
Friday, June 25, 2010

Riots? 400,000 Unemployed Michigan Workers Lose Unemployment Benefits

Comes on heels of GOP killing Senate extension

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) - More than 400,000 unemployed Michigan workers will lose their employment benefits by the end of the year as a result of the US Senate's failure Thursday to pass an extension of Federal emergency help, according to Michigan unemployment officials.
The effort by Senate Republicans to kill the extension means benefits will end early for 87,000 in Michigan by July 3. That number will double by the end of July, and by year's end more than 408,000 will no longer have unemployment income.
Michigan has 26 weeks of unemployment help. Until now, the Federal government supported four separate tiers of additional unemployment pay so unemployed people could get a total of 99 weeks of help.
Now anyone in one of those tiers will continue to get help until that particular period ends. Then they're done.
There won't be another tier of unemployment aid.
More Here..

1000 Mile Wide Hurricane Coming To The GULF?


  1. Interesting that the author tries to paint republicans in a bad light alone, while it's no secret that democrats are in no hurry whatsoever to get behind extending more federal money for unemployment benefits either.

  2. 99 weeks of getting money "for nothing", and a new skill wasn't attained in this time? I'm suppose to feel sorry for them?

  3. 1:15 no feel sorry for the BANKERS that received money for free..and GM and the rest of the leeches. God forbid if the slaves receive a nickle. Brain washed midget.

  4. Maybe ALL politicians including OBAMA should watch this video:


  5. What new skill would they tar balls off Gulf Beaches? Massages for the Oligarchs? Hey, I've got it....they could have learned to be Financial Advisors......we sure don't have enough of them, do we? How about a Real Estate agent? Drone pilot? Maybe work for the Department of Homeland Security, or be a bomb sniffer for TSA? There's so much opportunity in America.....just ask all of the former mud cake eaters who make their way here and tell you that you have no reason to take your medicine because it beats mud cakes and cement pie.

  6. So if all the cops in Toronto are over there guarding the G20 people, then doesn't that mean that like the entire rest of Toronto is left wide open to urinating in the streets, spitting on the sidewalk, throwing cigarette butts on the sidewalk, and failing to yield at a stop sign?

  7. @ 106pm.

    Not sure why your still caught up on the partisan bickering, they all deserve credit for destroying America.

  8. 99 weeks. Add in sect. 8. Add in food stamps. Add in free meals at school. Add in free medical. Time to end it all.

    "The worst day of a man's life is when he sits down and begins thinking about how he can get something for nothing”-Thomas Jefferson

  9. "The worst day of a man's life is when he sits down and begins thinking about how he can get something for nothing”-Thomas Jefferson

    I'll one up TJ.

    The worst day of a man's life is when he sits down and begins thinking about how he's been getting nothing for something his whole life.

    But first you have to get him to sit down and then you have to get him to think....and that's a lot to ask from those who just don't have the capability.

  10. Maybe when all the UE benefits run out we can get this revolution show on the road, nothing like free money to keep the slaves in line. Most people arnt going to revolt unless their starving. A belly full of government cheese would de-motivate even Superman. So all you government ass holes if you dont pay us to stay home then we will pick up our perverbial pitch forks and come to you.

  11. I feel bad that these people will be without money, but honestly 99 weeks? They used to stop at 12-13 weeks.

  12. 1:57 thats exactly what the bankers said before they illegally distributed the free money GIVEN to them by the GOVERNMENT..Does anybody here GET IT? Whats good for the goose is good for the GANDER!

  13. The worst day of a man's life is when he sits down and begins thinking about how he's getting nothing after working all those years paying Social Security taxes and now, he's told to expect nothing in return. Or to work hard all your life and plan on a nice retirement, till Ken Ley and his crooks collapsed Enron. All the "Small People" with their 401K wrapped up in Enron, now live in the streets or can never stop working. Or all those American workers who lost their jobs, because Obozo did not think it was a good idea to bail out small business, the back bone of the American economy, but only help those "to big to fail".

    So my friends, here's what I expect.

    ... This morning, local police and National Guard troops arrested John Q. Public. At the time of his arrest, Mr. Public was was in possession of over 500 pounds of dehydrated food. He also had an estimated 500 gallons of water stored in various containers. Mr. Public also had 20 pounds of various vegitable seeds stored in waterproof containers and 100 gallons of gas in his garage along with a 2000 watt portable generator. Later police found a .223 rifle and 800 rounds of ammo.

    Police and the local FBI are convinced Mr. Public is a Home Grown, Loan Wolf terrorist. Mr. Public was also found to have in his possession a pocket version of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

    "We believe by taking Mr. Public into custody, we may have saved many lives from a horrible domestic terrorist attack" said Agent Emisis of the FBI. "We will do everything in our power to make sure Mr. Public never sees the light of day again" promised Agent Emisis.

    People are going to rebel as soon as their hope runs dry. You can plan on it. Expect it, it will happen.

  14. bailed out gm 50 billion
    banks got 23 trillion
    golden parachutes for goverment workers

    illegals working for half pay and wont complain
    because theyll eat mud pies be happy

    after nafta gata
    bill clinton bushs bill gates
    sold out america technoilgy and all our buisnesss .
    and said americans are lazy
    while working more and more hours for less money and more production

    the banks with liar loanns where dodd and barney rubble frank
    made money by pulling glass stegal

    threw the yuan manipulation china
    still is fkking us

    why would you expect the people who are guilty of treason and the dum sheep that follow them to stand up and fight thier masta

    uenployement was paid for
    but when the govenors have their own private securiety detail and think thier gods

    you scum working class bums want a free ride

    we need you in the military so you can subgegate
    another poor slob and save him from his own land
    and destroy his country

    and you expect this congress slim that approved bp and took all the bribes to stand up and help

    well that takes the cake

    gerald celente was right
    yes he repeats himself
    but like children you dont listen
    they dont give a sheet
    riot all you want theyll call out national guard and like the top post call you a terroist

    land of the fee home of the slave

  15. 2:31: change "You" to debt slave. Get a job to support the elite. Get a job to pay for the fake interest to support the elite. The Rothchilds and Rockefellers have you trained much better than a circus monkey..

    Don't revolt against the ELITE! REVOLT AGAINST YOUR FELLOW MAN!

  16. 2:06 From one lone wolf terrorist to another...that's one of the best posts i have seen on this blog.

  17. The "99" weeks thing is a fraud. Not everyone gets the added weeks. I know of people who didn't even get the first tier. It's all calculated so that it makes it difficult for people to even get to the first tier. Plus, the people who supposedly got the 99 weeks weren't even those directly affected by the depression. The people affected by the depression were laid off before those who got the supposed 99 weeks.

  18. 2:31 you are a horrible old bitter person.

  19. i am only 30, ive never posted a reply cause i cant contribute, BUT I PAID !&YRS OF UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE, GET IT! 17 DAMN YRS and i cant feed my kid, you asses, i know i cursed BUT POST IT< ive never posted BUTR TO HEAR THE CRAP SPEWED FROM YOUR MOUTHS WHILE YOUR NIEGHBOR STAERVE AND BEGGS TO FEED A $YR OLD ILL STOMP YOU AND TASKE YOURS, become community, i farm, i work for pennies when i can and i live in a place that i exchange labor for rent< GFY i hate that america is so consumed on what im doing when all you do is reply your filth, america is done and from the BLACK MAN RAISING A WHITE WOMAN AND CHILD go fuk yourself, i need anything i can at this point, ill do any job any time and better than you, oh by the way 8yrs of those taxes FOR INSURANCE were capital GAINS, yes dumbasss that means im a business owner! if you need to take out the curses i understand, but wuold these same asshole expect an INSURANCE PAYMENT if i hit them with my car? if not send them this way,m berthoud co bound assholes

  20. 254
    the media has brainwashed so many people
    and dont tell the truth

    how about the last 6 months they aprove the bill once a month and waste their time
    they just dont say heres 999 weeks

    i know of no one who got that

    people are fkin sheep
    msm is thier god
    but dont worry when the banks close and say what money cyber attack whiped out your account but you still owe a mortgage we have that!!!

    then these fin sheep will say ok ill go door to door and clean windows and make a dollar
    or be shot because thats what sheep do

  21. 259
    so whats your point
    take some english classes maybe you would have made money.

    consumed on what your doing?
    i could care less .

    maybe you should have married someone with a job!!
    and she could have gotten uneployement.
    but i digress
    do you want uneployement or not.
    we cant read your mind.
    or you writing?

  22. 303
    what do you want a medal.
    if you cant make it in buisness go get a real job.

    or new trade.
    thats why owning a buisness isnt for everyone.
    so you took care of a white women and a kid.
    big deal.
    thats what happens when you stick your deek in a women you own it.

    sounds to me your jealous of the person who took less risk .and are mad
    i love you mr king pin owners who dont know what your doing and blame the workers .
    see you in the streets rioting

  23. eu you have to put up more posts some of mine arent showing up and they aint that bad!!!!!

  24. 2:55
    No - I am far from old - but it takes this type of talk anymore to get people talking and thinking about the truth.

    And the truth is there is only one way to find yourself in that kind of servitude in this country in 2010.

    After you find that truth to be valid then; there is omly one way out.

    You had better wake up - what is heading your way at breakneck speed will make my original comments read like a church social inside of 2 years and I guarantee you for one are not prepared for the droves of people that will not knock on your door.

    They will simply kick it in and take what they want.

    What are you going to do call the cops? Sorry; they were furloughed many months ago after first the township ran out of money; then the county and then the state itself went broke.

    It will be people like you who drink the milk by the gallons and bitch about the price but have never cleaned a teat off in your life let alone shoveled shit out of the stall.

    No, a very harsh reality is starting to set in and there are some who see it and are preparing.
    The rest are about to be bulldozed by a mass of
    humanity the likes of which the world has never seen.

    Stick around for another 18 months & then write back here and see if I'm so horrible and bitter when those very people who should've been using their free money and free time to prepare for themselves and their families are rotting in the street because they were too damn dumb to fend for themselves.

  25. GFY, my wife is in school with A's to be a flight nurse, something i vowed to support, anytime your ready im in Berthoud CO, and so sorry to not spell and use english the way you would like, anytime your ready asss trout, im waiting, and ill take yours, and NO i dont get unemployment but i wish my neighbors could so the property value ON CATER LAKE where i live would level out, the neighbor bought his home for 315,000 he has paid almost 300,000 and is now looking at forecloser cause he owes almost 300,000... ppl like you shold be thanking people like me for keeping the DREAM alive so your kids can get student loans backed by a scum government, buy a home backed by freedie or fannie, get your vaccines from glaxco smith n klien, and your water from a floride tank infested with uranium... its so sad to see this in america, itll be a class war ass, and my organic farming, and organic business will thrive while pleebs like yourself are busy masturbating n checking websir=tes for updates posts, again i wont contribute as i cant contribute to the author of the page FAGE, maybe you should quit too while your AHEAD, or have one

  26. free coffe and cake
    you sound like a winner lucky girl!!

    saveing the white women!

    i feel sorry for your niebour

  27. 322
    good for you well the eu is monitoring my posts so i cant say what i want
    theyve been pulled
    so you saved us all buy supporting your niebour with cookies and milk
    sorry ,but you sound like your a loser blameing everyone eles for your crumbled buisenss.

  28. k, so what, the news was bad today and im a little buzzed, its the only way i can cope, sorry for posting all true patriots, im just gonna have another beer! (that was paid for by my hard work and sucessful business...) happy we can open carry here in colorado, be ready the steel stud in the hollow points of this 357 are ruthless, oh wait, did i not spell 357 correctly? sorry!

  29. man---a lot of hate going on here today. I'll make it simple for all of us. Simply put, we're all screwed. No matter what the reason, no matter what the cause, no matter who you want to blame--we're screwed.

    Each person will now proceed and handle busines in their own way. Things will only get tougher from now on. The elites are working their plan to perfection. Here we are, arguing about who's fault everything is, and that's exactly what the powers that be want. They are experts at distraction. And as they own the media, that job of distraction is made even easier. So, work your own plan to deal with the situation we are all in, because in the long run, it really doesn't make any difference who's to blame, as we're going to need all our energy just to survive this sh_t creek we're in with no paddle. By the way, the government has a new loan assistance program to purchase paddles for the sh__ creek we're in. have a great day all.

  30. also your wife will proably leave you because you sound bitter.

    now back to uenployement should be extended!!!!
    you can keep your coffe and cake
    and your white women

  31. How did we ever even make it this far ?

    In 1915 did you have a credit card ?
    Did you have 4 cars you didn't need ?
    A 2750 sq. ft. home to house 4 people whom were never there?
    4 t.v's 3 microwaves and 3 dogs 2 cats and a designer wardrobe ( with matching shoes)

    It's the debt that killed the common man in this country - easy money and we fell for it hook line and sinker. Once we were addicted to this easy debt - baby we wanted it all ! And man; those banksters; they sure was happy to oblige us the whole way to the bitter end.

    Which is now.

    We have as another poster here made perfectly clear.

    Done this to ourselves.

    Sorry - the truth sure does suck sometimes

  32. funny everyone here seems to be anonymous

  33. my wife loves me for standing up, sounds to me like your just a grocery cart pusher, who has time, see it shouldnt be anonymous, lets see these tards post when they have to put there name n everything, its not about being black and raising white people its about going outside the norm, these same tards would be like OMG that black guy got that girl pregnant and left her and blah blah blah, im not typical, im sorry i had two beers before posting and my grammer isnt all that but i dont waist time about it when blogging, most get the jist of what im saying and so fking sorry to rain on your parade, i hope it all falls apart for you and your as the country slides into oblivion, did i spell that right "oblivion" my bad if not, i was home schooled... and no formal education and dont care if you dont like it but i will never post again im sooooooooo fukin sorry!

  34. Stuck on Truths: Your posts are very PAINFUL to read. Why are they painful? Because you do not know how to write. Your spelling and sentence construction are horrible and that makes your posts virtually impossible to read AND understand. This blog is not known for great writing style, but you take this month's prize for worst writer. I'm sorry, my brother, but one must be able to communicate clearly if one wishes to be understood.


  36. 342
    can you repeat everything in english?

  37. i mean 348
    cant understand?

  38. 3:36
    I agree about debt being such a burden around the neck of an unsuspecting public. Unsuspecting in the sense that once we started to acquire all this debt we just assumed that now our new "assets" that we purchased with said debt would just keep on rising in value forever.

    Henceforth; I would add greed right up there with debt; because the other great difference between then and now is blatant, outright greed.

    take healthcare for instance; in 1915 we had no medi this and medi that. You got sick, you went to Doc Smith and he patched you up or you died. If he patched you up you either paid cash or bartered of equal value.

    Well shit - todaythe working man pays Billions from his paycheck to fund something that has long ago been broke and then you show up and there's the whole co-pay thing going on & then there's the whole doctor who's in bed with Pfizer because he get's free drugs from the rep deal going on and then comes the billing which is 50% over so the insurance company will pay half which is still 50% more than the services rendered were worth I mean it goes on and on and on right down to the darn band aid that they bill you $112.50 for and call it "Acleasptic Care

    Our entire government is now run on this greed principle and so is wall street. The more pork they can enter into a given program - the better.

    So; you get what the person earlier was talking about - you get a million different programs and all of them corrupt as the latest scandal in the first time home buyer credit ( 8,000.00) was mailed to prison inmates attests to. How in the hell can a guy in jail for life get 8 grand from the federal gov't ?

    I could go on; but I think you get my point; debt is bad, yes - but boy oh boy - greed will get you there a whole lot faster !

    As we are about to find out !

  39. Yeah; but I'm an employed loser dickbag

    You know of course what that makes you

    HuYa !

  40. So one person suggests we fill a bucket and wash windows if nothing else...

    I won't post my entire life's story, it would bore the hell out of you all.

    Untill Obozo came along, I earned a living by scanning paper documents into digital documents to be stored on a server or on line. Additionally I earned a good living video taping weddings, earning an average of $1800.00 for each wedding I covered. Now, every bride, expects "Uncle Joe" and his camcorder to cover the wedding for free.

    Obozo campained on the promise of "putting America back to work" and he even included the idea of scanning medical records and going paperless. My mom was taken to a local hospital on an emergency call. She was there five days. She was discharged before her medical record from Kieser Hospital ever arrived. Once Obozo was elected, I thought I would be a really busy bee, scanning medical records all over the place.

    When my digital imaging gig disappeared, I shifted to "green energy". Obozo also said he would promote green energy, so I built a small solar array on my house to teach myself how it's done. I also built a 500 watt wind generator and tossed than on the roof too. I consider myself knowledgable enough to pass a Green Energy Contractor's exam, but why bother? As long as grid power is cheap, you folks (every American household) will not consider solar or wind power, so there goes several years of self-education wasted, at least in the present moment. When grid power is twenty cents (or more) per thousand watts, (as in Cap and Trade, that's how Obozo is gonna ass-rape you) then you'll be calling me.

    When the power fails in my neighborhood, I'll be the only one with power.

    In my time of unemployment, I also designed a wonderful Hydroponic gardening system, but so far, I have not sold a single unit. I guess you folks are still banking on your local grocery store to have fresh fruit and veggies to buy. What happens when the store closes, because they have nothing to sell?

    Do you have a home garden, or are you still growing stuff (grass and flowers) you can't eat?

  41. StuckonTruths,

    You can't possibly be that imperceptive altogether could you? For someone so prepared and onto things you certainly screwed up big time by allowing your wife to go to school to be a flight nurse. You know airlines are laying employees off left and right as well as hospitals? What a scam. You probably think bogus shows like ER or Miami Medical are realistic as well.

    But I'm sure you didn't waste any money yet on her stupidity. If you learned to read and write you might have had a better chance at being able to fit your current reality with the probably future. Your current reality is difficulty, your future one (thanks to your wife's pointless excursions) is dissapointment.

    Four years later, "Honey did you get hired as a flight nurse yet?", your wife will reply, "No, there's nothing hiring. Maybe I could get a job at Walmart? Sorry for the debt!"

    Though my writing makes that look nicer than it's going to be. We probably don't have four years anyway.


  42. Why can't the fed just crank up the money printer like they have been doing and keep the unemployment benefits coming? I mean, they seem to be getting away with printing trillions of dollars without inflation. Amazing how they have defied the laws of basic economics. Amazing!

  43. OMG you all give me the shits. This isn't a forum, its a comments section......sheesh, oh and how nice of you to fight in front of the "watchers" for thats what they want, they are probably masterbating while you two quarrel. Whats the best way to bring down a nation? Get them to kill themselves!

  44. Seriously, GOP?

    The dems completely control the Senate. If this blog author wants to retain any credibility, I would suggest he try and at least maintain some impartiality.

    I was going to donate some $$ his way, but looks like he/she is nothing but a partisan author very partisan.

  45. LOL @ 1:37. THAT was my point :)

  46. you dont feel soory for the people who do u feel sorry 4 joe barton only getting 1.4 million dollars or sarah getting millions or vitter only getting 766,000 o those poor people please give gobp more there the 1s hurting and karl rove only getting 200 dollars o those poor soles

  47. 5:56... Right on Man!..... i hope you are one of my neighbors..... you and my folk will get along just fine( comparatively...) in the new "normal"..... A bitch-slap to the face and a steel-toe to the testes is enroute to this greedy, obese, lazy, idol watching, idol-worshipping nation. It was once the greatest nation ever, but proved to be just another Rome.... Lets get ready to RUMBLE!!!!!!!!!!

  48. Every empire ends...Many suffer much changes...Those that are lazy die...Those that forgot how to survive adapt...There is much misery but sometimes humanity needs a fresh start that can only come from the ashes of destruction...America has died not so much in in reality but in a moral, spiritual intellectual way.

    We have idiots lording over us, we are obese and mostly badly informed, we allow our government to steal and kill in our name...Lets be honest here...We"re here because we f@cked up...I rather have the misery come now while 40 and healthy than wait till I'm old, sick and weak...I know that's a selfish thought but who hear isn't a lil scared no matter how well prepared they are?

  49. noodles..... yes. scared, but resolved.... fear can be a great motivator. fear is the sub-conscience and/or Heaven above warning us to get ready , to change our ways, to change our outlook, to prepare for a new normal.... peak oil is real. there's no going back to the matrix.... soon.

  50. Just an idea, what if they took all the jobs away from the illegle alians? Would that not solve two problems? If I were faced with hunger and loosing my home I would take any job
    Swallow your pride and get to work. The food you can buy with the money you earn will soon take the bad taste of pride out of your mouth.

  51. The problem with Americans is we've forgotten to keep it humble...Even me...BUT I also understand that sooner or later NEED will take the place of PRIDE.

    A hungry man will change his mind quicker than a well fed one.

  52. are you kidding me have you even tried to get a job lately? ten people trying for the same job, and if your not younger or an illegal alien you can forget it. im 58 and not even close to retiring couldn't if i wanted to i've worked 45 year's of my life .in several different industry's. with my vast experience one would think that i would get a look at by a prospective employer not one. i call it discrimination your so called experts call it over qualified

  53. Listen to all you ass hole who think that gov assistance is a bad thing. I am a single mother of 2 kids both under 4 years of age. I did in fact go to college, while having both kids, and got a Bachlors Degree in which I cant use at all due to the shit job market in MI. Yes, I could go out and get a fucking minimum paying job, all of which would go into daycare for my kids. There are people that ave worked their ass off for nothing, and DO need help. I can say that their prolly are people that do over use the system. But if we take out programs such as the ones I am on, you will see tent sitys start up all around america. Millions on the street, and where would we be then. what would all you jerks have to say then? There is so much in depth with the great country we call america. How about this, why dont we STOP sending BILLIONS over to over countries, and instead put that money into helping create jobs, and support our own. Instead maybe all you shit head think it is a better idea to cut down the people in your own country?

    Think about it, and stop being so shallow minded.


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