge funds and program trading that account for 74% of trading. Now YOU go to sleep...

  15. 4:27 its tough seeing your casino held chips get slaughtered by the day isn't it? You must be heavily entrenched on "red". Watching it disappear daily will make you feel better, beats it all at once like the casino...

  16. 4:32 & 4:51pm. You both aren't very bright. How is what I said positive for the Dow and Wall Street. I basically said it's a sham and you can't have any faith in the system because it is corrupt. Therefore, histoical charts no longer have any validity in that environment. I'm calling it a casino morons.

    Second, a 300 point drop is NOT a crash. How hard is that for you to understand. I'm not saying there isn't going to be one. I believe there will be. But don't give exact dates like your omnipotent. A real crash is when they will need to halt trading, which is about a 9-10% drop intra-day I believe. So until then shut your pie holes or the flies will get at the excrement.

  17. My charts have continued to come up with July 14th being significant.I have posted that here before. Now I must be honest and tell you that this comes to me from the DIVINE.GOD. I am a devout CHRISTIAN and this date has been with me since 2005. Is it going to happen on that date? I do not know but that is what God has been telling me for five years.Am I crazy? I'll find out.

  18. God doesnt talk to anyone only the easter bunny and santa does..

  19. Oh? Is that who it was.Well I still will watch for the date. Thankyou.

  20. Hey - Yo !

    Send me $645.00 & I'' send you these reports

    Guaranteed to make ya rich now ya hear

    OMG - they are ALL the same - ALL of them

    Look !I made all that listened to me 745% on this call

    Blah balh blah
    Blah blah blah blah blah

    It really does get sickening after a while

  21. Just so we're not enjoying the benefit of hindsight for next time; when is this L'Ass guy's next key date?

  22. Collapse! Collapse! Collapse! Collapse!

    That word is so overused.

    But what if it is not a collapse but a slow and painful boa constrictor squeeze of higher and higher prices and taxes, but less and less service, benefits and goods for your money?

    So many people know they know the answer, but I've seen so many wrong since I was buying gold back in 2004 - and that includes contrarian bears.

    Oh well. Something bad is coming, that's all we know for sure. TG I have a well, 2.5 good acres and etc, etc, etc. Better off than most.

  23. This may be good information and accurate, but I dont like it it was all marketed in a sales package.

  24. I certainly hope it is a collapse, any sane person would hope for the same.

    The worst future is if there won't be a collapse but just a continuous decay spiritually and economically.

    See how spirituality, being used more today than ever before, is becoming all about attracting personal happiness and selling people snake oil, and yet people are becoming more miserable and poor? Interesting.

    The other kind would be an economic rebound (highly magical) in which all of this will happen again sometime later on... get it?


  25. ... wow I'm having Deja Vu

  26. um um um Barack Husein Obama
    um um um Barack Husein Obama

    feel better yet?

  27. A debate between Ken Fisher and Alan Lass would be something else.They seem to be world apart.Who is right? May be they are both wrong with the truth somewhere in the middle

  28. has stop reporting since january 9th. The last report was of some 13 south american countries unifying their money, which is called the "Sucre". 6 months of no reports and low and behold, June 4th. the message from adam lass is all that is to be found on the webpage in basic HTML with a plain red background. I've been called crazy many times, but, in my opinion I believe this all planed, by our government and the higher power that oversea our government (international banking cartels, the illusive illuminati, vatican and royal families) I mean its a common fact that george bush's gr8gr8gr8gr8gr8gr8gr8gr8 grandfather was this man The stock market will need to come to an end for to begin.


  29. even if thathad been posted on may 8th which is was not . it was already after the mini flash crash . anyone could have called that
    and as for the june 4th date ? not much significance to it , june 4 was a low the market peaked june 21 st. overall charts do matter and anyone who trades does understand how to read a chart . to put a bunch of words on a page after the fact for ego sake alone is
    proving anything . he has called every crash since 1999 ? um ok . had he had his subscribers short in 1999 maybe they made money then again maybe not , had he had subscribers short through out 2000 maybe they made money maybe not . the real decline was in 2002 from march to oct for a period of 7 months .
    if yoru going to post the holy grail crash story you could atleast give some input to yoru sales pitch . otherwise your just talking the talk with no backup to prove your case.
    i saw the top on april 26th and the low in early june and the peak on june 21 and i got short the market . where is your pudding ?

  30. The Dow will go down 7.2% Tuesday, but because of a server glitch, you are receiving this prediction Wednesday.
    Sorry for the inconvienence our server error has caused you.
    Bob the Stock Genies

  31. Horrible forecast by Adam Lass!

    The Dow was at 11,115 in August a year later it is at 12,681.

    The market is up almost 15%...and he said it would plunge by more than 50%!

    Time has a way of s[putting the light on these "predictors".


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