
Friday, June 25, 2010

Ben Bernanke: Party's Over We Need More Money

"We're heading towards a double-dip recession," said Chris Whalen, a former Fed official and now head of Institutional Risk Analystics. "The party is over from fiscal support. These hard-money men are fighting the last war: they don't recognise that money velocity has slowed and we are going into deflation. The only default option left is to crank up the printing presses again."
Mr Bernanke is so worried about the chemistry of the Fed's voting body – the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) – that he has persuaded vice-chairman Don Kohn to delay retirement until Janet Yellen has been confirmed by the Senate to take over his post. Mr Kohn has been a key architect of the Fed's emergency policies. He was due to step down this week after 40 years at the institution, depriving Mr Bernanke of a formidable ally in policy circles.
The Fed's statement this week shows growing doubts about the health of the recovery. Growth is no longer "strengthening": it is "proceeding". Financial conditions are now "less supportive" due to Europe's debt crisis.
The subtle tweaks in language have been enough to set bond markets alight. The yield on 10-year Treasuries has fallen to 3.08pc, the lowest since the gloom of April 2009. Futures contracts have ruled out tightening until well into next year. 


  1. There is NO recovery. There is no "money". I am reading now on other blogs the US govt/corp will not honor it's own checks. We shall see, no doubt this will happen very soon, if not right now. We have been telling the sheeple what is coming, and the sheeple's response; "The World Cup".

    With the out of control oilcano and the oilcane forming, look for mass chaos in the next few weeks. Check out webbots (, predictions are amazingly accurate. Check out Jeff Rense interview ( there are 8 segments, things are NOT looking good. We are now entering what many of us living in reality call "TSHF". You have very little time to prepare.

    If you live on the Dead Gulf Coast, you need to head north, NOW! The oilcano situation will not improve, and with the oilcane coming, residents need to get the hell out of dodge, NOW!

    For the rest of us,there are many things happening, I beleive the US corp/govt is in the process of defaulting. Of course you will never hear about this on the govtnews media. Look for military checks to bounce, as well as SS checks, in the near future. THERE IS NO MORE MONEY (DEBT NOTES), THE US CORP/GOVT IS BROKE. REMEMBER, MOST OF THE REST OF WORLD IS OR WILL BE IN DEFAULT IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS!

    We have arrived at the "End Game" folks. If you are in the dead gulf area, GET THE HELL OUT, NOW!

    And prepare yourselves and your families,TSHF scenario is here!

  2. The game is over. Deflation is here for now. TSHF scenario has arrived.

    You have very little time to prepare. Better take action NOW!

  3. "We're heading towards a double-dip recession,"

    I'm getting so damned sick and tired of this "double-dip" talk from so called financial experts and the media. We're still nowhere near the bottom of the FIRST bloody dip. There has been no recovery, none. Neither will there be. There's only hell to pay, and it's coming up fast.

  4. i went to a pool hall 18 years ago
    my friend doubled diped chicken fingers
    and the girl i knew fliped out

    know when i hear double dipped i think
    either way people go crazy
    no double dipping

    and yes marc farber said we never ended the last collapse taxes are way down

    and just like i posted on other blog
    they cut unemployment to people with no jobs

    and obama plays golf

    as some guy gives his niebour coffe and cake
    and supports a white women

  5. Everybody relax! Barry had his big meeting today with all the other rich, and powerful countries of the world to let them know that if they go ahead and print another quadrillion dollars each so will we.

    The most humorus thing of this whole damn dog and pony show is gonna be the day when the whole world realizes that it's been duped, For 2 generations now you benn bustin' your hump puttin' in - savin' up.

    It's a worthless as barry's words

    Hi Ho SILVER away !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Can't double dip without even pulling out of the 1st dip to begin with. These so call experts who parade on TV telling the public the recession is over don't even realize that their made an ass of themselves. The public was not fooled...

  7. Yep get ready for stock market crash Q3, food riots, unemployment protests and martial law. TSHTF scenario has arrived Im buying tons of water (Wally world has 24+4 bottles, cases for $3.48) yeah its not much but Im stackin cases ready for whatever water is most important ride out whatever comes first. Thats about all I can travel with anyway. Lots of canned goods. You can tell its about to happen when the media even admits it, the feds admit it. Get ready!

  8. "I'm getting so damned sick and tired of this "double-dip" talk from so called financial experts and the media. We're still nowhere near the bottom of the FIRST bloody dip."
    This comment hits the nail on the head! "Recovery" is B.S.propaganda.
    The American economy is dead. It has been dead since the money markets /credit supply shut down in 2008. But it is taking time to implode. False "profit" illusions of "recovery" have only been achieved by the government printing money for handouts, socializing, on paper, and with false accounting tricks , the losses of the banksters and by nationalizing the housing property mortgage markets and by "guaranteeing" any losses in the credit supply markets etc. The government and Fed are buying up most of the Treasury Debt bills secretly themselves . The banks are only hoarding the cash they were given by government to grease up money circulation, but the banks only said "thank you very much for the kind donation" for 'gods work" and are restricting the supply of loaned capital to US business. While the government props up values and credit supply in the housing markets .

    The Ponzi ,american serial bubble economy and the American Dollar Hegenomy in world trade and finance, that allowed Americans to live on debt for consumerism in a shopping mall economy ,where spending accounted for 72% of GD"P" in a non-productive services based economy, is no more.
    Pre- crisis The finance sector was providing 40% of all profitability and about that share of the stock exchange ,mostly profits on selling dud overvalued bonds to the rest of the world .Exporting American debt.
    Only casino capitalism remains now as the shopping mall economy seized up in a mountain of unpayable dud debts in 2008. Now the rich and banksters can only achieve real profits by looting the remaining wealth and assets of the middle class in derivative bets, stock share price manipulation and other scams.
    This services economy is a joke its "recovery" only running on Bens printed paper.
    The big car industry is in receivership draining taxpayers for subsidies .
    The last other materially productive industry, housing construction, is grinding to a halt.
    All that is left now that foreign supplied credit and foreign purchases of Treasury bills to Finance deficit spending on wars is drying up, is a paper economy and Americans exchanging non productive services with each other.
    As all industry ,jobs and services ,that can be carried out outside of America, have been exported to the cheap labour third world for the profits of the owners of the jobs .
    All that is left for Americans to pay off their debts ,is that they can clean shoes ,mow lawns ,landscape, paint fingernails, drive taxis to the shopping mall, or provide government services out of tax revenues extracted from the lawnmowers and finger painters .Or you can work as hedge fund traders, banksters, insurance salesman or cashiers and shelf stackers in Wall Mart , trade on E-bay ,or get a government subsidized job at GM ,or perhaps a job spending food stamps .
    While really tough Americans can get a job as security guards at Wal-Mart , or Disneyland ,or as policemen for the CIAs drug supply gang wars in America, or as soldier in Afghanistan for the armaments industry protecting the Heroin producing allies of America or protecting the Saudi Puppets and BPs oil middle eastern oil business.
    All of these “services” cannot create a real recovery as they only exchange value , mostly for already existing cash, but create no real commodity wealth that can be exchanged in payment for the consumption of foreign supplied commodities in Wall Mart. Those really productive manufacturing jobs, that create physical commodities and real recovery are long gone, only the debts remain.

  9. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 26, 2010 at 3:05 AM

    That is when a male stripper
    No ... nevermind
    Mira, it's like this
    Tax revenues tell the tale
    Full fuckin stop
    If the tax revenue streams have dried up
    And they clearly have
    You should consider all other metrics
    A lil dodgy
    Having cash in hand
    Well, it is a lil harder to fake than say
    Considering that simple lil tool
    You should be able to glean
    We are completely fucked
    Mi lil gueritos y gordas

  10. 10:41 that says it all thank you

  11. Game over.

    All the end game predictions were right, July 2010 is where it completely falls apart.

    No more recession, this is a Depression. Get ready to file for bankruptcy, not that it will probably matter any more, nobody will have any money.

    If you can live off the land, you win the game.

  12. TSHF coming to your neighborhood soon!

  13. "Double dip recession" sounds like double speak for what is really a depression.


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