
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Bob Chapman: We Are Entering Our Final Journey

We are now entering the next to last phase of our journey. The wanton creation of wealth, inflation and perhaps hyperinflation, which will rob you of your assets. A stealth attack on what you have left by the people who control your government. Such monetary creation is the only way these people can keep the game going. They know it won’t last, but they proceed anyway. For awhile they’ll keep the multitudes at bay with extended unemployment and food stamps, but that will fade in time for lack of financial control, as the system begins to break down.
You already see all fiat currencies under fire, as is sovereign debt. Can it get any worse? Of course it can, and it will. Implosion is the word everyone is going to discover and understand. An event that cannot be hidden by zero interest rates and endless supplies of money and credit. That word implosion will describe what will happen as a result in the machinations of the Federal Reserve.
Now that you have seen a glimpse of your future we will move on to the deteriorating world that we now live in.
CNBC and the mainline media tells us all is well irrespective of a failing recovery, climbing unemployment, which has just recently been assisted by trillions of dollars in stimulus. The question is what comes next? More of the same, of course. There is no other avenue to pursue even though Mr. Bernanke knows such stimulus is not going to get the desired results. These players behind the scenes know history. They know what we know. They depend on 98% of the people not discovering what they and we know, and that is where this is all headed. The important people in Wall Street, banking, insurance and in transnational corporations know, but they are not about to tell you. The market doesn’t like what it sees, but it knows it cannot do much about it.
Americans are fighting back as millions have not made mortgage payments for a year and are living for free in their homes. As an antidote Washington is now considering charging them rent, something they should have done four years ago. If you add in the disaster that is commercial real estate, personal and corporate debt, and sovereign debt, you have an insolvable problem that can only end in great grief. The choice to expose Greece’s weaknesses from behind the scenes looks to be a fatal mistake. The elitists never envisioned the firestorm that the exposure has led too. Greece is about to explode, not because of the reduced socialist benefits, but because the people are finally realizing that they and others have been taken for a ride by the bankers and others behind the scenes and from within their own government. Discovery by the Greek people and others is not something the illuminists expected. They now are forced again to expedite their programs - when they have to do that they make mistakes, often-big mistakes, which gives us pursuers an advantage we could never hoped to have had. After their latest mistakes the bankers are scrambling to preserve the current system. It is not to be. There are far to many who now know what they are up too.


  1. Google Carbon Currency and you'll see what our future holds. WE ARE F*cked my friends. It would be wiser to gather like minded people together and build a community. It's time to grow our own food and defend ourselves. Email me at if you're interested and serious. It's time..

  2. Stock Market in freefall, Nikkei down almost 200 now, Dow should be lower as well, get out while you still can.

  3. Yep, the handwriting is on the wall. Can see that the end is truly coming, it's just a matter of time. 2011 or 2012 at the latest.

  4. The OP says “After their latest mistakes the bankers are scrambling to preserve the current system. It is not to be. There are far to many who now know what they are up too.”
    The good thing about the internet, is that even though they may be still a small number of the population ,never before in history have so many(MILLIONS?) gained a knowledge of what goes on in the backrooms of the financial system .Connecting the dots on what is behind the curtain as Chapman does.

    A financial coup and the G.S.insiders of The Fed and Wall St pretend they “knew nothing” to get the coup for bankrupting the government
    bi-parisan support in congess.
    Now these “Know Nothing” corrupt geniuses run the whole country.
    So, the future is surely bright indeed?
    Not !
    Chapmans “illuminati “and the “lobby “ at work?
    See : Fed Made Taxpayers Junk-Bond Buyers Without Congress Knowing @

    “Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke and then-New York Fed President Timothy Geithner told senators on April 3, 2008, that the tens of billions of dollars in “assets” the government agreed to purchase in the rescue of Bear Stearns Cos. were “investment-grade.” They didn’t share everything the Fed knew about the money.
    The so-called assets included collateralized debt obligations and mortgage-backed bonds with names like HG-Coll Ltd. 2007-1A that were so distressed, more than $40 million already had been reduced to less than investment-grade by the time the central bankers testified. The government also became the owner of $16 billion of credit-default swaps, and taxpayers wound up guaranteeing high-yield, high-risk junk bonds.
    By using its balance sheet to protect an investment bank against failure, the Fed took on the most credit risk in its 96- year history and increased the chance that Americans would be on the hook for billions of dollars as the central bank began insuring Wall Street firms against collapse.”

  5. 25 Signs That Almost Everyone Is Expecting An Economic Collapse In 2010


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