
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Dozens Of Americans On Hit List: White House

National Security Adviser says there's 'dozens of U.S. persons who are in different parts of the world, and they are very concerning.'
When it was confirmed last winter by then-Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair that the Obama administration had authorized the assassination of American citizens working with terrorist groups overseas, it appeared that no more than three Americans were being targeted in this manner.
In an interview last week with theWashington Times,however, Deputy White House National Security Adviser for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism John O. Brennan suggested the number might actually amount to "dozens."
"There are, in my mind, dozens of U.S. persons who are in different parts of the world, and they are very concerning to us," Brennan stated, "not just because of the passport they hold, but because they understand our operational environment here, they bring with them certain skills, whether it be language skills or familiarity with potential targets, and they are very worrisome, and we are determined to take away their ability to assist with terrorist attacks,"
"If an American person or citizen is in a Yemen or in a Pakistan or in Somalia or another place, and they are trying to carry out attacks against U.S. interests, they also will face the full brunt of a U.S. response," Brennan continued. "What we need to do is to apply the appropriate tool and the appropriate response."
Salon's Glenn Greenwald quickly seized upon Brennan's remarks as a fresh example of the extension of unrestrained presidential powers. "I've written at length about the reasons why targeting American citizens for assassination who are far away from a 'battlefield' is so odious and tyrannical, and I won't repeat those arguments here," Greenwaldwrote. "Suffice to say -- and I'm asking this literally -- if you're someone who believes, or are at least willing to acquiesce to the claim, that the U.S. President has the power to target your fellow citizens for assassination without a whiff of due process, what unchecked presidential powers wouldn't you support or acquiesce to?  More Here..

Will They Seize Internet Sites Too?
More Here..


  1. HoldyourjewelshighJune 30, 2010 at 3:17 PM

    BUY Silver and Gold Now!!

  2. This is nothing new. The Elite have employed covert government agents to assasinate Americans who got in their way for decades- Kennedy x 2, ML King, etc....the only difference is now they are openly admitting it. But apparently the "War on Terror" allows them ample justification to the unquestioning sheeple populace.

  3. I think they are releasing this information to test the waters and see if the sheep say 'baa?' or of they continue to graze contentedly. They are already painting 'Tea-partiers' as potential 'Domestic Terrorists'. I wonder how long it will be before assasinations are carried out on American soil, with nary a peep of protest???

  4. I fully expect the Police State to get violent with the Tea Party and other "extremists". In fact I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet.

    Expect the brownshirts in the Democratic Party and the MSM to make excuses for this behavior or to openly support it. Then you will see their true colors.

  5. These elites are truly foolish. There are 232 million plus firearms in America. That is the last place on Earth where you want to start sh*t with the population.

    Never mind Americans on a White House list. What about the other way around?

    I mean, the audacity.

    America is all or nothing. It either stays together or falls apart in total chaos. This is why a fully integrated United States of Europe will have to come together real quick to pick up the piece; and they will, through the leadership of France and Germany. You'll see!

  6. I can assure you none of the Tea Party members are on the list. They are the most useful idiots ever to walk the earth. Eggplants are Einsteins compared to this lot. No, the Tea Party members are valuable assets and rather than being an expense, the useful idiot Tea Party members gladly pay for the privilege of being the most useful idiots the human species has ever witnessed.

  7. As I understood this issue these Americans are in a foriegn country making war on the United States or materially assisting those who are making war on the United States. So explain why they shouldn't be shot on sight just as you would with a non-American making war on the United States?

  8. Hitler's brown shirts = Obama's purple shirts (SEIU)

  9. 1:41,

    the police have said how they like the Tea Party rallies. The only kind of violence would be carried out by a psychotic Obama lover or Obama drone, not the police.


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