
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Police Molest Torture Threaten Kids at The G20 In Toronto

Some female protesters detained by police during the G20 Summit claim they were strip searched by male cops and threatened with rape if they didn’t comply.
The detainees, who included three independent journalists, allege one under-aged girl was improperly touched by a male officer while held at an Eastern Ave. detention centre.
Officers with the Integrated Security Unit said the allegations are groundless and there is a system in place for people to file complaints against police.
None of the protesters have filed complaints against police.
“I was throttled by a cop and later threatened with rape,” Amy Miller, of the Alternative Media Centre, said. “I saw young women being strip searched by men.”
Maryam Adriangi, of Toronto Community Mobilization Network, said she was also threatened with rape.
“I was harassed by police and had racist and sexist comments made against me,” Adriangi said.
She claimed she was picked up by police in Parkdale and placed in a prisoners’ wagon and driven around for five hours and released without charges. Network spokesman Sharmeen Khan said the more than 900 inmates were held “in disgraceful conditions” at the former film studio.
“The detainees weren’t given food or medication,” Khan said. “They had to wait hours to see a lawyer.”
She said charges were dropped against most of the activists and they were released.
Adam MacIsaac said he was detained for 12 hours for taking photos of a demonstrator being arrested.
“I was assaulted by four officers even though I wear a pacemaker,” MacIsaac said. “They didn’t care that I have heart problems.”
He alleges his camera was lost or misplaced by police. Other activists have complained their cameras with G20 shots have also gone missing.
More Here..


  1. Ha-ha, These goons found a very good usage for the Film studio. Did you hear that? She was detained in a cell at the Toronto Film Studio. What’s cell doing at the film studio. Is this for misbehaving starlets? Finally, Canadians are coming out of coma just to find out that they lost freedom, their gold was stolen and as a reword police shoves their fingers up their c$nts. Congratulations!

  2. The world is screwed.

  3. The face of fascist police-state: coming to your US city soon! The fact that they can get away with this so openly demonstrates that Canadians are compliant sheeple as well.

  4. Someone needs to get the names and addresses of all the "cops" involved in this and post it on-line. These cowards are hiding behind their masks, their guns, their shin guards, knee pads, bullet proof vests, helmets, shields and the illegitimate authority of the state. What a bunch of big tough guys you cowards. Get them out from behind their protective barrier and see how tough they are.

  5. These protesters had no relevant message...Thousands of spoiled children running around with their cameras and cell phones trying to get pictures for their Facebook pages...They are pretend protesters and pretend social communicators...Any message that they thought they had would have been drowned out by the violence of the black bloc boobs....They all have issues....likely because Mom and Dad never gave them any boundaries or direction...They've never done anything on their own...except vist the jail for a couple of hours...Haha

  6. Where were all the Jackboot Thugs during the Tea Party protests. That's right, there wern't any because Jackboots and Tea Partiers are one and the same, and 10:27 is one of those Jackboot Thug supporters, I guarantee you. If there was a message, it was drowned out by the police action....and I suppose that was one of the the cowardly 10:27 can rationalize threats of rape. 10:27 is a rapist, and most likely a pedophile....because we all know the jackboots are into that sort of thing.

  7. I kind of agree 10:27.

    I like how they describe themselves as "independent journalists", one being under age. The new era we are in is where you can have a profession and not make any money from it. That means it is not a profession! These children need to find better ways to spend there time instead of causing useless speculation because they crossed the line.

    What would happen if these same groups of people were to have beaten on cops? The witnesses I'm sure would suggest the people were just defending themselves. I don't trust anything anymore, especially not from these teenage wannabe journalists (who are really just being useful idiots for the Communists).


    The police in the United States who go to the Tea Parties have described them as the most peaceful rallies they've ever seen. They said they are so peaceful they enjoy doing security work at them.

    Am I a rapist like 10:27?

    Some people are dumb...

  8. OldmanwithabenterrectionJune 30, 2010 at 3:11 PM

    Ive been told the Toronto Police are well mannered and would never do such heidious and evil acts against the General populace will they were exercising their right of legal assembly and fair speech

  9. people like 1200 are ignorant, innocent people on a street taken against their will have been violated, Nothing can excuse what happened in Toronto, you are a sheep 1200 enjoy it, as it will get worse.

  10. Am I a rapist like 10:27?

    Oh, for certain you are with your latest comments, and you no doubt want your rape victim to carry your child because you oppose abortion. See, if you don't speak out against rape, but instead excoriate the victim, then you are complicit in the rape, because the rape doesn't just end with the violently physical act.

    Yes, some people are dumb, 12:00, and you're one of them. In fact, it's not some people, it's most people.

    In fact, the Toronto protests are peaceful with the exception of the premeditated and surreptitious police thuggery. And the message of the protesters that has been drowned out and overshadowed by your fellow thugs is that Corporatism is at the heart of what is destroying us and the planet (BP and their bought and paid for stooges, Bush and Obama, anyone?).....and eventually the Universe if it were capable of expanding that far. The Government is now owned, lock stock and barrel, by the Corporations, and the Government is now just another instrument in the arsenal of the Totalitarian Corporatists. There is nothing more totalitarian than a Corporation....especially one that uses the enforcement authority of the state to brutalize the small people.

    You are the Stalinist, 12:00. You, and your fellow delusional Tea Baggers are the short-sighted sheep who can't see how the game is rigged and hang on every word crapped out of the feces-covered pie hole of Glenn Beck and Lush Dimblow. Stalin would have been proud of you and your sort, all the while laughing his ass off at how easily duped cretins such as yourself are.

    I have seen the enemy, 12:00, and it is you, not some fabricated, cave-dwelling, turban-wearing, brown-skinned, staph-wielding evil genie hiding out somewhere in the Middle East.

  11. classic left wing propaganda; accuse the police of sexual misconduct and racism. I would have been astonished if they looney left wing anarchist had not played this card.

  12. 3:18 you are a cop posting here, obviously. Like the media woman and dozens of others just like making up brutality and sexual assault up. Sort of like a cop, make the story up and it will stick in court. paybacks a bitch isn't it.

  13. Police Chief Bill Blair admits he deliberately misled the public. That's lying. Numberous police officers used naked force and, reportedly in some cases, what amounts to outright sadism on innocent protesters as they wantonly violated their civil rights. Then their Chief and the Mayor praised these thugs! Both should resign - they've raped a city of both its reputation and its goodwill. When will Blair be put on trial for his offenses against the Toronto citizenry in this disgraceful affair>

  14. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 30, 2010 at 8:32 PM

    They are freelance journalists

    I recognize that misplaced semi-colon
    What up, G
    Coming to my trial?

    1 bn for this?

  15. OK people, threats of Rape is against the law and you can say what you will about the young people and how they shouldn't have been there, but truly that just shows the typical cowardice of Americans who will sit on their thumbs if their protests might go beyond singing Cumbaya. Now, I would say that was a full on run on sentence.

    The behavior of the cops was typical and despicable. I wrote a letter to the Mayor of Toronto calling for a full investigation and arrest and prosecution of these criminal officers.

  16. This is why I do not trust cops. I have family members who are cops and I do not trust them to do the right thing. I have had friends who were cops and I know that in the right situation they would totally disregard their momma's upbringing. I do not trust any uniform. They have to prove to me that they are decent as it is never assumed because they wear a uniform.

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