
Friday, June 4, 2010

The Setup: Expect Gas to Hit $6-$8 Per Gallon

Oily tar balls hit the sands of the Florida Panhandle Friday even as BP engineers adjusted a sophisticated cap over the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. The containment cap is the latest attempt to plug the worst oil spill in U.S. history, triggered when the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded April 20, killing 11 people.
Whenever the spill is eventually contained, and the best estimates are still in the "months" category, the BP disaster has major implications for the environment, America's energy policy, and consumers.
"The implications for the American consumer and our society and the domestic United States are very seriously at the front of what I think about," says our guest John Hofmeister, former president of Shell Oil and author of Why We Hate the Oil Companies.
The BP disaster has raised questions about halting risky, domestic oil extraction procedures altogether, including deep-water programs. But Hofmeister -- a longtime advocate of more domestic drilling -- says Americans simply can't afford to stop drilling. (America's net imports of foreign oil have jumped to 58.2 percent in 2007 from 34.8 percent in 1973, accoding to the latest annual figures from the U.S. govermment.)
Prices Could "Skyrocket"
"While we dream about a new energy system that is decades in the future, the prices that consumers will have to pay for things like gasoline, electricity, and diesel would just skyrocket" if America halts offshore driller, Hofmeister tells Aaron and Henry in the accompanying segment. "Prices could get to the point where fixed-income and low-income people are simply taken out of the personal mobility marketplace, which would be a shock and unnecessary because of our unwillingness to produce domestic resources."


  1. I have my own oil well.....

  2. QUOTE: While we dream about a new energy system that is decades in the future,"

    BULLSHIT - SUPPRESSED Energy technology from decades in the PAST!!! We have the technology in so many formats, Brown's Gas HHO, Magnetic generators, etc. IF ONLY THE GAS/OIL Monopolies would be broken apart - either by government of LAWSUITS...independent energy companies could introduce their new technologies without being bought off, threatened with litigation, or... simply KILLED!
    So what Fascism has created between our government and big business interests... slavery of mind, body, and soul.


  4. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 4, 2010 at 8:37 PM

    Esta no worries, pollos
    I packed my bags last night

  5. zero hour 9am
    and Im gonna be high as a kite by then

  6. Another step in the Illumin@#$'s staircase. EXPAND YOUR MINDDDDDD!!!!

  7. I have no clue why I beat my head against a brick wall and so I have religated myself a farewell thought on energy.

    The first poster thinks he's just going to be a complete wiseass; when in reality in the N.E. portion of this country; more than a few individuals do indeed own their own wells.

    Natural Gas wells. Natural Gas is currently $4.85
    pr thousand Cubic Feet & I fill up my Ford 4X4
    for around $32.00 every week ( less than 1/2 of what Diesel would cost me. )

    It burns so clean that my truck will pass emisions standards anywhere in the world and you can sit literally in front of my exhaust pipe and smell nothing but warm water vapor.

    Because it burns so clean - I only have to change my motor oil every 20 - 25k miles.

    Entire city fleets run on CNG with no problems

    Yet - The more I talk; the higher gas goes; the more oil that's spilled; the worse the economy gets; the less discretionary income people have to spend.

    The Less and less and less anybody is even willing to take a look at this almost perfect fuel of the internal combustion engine.

    All they want o talk about is electric , Tesla and some pie in the shy stuff that ain't even invented yet

    I just do not understand that this cheap, abundant, clean, fuel that is so easily integrated into our current system - is met with such an amazingly indifference.

    Mayb petrol needs to get to 10 bucks a gallon before people will act I don't know - what I do know is that the American people are walking right past an easy way to save 5 or 6 grand a year and do the planet a favor besides

  8. The second poster has it right.

    Unlike most dabblers of HHO, I know how to make a car work entirely on Brown's Gas (HHO), but it would not be wise to disclose that information. I won't say why.

    As for electrical devices, the secret is torque. It allows you to get more with less input.

    Oil and natural gas? Yeah, you don't need this crap.

  9. Take a look at the live video feed from BP
    looks like they have it under controll.

    I'm going on a road trip this summer, I don't want to here $6-$8 Per Gallon.

    Drill baby drill... Drill baby drill..

  10. In Vancouver British Columbia Canada we pay Federal Excise Taxes, GST/HST, (Goods and Services Taxes and Harmonized Sales Taxes)Provincial Sales Taxes, Transit Taxes and now the only province to pay for get this a carbon taxes our gas is $1.26 per litre (4 litres which equals to 1.00 US Gallon) 1.26 x 4 = $5.04 per gallon so please don't complain...because quite frankly us Canadians especially in British Columbia are getting screwed....up the @$$

  11. BC here too 7:57- Yes your right, and you also know to get anywhere in Van. to work you are looking at at least 1 hour commute. Now the min. wage is @ 8 bucks an hour, so some poor kid working at Rotten Ronnies is pretty much breaking even by the time he gets there and slurps down a coffee which he pays for-yes its a big poke in the ass up here too, for sure!

  12. Dow down 3.15% today
    So, where are are the "confidence" shrills that were boasting of 'recovery"and an ever rising america and stockmarkets .
    Busy licking their wounds today?
    Got taken for another ride by GS and the Plunge Protection team?
    It is likely that the roller coaster ride and volatility will go on for some time.

    I personaly beleive tho , that it is not Game Over for certain, till the manipulators in the market get the Dow above 14,000 points again.
    But I would not bet on the market manipulators succeeding in that at all.The "masters of the Universe" cannot control unexpected events.
    They will certainly get it back above 14,000 points eventualy, it may even hit 30,000 points or more soon, but of course by that time you will be buying share paper priced in devalued inflated dollars.

  13. 814
    the shills ran for the hills

  14. $6-$8 a gallon? doubt those prices would last for long. remember when prices reached five dollars? it wasn't pretty and killed production sending gas down under 2 dollars a gallon.

    sneaky bastards those oil companies are.they have the audacity to tell us how they gonna punish us for being critical of them.

  15. $5+ gas here is a done deal. It is that high or higher everywhere else. Poor sheeple. SUVs are going to be on clearance pricing.

  16. To add to the suppressed energy, one being cold fusion which the navy confirmed, could power electricity on this entire planet for every household and not cost anyone a dime!

    As far as the cost of gas, what we are going to see as the economy continues to get worse is more people being unable to do things piece by piece. More people will lose the ability to drive (financially) and this in turn will cost others money as they can't get to work or places. Time will continue being lost for people (think of the volcano which grounded people from getting to their important places). Now imagine this being in the US and it won't have any pinpoint but will occur spontaneously, i.e some people in Tennessee, others in Maine, more in Ohio, a couple in Utah, all within a few days.

    And yet considering the more general problems economically that is sequestered to gas and people not being able to afford it yet.

    Get ready to make your own country with your neigbors. (Think Defiance but without the woods or Germans to fear). Smaller communities that are more isolated will fare better.


  18. 4:08 depending on make/model - around 3 grand for state of the art.

    You'll get that back the first year and like anything else; the more cars that would be converted - the less the costs of the parts.

    Don't also forget the added bennies - instead of changing your engine oil every 3-4,000 miles you can easily get 20-25 & also noone talks about the almost zero exhaust emmisions.

    Browns Gas - HHO
    How about HO HO HO - Natural gas is here- it's now; the technology has been already perfected
    when I mash the accelerator to the floorboard - I get 2 smoking rear tires.

    There is nothing to hide with natural gas - it's domestic, easily transportable from state to state - existing service stations are easily converted; we do not have to rob Peter to pay paul as with Ethanol etc.

    We won't do it

    Wanna know why ?

    It's too easy and it makes to much sense.
    I hope everybody here enjoys the ride - Hasta La Vista baby !

  19. And when the market goes right back up on Monday - what will everyone say then?

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. You guys need to see the bigger picture. Propane or natural gas is not going to last forever either. It's almost the same situation as oil. And where do you think it comes from? Mostly underground, and in the future will be from harder and harder to find sources, like deep wells. The same kinds of places like BP's well Deep Horizon which is also giving off natural gas.

    As far as brown's gas, it is fairly similar to electrolysis for hydrogen. It takes energy to create the gas which is used to burn to produce more energy again. Together with the costs of battery and the boron, etc. there is no real net gain.

    P.S. There is no "free energy" source

  22. At some point, either next week or 500 years from now, the last drop of oil is going to be extracted from the earth, and the era of Cheap Energy will be over, and we can go back to the agrarian lifestyle that is better for our minds and bodies.

  23. Puting propane and nat gas together in the same sentence is like farming with petroleum based fertilizer instead of animal manure.

    I agree with a prewvious poster about nat gas & here in S.W. New York we have entire grids that run off this very cheap and abundant fuel that
    is so very kind to the enviroment.

    The wells are very shallow as wells go ( many under 2,000') and recently a new deep formation has been discovered ( at the 8,000' level) and there's so much gas that they can't even begin to calculate how many TRILLIONS of cubic feet are available ( per quadrant !!!!! )

    No sir; say what you will and call me what you will - but for the near term ( next 200 years )
    we will not surpass this incredible fuel source.

    I also agree with someone else who stated that we won't utilize nat gas in a big way because it makes sense. The reason it doesn't make sense is that huge corporations and government cannot adequately control the production of nat gas because such a large percentage is produced on private lands

    AH !!!!!!!!!!!!! But that is a another story !!!!!

  24. Something else is happening here. Instead of the price of gasoline going up, it is going down. The more crude that is spilled into the Gulf, the lower the price. Does that make sense? At the same time, kerosene, which I think is a byproduct of gasoline, has stayed the same. Sounds like the oil companies are doing this on purposes, to deflect anger. Now that we are seeing pictures of dying animals--and it looks like very little is being done to save them--people are getting very upset. I think lower prices are a scam.

  25. Drill baby drill? It could take up to 10 years to setup drilling and turn that into gasoline, and likely wouldn't change the price of gas. The price of gas is set artificially and the production is intentionally halted or increased based on arbitrary criteria set forth by those that produce it. I hope gas reaches $10 per gallon, them maybe we'll be forced off of being dependent on oil. Money seems to be the only thing people get motivated about, so hit them where it hurts.


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